'He always hated Jews and Israelis'
By Hagit Kleiman and Yaakov Lappin
Published: 20.07.05, 15:21
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139 Talkbacks for this article
121. to NYC girl
first don't mix up the words ... there was no foundation to Israel but occupation to the Palistinians ... it's very important .... what i know that Mr. Yaser Arafat he was the one who singed the peace agreament with Mr. Rabin (God bless him) ... so befory what's your Mr. Clinton said Arafat proved that he was for peace and that's why he shared Mr. Peres the peace nobel prize .... Israel want peace ... ? yes it's true but peace a la carte like they say in France .... peace for them means no wars any more but with keepinig the stolen lands .... no wars any more ... but with occupaing the Palistinians .... normalising with the Arabs but don't ask any more about the Jerusalim ... this is the Israelian peace .... the zionists are borned much before than Israel ... it's clear that you are one of them .... they were and still the invincible hands which moving Israel .... what i am sure about it that most of the none zionists Jews are like those .. because the zionism is the same dangrous or maybe more than el qaida ... at least el quaida they announce when they do somthing but your zionists friends can push countries agains each other and they stay waching from far away .... cowerd action .... but no wounder .... listen ... most of the world don't belive you any more ... the truth is coming out the justice will be ... we will see together what will come .... you became like an open book for most of the world ... we know how you are thinking ... what you planing ... we can read your minds ... so forget that you can cheat the world any more with crying on the holocoast ... or with asking Spielberg to make you more movies ... and never forget when you want to wrte back ... WE KNOW YOU VERY WELL .... try to smile after
122. hey #116 - you forgot something....
123. to 122
No one is jealous and NO ONE wants to be jew. believe me, its all we can do here on this planet to tolerate your version of GOD and have to put up with a people that think they are Gods chosen LOL> trust me, though, NO ONE WANTS to be JEW.
124. to G ref 120
accessol ,   Spelthorne, England   (07.22.05)
Ken is neither a coward nor a fool. Neither is he a racist nor a Nazi. The fact that someone objects to the genocidal policies of a disgusting bully-boy state grown too big for its boots as a result of massive financial and military support from a zionist dominated America makes him none of the names you ignorantly call him. There is not one Israeli politicial that comes within a mile of the stature of Ken Livingstone, and certainly not its du-patsufi prime minister nor its greasy smart aleck finance minister.
125. to Birdi #99
accessol ,   Spelthorne, England   (07.22.05)
Birdi writes: I hope you NEVER return to visit Israel, people like you are NOT welcome here,& if you are a Jew, you are a shame to your faith. I share your hope never to return to the State of Israel but will (iy"h) one day return to visit Palestine. And I won't need the permission of the likes of yourself, the real villains who have destroyed the once good name of the Jewish People. If you cannot speak out against greed and injustice you would do better to keep it shut.
126. to 106
accessol ,   Spelthorne, England   (07.22.05)
Thank you. Unlike the "people of the book" (and I know which book the settlers go by and it isn't the bible), Ken Livinstone is scrupiously honest, courageous and fair minded. Unlike most politicians he will say what he believes to be right regardless of the short term consequences. As he has shown by his career, truth and justice ultimately triumph. That is why Israel is now shamefacedly retreating from Gaza and that is why it will eventually also be forced out of the rest of the occupied territories.
127. John Doe #119
Drumgoole ,   America   (07.22.05)
You are one ignorant moron and an incredible fool who has no clue as to what is going on in the middle east. The problem is that evil people like you believe that what you say is the truth just like the unfortunate schizophrenic believes he is Napoleon. For your information, if you can read, the Palestinians never owned the land and Mr. Progressive, I guess you would bar different religions from taking over your neighborhood because they weren't originally there. Obviously, you would have gassed the survivors of Auschwitz and the other camps or kept them permanently in displaced persons camps. Isn't it wonderful that subhumans like you with such a hatred in your heart for people who were nearly annihilated would write a totally stupid posting on a Jewish web sight. Crawl under a rock you miserable dog.
128. to 123
cliff from montreal ,   Canada   (07.22.05)
Trust one want you to be a Jew either.
129. Accessol obsessions
Sigfried S. Kuhn ,   Aberdeen Md.   (07.22.05)
It's a shame that Accessol, a hateful person and Jewish traitor spends all of his time posting his deranged opinions of Israelis who he hates and rodents like Ken Livingstone who he practically nominated for sainthood. Everybody knows Seymour is a misfit who gets off on spewing his self-hating bull.
130. to # 125
Birdi ,   Israel   (07.22.05)
If I have destroyed the good name of the Jewish people or not,its not your right to comment, you have no idea on which side of the political scene I am on.Nor have you the right to tell me "to keep it shut."
131. to # 122
Birdi ,   Israel   (07.22.05)
GREAT FANTASTIC WORDS. I agree 100% with you.
132. to # 44
Birdi ,   Israel   (07.22.05)
You can talk until you are blue in the face, no one will believe you, except for me.
133. Message from Gaza
Mike ,   Stockdorf, Germany   (07.23.05)
Dear Bassem, try to learn that you have to take your life into your own hands, you as a person and as a people. Take an example of the Israelis - they built their country against all odds. They had visionaries like Ben Gurion, who understood what your people and your leaders do not seem to grasp yet - in a state there can be only ONE authority. Ben Gurion had the courage to go phyiscally against other groups, at a time when Israel was desperately short of weapons to defend itself! But he made an example and stated a case which was thereafter accepted by all. So stop whining and start doing - just imagine how much your people could achieve if the energies Hamas and others put into terrorism would go into bettering the live of the people! Also, develop some real pride - the Israelis do not owe you a living. It would be good if your people could work in Israel, just as people should be able to work in all neighboring states living in peace side by side, but it's not their responsibility to provide your people employment. You are right about democracy, of course. But be frank - have the Israelis ever done something to you or others just for speaking their mind? Is'nt it a fact that you can speak, write, tell everything you think, as long as you do not act criminally? Things surely are very bad in Gaza, but the first step to change it is to accept reality, responsibility and not always to blame others for ones problems.
134. 133
israel built itself up because it has recieves around 100 billion USA dollars in welfare. it is the size of New Jersey. Istrael is a racist country- and as an American I dont want to be associated with it and its policies that are helping to inflame the Arab world.
135. desecration of Jewish cemetery in London
ruthr ,   Herzliya, Israel   (07.23.05)
My grandparents and aunt are buried in the old Jewish cemetery in East Ham, London. Several month ago some 100 graves were desecrated there. What did Mr. Linvingstone do about it?
136. #134
steven ,   france   (07.24.05)
Can you imagine where the palestinians would be now,if all the money that was given to them,was used in an appropriate and honest way?I am talking about the money given by the international community,and the European comm,but no the money was stolen by Arafat &co,and funneled to terrorist organizations ,eg,Hamas El-aqsa etc etc.You say Israel is a racist country?well then what about the situation of the blacks and indiens in the usa?Didthey not suffer as well a form of Apartheid ?I suppose you don't want to be associated with it either?Yes Isreal got help ,and she is not denying it,but the rest of her technology she built up thru hard work and a determination to survive ,even though surrounded by a multitude of arab nations,and as #133 so rightly said,"It is not Israels responsability to provide the palestinians with work.If the money given to them was used correctly ,the palestinians would be at least 10yaers ahead of where they are to-day.and hopefuly one day soon the palestinians will stand up and say "enough" to Hamas & co.Because it is they who are preventing their people from obtaining freedom,so yes things are bad in gaza,and as soon as they accept their part of responsability,and not blame others for it,they will also see the light at the end of the tunnel.
137. #119 john doe
steven ,   france   (07.25.05)
Does'nt John doe mean someone who is unidentifyable,has no ID ,or deceased?Because your "divine "inter-vention,is simply unidentifyable,and has no ID ,just like yourself.So may I sujest that when you have some thing to say ,at least ID yourself .
138. #123"& accessol
steven ,   france   (07.25.05)
You're taking up valuble writing space,if you do not have something more intelligent to say,please leave this space for others who have .and #123 your artical is as empty and non existing as your name.Your insistance of showing how anti-semite you both are ,is really becoming heavy ,May I sujest that you take a tablet ,go lie down for a while,and don't forget to turn off your computers.Actually I'll do just the same ,as you have also given me a wopping headache.Unfortunately this happens when one reads too much"nonsense".AND MAY G-D FORGIVE YOU FOR USING HIS NAME IN VAIN.PS "how can anybody trust you ,when you dont even have an ID"
139. Drumgoole #127 & Steven #137
John Doe   (07.26.05)
Poor things having no logic resort to insults. As for Drumgoole's claim that Palestinians never owned the land, wonder whether he can tell me where these four million Palestinian refugees emerged from? As for others who claim Palestine is the promised land given to the "chosen people" by God, I just ask what kind of god is that that chooses a group of war criminals to make them His chosen people. Concerning using the pretext of the suffering of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis, does this give them the right to inflict much worse ordeals on a whole people just for the fact that they have suffered?
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