Hamas releases murder video
Ali Waked
Published: 27.09.05, 20:38
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51 Talkbacks for this article
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.28.05)
ISRAEL, DEFEND YOUR PEOPLE. It is moral and ethical to do so. RESPOND TO WAR WITH WAR. The United States, the EU, and the UN are fully aware that the goal of the Palestinian Authority and other terrorist groups is total annihilation of Israel. An Islamic terror state in the Jewish Holy Land enables that goal. See part of an article below: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 Islamic Jihad says all Palestinians united Leader says total annihilation of Israel joint strategy © 2005 "In a news conference in Damascus, the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad today boasted all Palestinian groups remain united in the goal of annihilating the Jewish state of Israel. With Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia looking on, Ramazan Abdullah, secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, said the Palestinian Authority and all Palestinian movements have reached agreement on a joint strategy after Israel's evacuation of the Gaza Strip. "This war would continue till full liberation of Palestine, restoration of the denied rights of the whole Palestinian nation and briefly speaking uprooting of the usurper Israeli regime," he said, according to a translation by the official Iranian Islamic Republic News Agency..." The vile Jew-hating, hostile actions of the U.S. to Israel, our trustworthy ally and dear friend, is against everything the U.S. has ever stood for, and against everthing Americans believe in: freedom, justice, human rights, and the belief that we are all created equal. Unless the U.S. EU and UN reverse their horrifying anti-Jew, anti-Israel policies, it will be evident that the U.S. EU and UN have taken their stand with the terrorists against innocents.
32. To #29
Salameh ,   Gaza, Palestine   (09.28.05)
Yes I am very pissed you left Gaza, real pissed that i demand you to come back and occupy me pleaseeeeee haha what a morron? As for not going anywhere, Ask Eldad and he will tell you how he thought he'd stay here forever, he may give you few tips how to BLUFF the gouverment and stay in Hotels for years without paying an agora, he is good at it hahaha
33. Linda Rivera says
Avi ,   Jerusalem   (09.28.05)
"ISRAEL, DEFEND YOUR PEOPLE. It is moral and ethical to do so. " No country has defended her people like Israel. Where have you been? Where do you get off making such stupid statements? Have you picked up a book on the history of Israel or are you just delusional? What, you are worried you Christians won't have enough Jews around for 'end times?' Let us take care of ourselves. If you are so worried about Israel not defending her people, tell that to the president of the US who seems to favor the other side.
34. Salameh.
Abu pork fat ,   gaza   (09.28.05)
Mommy is calling.
35. Falasteen forever
Adam ,   Falasteen   (09.28.05)
Alright, this is a reply for all people who replied to my post with some human-like manner. I do not recall any time that "Israel" has fairly tried any one for killing a Palestinians either. Latest fiasco, dismissal of trail of "IDF" soliders for killing 12 Israeli arabs. Plus, "Israel" has made sure that there is no Palestinian Police is in a state to allow it to go after people who commit crimes.
36. Falasteen forever
James ,   Jerusalem   (09.28.05)
That's what you think. Be careful one of these days they will turn against you too. By account it is just a matter of time. Bytheway, it is hilarious watching you grabbing at straws. Hate to tell you but there is no moral comparison of an Israel to a terrorist scum Palestinian. No comparison no matter what mistakes Israel may make.
37. Hamas kidnap& murder
Rpse ,   Ranana   (09.28.05)
Islam religion of peace? Mohammed chose Allah as God BECAUSE he is the God of WAR
38. #33 Avi-Tell that to Sderot's residents. See what they say.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.28.05)
Gush Katif was attacked with thousands of rockets. Israeli leaders did little or nothing. Ask the former residents. Sderot has been hit repeatedly with rockets. Ask Sderot's residents about it. They are extremely upset about Israeli leaders failure to protect them. How is it possible for you to live in Jerusalem and not know this???
39. Adam; Neither falasteen nor Palestine exist.
Daisy ,   USA   (09.28.05)
Arabs can't even prounounce Palestine and they call themselves "Palestinians." What a joke!
40. Send the Arabs to outer space!
Daisy ,   USA   (09.28.05)
Where they won't able to murder anymore innocent human beings!
41. Traitors don't avenge this. They have blood on their hands.
42. Israel should return the favor
Mr. R   (09.28.05)
and slaughter the Palestinian prisoners like they slaughtered this innocent man. I hope the animals who did this join arafat in hell soon. people are waking up to your destruction, and you are losing friends fast. you are going to be alone and you are going to pay for what you have done.
43. Falasteen
GO GO   (09.28.05)
When I see a Jew living freely and openly in Muslim lands, then come back and talk to me about Palestinian Police officers working in Israeli police stations. You people are such hypocrites.
44. read this very carefully.
to Salamah from Gaza   (09.28.05)
dear Salameh from Gaza, Palestine: here's the situation and really try and understand it well. Israel did not flee from Gaza. Israel reshuffled the cards. new facts on the ground, new realities. Israel redeployed more than 20,000 troops used to protect 8,000 Jews who lived in a cesspool you call home. The Jews made this cesspool green and flourish, something you are not very good at. what you and your people are good at is destruction, hatred, honor killings, and wanton chaos. you prove this over and over to the world. have no illusions, salameh - there are new facts on the ground. your neighbor and friend, mr. al zahar will die very soon. he will be hunted down thanks to a cocktail of superior technology that allows Israel to monitor every move you, al zahar, al hindi, mohammed deif and every other hateful individual make. you have one last opportunity to make your cesspool work. no jewish settlers or IDF soldiers inside. billions of dollars from the world waiting to help you turn your cesspool into a better place. should you screw up this opportunity like your father and grandfather did then your children will forever pee in their pants in fear from the booms over your head. it will be merciless and constant. you will beg for the pounding to stop but it will be to late. and here's the kicker ... if you think the State of Israel will not use their might on your brothers and their children in the west bank you are mistaken. you will slowly cook in your cesspool soup because the majority of Israeli are beginning to get used to the fact that the disegagement is behind us and if you screw up we will hurt you very very very very much because we can and like you, who have established new facts on the ground via your suicide bombings, aviation terror and other forms of millenia muslim madness.... there is in fact a way to pound you and make your women and children pee from fear if you continue to be stupid and attack Israel. these are not fighting words, Salameh. only the facts in a new chapter of world realpolitik that the author is Ariel Sharon. You see, the general who knows how to win wars and beat you each time finally figured how to do so after a hiatus. no Jew will be packing his bag to flee ever again. spread the word in your neighborhoods. and tell al zahar to stay in a tunnel somewhere you and perhaps some of your friends won't have to eat some shrappnel. you will not succeed at making Israeli flee as you see it ever again, the only ones fleeing will be you and your people who will constantly be on the run trying to escape the sonic booms who you have brought upon yourselves by acts of stupidity. oh yes, you will also succeed at making the world donors forget about giving you a few billion.....
45. Thank G-d, Israel is eternal
Bracha ,   Baltimore   (09.29.05)
This is another example of Muslim savagery! Thank G-d I'm a Jew!
46. Rott in HELL
It is disgusting what those pieces of s... do to other humans.They will all rott in HELL
47. To #26:
Ari ,   Boston, MA   (09.29.05)
You are PIGS!. You resort to tactics like this to get across your "points." Israel gave you back the west bank. Why do we need to kill people. You nasty palastinians are all the same. You think you are right, but you are too brainwashed to understand anything. Rat bastards!
48. victim
joe ,   chica   (10.12.05)
intillegence servicemen are usually well-protected and if this accident really happen, israel should deal with such incidents more cleverly coz prisoners sooner or later will be out
49. Hi
Sarwar ,   Earthy   (10.25.05)
50. palis are the best, israelis are pieces of dung
ak ,   cleveland, usa   (05.01.06)
Israelis cant even fight, they have to fight with tanks and guns, against rocks
51. fools
arturo ,   chicago   (12.13.06)
i cant believe one day we will exterminate ourselves because of ancient monotheistic moronic bullshit value life here on earth.
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