Chomsky voted world's top intellectual
Published: 18.10.05, 20:27
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31. AK
Pete ,   UK   (10.19.05)
Thanks for your comments. The preface Chomsky wrote is discussed widely in his movie Manufacturing Consent. He was not supporting a holocaust denier and appeared to have no idea the preface he wrote about freedom of speech would be used in such a fashion. He was defending his right to say these awful things. Ok, some people find that hard to stomach, i understand that. That is freedom of speech though and the awful writer then had his argument destroyed by Chomsky and the like. Better than the alternative in a totalitarian society. Chomskys books are published in Europe by Penguin, you seem to be mistaken. Chomsky has always been anti communist declaring it a tyranny worse than all others! Maybe you missed these bits of his writing. Check out his book of interviews called Understanding Power. Chomsky supported world war 2 well before June 1941, in fact was distraught by all his accounts about the rise of fascism in Spain well before the war broke out. Again, his condemmnation of Pol Pot is there on record. Could you quote the part you have read please? He was comparing the atrocity to Americas support of the Indonesien genocide of the East Timorese. Chomsky is quite clear of his love for his own country calling it the most free society on earth. Certainly never as decadent and evil as you describe. I don't subscibe to being, as you say 'a true believer.' I do my best to read everything critically and form my own opinions. I apologise for being young. I am certainly no communist. Your description of Islam is worrying. I happen to find all religions have an element of wickedness and backwardness. How many innocent people will die this month alone in the name of faith. Not just in the Middle East but everywhere. Try not to paint all Muslims with the same brush, i don't regard all Jews as right wing arab hating nuts! That would be stupid, rascist and ignorant. regards
32. Pete
AK   (10.19.05)
Despite your assurances to the contrary, you are a true believer. Try to think out of the box, a bit. Unlike you, I perfectly understand where Chomsky comes from and what he stands for, I have rejected it a long time ago. As to my views of Islam, they are based of simple analysis -- religion that denies simple rights to women and somehow cannot manage to co-exist with members of any other faith in any part of the world without an attempt to subjugate them, is exactly that – violent, intolerant, backward. Stop and think, can you name a place where Muslims coexist with practitioners of any other religion, and treat them as equal?
33. AK
Pete ,   UK   (10.20.05)
Thanks for the reply. As to your view of Islam i find those hardline positions awful too, yet they are not always the mainstream reality for most muslims. I find the catholic church and its fear of contreception in Africa backward, intolerant and morally unjust. Turning aids into the huge pandemic it is to satisfy their philosophical analysis of what their God intended. Muslims coexist with other religions and athests alike here in England. No, not always perfectly but step into any place of work in Birmingham and you will see for yourself. Despite your implications i can assure you i have no sympathy for communism whatsoever. Chomsky declares himself as a libertarian socialist/anarchist. Before jumping to conclusions google those subjects a little and see what he actually means. Chomsky well understood that communism would unleash a totalitarianism worse than all others. have a nice day wherever in the world you are. regards
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