49% of Israelis back Jerusalem division
Published: 16.12.05, 10:37
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Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.16.05)
The peace process of war and destruction. Gaza's Jews built everything on land that NEVER belonged to Arabs. In intense hate for G-D, Muslim mobs destroyed the synagogues. Hamas flags flew from synagogue roofs as synagogues burned. A major victory for global jihad against the hated non-Muslim infidels. Joseph is the beloved Bible hero of Jews and Christians. Muslims murdered IDF soldiers at Joseph's Tomb. With venomous hate for Israel's G-D, Muslim mobs burned prayer books and destroyed the Tomb. Jewish worshippers and holy places are frequently attacked by Islamists. Jewish and Christian holy sites are desecrated and destroyed. In the Islamic invasion and filthy desecration of Jesus Christ' birthplace, Church of Nativity, BIBLES WERE TORN UP FOR TOILET PAPER. It was an act against G-D. Inscribed in those Bibles are the laws G-D gave to Moses. Some of the laws - Exodus 20: "You shall have no other gods before Me" "You shall not make for yourself an idol" "You shall not murder" "You shall not commit adultery" "You shall not steal" "You shall not bear false witness" "You shall not covet" Exodus 21:16 "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death" Muslims have perpetrated massive desecration and destruction at Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount. JERUSALEM IS MENTIONED OVER 800 TIMES IN THE BIBLE, not once in the Koran. G-D designated the Temple Mount to the Jews for His worship and prayer only. Jews and Christians are arrested if they pray, or even suspected of praying on the Temple Mount. Muslims on the Temple Mount repeatedly engage in massive rock throwing at Jews, turning the HOLIEST place on earth into a common place of violence. THE OFFENSE TO G-D IS ENORMOUS. RETURN CONTROL OF THE TEMPLE MOUNT TO ITS JEWISH OWNERS IMMEDIATELY.
32. Catch 22
Chrisona ,   Chicago.IL   (12.16.05)
The conundrum Israelis face is that ceding half of Jerusalem won't bring peace. It will bring more bloodshed, exactly what they want to avoid.
33. Tsfoni Leftist Elites Fabricate another poll
Yosef ,   Netanya   (12.16.05)
34. commonsense
Michael ,   Haifa   (12.16.05)
this raises hopes that the Israeli public is developing commonsense at long last
35. A response to Yossi from Canada
Kate ,   London   (12.16.05)
That's by far the most sense I've ever seen in a single post on Ynet. I shall quote you loudly and often. Truly "Yossi the Wise".
36. Response to "Michael of Haifa"
Kate ,   London   (12.16.05)
"this raises hopes that the Israeli public is developing commonsense at long last " Is this the same type of common sense that Golda Meir employed when she brought Israel to near total disaster in 1973? Is this the same type of common sense that European Jews used when they didn't rise up en masse during the Holocaust? Is it the same type of common sense that allows Arabs to start and lose wars and then force Israel to make concessions? If Israelis turn their back on the eternal capital of the Jews, then they will have embarked on the short journey to utter oblivion. It seems that while 51% of Israelis may indeed be citizens of an independent Jewish nation, they are still very much shtetl Jews.
37. reality
realist ,   usa   (12.16.05)
Arafat himself said it well. Whoever does not get the whole land between the Jordan and the sea will be assainated, just like Sadat. What does that mean for peace?
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (12.16.05)
On March 27, 2002, at the Park Hotel in Netanya, terrorists targeted for murder Jews honoring and thanking G-D for His great mercy: Exodus 12:14 “you shall celebrate it as a feast to the L-RD” Exodus 12:42 “It is a night to be observed for the L-RD for having brought them out from the land of Egypt; this night is for the L-RD, to be observed by all the sons of Israel throughout their generations.” The Islamic homicide bomber murdered 30 Israelis as the Jews obeyed G-D, taking part in the Passover meal. 140 Jewish innocents were injured. The bomb was filled with nails and other metal pieces to maximize the suffering of survivors. On August 19, 2003, terrorists targeted for murder Jews who worship G-D - Giver of all life. The homicide bomber blew himself up on the bus as Jews returned from prayer at the Western wall-the Temple Mount, the holiest place on earth, is Judaism's holiest site. Jerusalem is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible, not once in the Koran. The gruesome attack-the bomb packed with metal pieces, killed 22 Jews and injured 134, many seriously. If Jesus Christ lived today, from the time Jesus was in his mother's womb, he would be targeted for murder by the Islamofascists for being a Jew living in his homeland of Israel. The Palestinian Authority hailed as heroes the terrorists who brutally murdered defenseless 8 months pregnant Jewish Gaza mother, Tali Hatuel, and four little daughters in Gush Katif in May 2004. In defiance of Israel's G-D, and massively breaking G-D's law given to Moses: "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER", the Palestinian Authority teach that murdering Jews is a religious obligation through their mosques, media and public education system. Islamic human bomb murderers of innocent Jews are revered and considered heroes. Broadcast from Gaza mosque, Oct 13 2000, Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, on Palestinian Authority TV (transcribed by Memri): "Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them..."
39. fake poll
40. message to ALL
Danny Kasey ,   Beirut, Lebanon   (12.16.05)
#31 why don't you move to Israel and fight for that right yourself? And people!!! Please don't talk about something you have no idea about... A land that was never for the Muslims? Are you serious? remember a certain WAY LONGER TIME Jerusalem was under Muslim control than under Jewish control? Remember that? And for the person who said that Jerusalem is of no importance to Muslims, the post titled "have you read the Koran" or something... well you my friend are ignorant. The MUslim Prophet Mohamed's ascent into heaven was from Jerusalem. And to all the Arabs writing on here, if you have nothing useful to say, don't say it. And to all the spiteful Jews on here, try to be more humane and think of the other people, try to compromise, if not for the sake of Palestinians having a state and land to live on (without being constantly harassed by the IDF), then accept it for the sake of peace, for the sake of both Israelis and Palestinians getting peace... and by the way, stop with the typical Jewish "we are God's chosen people" mindset and accept that there are other people around you It pisses me off to see people with such hatred and racism in them... Anyways, Peace! Danny
41. WHY R there SO many racists on this board?
YOu jewish people are AWFUL AWFUL- the way you talk about ARABS- IT IS DISGUSTING- I hope COndi reads this- alot of balcks are kind of muslim- and then she and her gagng can judge for themselves what type of jews are being created on US TAX DOLLARS_ ps. Have you read the TORAH? ITS As bad as the KORAN-
42. Too much hatred...
Adam ,   Washington, DC USA   (12.16.05) I agree with the last few comments. I guess some people just don't want peace. Luckily, the vocal majority on this board is in reality the minority on both sides of all these issues.
43. #41:
Michael Steiner ,   EU   (12.16.05)
Most of the racist jerks on this board are not Jewish. Those who are... - let's just say that I'm more embarrassed about them than you could ever be.
44. A response to "Danny" from Beirut
Kate ,   London   (12.16.05)
"The MUslim Prophet Mohamed's ascent into heaven was from Jerusalem." Jerusalem is mentioned nowhere in the Koran. Your prophet is meant to have ascended to heaven (given his behaviour in this life, a very unlikely event). That it was from Jerusalem is nothing but a product of the Muslims' collective imagination. "And to all the spiteful Jews on here, try to be more humane and think of the other people, try to compromise, if not for the sake of Palestinians having a state and land to live on" Ah the "spiteful Jews," unlike of course the benevolent Muslims with their suicide bombers, their Jew-hatred, their contempt for all other religions, their corruption, their sexism, their homophobia, their lack of democracy, their love of cruelty, their hatred of justice. Given the Arab nation has hardly progressed in a thousand years, you should be trying to emulate the Jewish people with all the great gifts they have given to the world instead of engaging in the kind of anti-Semitism that would have done credit to the SS. What possibly could we learn from you people? On at least three occasions the Arabs have been offered a separate state (in 1947, in 1967 and in early 2000), but have rejected these extremely benevolent gestures and engaged in a brutal conflict against mainly a civilian population instead. By the way, while the Lebanon refuses to control the terrorists it harbours in its midst, you really have no right to an opinion on this matter. "and by the way, stop with the typical Jewish "we are God's chosen people" mindset and accept that there are other people around you" I don't think anyone here will be surprised by this kind of vicious anti-Jewish slur. After all Jew-hatred is sweeping throught the Arab world with a fury and a venom the like of which has not been seen since the Third Reich. It is the followers of Islam that need to realise that it they are living in the dark ages. It is Islam that need to realise that the behaviour of its adherents will no longer be tolerated in Europe or Australia. It is Islam that needs to learn tolerance. It is Islam that needs to learn that it cannot forever remain cut of from the rest of humanity. It is Islam that needs to know that whatever it might proclaim, the West will never be its slave or servants.
45. Danny from Beirut
J K ,   NYC, USA   (12.16.05)
Just so you can clarify, show me one place in the Koran, other than the 'furthest mosque' reference that is purported to mean Jerusalem, where Jerusalem is mentioned by name. Not specualtion, not hype....a clear reference. Jerusalem is mentioned hundreds of time in the name. I guess we should just take your word for it.
46. How to interpret the polling results?
Alan ,   Silver Spring, USA   (12.16.05)
Giving up land for peace is one thing, many religious Jews could accept that if peace could reasonably be expected -- but the PA (from its muftis, TV and school text books, to its "martyrs") has made it clear that every inch it gains is one less inch it has to gain until the Jewish state is no longer. So, no to any "peace agreement" that brings no peace.
47. Response to Steiner
Kate ,   London   (12.16.05)
"Those who are... - let's just say that I'm more embarrassed about them than you could ever be." And nothing angers me more than the shtetl mentality. Have you really learned nothing from history?
48. wise people
those 49% are wise people because they found out that without this there will not be real peace and they are fed up from this situation ... sure they want better future for them and their children and this is the only way to have peace ... if anybody can imagin peace without giving back east Jurusalim he is not realistic .... it's case of time .... better now than later , with the time those 49% will increase more and more ... let's see what will happen .
49. Amen #48
Adam ,   Washington, DC USA   (12.16.05)
50. Ynet - Stop Floating Sharon's Trial Balloons
Adina Kutnicki ,   NJ,US   (12.16.05)
What is left out of this "survey" is how many Arabs participated. Trust me, that is the key here. Even leftists realize that once you give away your capital, the keys to your house is not far behind. Memo To Ynet - stop floating Sharon's trial balloons. It really is ethically challenged to do so.
51. Divided Jerusalem, never again!
Jeffrey Levine ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (12.16.05)
I thought that Jews had long memories. When Jordan annexed Easter Jerusalem, the Jews were not allowed to set foot on their land. It took the capture of the territory in 1967 to give Jews access to our holy city. The Arabs have no real ties to Jerusalem other than the Dome of the Rock. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the Jewish bible, and not even one time in the Quran. The Arabs do not really care about Jerusalem, it is just another way for them to continue with the destruction of Israel. We Jews should not include Jerusalem in the peace negotiations. The Arabs should never control any part of our capital, Do not trade our (Jews) future for some empty promises of peace. Just look at the peace you have with the Gaza strip! We Jews must use the brains G-d gave us and stop trying to satisfy 1.5 billion bloodthirsty Muslims!! Jerusalem, capital of Israel, united and undivded and controlled by Jews alone!! This must be our mantra!!
52. #50 Adina. Your "Jewish supermacist" feelings
Mira ,   Ma'alot   (12.16.05)
are taking over your brain. These are the facts on the ground. we have to KNOW so we deal with facts and not a myth that we create and then beleive. A study yesterday showed that 50% of IDF casualties were suicides. Is this a Sharonist propaganda too. We cannot solve our problems with the outside before we sort problems on the inside. Open up and dont be so obtuse.
53. "Kate of London"
Michael ,   Haifa   (12.16.05)
Kate lives in the "shtetl of London" and lectures us, citizens of a sovereign state, as to what our political opinions ought to be.
54. Land for Peace...
Jeffrey Levine ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (12.16.05)
This is a fallacy. Notice that no matter how much territory te Jews give to the Arabs it is NEVER enough! Give them Gaza, they demand the West Bank. Give them the WB, they demand the Golan. Give them the Golan, they deman dpart of Jerusalem. At each stage after each retreat by the Jews, the Arabs say, well just one more give back and we will see peace! So give them a piece of Jerusalem, and they will want it all. After Jerusalem, what Israeli city will be the next excuse for continuing the violence? The Jews cannot be responsible for satisfying the Arabs. The only result that will satisfy the Arabs is the same goal that Hitler had. The total destruction of Jews from the middle-east. As I said before, there should be no more discussion of territorial concessions until Gaza is the safest city in the middle-east. Then maybe we can talk about the West Bank!
55. #47
Michael Steiner ,   EU   (12.16.05)
Sure I have learned things from history, Kate, sugar: (1) Take absolutely no crap from anyone. If someone wants to humiliate, hurt or destroy you, pounce on him with everything you have. Never bow your head to a Jew-hater again. And (2) In war and peace, be better than the goyim. Be a bigger person, a more moral human being. That's why I'm a national Zionist, a proud Jew (ethnically if not religiously) and yet support a Palestinians state on the entire Yesh(a) and would be willing to cede parts of Jerusalem, and I further abhor what many of the present-day settlers stand for or how they comport themselves. And I think you'll find the majority of Israelis are reaching the same position as mine, too. Shabat shalom.
56. Response to "Michael of Haifa"
Kate ,   London   (12.16.05)
"Kate lives in the "shtetl of London" and lectures us, citizens of a sovereign state, as to what our political opinions ought to be" 1) Perhaps because you have been unable to find any worthy answers, you have failed to answer any of my very pertinent points. 2) A shtetl mentality depends not on where one lives but on one's state of mind. One could have been, at very great cost, a proud Jew in Bialystok, or today a scared little Jew tugging his forelock at every passing gentile in Tel Aviv or Haifa. 3) You should be aware that the decisions you make affecting the essential nature of the Jewish state concerns the entire Jewish people. You should also know that the sovereignty you hold so dear would not exist without the enormous political efforts of the Jews in the Diaspora. If you alienate the people who are your very lifeblood, your own future will be in serious doubt. You have made mistake after mistake in Israel. Despite the fact that the Jews in the Diaspora are enormously successful, until recent years your economy and your education system have been an utter shambles and a great embarrassment to all of us. You have allowed in hundreds of thousands of non-Jews into Israel on some absurd pretext. Your public relations is a joke and a disaster (if I see one more Israeli spokesman speaking halting English and wearing a shabby suit, I shall scream). Your inability to manage without handouts from the U.S. brings shame on all of us, and prevents you from taking effective action against terrorism. You push us too far at your peril. It would pay you to listen to our concerns. 4) This board is to the credit of this great newspaper open to all: Jew and non-Jew, Israeli and Arab, anti-Semite and philosemite. It's what separates a democracy like Israel from the Islamofascist regimes of Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia. This is something you should learn to respect. 5) My views, on the original topic in any event, also are the views, more or less, of at least 49% of the Israeli public.
57. Steiner and Zionism
Kate ,   London   (12.16.05)
Steiner writes: "That's why I'm a national Zionist" And the heart of Zion is Jerusalem, the city which has lain at the very core of Jewish aspirations for almost two millennia. It is no accident that Zionism took its name from the ancient Hebrew name of the eastern-most hill of the city of Jerusalem. To be a Zionist without working for a unified Jerusalem is rather like enjoying the act of lovemaking without ever once having the desire to orgasm. I hope your right hand does not need its cunning for a very long time.
58. giving away Jerusalem
mike ,   new york   (12.16.05)
the core, the simple core of this entire conflict is this; the Arab inability to come to terms with a non-Muslim state in their midst. Islam is a religion of war, which spreads itself by word or by sword. You have now given away large territories, and have gotten nothing in return. If you seek reciprocity, you shall find none with your Palestinian 'neighbors'.
59. to #41, How are Jews here racist? Look at facts.
David Landman ,   Natick, USA   (12.16.05)
Israel has a thriving Arab minority. Jordan/Palestine has banned Jews from citizenship. Israel give up land for peace. Arabs deny Jewish connection to land. Israel allows Muslim desecration of Jewish holiest site, the Temple Mount. Muslims attack Jews praying at Walling Wall on Rosh Hashana, one of the holiest days of the year. Israel provides jobs and medical care for so called Palestinians. Arab Terrorists try to blow up border crossings so Arabs can work. Jordan destroyed Jewish East Jerusalem and now that Jews are moving back to that part of the city its a problem. Arabs in East Jerusalem were OFFERED Israeli citizenship and most refused. NO Jews were offered Jordanian/Palestinian citizenship I dont get it? Who are the racists?
60. Mira
we lraned from the history that this kind of people like adina having tow scales for each issue ... depend on wich one is in their interest and don't try to convience him with something els ... he and them will charge you with anti-simitic ... or ignoarnt ... or you are terrorist .... they are allways ready with their tittels ... but you and we can still try ..... maybe ,,,, my best regards to you .... Shalom
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