Iran: Europe wanted to complete Holocaust
Associated Press
Published: 02.01.06, 00:58
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63 Talkbacks for this article
1. Take him away
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (01.01.06)
to the funny farm
2. in littel words, this man arouse the history
Ahmad ,   Palestine   (01.01.06)
its clear what Iranian Preseident mean by his statments , he want the Jews and European countries to face their history with clever eyes , and look wbout the continouse Holcaust commited in Middel east in behalf of holcaust itself m but with new people called Palestinians......this is radical ideas , but its true when we look to it from the side of the victims. but im sure , that palestinians will remain ...becuse they insist in life (as what happend with jews in Germany with Hitler era)
3. Ahmad how religious are the palestinians
pk   (01.01.06)
4. The Wisdom of Israel's God
Marcel ,   Flkorida   (01.01.06)
What a plan Israel's God has. He returns His people back to their land after a 2,000 + year diaspora. But there's a hitch. The whole neighborhod is crawling with followers of the moon god allah and their pet rock in Mecca. and these critters don't like their own kind let alone Jewish infidels who don't like circling rocks on haj. After five wars the jihadists fail to remove the Jews from land once under Dar al Islam Even with moon god allah's help ,the arabs are down five DEFEATS in a row. Along comes the madhi guru Ahmadinejad of Iran to remove the Jews once and for all with Syria, Egypt ,the Palestrinian's N.Korera, Russia & ect. help . They still fail and lose because the Creator of heaven and earth is with Israel. This is the part where the world will come to realize that Israel is here to stay and that the God of Israel is God alone .The moslems will ditch their false ways and embrace their distant cousins the Jews and then thre will be real peace.
5. Stupid moron
Daavid ,   USA   (01.01.06)
How can a country like Iran/ Persia would vote for a stupid moron uneducated man like Ahmadinejad for president...I guess there are not any intelectuals left in Iran except trash camel riders. If I was an Iranian I would hide my face in the sand from shame.
6. Take him away
Jane   (01.01.06)
To oblivion
7. the british turned away jews from mandate palestine
elli yahoo   (01.01.06)
they were happy to accept kindertrains but not jews on the xodus
8. why do arabs think a jew is under their bed?
9. Not All That Crazy
Dan ,   NYC, USA   (01.02.06)
First this guy says the Europeans should set up a Jewish homeland in Europe where the Jews were originally persecuted. Next he says the Europeans tried to finish us off by chasing who was left into the Muslim Mideast. Now, when you consider the serial stupidity of Israelis and their leaders for the past 60 years, you have to give the man at least some credit for his ideas.
10. #4 and Ahmadinejad
Michael Steiner ,   EU   (01.02.06)
Marcel, you're funny. If ever I needed proof that you mad fundamentalist Xians are far more dangerous in the long run than Muslim fanatics, you're it. As for Ahmadinejad:the guy has to be taken care of. When bombing his nuclear playgrounds to oblivion, take him along, too. If he wasn't so dangerous, he'd be really comical, what with his nebulous statements being churned out weekly.
11. Some of his words are sound
A Palestinian ,   Occupied Palestine   (01.02.06)
For the past 2000 years, what remained from Jews in the Holy Land lived in peace among arabs muslims be or christians. However, in the past 100 years, Jews came from all over the world and masaccred and basicly did major ethnic cleansing against the natives in this land who became refugees all over the world. There are currently more than 6 million palestinian, "Christian and Muslim" as a refugee in the whole world. Muslim Palestinians settled in neighbouring arab countries, while christian Palestinian are in huge numbers in Latin America. Now Zionist Jews, becuase they are very human, they keep saying we did not kick anybody out, they evacuated becuase their leaders asked them to do that. If this does not work, they will tell you that they are people with no land that came to a land with no people. If this does not work too, they say god gave us the land of canaan. Now if this is the God you believe in, then he is defintely a racist God. Your God ask you to kill others and steal there land. Jews came to Palestine from egypt with Moses, and they mixed with the cannaanites. At that time, they were still a minority among the cannanites. Those same Jews converted to christianity or left and most of them converted again to Islam. Current palestinians right now have their origins to either the cannaanites, philistines, Isarealites, or other arabic immigrations to this land. Guess what, even cannanites immigrated to this land from the arabian penensulia. Guess what also, that Cannaanites are the earliest inhabitants of the holy land. their language is the parent language of current modern arabic. It is debatable if all Jews in the world are Israelites. Many jews are not Isrealites. Also, many of the Isrealites are not any more Jews. they became christians or muslims in general. Conclusion. Zionists should not use the jewish faith to justify their hatred to the Palestinians. Palestinians are more original to this Land. They have been in this land for as far as history can record...!
12. To #2 - Learn some English, then post
Roni   (01.02.06)
14. "Jews For Jihad" cuz we belong beneath the sea
dali ,   cali   (01.02.06)
Oh Bring It Iran and get sonned by G-ds only Chosen Peeps, The Israelites
15. Occupied Israel
Sheik Yur Bouti ,   Eurabia   (01.02.06)
This man from the Palestinian territories shows what a superb education he received from the same old Arab propaganda so eloquently written in EU funded history. I'd like to make two points: 1) when all Arab nations vowed to "throw all the Jews into the sea" in 1948, many Arabs (at the time, Arab aka the Palestinian Arabs,numbered roughly 600,000 people. Due to poligamy endorsed by the Muslim Arabs, their population mushoomed ten fold - all bred with generous amounts of relentless hate) were advsied to flee the area so as to not get entangled in the massacre that were to ensue. There was a lot of grandstanding and boasting prior to Israel's victory by the Arabs that till this day is typical. 2) if Zionists are "hateful", one would shudder to read content typically found in Arab children's schoolbooks. Muslim Arabs generally take for face value their radical clerics' advise to procreate (through officaly sancioned poligamy) so as to offer their children to perform acts of the Shahid or martydom. Anybody that does not acknowledhe these facts are simply in deep denial or ignorant at best.
16. #11
Marya ,   Sacramento   (01.02.06)
Jews never lived in peace with Arabs particularily after Islam was established. Approximately 800,000 Jews fled the Arab countries they lived in after the official creation of the State of Israel because of the vicious cruelty of their Arab neighbors. They were not allowed to take anything with them. I suggest you buy or rent 'Silent Exodus', a DVD with documentary film footage. Excuse me my friend, Palestinians may have left for America or other places but they certainly have not been embraced by their Arab neighbors. Why are they forced to live in camps in Lebanon and Jordan? Why were they thrown out of Kuwait and slaughtered in Black September? Why have Palestinians sided with the enemies of freedom every chance they got? Why are there special laws for Palestinians in most other Arab countries? You have incredible gall when you talk about Jews having a racist G-d. Our Torah never says to "kill Arabs wherever you find them." However this is the PROBLEM WITH YOUR HOLY BOOK AND THE PROBLEM WITH ISLAM. Your god is the racist G-D. He gives you permission to wreak havoc on all of society begining with your own women and children. Your Jizya Tax is a tax levied on dhimmis or "non believers." In essence it is a mob- like protection tax that the Infidel must pay if he doesn't want to be beaten, raped or killed If what you are saying about Jews were true than all Muslim converts are not truly Muslims. All this crowing about Islam being the fastest growing religion means absolutely nothing because if you're not a direct descendent of Mohammed then you aren't really a Muslim.. Palesinians are not indiginous to the land. That is a myth and propaganda. There is a myriad of evidence that there were no "Palestinians" before the creation of the State of Israel. Historically Palestinians were Jews and those who have lived for generations in Israel can attest to that. Most Palestinians are Jordanians, Syrians and Egyptians. Yasser Arafat who said he was born in Jerusalem-- was born in Egypt. Judaism was established thousands of years before Christianity and Islam. So while you were worshiping sticks and stones, dating goats and living in filth, Jews were washing before breaking bread and going into the mikveh. Until Palestinians get over their jealousy and hatred of Jews nothing will change for you. You have received BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of aid from the world and still you sit in dirty garbage strewn camps. Jews do not teach their young to yearn for death while killing as many Muslims as possible. But Palestinians do. As long as you are unwilling to invest in sweat equity instead of terrorism, you will continue to sit in "refugee camps." Say , can you get Fox's 24 on those satelitte dishes in your "camp?"
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (01.02.06)
And it is G-D, the greatest Zionist in the universe who will judge you. Bible: Zechariah 1:14 'Thus says the L-RD of hosts, "I am exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and Zion." G-D will judge the enemies of Israel! Bible, Joel 3:2: "I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land."
18. #10 Abdul Steiner
Marcel ,   Florida   (01.02.06)
For someone who goes along with the Xian Road Map plan you sure are all over the map. The Bush boot licker is going along with the false peace plan to help the Palestinians in their goal of destroying Israel. Does insanity run in the family ? I know you are another self loathing Jew who has converted to Islam ,so why keep up the facade ? Come out of the closet abdul At least Adam Gadan now only hides his face and not his Islam.
19. blame
palesinian ,   jerusalem   (01.02.06)
i believe in god but if i know that god sent the jews to kill me i blame the jew only this fact is a fact befor i learn some english and befor i post you want to read it or not you want to write it or not no dfferance salam to all
20. Every country has the government it deserves
Joseph ,   New York   (01.02.06)
21. #11
Howard ,   Pacific Coast, USA   (01.02.06)
The vast majority of the Jewish people worldwide are directly descended from the ancient Israelites. The vast majority of the Arabs in Israel and the territories today come from other parts of the middle east and are not descended from Jews. Most Jews don't hate Palestinians. Most Israelis , including most Zionist Israelis, are willing to live side by side in peace with a Palestinian state. The only thing that prevents the peace faction and the security faction from joining forces to support peace is the Palestinian terror groups, who insist on attacking Israelis even from Gaza, which is no longer occupied. Israel has expressed a willingness to compromise, and Sharon has shown that he can be counted upon to implement such a compromise. You can't wish Israel away; if you want a Palestinian state, living in peace, in this century, you will have to compromise as well.
22. P.S. Which Holocaust? The one he pretends didn't happen?
Howard ,   Pacific Coast, USA   (01.02.06)
23. I like that Steiner guy!
Andy ,   Herzliya   (01.02.06)
He's right: Ahmadinejad is of course demented. But he represents alot of people in the region who still think that Israel as a Jewish State is going to disappear or be massacred(call it "one state solution," or "return of the 1948 refugess," yada yada yada) Jews and arab Palestinians have to split this land -- even if the Palestinians never grow so much as one hot house tomato in Gaza and instead continue to support and/or tolerate their quassem launching, intentionally children killing, Netanya mall bombing brethren and their vacuous, money stealing leaders (Hint: some lawyers should track down and freeze Suha's assets for Palestinian clients, who in turn should open up a tourist spot on the lucious Gaza shore and have foreign tourists pay them alot of money to jet ski up and down the Palestinian coast. Or is it the Jewish Agency's fault for not putting a Tel-Aviv legal team on such a project ). So Viva a slimmer and trimmer Arik Sharon, may he live till 120, and Kadima, already. If Israel has a Prosperous-Palestinian-Peace-Partner, great -- we would all be thrilled and would cheer them on from Jerusalem to Washington. I say, build your State already. But if not, at least there will be borders, and Arab Palestinians can give up on Ramat HaSharon once and for all and just hate the Jews into eternity for making a wonderful State in this wonderful land. And oh yeah, Steiner got Marcel right too: that fool is only a little bit less crazy than Ahmadinejad.
24. are all iranians as stupid as this guy?
mike ,   usa   (01.02.06)
so how does he explain how the iranians got in the middle east? aliens??
25. Iran
Ken ,   Skokie, USA   (01.02.06)
This guy is out of his mind. Does anyone think that perhaps this nutcase is proof of aliens comming to earth?
26. Ahmed
Yoel ,   USA   (01.02.06)
He looks like Ringo.
27. I'm gonna finish the job---because Europe told me so!
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.02.06)
He is using History as the green light to Finish killing off the Jews! By saying the Europeans, sent Jews to Muslim countries, to be eradicated by the Muslims, he has given himself the right to kill all the Jews with no retribution from the World. I was just doing what I was ordered to do! He expects no complaints from Europe by making them complicit in the crime. This guy is as dangerous as Hitler! You better really consider taking this clown out ,before he does your country first. He is Hitler, reincarnated. The green light just got turned on right in front of your eyes. This nut plans on wooing world opinion to finish you off. What an excellent minipulator. This guy could be the Devil, in an Iranians body.
28. A Palestinian--you forgot something! 11#
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.02.06)
Your buddies sacked Jerusalem, built a mosque on top of a Jewish Temple, and expelled the Jews to Europe. Now you anti semetic whiners, can't see fit, to share land that you stole, without permission, in the first place. How about telling the truth for a change. You kicked the left over Jews, into Europe's court. And now you are very upset, that the Jews left the anti semites in Europe, to come live with your anti semetic a$$!!!!
29. 2 #Ahmed Palestine : What Holocaust?
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.02.06)
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem met with Hitler during WW2. He tried to get the Germans to set up a concentration camp to exterminate all the Jews that were in Palestine. Are the Jews shoving your children into gas ovens, Ahmed? No----they haven't been committing that atrocity. As for your current conditions, being behind a wall, you created your wall, by murdering innocent Jews. Actions have consequences. Murder is punishable by death in America. You got off easy. Waking up every morning with a good attitude, an attitude that gets you to work, keeps you occupied, and gives you some satisfaction, that you are supposed to be a human being, that's all you need to succeed. So what's all the Palestinian's problem? Get off your butts and do something constructive with your lives other than blowing up innocent Jews! And quit associating your plight with the Holocaust. You lie to much to the World. It's hard to tell when you might be telling the truth anymore.
30. # 11
What ethnic cleansing are you referring to? Now if the Zionist monster was ethnically cleansing Israel as you claim logic would dictate that a nation’s capital would set the standard for the rest of the nation. From personal experience I have witnessed Arabs living along side Jews in Jerusalem, so in effect you are expecting the readers of your post to make what conclusion. To the six million Arab refuges, when they have lived in exile for over 2000 years, and they have any interest in coming back to what ever nation the UN decides to give them by all means let the have that land. As to a racist G-d, yet aging you have your facts wrong. G-d gave the land to the JEWS if you are a believer in the Torah, (or Old Testament) you might be surprised to know that G-d actually gave the land of Israel to Abraham, which he bequeathed to Isaac, who in turn gave it to Jacob, and therefore the land belongs to no one but the JEWS
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