Thugs set upon man wearing Santa costume
Natasha Musgovia
Published: 03.01.06, 10:10
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52 Talkbacks for this article
31. Jews persecuted christians, so what's new
Adelphos ,   The Netherlands   (01.08.06)
There has always been animosity from jews towards the christians. But history shows that in Europe things worked out rather differently. Let's hope that someday this kind of misbehaving will belong to the past. Try to focus on the dangers of islam.
32. Reply to Adelphos
Johann ,   Trondheim, Norway   (01.09.06)
"Let's hope that someday this kind of misbehaving will belong to the past. Try to focus on the dangers of islam. " Are you crazy!? You blatantly ignore the Jewish problem and then try to refocus the danger onto Islam. Fix them both, don't ignore one and hope it goes away.
33. Santa Hate Crime
Santa ,   North Pole   (01.09.06)
Jews aren't a little hateful are they? No presents for those that commit hate crimes against old Sint Nick..
34. Hatred is hatred
Matt ,   Virginia Beach   (01.09.06)
It doesn't matter whether the guy in the santa suit was a jew, a muslim, or a christian, what happened to him was criminal, hateful, and carried out by fanatical hatemongers. How can jews seperate themselves from other fundamentalist fanatics when their people exibit the same intolerance and hatred that other groups, mainly the muslims, are derided for every day. It doesn't matter what book you read, or what god you worship, if you are beating someone for looking, or acting in a way that you don't agree with then you are the problem, not the person being beaten. I always hear about jewish persecution and intolerance, how Jews are hated everywhere and that their security is in jeopardy everywhere in the world. Perhaps it is not becasue of your religious beleifs, but because the same hatred and intolerance you claim is acted out upon yourselves is the very same hatred and intolerance you release upon anyone who doesn't share your abstract mental orientation. Take a look in the mirror and think about what you are supporting and the dangerous double standard you set. No one deserves to be beaten, nearly to death, for dressing a certain way. What if next time I saw an orthodox jew walking down the street during easter, I stomped him into the ground because he's not going to hunt for Easter eggs that day? What would the Jewish community have to say about the crime. I think it would be classified as an anit-semetic, religiousl hate crime...don't you think?
35. Who said they were Jews?
Many teens from Jaffa goes to nightclubs in Tel Aviv and they are mostly Arabs.
36. Two Standards
Stine ,   Chicago   (01.10.06)
There aren't many articles out there about this incident. Think of the worldwide media uproar if a group of hoodlem goyem were to do this to a fictional Jewish character while yelling "dead Jew"....
38. Truth About The Talmud
geezee ,   USA   (01.10.06)
The Talmud is a difficult text to read because it contains many discussions (that took place over hundreds of years) in the form of proof and disproof. The logical progressions lend itself to out-of-context quotes For example a quote is taken out of R. Shimon ben Yochai: Kill [even] the good among the gentiles. This is a single passage extracted from a thorough study of the book of Exodus. R. Shimon ben Yochai was discussing a case of war. The point he is trying to make is when in battle, do not try to spare the lives of those opposing soldiers even if they are fine, upstanding people. Kill any enemy soldier, regardless of their character. Reading R. Shimon ben Yochai's teaching as a single-sentence imperative to kill all gentiles is simply wrong and is not how Jewish scholars have ever understood it.
39. Reply to Johann
Adelphos   (01.10.06)
The 'Jewish problem' as you call it does not exist, meaning that there is no threat to worldpeace that can be traced back to Jews. I'm not a conspiracy freak. Of course you can critisize the way in which Israel is handling its internal affairs, as do I. But it's islam that is the biggest problem we have to tackle, now and in the future.
40. Reply to Adelphos
Matt ,   Virginia Beach   (01.10.06)
What exactly is the problem with Islam? What sort of solution do you have for this problem? Why is it any more dangerous than Judaism or Christianity, or any religion outside of Buddhism? A religion is not dangerous until the followers of that religion begin to disrespect and cast off anyone who doesn't worship the way they do. Not until their beliefs are written into law, and their beleifs are forced upon others, does a religion become dangerous. When killing in the name of occurs, then religion is dangerous. And Jew, Muslims, Christians, Communists, Hindus, are all the same and have committed the same horrific acts, and indeed, every organized religion is part of the so called "problem". So before you start calling the kettle black, make sure you are not the pot.
41. More then a lump of coal will be in their socks next christm
Santa Claus ,   North Pole   (01.11.06)
Ho Ho Ho! I know who is definetly NOT on my list of good boys. I am going to make a special treat for them next Christmas. You may say "but they are jews and don't celeberate Christmas" but you forget I have out for that Easter Bunny's left hook!
42. Reply to Matt
Adelphos ,   The Netherlands   (01.11.06)
Islam hasn't matured in time. It is still as archaic as it was in the days that mohammed had his 'dreams'. Think of the time when islamic armies even conquered Spain. And was it not for Karel Martel, those Saracenes would have invaded the rest of Europe as well. Nowadays, going on a rampage isn't necessary any more. Islamists are already among us in Europe as they migrated to become the cheap labour force our post Second World War industry needed. Well, there you have it! And as the muslim population is increasing steadily, their influence will get stronger and, at a certain point in time, will absorb, or downright annihilate our western civilisation. If you don't believe me I invite you to visit The Netherlands. Walk through any major city and you will admit that there is some truth in what I'm saying. Regrettably :o(
43. hmm...
Andrew ,   Australia   (01.11.06)
Reminds me of a gang of 20 Arabs who beat up three guys because they were dressed as Santa Claus down here in December. Anyway, discrimination against Gentiles in Israel is nothing new.
44. Santa in Israel
Dave Carter ,   Brampton, Ontario   (01.16.06)
To the Jews who don't like to see Santa Claus in Israel: TOUGH! There was no excuse for their actions. Since when is Santa Claus a symbol of Christianity? All those involved should have been rounded up, tried and imprisoned. Not only that, I hope anyone dressing up as Santa Claus in Israel carries a handgun and uses it if necessary.
45. Thugs set upon man wearing Santa costume
Patricio Bridges ,   Newton, NC.   (02.06.06)
As a Christian Zionist I was deeply troubled after reading this article. It would sadden me greatly if I thought that anti-Christian sentiments like this were prevalent in Israel. I would expect a hateful act like this from Moslems but I'm shocked to see it come from Jews.
46. a surprising example
shawn ,   tulsa,ok   (02.07.06)
The thing to remember is that the jews are the majority in their country, and therefore a latent hatred of christianity may become overt without reprisal from the state (unless they are worried about scaring off tourists lol) This is clearly a "hate crime," based on religious grounds, but very unlikely it would ever be treated as such. This isnt a surprise to me personally. It is the nature of tribes and tribalism, and no amount of cultural sensitivity training will erase that fact. But it does point to a double standard; liberal cosmopolitan in the USA; right wing maniac in yours.
Mohd Nabil ,   Georgetown   (03.10.06)
well i hope christians would open up their eyes and stop supporting stupid israel who is full of racist a muslim i never treat my christians friend like this never
48. Figures...
Mike ,   USA   (03.11.06)
God forbid a Christian said "dead jew" it would be all over the news and we would give the jews money to feel better. Jews are not oppressed, they just complain and exagerate everything.
49. i'm a proud jew and i must say...
shay ,   israel   (06.20.06)
i think that what was done here is a disgracefor jews wherever they are. all of you out there that think that jews are bastards i just wanted to say that we are not all like that ,most of us respect people from other cultures but there are some who feel the need to revange the death of their beloved onesthat died in the houlocost. i'm not joking this may sound to you a bit strange so let me give an example, my grandma during the holoucost was terribley ill and her mom needed to pull out her golden teeth from her gums and sell them so my grandma would be able to buy some milk and honey. shocking as it might sound there are many jews who suffered badly in the holoucost and their grandsons are just searching for someone to blame so they found this poor man dressed up as santa. we the jews are not the blame it's beacause we have suffered alot during the history we (or some of us feel hatred towards christians but in general we do not hate people that are different from us. what you have got to realize that this is a process that takes time and as time goes by we will loose that "urge" for revange but we will never forget what the nazis has done to our famlies so the nazi movement will never rise to power again because they are the real blame that some jews feel hatred towards christians because christians nazis and other anti-semtic people have tortured us through out history (btw i'm sorry for the spelling mistakes if any)
50. oh no
jeremy phillips ,   greenwich OH   (12.06.07)
why would someone do this? news needs to know!
51. Typical
Scott ,   Sacramento, CA, USA   (12.26.07)
Make no mistake about it: for all the "equality" and "multiculturalism" propaganda Jews have thrust upon the "goyim" around the world, they hate everything non-Jewish.
52. Doesn't surprise me!
T. Massad ,   USA   (12.26.07)
Well what do you expect of a country that allows Gay Parades in the Holyland!
53. HEY
Welaa ,   Canada   (12.16.09)
No my friend. If these were people who followed their religion, they would have not done this. Extremism ruins everything. But i do also pray for peace between us Arabs and Jews
54. Reply to Andrew;
Ken O'Neill ,   Dublin   (04.21.12)
"Reminds me of a gang of 20 Arabs who beat up three guys because they were dressed as Santa Claus down here in December. " Can you please provide a source or link to that claim please? - if you can't I think you should just own up and admit you just made it up.
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