Pro-Israel Christians join forces
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 23.02.06, 11:32
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31. My personal support for Israel as a Christian
Roger Z ,   Minneapolis, MN, USA   (02.23.06)
Twenty years ago my Lutheran congregation in St. Louis invited a seminary prof to teach a special series of lessons; at some point he started talking about how "the Church" replaced the Jews when they "rejected Christ". I quoted to him the torah verses establishing the "never-ending covenant" and asked how that could be. He gave some feable answer. I left - I could not listen to a false teacher. That was a long time ago, but the seed was sown in my life. During the past year or so I have developed a deep hunger for the "Jewishness" of my faith, the significance of the feasts, Hebrew, and a deepened interest and love for Israel and her people. Just as the Almighty has been bringing thousands of Jews to make Aliyah, I think He is moving in Christian believers the sense of their connection to Israel (wild olive branches grafted onto the Olive Tree - Romans 11). Not being of the blood line, I cannot, nor do I make a claim to the land but I will stand up and fight for you to. What our leaders have presured israel to do is a crime in G-d's eyes and we (the US) will pay dearly for it! He is VERY jealous of His People! Yes, we disagree over the person of Jesus/Yeshua and, yes, we are told to teach and make disciples, but please don't attribute the honest, deep love and support of an "adopted" brother as an afront for conversions. Let's both work for the protection of Israel, for your enemies see us both as infedels... "the People of the Book." RCZ
32. Pro-Israel Christians join forces
Deborah Sigafus ,   North Carolina, USA   (02.23.06)
There will always be those who are fearful. God says those who bless Israel, HE will bless -- those who curse Israel - HE will curse - Frankly, I'm for blessing Israel.
33. Re: # 2..Chris
MARIE ,   usa   (02.23.06)
Chris, Why do you think all christians think the same, perhaps many do have agendas that are disgusting. But I will say, as a christian I do not think Jesus is going to kill the Jews. Actually I pray that they will be saved with me on the same grounds even if they do not confess Jesus. You may wonder how I can say this and believe in Jesus at the same is your answer which is found in the Bible.."Anyone who blasphemes me, the Son of Man, can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven in this world or the World to come" Matthew 12:32 I believe the Holy Spirit is the God of Israel who still has a covenant with the Jews who are truly "God fearing "Jews..and "God fearing "Gentiles are now included
34. Hahaha....
Oggie Van Kenobi ,   Canada, Eh   (02.23.06)
It is funny to read some of the comments and believe that adults were writing it. First of all I think this organization is a great thing to do. Israel needs help and it is cool to see that there is a group of people that are actually not afraid to say and do something to help and support Israel. All world is turning back and looking for excuses to not openly support the Israel. If there were no Jews there would be no Christianity, you are the chosen people and we are the gentiles pertaining in your destiny and your future. This organization is organized in America but there are Christians in Canada as well as all over this planet that are supporters of Israel. Israel you have a history like no other country and I am happy to be on your side.
35. #28 Catholics support Israel?
Phil ,   Los Angeles, CA   (02.23.06)
Please read your history books. It is because of how the Jews were treated by the Catholics through the centuries that today many still distrust Christians. You might recall that little thing called the Inquisition that put thousands of Jews to death using horrible torture methods? I won't even get into the Crusades. Learn your history!!!
36. Jews Don't be Fooled
David Latham ,   Madison, Alabama   (02.23.06)
David, As for conversion the only way anyone is ever "converted" is by faith, the terminology you use(saved, born again etc.) to explain it will always be a problem; as it was with Abraham so it is with us (Jews or Gentiles). Also, many Christians are beginnning to change the way they think about the "last battle". Many of us believe that the Christian nations (The West) will be involved and some of us even think that those nations are Ephriam that will be rejoined with Judah. (Ez. 37)
37. to #15 - Jesus was a Jew
Jack ,   Canada   (02.23.06)
#15, ofllowers of Jesus Christ ae called "Christians", and were given that name by the Romans as a form of derision - However, the original "Christians" were all Jews, who tried to show their fellow brother and sister Jews that Jesus was the true Messiah - its not some "trick" whereby you are being "fooled"! true Christians Love Jesus, and want everyone in the world to shar ein his promise - we all Love Israel, and believe (as the Bible teaches), that we are your grafted-on brothers and sisters... why do you look for hidden motives or hatreds? true Christians Love Israel and want to help - howevr, if you prefer to be "fooled", continue on in your ways, as the Prince of the Air and the current ruler of this planet is more than willing to fool you with his lies and deceptions... you, #15, need to spend some more time learnign exactly what love means, and not focus on the hatred yuo yourself seem to be so filled with towards rue bible-believing followers of Jesus Christ, we born-again Evangelical Christians. Be well my friend.
38. In response to vitriolic hogwash
Jay ,   Boise   (02.23.06)
In answer to some of the vitriolic dialogue in this debate I submit this: A Jew slaps a Christian, turn the other cheek. The same Jew slaps you again, turn the other cheek. The Jew slaps the Christian again….starting to get the point yet. Christians don’t want to convert Jews to Christianity. Understand this mindset from a Christian: I love the Jews as I love my own family. I will defend the Jews until the day I die. To hate the Jews I would have to hate my God and myself – that will never happen. I will continue to pray for my brother Israel so that he may eventually live in peace. Do the Jews deserve this: not really, but neither did I deserve the love and salvation that Jesus gave me through His sacrifice. So go ahead and slap again, I’ll turn the other cheek.
39. #22 Michelle
Chris ,   Toronto   (02.23.06)
I was referring mostly to Evangelical Christians, which the title stated. To be Evangelical, as this article states is what most of these group lobbies are, is to believe that anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus is going to hell. That's not made up, ask them and they'll tell you. They'll say it as polite as they can but that's the truth of it. And stop playing victim, we hear so many Christians on the news complain about being marginalized when most of what they complain about is really about them not being allowed to marginalize others. "Everything gone wrong in the world is the fault of America and the Christians" I never mentioned America but the fact that a damned pop singer, Bono, had to go to these church groups and convince them to care about Africa is a sign of how unchristian most Christians are. When has Christians even formed for anything positive lately. Look at what they’ve grouped together for recently, we've had the wonderful debate on creationism in a science class, abandoning stem cell research, and a judge, Alito, who even conservative’s brag is going to undermine Roe v Wade. If I'm painting an unfair broad stroke, well, that's because a significant number of Christians are more than willing to enforce their beliefs on others. If not though shared belief in their god, then through the laws. “You're one of those militant leftists aren't you?” You don't have to be left wing nutt to know that Adam and Eve don’t belong in a science class. It belongs in Philosophy or English Fiction class. Do something that isn't stupid and you won't be called on it. So go and climb back up on your cross and keep complaining about how you’re being mistreated and underappreciated, you ass.
40. Umbrella Group
Sandra Primrose ,   San Jose, CA USA   (02.23.06)
I am a Christian who totally supports the idea of an umbrella group to offer support and strength to the country of Israel. I don't believe there are any "hidden agendas", just the following of the Biblical mandate to "pray for the peace of Israel". I say it's about time for all of us to pray for the country of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for a great showing of support for the Jewish nation.
41. Don't confuse Evalgelicals and Catholics
Ralph Brock ,   Seattle, WA   (02.23.06)
I noticed a photo next to the article about Evangelical Christians forming an umbrella organization to support Israel, which displayed a Catholic crucifix. I'm sure this photo was pulled out of some file and added for emphasis, but it is an unfortunate error. In the Jewish mind, all Christians may seem to be the same, which is an unfortunate generalization. Evangelical Christians do support Israel, unreservedly, and without ulterior motives. Catholic support for Israel, when it can be found, is highly suspect. Please do not confuse Evangelical Christians and Catholics. It is a disservice to Israel.
42. to Post #22
Jack ,   Calgary   (02.23.06)
Michelle, I agree with almost everything you said in response to post #3, with one glaring exception... You state: "It's amazing how easily you paint all Christians as fundamentalists. I'm a Christian, I support Israel, I don't wish to force my religion on anyone...including the Jews, and I don't believe anyone who doesn't believe as I do will go to hell. " A "fundamentalist" is someone who believes in the "Fundamentals" of something.. in this case, the Bible. If you state that you don't believe certain "Fundamentals" that ARE most definitely taught in the Bible (such as only two eventual locations, Heaven OR Hell), then you are"fundamentally", NOT a Christian. You cannot claim to be a Christian, yet attempt to distance yourself from the fundaments of the very faith to which you claim membership. This is a liberal tendancy and perversion of the teachings of the Bible in an attempt to "be tolerant" of other peoples belives, etc..etc..etc.. . I am a proud fundamentalist Christian, meaning that I BELIEVE what the Bible teaches... all of it..., I don't pick and choose sectons of it to subscribe to, nor do I have my own versions of it.... I am therefore a Christian, a fundamentalist (from which group you appear to try to distance yourself from with distaste), and I believe in the fundamental teachings of the bible. A Muslim who does not follow the fundamentals of Islam, is NOT a "real" muslim any more than a Christian who does not believe in or follow the Fundamentals of Christianity... There no such thing (despite the rantings of the liberal leaning, relative morality and moral majory rules crowd - lets all be friends and find common ground type of Christians), as a "Liberal Christian". You are either a "fundamentalist" Christian, or not a Christian at all - and thats not me saying that, that is the Bible talking - Jesus Himself said, "unless you are Born-Again....", Jesus also said... "Broad is the way to destruction, and Narrow is the Gate to Salvation, and few there be that find it...(paraphrase) ... 'nuff either be comfortable with the fundamentals of Christianity, and be obediant to the Word and Teaching of God, Jesus Christ, and bear his name with pride as a "fundamentalist" Christian, or call yourself something else. As a fundamentalist Christian, I love Israel, and my Jewish Brothers and Sisters. Not because we want to build a Christian temple there (as some other person stated), but because the Bible teaches that they are my family, and that is good enough for me, and the rest of us "fundamentalist's" (inject spit here if so desired). In reproof with Love, you Brother in Jesus Christ.
43. Organization of Christians for Israel
richard Crater ,   greenville MI usa   (02.23.06)
I think it is a good idea and necessary; Pastor Hagee is right
44. To: jf Ref #25
Ralph Brock ,   Seattle, WA   (02.23.06)
JF, With all due respect, I think you are wrong on several counts. You said "Evangelicals as horrible as Wahhabis". I don't think so, not even close. Don't shoot your credibility before you even get out of the blocks. Are Evangelicals "real" Christians? That's not for anyone to judge but God Himself, but I think all Christians strive to be like Christ, some more successfully than others. George Bush: Here, I think we are in agreement. As a "Christian Conservative" it pains me to say that I am very disappointed in some of GW's positions and actions, particularly toward Israel. I think he is a politician before all else. He is NOT behaving honorably towards Israel, and by flirting with terrorist-sponsoring governments (Saudi Arabia and others) he is NOT acting in the best interests of the United States. Lastly, you said Evangelicals want to build a Christian church on the Temple Mount. Where on earth did you get that? I have never heard that! Most Evangelical groups that I know of actually want to see Israel take back control of the Temple Mount and rebuild their Temple.
45. Evangelical support
jf ,   nashville   (02.23.06)
I failed to mention that the only group Evangelicals hate more than all others are the Catholics. I've observed these people up close and I can tell you they believe that Jesus was a christian, jesus will come back and kill all non-christians, and jesus will build a christian church on the Holy Mount. They believe that unless Muslims and Jews convert that they/we will burn in Hell. Have you noticed how they have flooded this site? Like a bunch of bees.......beware the sting. P.S. some of them think jesus is american. some of them even think jesus lived in america for a while. P.S.S Israel does not need people with mental health issues.
46. #39 Chris
ME ,   USA   (02.23.06)
Chris, are you equally virulent towards the Jewish idea that only Jews have a place in the world to come? What about the Hindus or Buddists who think that the rest of us won't be reincarnated well since we don't follow the tenets of their religions? Every religion has a claim on exclusivity. If they're wrong, why do you care? Bono had to convince Christians to care about Africa? I guess the past 100 hundred years or so of setting up hospitals, schools, orphanages, etc. was uncaring? I guess groups like WorldVision who have been working in places like Africa longer than Bono has been alive don't count? Creationism? It's because Christians believe in a logical, rational God who created a perfect world without death and disease that they traipse all across the globe working so hard to eradicate the death and disease that mankind has been spreading since that incident in the Garden with the snake. Neither Creation nor Molecules-to-Man Evolution belong in a science classroom because neither of them is Science--observable, repeatable, measurable. The most they can claim to be is a historical account of unobserved, unrepeatable, unmeasurable events in history. Toss them both back into the history classroom and leave the science classroom for REAL science--physics, chemistry, biology, and the like. Christians are not for "abandoning stem cell research." We are for abandoning embyonic stem cell research. I'm all for throwing HUGE amounts of cash at adult stem cell research--especially since it has been proven over and over again to be able to produce lifesaving therapies. Perhaps you have herad of bone marrow transplants? That is an adult stem cell therapy. Adult stem cell research has recently been shown capable of producing new cardiac muscle cells and neurons. You probably didn't know that since the media who report on the subject are as incapable as you of distinguishing between the two types of stem cell research. We don't have to kill unborn people to save born people. Roe v. Wade--a bad court decision based solely on a pack of LIES! "Abortion will stop child abuse by getting rid of unwanted children" Research shows that women who have had an abortion are almost twice as likely to abuse children they have later. "Legal abortions will stop the back alley abortions that kill 10,000 women a year." The people who came up with that statistic have since admitted it was totally fabricated. The majority of the medical studies on the subject DO indicate some link between abortion and breast cancer. The studies also show that the majority of women you have an abortion experience depression, some severe depression, for years after the abortion. They also show higher rates of substance abuse and suicide, and physical abuse in post-abortion women. Christians aren't just pro-baby, they're pro-woman. Women deserve better than to be sex toys for men and money-making machines for doctors. "Christians are more than willing to enforce their beliefs on others" Why? Because we want Christmas to be called Christmas just like Hanukkah is Hannukkah and Kwanzaa is Kwanzaa? Damn those Christians for not wanting to be marginalized! And now I run into a problem...If being an Evangelical Christian makes me an ass, so be it. The part of me that wants to follow in Jesus' footsteps is telling me to turn the other cheek. The other part of thet still hears The Snake, wants you to 'kiss me.'
47. Israel was given to Abraham
Chana ,   Hot Springs, Ark   (02.23.06)
The "Christians" who agree with teachers like John Hagee are mostly people like our family...this is some of what our family believes: we believe that G-d gave the land of Israel to Abraham's descendants (Hebrews/Jews/Israelites) forever...we believe that G-d took Israel as His spiritual *wife* for all eternity...that prophecy was fulfilled when Israel became a nation once again in 1948 and the children of Abraham began to be restored there, and that G-d was the one who did this miracle...we believe that G-d requires us as followers of Yeshua to support *all* of G-d's children of Abraham through the Son of the Promise, Isaac (the 12 tribes of Israel - not just the *Jews* of Judah)...we believe that the Jewish rabbi Yeshua was and is the promised Messiah, that He came once as the redeeming Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 and will come again as L-rd and King...that G-d's chosen people, the children of Abraham, will rebuild and restore His Holy Temple on the Temple Mount when HE directs it to be done (not men)...that Yeshua HaMashiach will reveal Himself to the people of Israel in HIS time (we don't have to "force" anyone to believe in Him)...that we are commanded by G-d and Yeshua to love G-d with all of our hearts, minds and strength, and to love others as we love ourselves - including the people of Israel, the children of Abraham and Isaac....that Yeshua will return and set up His earthly Kingdom with all nations giving honor and tribute to Him as King of kings. We do NOT believe that all people who do not accept Yeshua as Messiah and King will be *killed* when He begins to reign for 1,000 years. Yes, there will be a great battle with many killed, but there will be plenty of other people all over the world who are not part of that battle who will be alive and well. We do believe that all who worship and are servants of the one true G-d should embrace each other. We believe that what began in Jersusalem 2,000 years ago will end and come full circle - in Jerusalem. As believers in Yeshua HaMashiach, we will support and help and pray for the shalom of Jerusalem and all the people of Israel. The current U.S administration does not always do what we feel is best for Israel, and we don't agree with them then and we let them know it...but we DO know that Israel's interests are being defended WAY more than they would be if Kerry had gotten into office. And if you think the Bush administration is rough on Israel, you better pray to G-d that Hillary Clinton never makes it to that office!
48. The heart of God towards his Chosen People
Ginger ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.23.06)
Is written all over the Torah & the N.T. This is only a mirror of that from his Gentiles and its about time we organized on this!
49. more nonsense to Israel's ears
jf ,   nashville   (02.23.06)
50. Or just to your unopen ears jf?
Jack ,   Canada   (02.24.06)
Or just to your unopen ears jf? God warned us that there would be people like you (especially in the end days) who denied the truth. The posts you have made on this board have been hate filled and bordering on foaming lunacy. Quite "Intolerant" (to say the least) of those who you in turn claim are intolerant... The Bible also tells us that to those "unsaved", the Word of God would seem like foolishness... thanks for proving the book correct (yet again), as if there was ever any doubt :-)
51. Righteous gentiles
Elan ,   Zion   (02.24.06)
In these difficult times its good to know we have such good friends. Thanks for your support guys.
52. Christians desire to convert Jews
Rick ,   Duluth, MN   (02.24.06)
David, you can't lump all Christians together and say that this is a trick to convert Jews. Wrong!! Although this is indeed the intent of "some" Christians it certainly does not represent what all Christians motives are. My love for Israel and the descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is based on Biblical (Torah) truths and is not conditional on any response of the Jews. Conversion is not my goal, but I would be pleased if it encouraged Jews to study Torah.
53. Evangelicals & Trust
Debra ,   Columbus, OH   (02.24.06)
I would say all Christians hope everyone would accept Christ, however you can't force anyone. If you have to resort to manipulative tactics to 'convert' someone, something is wrong. On the other side, if a Jew decides to accept Christ as the Messiah, he or she should not be reviled. Everyone should be free to choose their spiritual beliefs.
54. Todah Chana
Dodgerfan ,   Little River, SC USA   (02.24.06)
May I add my 'Amen!' to what my sister Chana wrote.
55. Born Again Believer , Please spare me
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (02.24.06)
A Jew - your born again stuff it is your business - but not what we Jews find acceptable. Not in the manner you dish this out Our G-d is wtih us ever minute I am very weary of some this overwhelming Christian enthuasm It is fine if you want to be standing on our side, do so, but don't try religious talk that smells of convertion theories Israel and it's Capital Jerusalem isn't up for takes by NO ONE so all You Christians - thanks for all support - but remain respectful We don't try to convert YOU - never will we try
56. Ralph Brock , Seattle, Don't try to teach us Jews
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (02.24.06)
the difference between Catholics and Evangelicals We are NOT dumb: We have suffered under both faces through-out history The holocaust has been teaching us that lesson and more Jews are very capable to make their choices and to distingush we seen both - great Chrsitian supporters and Others
57. Evangelicals Support Israel
Dr. and Mrs. Rothman ,   Santa FE, USA   (02.24.06)
Amen to this article and God bless Pastor Haggee. May we be the first in line to help. In Our Lords Service, Ann and Mike
58. converting Jews?? Not possible.
M J. Dean ,   Tillamook OR 97141   (02.24.06)
Friends, the idea of converting Jews gives the idea that they will no longer be Jewish...not possible! A Jew is born a Jew and will always be Jewish!! "However," many Jews have become followers of the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus the Messiah). The first church was entirely Jewish, and the Books of the Bible--every one, with the "possible" exception of Luke was written by Jews. I love Israel, have some Jewish ancestry, follow the Jewish Messiah...and support Israel with my heart, time and money. Jews and Gentiles both need to read the Books of the Prophets and find out about "coming events!" (At least read Isaiah 17, Psalm 83, Zechariah 12!) My love and blessings to Israel. MJ
59. Christian conversion of Jews by the sword?
Jack ,   Canada   (02.24.06)
I find it interesting that this topic has drawn the following: 1) nothing but overwhelming responses of loving support from Born-Again believers, for and towards the State of Israel and the Jewish people 2) aggressive atheistic berating of the noted loving support from born-again believers as noted in point #1 3) scathing claims of secretive, deceitful and subversive "conversion" tactics towards the Jewish populace from non-believers and some Jewish people 4) cold timbered tones of complete disinterest from some people claiming Jewish heritage 5) YET NOT ONE MENTION OF THE FACT THAT MUSLIMS WANT TO CONVERT THE JEWS (and the rest of the world) BY THE SWORD, OR SIMPLY DESTROY YOU AND ISRAEL I for one, take this as a vivid display of whose hearts Jesus truly resides in, and of those whom actually are trying to obey the One True God, Jesus Christ. Sincerely Yours, in Jesus Christ.
DAMON LINNELL ,   missouri, u.s.   (02.24.06)
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