Samhadana: Jews our only enemy
Published: 23.04.06, 12:10
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1. Really !!!!!!!????????
Uzi ,   Beit Shemesh   (04.23.06)
WOW, I guess that more Jews should make Israel their HOME.
2. "Director General of the Palestinian interior ministry"!
Judith ,   Haifa   (04.23.06)
What a grand title for such a raving rogue. I think "Your Nothingness'" is more suitable. I like the fact that a British newspaper is rushing to interview these trouble-makers; how befitting. The same gutless and shameless British who published a disgraceful photo of Angela Merkel who did nothing to provoke it; all this is probably in the name of sanctimonious freedom of expression.
3. Jews are not our enemy
Mohammed   (04.23.06)
This stupid ignorant holigan mixes up jews with SOME Israelis who want to opress Palestinians and support occupation. Jews are fellew human beings who have contributed to society and man kind much more than this stupid zulu....Therefore Jews are not our enemy....
4. To Uzi
Lion Of Palestine ,   Land Of Palestine   (04.23.06)
Yes, i guess those jews who want to suicide, palestine is their best destination
5. This guy is living on borrowed time
John ,   NZ   (04.23.06)
6. use the mirror...and there is your enemy.
jessie ,   norway   (04.23.06)
7. He Needs A Hellfire Enema
Yishai Kohen ,   YeShA, Israel   (04.23.06)
Just like Sheikh Yassin got. THIS is how we get peace.
8. i smell cordite....
David ,   San Diego   (04.23.06)
i smell an israeli missle with this fellow's name on it.
9. palistine
joe demarco ,   shelton ct usa   (04.23.06)
samhadana certainlly has a right to speak out as dose olmert they each stand in defence of there countries but the sad difference is the occupation ,which is wrong seems to give the appearence that israel is correct ,but not so i believe if israel would end its occupation and allow pre 67 boarders and recognize the palistinian gov things would stablize there are many in israel who support the same LET END THIS INSANITY this IS YR 2006 HAVE WE AS A WORLD PROGRESSED ??????
10. Abu needs Jesus
Brian ,   Kalamazoo, USA   (04.23.06)
His solutions to peace is Christ - who is all our peace.
11. and BBC journalists, in fact anyone is fair game...
mike   (04.23.06)
Here is the account of a bbc journalist when he was shot in saudi arabia by an alquida cell. The rest is in todays sunday times.,,2092-2147581_3,00.html EVEN THEN it crossed my mind how unfair this was. I had spent four years studying Islam for my degree, learning Arabic, reading and translating the Koran and other Islamic texts. I had lived happily among Arab families, fasted with Bedu tribespeople in Jordan, taught English to the impoverished family of an Egyptian taxi driver in a verminous Cairo slum. For the past few years I had tried hard to explain the complexities of the Middle East and the thinking behind the Al-Qaeda phenomenon to western and international audiences. And this was my reward? A bunch of bullets in the guts from men who had convinced themselves they were killing in the cause of Islam. It just did not seem right.
12. Hey lion, Where is palestine??????
Uzi ,   Beit Shemesh   (04.23.06)
I don't see it in any World Atlas....... I Only See ISRAEL. you are no LION but a moron lion. More Jews need to come HOME..........
13. Lion of Palestine...
Leo ,   Israel   (04.23.06)
look out for the drone!
14. palastine
Daniel ,   Washington, DC USA   (04.23.06)
Samhadana wants to kill Jews. This is nothing new. People have wanted to kill Jews throughout history. I'm certain nothing on earth will stop people from wanting to kill Jews. Israel wants to kill Samhadana. This too is not news. Israel wants to kill off people who want to destroy them. People have suggested returning to the "pre-1967" borders to stem the tide of the killing. But how far back should we go? 1920? Then all of Jordan and Palestine were one nation. Pre-Ottoman Empire? How about Pre-Roman Empire or Pre-Babylonian Empire? I'm certain if we went that far back there might be good historical context to establish borders. How about we leave the borders as they are today. Borders for which many have died. Finish the wall and let the Arabs have yet another State. But the next bomb, air strike or attack to come from that new Arab State should be considered a declaration of war and that should bring on all the consequences of war. Samhadana is ultimately a small man with small ideas. Let's move on to a bigger picture.
15. Samhardana will soon have a reunion with his old freinds
Dani ,   Kfar Saba   (04.23.06)
Samhadana, soon you are going to joint your old friends in hell.
16. 4 Lion: you sound more like a stupid mongrol cat
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.23.06)
17. LION : Fake Pali: learn history
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.23.06)
The term "Palestinian" is itself a masterful twisting of history. To portray themselves as indigenous, Arab settlers adopted the name of an ancient Mediterranean tribe, the Philistines ("Invaders" in Hebrew), that disappeared out over almost 3000 years ago. The connection between this tribe and modern day Arabs is nil. Romans, in order to conceal their shame and anger with rebellious regions, changed the references to Judea and Samaria by naming them Palestine. 1. Nationhood and Jerusalem - Israel became a nation in the 14th century B.C.E. Two thousand years before the rise of Islam. 2. Since 1272 B.C.E. the Jews have had dominion over the land for up to 1,000 years with a continuous Jewish presence in the land for the past 3,300 years. 3. The only Arab dominion since the Arab invasion and conquest in 635 C.E. lasted no more than 22 years. 4. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to Jerusalem. 5. For over 3,000 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital and Arab leaders did not come to visit. 6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran. 7. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray facing Mecca (often with their backs toward Jerusalem). 8. In 1854, according to a report in the New York Tribune, Jews constituted two-thirds of the population of that holy city. 9. In 1867, Mark Twain took a tour of Palestine. This is how he described that land: A desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds. A silent, mournful expanse. We never saw a human. 10. In 1882, official Ottoman Turk census figures showed that, in the entire Land of Israel, there were only 141 000 Muslims, both Arab and non-Arab. 11. A travel guide to Palestine and Syria was published in 1906 by Karl Baedeker; estimated the total population of Jerusalem at 60,000, of whom 7,000 were Muslims, 13,000 were Christians and 40,000 were Jews. 12. In 1922, with what was widely acknowledged as the illegal separation of Transjordan, the Jews were forbidden to settle on almost 77% of the Palestine, while Arab settlement went unrestricted and encouraged by British mandatory authority. Did you know that Saudi Arabia was not created until 1913, Lebanon until 1920? Iraq did not exist as a nation until 1932, Syria until 1941; the borders of Jordan were established in 1946 and Kuwait in 1961. Any of these nations that would say Israel is only a recent arrival would have to deny their own rights as recent arrivals as well. They did not exist as countries. They were all under the control of the Turks. Over 80% of the original British Mandate land was given to Arabs without population transfer of Arabs from the land designated for Jews.
18. nutty as a fruitcake
Sivan ,   Tel Aviv   (04.23.06)
19. #9, That is all what we are asking about
atmawi ,   Historic Palestine   (04.23.06)
Just end the occupation Now, as my friend said, we are in the 21st century, and history will not forgive us, we will be remembered with the loosers who let the ugliest occupation to endless. OR If it is so hard for the Israelies to leave the Land they stole from us, and Palestinian Refugees find it so hard to forgive with thier land in Haifa, and Akko, then let all have ONE STAE FOR ALL. I bit you 99.99% of the Palestinian people will agree with me. It will solve all non-Racist humans problem. I guess Israelies think thier blood is red, ours is not, They still think that althoug we are all came from Ibrahem, still we are the maid (Hager) sons and daughters, and they are the Princess (Sara) sons and daughters. and as a result, we shall serve the masters for good, if they agree to hire us. Shame on You. It is teh 21st century
20. #17 Racist doesn't know why Pal are called Pals
Muhammad-Ali ,   Montreal   (04.23.06)
Read history, what was the Holy Land called from 1918 till 1948? The Britisdh mandate of Palestine. So what its citizens were called? Palestinians? When Israel was formed, what became the name of its citizens? Israelis. If u r a citizen of Switzerland, u will be a Swiss.
21. population in Palestine.
gaby silberwein ,   genoa   (04.23.06)
British census of 1922 - first serious census : moslems : 589 000, jews : 83 000, christians : 71 000. By the way, ottoman census of 1878 : moslems : 403 000, jews : 15 000, christians : 44 000. All thses figures may be checked on the internet.
22. 21 Gaby Silberwein . Brush up on facts
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.23.06)
Israel: was already a Kingdom: In the First Century CE, the Romans crushed the independent kingdom of Judea. After the failed rebellion of Bar Kokhba in the Second Century CE, the Roman Emperor Hadrian determined to wipe out the identity of Israel-Judah-Judea. Therefore, he took the name Palastina and imposed it on all the Land of Israel. At the same time, he changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina. The Romans killed many Jews and sold many more in slavery. Some of those who survived still alive and free left the devastated country, but there was never a complete abandonment of the Land. There was NEVER a time when there were not Jews and Jewish communities, though the size and conditions of those communities fluctuated greatly. Thousands of years before the Romans invented "Palastina" the land had been known as "Canaan". The Canaanites had many tiny city-states, each one at times independent and at times a vassal of an Egyptian or Hittite king. The Canaanites never united into a state. After the Exodus from Egypt probably in the Thirteenth Century BCE but perhaps earlier -- , the Children of Israel settled in the land of Canaan. There they formed first a tribal confederation, and then the biblical kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and the post-biblical kingdom of Judea. From the beginning of history to this day, Israel-Judah-Judea has the only united, independent, sovereign nation-state that ever existed in WHAT IS NOW REFERRED TO "Palestine" west of the Jordan River. However, when Great Britain's protege Emir Abdullah was forced to leave the ancestral Hashemite domain in Arabia, the British created a realm for him that included all of Manfate Palestine east of the Jordan River. How was Jordan formed: There was no traditional or historic Arab name for this land, so it was called after the river: first Trans-Jordan and later Jordan. By this political act, that violated the conditions of the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate, the British cut more than 75 percent out of the Jewish National Home. No Jew has ever been permitted to reside in Trans-Jordan/Jordan. WHO IS A PALESTINIAN? During the period of the Mandate, it was the Jewish population that was known as "Palestinians" including those who served in the British Army in World War II. The current myth is that these Arabs were long established in Palestine, until the Jews came and "displaced" them. The fact is, that recent Arab immigration into Palestine "displaced" the Jews. That the massive increase in Arab population was very recent is attested by the ruling of the United Nations: That any Arab who had lived in Palestine for two years and then left in 1948 qualifies as a "Palestinian refugees". "There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented. . . . Our country was for centuries part of Syria. 'Palestine' is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it." -- Local Arab leader to British Peel Commission, 1937 By 1948, the Arabs had still not yet discovered their ancient nation of Falastin. When they were offered half of Palestine west of the Jordan River for a state, the offer was violently rejected. Six Arab states launched a war of annihilation against the nascent State of Israel. Their purpose was not to establish an independent Falastin. Their aim was to partition western Palestine amongst themselves.
23. 19 atmawi: Again there was/is NO occupation legally
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.23.06)
Occupation legally can only be done by one Sovereign State occupying another Sovereign State. Jews lived for centuries in the Jewish Homeland. PA/PLO is considered legally a NONE STATE ENTITY so they have no sovereignity that can be occupied. Israeli presence in Yesha does not constitute "occupation," and moreover, that the U.N. Partition Resolution of 1947 is a "recommendation" and not obligatory. "Up until 1948, Judea, Samaria and Gaza were a part of the British Mandate. In the 1948 War of Independence, Egypt illegally grabbed the Gaza Strip, and Jordan took Judea and Samaria, the 'West Bank.' Egypt did not claim sovereignty in Gaza, but Jordan deigned, in 1950, to annex Judea and Samaria. This annexation was not recognized by international law. The Arab nations objected to it, In 1967, after the Six Day War, these territories - which were originally meant for the Jewish Nation's National Home according to the Mandate Charter - returned to Israeli control." in 1988, King Hussein of Jordan rescinded its legal and administrative ties to Judea and Samaria. "According to international law," "Israel has full right to try to populate the entire Land of Israel with dense Jewish settlement, and thus actualize the principles set by the League of Nations in the original Mandate Charter of San Remo in 1920. At that time, the mandate to the Land of Israel was granted to the British, and the introduction to the mandate charter states clearly that it is based on the international recognition of the historic ties between the Jewish People and the Land of Israel. Clause II of that mandate charges Britain with 'ensuring the existence of political, administrative, and economic conditions that will guarantee the establishment of the Jewish national home in the Land of Israel.'" "Even the White Paper of 1922," emphasized the Jewish Nation's rights to the national home in the Land of Israel - while at the same time tearing away almost 80% of the mandate's area on the eastern side of the Jordan and giving it to Emir Abdullah." There is nothing in international law that requires a Palestinian state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean - not even the UN Partition Resolution of Nov. 29, 1947. The fact that the Arab states did not accept the Partition Plan, voids the recommendation of any legal basis. Resolutions 242 and 338, which call for negotiations and a "withdrawal from territories" (not "withdrawal from THE territories") captured in 1967, are similarly "recommendations." These resolutions were drawn up under the UN Charter's Clause VI, which deals with non-mandatory recommendations - as opposed to Clause VII resolutions, "which are mandatory, and which deal with a threat to world peace, such as those taken against Iraq." If by chance you don't understand Intl. Law - you should take a lawyer and file for arbitration and explanations with the T.M.C. Asser Institute on Intl. Law in the Hague. Good Luck
24. #9 and #19
The majority of Israelis would like to end the conflict as well and would be happy to leave most of the West Bank. The problem as I see it is that returning to the 67 borders doesnt fit with the realities on the ground. The large settlement blocks are too big to simply dismantle. As for dismantling the smaller settlements and illegal outposts, that should definitely be done. Lately I have heard talks of proposing territorial swaps, Jewish communities for Arab communities. Some claim this would be ethnic cleansing on the part of the Israelis, but given that the Arabs would rather live under Palestinian rule, and the Jews would rather live under Israeli rule, it just seems to make sense. The only thing that has to be worked out is the logistics. To end this conflict there needs to be a compromise based on the current realities. What are your thoughts on such a compromise? One that doesnt involve simply returning to the 67 borders?
25. Again the Zionists play with facts
Muhammad-Ali ,   Montreal   (04.23.06)
Occupation means occupying a territory that is not yours fror that reason, the WB and GS were called occupied territories.
26. Enemy are ZIONISTS
Dovy ,   Toronto   (04.23.06)
Please check thoroughly You will find that the ONLY enemy of Hamas are Zionists, which is understandable. And if they identify the Zionists as "Jews" then it is up to "Jewish" leadership to speak up. Of course you cannot expect this from the Agudists or their supporters, since they are Zionists as well.......
27. to #24
jason white ,   afula,israel   (04.23.06)
The majority of Israel was fed this propaganda by the media and the liars in politics.I do not want to give them something that is mine.I and a lot of others want the arabs off our land.It does not belong to them! I would rather give them Tel Aviv and the leftist kibbutzim.
28. to Jason White
I am no leftist and I do not want to give them our land either, but the reality is that the arabs are not going to simply get up a leave. The only solution is to make a compromise based on the current realities. The arabs however won't agree to a compromise and so we are left with consolidating as much territory as is feasable and drawing a border.
29. To Gabrielle and all who deny Palestinian rights
Joe ,   Brooklyn, NY   (04.23.06)
You have to admit that there were many more Arabs than Jews in Palestine before 1948, even moreso before the Holocaust. And yes, most of them came after the Zionist movement, particularly after 1921. However, the Jewish state would not have been able to exist in an area with an Arab majority, so the solution was, and still is, to give the Arabs a state. There is Jordan, but the Arabs west of the river are entitled to self-determination as well, and the solution is a Palestinian state based upon the 1967 borders. And to anybody advocating transfer, that's called genocide. You're fooling yourselves if you're convinced that it can be carried out without killing lots of innocent people. Even Israelis would die en masse if transfer were to be carried out. I am pro-Israel because I believe that the Palestinians are the ones who are primarily responsible for thwarting a two-state solution. If Israel were really unwilling to end the occupation (yes, occupation, and I am a law student who has studied international law), then I would support the Palestinians.
30. To Joe, clarification
Navi ,   Canada   (04.23.06)
When you say based on the 1967 borders, do you mean precisely or do you believe that there should be some changes to accomodate the present situation? As for the issue of transfer. It would not be genocide because people would not be murdered. Regardless, I don't think transfer would be feasable so it's not really an issue. What about a transfer of control over certain areas assuming that the people living there agreed? No one would be removed from their homes, and more people would end up living in the states that they identify with.
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