Officials: Israel-Italy love affair over
Itamar Eichner
Published: 18.05.06, 08:49
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49 Talkbacks for this article
1. Suspect them all.....
Ram ,   London   (05.18.06)
Israel must treat all countries with suspicion, even those who profess to be its most faithful allies. Italy has nothing to be proud of at the moment. It has been going downhill for the last 30 years or so because of its left leaning politicians. They opened the floodgates to the muslim hordes in a pact with the devil for the sake of the flow of oil. Never mind they are not doing Israel a favour, they can't even do themselves a favour.
2. The LEFT has invented the modern antisemitism !!!
3. Strike the italian communists !
4. Not to worry, the Italians have elections every year
Logic ,   Israel   (05.18.06)
5. antisionism or antisemitism?
shimon ,   madrid   (05.18.06)
These guys under the mask of criticism towards israel hide antisemitism and the recent publications in Liberazione are a good proof of it. Still, i don't think we can say that d'alema is a communist, although he was, today he is a social democrat. But make no mistake about it, the new leftist government has some intelligent people but also a lot of ignorants, who really consider israel a racist country and an aparheid system. That's quite funny, in the eighties they were defending the Soviet Union, and now for a Jew in Italy it's easier to have good relationship with the postfascist Alleanza Nazionale, which during the Berlusconi government was really pro israeli, than with those leftist pseudo - intellectuals. Pure Hypocrysy
6. Since when does even-handedness mean anti-Israel?
Ellen Prescott ,   Southsea, Hampshire   (05.18.06)
Italy has long been biased against the Palestinian people under the corrupt Berlusconi government. Italy's new government will now make up for past errors and institute a more fair policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
7. A shame. I still love Italy, ...
howard ,   pacific coast, usa   (05.18.06)
and I remember with great pleasure my visits to this wonderful country, and the extraordinary kindness of its people (including but not limited to its Jewish communities). It's a shame that D'Alema has such an intense bias against a friendly nation, and in favor of a "government" that refuses to renounce terrorism. It is doubly a shame that he is in a position where he could actually destroy a growing friendship. #2, the Left is one of the centers of modern antisemitism, which still follows the idiotic policies of the defunct Soviet Union. The second center is the Deranged Far Right, which still follows the idiotic vision of Adolf Hitler. The third center is rooted in the Arab/Muslim world, where a lot of people (though not all) follow idiotic world visions propounded by hypocritical despots, deranged religious fanatics and would-be dictators.
8. Italy Returns To It's Fascist Past???
J ,   London   (05.18.06)
9. Ciao
Joy Springreen   (05.18.06)
Think, Spain, think Chile, think mexico, think brazil, think countries in africa, think kazakhstan and the caucaus think scandinavia, central and eastern europe, USA and Canada. Ciao Italia. Your crazy economy no longer needed.
10. If D´Alema wants to call Israel, Palestine
Uziel   (05.18.06)
it is just fine, we must simply to make clear to him that the jewish people are the real palestinians and that we do not give away a part of our heritage to this arab land and heritage stealers.
11. Another frenchman with an Italian accent.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Santa Monica, CA   (05.18.06)
12. The BIGGEST problem today in the "West" is the Left...
Parkek ,   Hong Kong   (05.18.06)
...and amazingly this includes a disproportionate number of liberal and left leaning Jews. Even in Israel (and of course the diaspora), with everything that is going on, there are still Jews which support those that wish to slaughter them. It's not like the people they support share the same liberal and humanistic views and values as they do. Have they simply lost the plot? Do they subconsciously yearn for their own and their people's self- destruction? Do they secretly yearn for another Masada or Holocaust? Is it possible that they are only comfortable as victims seeking only sympathy? While the far-Right is still indeed a problem, and thus needs to be closely monitored, the bigger danger today is from the Left. It is the Left which seems to be in bed with the Arab/Muslim Islamists and nationalists. It is the PC Left which is tying the hands of reasonable and rationable people in the "West", thus enabling the extreme Leftists and Arab/Muslims do their job of undermining "Western" liberal democracies. Remember: Democracy is not a suicide pact! With respect to Italy (and other nations which have been taken over or unduly influenced by the Left), rather than demonize an entire nation, all should direct their fury to the real culpret, Leftism! It is the real Israel, Jews and the existing free liberal Western democracies. Wake up, please!
13. Pilot ? Vespasian ? Hadrian ? Nero ?
andrew ,   miami,fl   (05.18.06)
14. Hey - Massimo- I - ah - mean - ah - you
M. Afahiosi ,   Germany   (05.18.06)
..." You -ah-toucha- my -peopla., I -ah- breaka-your-ah-face -eh
15. the honeymoon with Italy is over
rimona ,   JERUSALEM   (05.18.06)
How come Italy does not give back its occupied territories: Sud Tyrol (Alto Adige), Val d'Aosta, Sardegna, Sicily, instead of mingling in the Jewish state's affairs?
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (05.18.06)
Haj Amin, Jerusalem's Muslim religious leader, travelled to Europe and spent the war years helping Hitler murder Europe's Jews. Europeans deported Jews from European countries over 80 times. European ethnic Jew-cleansing addicts, along with the U.S. are leading the charge for present-day Jew deportation. GAZA, Palestine, November 6, 2005 (IPC + Agencies) - - The President of the European Union's Development Committee, Luisa Morgantini, declared that the EU has laid a plan with a budget of several millions of dollars to support several aspects of development in the Gaza Strip... She continued that occupied nations have the right to defend themselves using legitimate means of armed resistance in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention." 65 years ago, it was unacceptable for Jews to live in Europe. In our present day, the EU legitimizes the maiming and murder of Jews for living in their Jewish homeland. In 1948, Egypt invaded Gaza and ethnically cleansed ALL Jews. In 1948, Jordan invaded Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem and ETHNICALLY CLEANSED ALL JEWS. In 1967 when Israel won Islam's religious war of aggression against it, Jews returned to the areas of their homeland they had been ethnically cleansed from for 19 years. Islamofascists and their powerful allies DECEITFULLY call this return "occupation". Under international law, territories are considered "occupied" only when taken in an act of aggression which does not apply to Israel. Judea, Samaria and Gaza are not 'occupied territories' according to international law because they were not taken from any foreign sovereign. There NEVER was an Arab country of Palestine. The hands of the EU are bloody.
17. Burning of Israeli flags in Italy
Larry ,   Eastbourne, UK   (05.18.06)
This incident illustrated clearly the close ideological link between Nazism and modern left-wing antisemitism and hatred of Israel. But please don't go condemning Italy or the Italian people for the actions of a few far-left fascists.
18. Back to the future?
Arie   (05.18.06)
We'll find out when the next elections are held in about 3 to 6 mos if Italy has returned to its fascist roots or has expunged them as Germany has.
19. I sent an e-mai to the Italian Embassy and called them
Chaya ,   Bat Yam   (05.18.06)
and said that I have always wanted to visit Italy; but because of the appointment of Massimo d'Alema I will NOT make any plans to go there! And besides his appointment, Jewish graves in Milan were desecrated. This man's comments will only encourage more terror. He must be removed or, at least, snubbed/ignored.
20. #6, Ellen, you continue to amaze!!!
DR ,   Florida, USA   (05.18.06)
Since when do countries have to "deal" with terrorists? Would you hold talks with someone who was throwing stones at your home. Would you negotiate with someone who is shooting at you? If you answer yes, then you are missing a vital part of your brain that helps you survive. Israel cannot lose this survival instinct or else it will perish. Maybe you would be happy with that???
21. What An Ass
David ,   SF, CA   (05.18.06)
typical European using his latent anti-semtic feelings to dictate a dead end policy
22. # 20 DR
yakov shani ,   Israel   (05.18.06)
why are you amazed, she is only using this page as an outlet to get at you and others. She has a lot of pent up hatred inside her, hatred for you and me, this page is the safety valve, if she does'nt use it she will explode.
23. Italy
Brod ,   USA   (05.18.06)
With the increasing dominance and influence of Islamists-Jihadists in Italy, this does not come as a surprise. In fact, if Italy does not watch her backyard, it will be overwhelmed by Islamist-Jihadist Trojan Horses whose demographics are exploding exponentially. In her book, "The Force of Reason," noted Italian Journalist, Oriana Fallaci, has warned about the invasion of Europe by these Islamist-Jihadist Trojan Horses.
24. # 20 & # 22
Saba   (05.18.06)
Since when do countries have to "deal" with a country that destroied 400 villages ? Would you hold talks with someone who was throwing 5 million person in refugie camps. Would you negotiate with someone who is shooting at your kids ( mohamed el Durra)? If you answer yes, then you are missing a vital part of your brain that helps you survive. Palestine cannot lose this survival instinct or else it will never exist. Maybe you would be happy with that???
25. americans and racism
john ,   london   (05.18.06)
I am always amazed to read americans taking the high moral ground on racism. Do they consult the FBI statistics on hate crimes in their country? do they know the situation of blacks americans in the deep south? simply go to Washington D-C, your capital, and you see the most segregated city : cross a street and everybody is black and vice versa.
26. #23. The Force of Reason
Ram ,   London   (05.18.06)
This book by Oriana Fallaci deals with a multitude of facts. A highly recommended book for anyone interested in the truth about Islam. While Oriana may ramble on about certain things and in the process throw some mud at religious belief or even the occasional jewish leader, the historical research she shares with the reader are mind blowing.
Arik Silverman ,   Milwaukee USA   (05.18.06)
So Israel lost Berlusconi. The loss is mixed. Remember another good friend Israel once had? Idi Amin of Uganda. Birds of a Feather. When you have friends like those two, you'd better wonder what you're doing wrong.
28. Italian government is pleasing terrorists
Isac ,   Florida   (05.18.06)
"d’Alema said that ‘while the organization is in fact extremist, the terror attacks it wages on Israel are part of the Palestinian resistance to the Israeli occupation.’" In that case, when Islamic fascists will strike Italian civilians/targets that would be o.k., right?
29. 6 Ellen Prescott : we don't expect you Left Commie to think
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (05.18.06)
straight ever: The Liberal Left - In the name of Social Justice - helps willingly without admitting - Terrorism, by appeasement ! (in capitals). Terrorism becomes to the Left automatically finally acceptable. Islamic Jihadists etc.are acceptable partners..... at the most just a nuisance as the Left believes - we should not focus on. There is a craving in them for totalitarian systems. The Liberal Left never wakes up to reality before horror strikes - rather accepts same as the inevitable. The people's suffering, in this case Jews beeing murdered - dying is of no consequences - Freedom in the real sense exist not in the Lefts vocabulary, as we fathom each single time. The Left's idea of Freedom is simply just the absence of war, no matter what or how. The Left has not yet comprehended ..... Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice. The name of peace is sweet, and the thing itself is beneficial, but there is a great difference between peace and servitude. Peace is freedom in tranquillity, servitude is the worst of all evils, to be resisted not only by war, but even by death. (the last said by Cicero) The Liberal Left falls into their common servitude of appeasers - yes, the worst evil of all. Finally the Left excuses Mass Terrorism - Islamic cruelty, demonizing instead the victim as we daily see in the Media - A Media so utterly brilliant in pushing the Left to the forefront - while the conservatives are demonized. That's the Left's so called Democracy and Freedom. The most they will do is celebrate 60 years later conferences with speeches and shout - Never Again - void of any deeds and actions - until the next time. But at the same time urging us to turn the page, negotiate anything whatever what with the enemy who wants to destroy us by any means, since The Left have said Sorry and gave us a moment of celebrating our losses. .......... That such turning of the proverbial page of mass murder, genocide of humanities roots isn't acceptable to the victims doesn't strike their conscience, isn't embedded in their poor souls.... The Liberal Left - our 5th column in our society - wanting to live on a perfect planet - sadly enough lives on another planet - far removed from reality - far removed from the Real Freedom. What the Left has yet to understand The idea of living in a Free Society is a powerful source of strength (strength they some how don't seem to possess) - but it demands a constant willpower to stand up for that Freedom, to conserve it - it is a precious gem, as those know who were/are deprived of it. Freedom is/was not gained via preaching - but via actions - actions that demand strength and character. The Left when it comes to character shows themselves as a 'Society of Fears' which reaches out to appease in order to overcome fear. Whereas this divides them from those who will take the responsibility to stand Tall - stand up to BE and defend A Society of Freedom. Therefore - The Liberal Left - see those in Free Societies - those of conservative Belief - as their enemies and Foreign Dictators and Totalitarians as their friends and partners. History is the silent proof of Ashes that should be shouting out loud - we have a duty to the generations to come - to turn this soil over to them with the Freedom our Forefather had fought for. But Ellen - The Red Loney - has not yet understood reality of survival and real Freedom.
30. 24 Saba: can't you understand terrorism against Jews ?
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (05.18.06)
Do you support Jews being murdered ? Your pseudo is a Fake then - you ain't NO Saba
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