Opinion  Sever Plocker
Noam Chomsky applauds jihad
Sever Plocker
Published: 18.05.06, 10:13
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31. # 19
yakov shani   (05.18.06)
She would simply blame the Jews and ask for a court order for the arrest of any Israeli attenpting to enter the Fallen Empire for war crimes. Sad, very sad.
32. #6 What the heck are you smoking?
Logic ,   Israel   (05.18.06)
Learn some history. Jihad has been with us for 1400 years. Wahabism for 200. This before Israel was recreated and before the USA was involved in world affairs. By the way, there is such a thing called terror. Just Google "zaka" and you'll see who has to clean up the mess you refuse to see.
33. To Adam #22
Sivan ,   Tel-Aviv   (05.18.06)
Great reply, but probably lost on her.
34. Questions for Ellen Prescott of the UK
Kate ,   London   (05.18.06)
"More and more young Muslims who are living under occupation feel that there is no way out other than to commit acts of 'terror.' " Let's leave aside for one moment the fact that suicide bombings are not the acts of lone individuals, but instead the manifestation of the genocidal impulses of those who wish to make Israel Judenrein and address issues rather closer to home: 1) Given that the Nazis could not have murdered six million Jews without the almost total and willing collaboration of all of Europe, and taking into the account that virtually none of the vast amount of property stolen from the victims has been returned and none of the perpetrators brought to justice, do you think that we Jews would be justified in murdering innocents in Warsaw, Amsterdam, Prague, Vilinius, Brussels, Paris, Budapest etc. etc? (Please note that I include the UK in this as Britain effectively collaborated in the Holocaust via numerous channels). 2) Given that 800,000 Jews were ethnically cleansed from the Arab nations and all their property stolen, do you think that we Jews would be justified in murdering innocents in Cairo, Beirut, Baghdad etc. etc. 3) Do you believe the recent bombings in London were justified given, inter alia, the UK's shocking treatment of her Muslim citizens and her participation in an illegal war in Iraq in which well over 100,000 innocent civilians have been killed? 4) Do you believe that the IRA bombing campaigns were justified given Britain's numerous brutal policies in Ireland?
35. A message to Ellen in Southsea
Larry ,   Eastbourne, UK   (05.18.06)
Dear Ellen, You complain of Israeli and American imperialism and talk of Islamic liberation movements, but I fear you are ignorant of Islamic history. How do you think that Islam has spread so widely? Because of imperialism, of course. Because of invasion, conquest, war, murder, rape, torture, enslavement, oppression and every kind of barbarity inflicted on the invaded native populations. If you want examples of imperialism and racism, Islam has no peer. Are you unaware that Islamofascist imperialists want to make Britain an Islamic state? Perhaps the Muslim invasion, colonisation and occupation of Britain has not yet reached Southsea, perhaps you do not have many Muslim settlers there so far, but history suggests it is only a matter of time.
36. no. 6 leave all the Commonwealth
Doron ,   Milano, Italy   (05.18.06)
When the British finally leave all their colonies get back to me!!
37. An intellegent but evil self hating Jew
S Judah ,   London   (05.18.06)
A lefty of the worst kind would have sucked up to Stalin, Marx , Mao. Not only is he a self hating Jew he hates the West. The Guardian in the UK use him to support their anti Israel and anti West line and you cannot get worse then that. There are no Al Hets available for this person.
38. Why you and not them.
Tóirse ÓRíordáin ,   Dublin, Ireland.   (05.18.06)
I'd be more worried about nations with an actual history of mounting aggressive war campaigns in posession of nuclear armaments, such as U.S.A. Britain, China and Russia. Chomsky's knowlege on the history of American and Israeli foreign policy reaches far beyond that portrayed by any of the worlds mainstream media, if you haven't seen him talk or read one of his political books you really shouldn't dismiss his opinions as ridiculous.
39. #6 Ellen: R U ready to cover yourself from head to foot?
Chaya ,   Bat Yam   (05.18.06)
Because that is what these Islamic Fascists want for the world. YOU ARE AN IDIOT!! You don't know what you are talking about!! Liberation movement?? My ass!! It is the JIHADISTS who are the colonialists!! They want the world to submit to Islam (which is what the word Islam means). You had better wake up, woman!!
40. To #6 Ellen
Micha ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (05.18.06)
Please tell me, what country has Israel colonized? The Jews are quite obviously the indigenous people of the Land of Israel. This is an absolute fact supported by an overwhelming amount of evidence - historical, literary, archeological, linguistic, biblical, and even from the Koran.
41. Ellen is
Ivri   (05.18.06)
A coward,she comes on here and spews her trash,directly from the land of social equity and tollerance (londonstan),but never comes back to answer rebutals......must be spending more and more time with her favourite Islamist sleeper cell in londonstan..(,,,god save the burka clad queen)
42. History
Ivri   (05.18.06)
The beheaded boddies of the traitors were thrown by the zealots over the walls for the Roman legions to see " Josephus Flavious Chomsky is a traitor.Cavorting with Murderers and anihilators of his own people.
43. Chomsky isn't a liberal - he's just a nut
Karen R ,   Maryland   (05.18.06)
Chomsky is not a liberal. I'm a liberal, and I've never agreed with him. Neither have almost all the other liberals I have known. He's just your run-of-the-mill reality-deprived academic publicity hound. True, he was a brilliant linguist, but most of the people who followed his politics in the early years became neoconservatives (left-wing nut to right-wing same, same difference). He no longer has any influence on US public opinion. He never did anyway, outside of a very narrow circle. People understand that he lives in a world of his own making. Let's quit getting upset over him and spend our energy on constructive things -like making sure the separation fence gets finished quickly and equitably, so Israelis and Palestinians can stop threatening and irritating each other.
44. Re: "Why you and not them."
Kate ,   London   (05.18.06)
"I'd be more worried about nations with an actual history of mounting aggressive war campaigns in posession of nuclear armaments, such as U.S.A. Britain, China and Russia" Spoken like a true Irishman.
45. #6
Yeah? how come our poor people don't go and blow theirselves up in "palestine"? And guess what, you didn't give a solution, you gave only 1 of the many problems that constitute this dispute. Until you have a better answer I'd suggest you to shut your pie hole as you have no idea what you are talking about. If your opinion is whatever some professor says, then obviously not only Muslims can get brainwashed. How can you justify someone who supports a declared terror organization that doesn't even work from Israel? what will you say now? that we opress lebanon?... give me a break, just because you can speak english fluently doesn't mean you have any idea what you are talking about.
46. Noam Chomsky
Brod ,   USA   (05.18.06)
Noam Chomsky is an antithesis to his Jewish heritage. He may as well become an Islamist-Jihadist.
DAVID ,   SF, USA   (05.18.06)
48. To #40 Micha.
Tóirse ,   Dublin, Ireland   (05.18.06)
I believe Israel colonised Israel, supposedly it used to be called Palestine.
49. Unreliable Chomski
Ananda Ganesh ,   Bangalore, India   (05.18.06)
Though Mr. Choamski's qualifications are unquestionable, his intentions are unreliable and dangerous.
50. Reality is liberal appeasers are cause of WWIII.
David ,   Boston   (05.18.06)
These appeasers of evil are the cause of much of the suffering in the world. They have brought about the early stages of WWIII. The key is will these liberal apologists ever learn that appeasing only gets you one place..dead. Chomsky is a self-hating Jews who denies historical facts and prefers to repeat them. He may be an excellent linguist, but he is a poor historian, and an embarrassment to the Jewish people.
51. Read #22, Adam. He is 100% right!
David Landman ,   Boston, USA   (05.18.06)
52. This reminds me........................
Josh ,   Atlanta   (05.18.06)
of all the white Americans who run around lamenting about how whites slaughtered the Indians, which is very true. But if you're white, and you criticize the fact that whites live in the Western Hemisphere, shouldn't you either kill yourself or move to Europe? Same for this guy, if he hates Jews, he needs to start cleaning house by committing suicide and let everyone else get on with their lives. By the way, I think the same about radical environmentalists? Think man is the ultimate problem with the earth? Fine, start helping out by turning yourself back into plant food. Meanwhile I'm going to live on former Indian land, support Israel, and impact the environment. Too bad, I don't wear a suit and tie, then people would really think I'm evil.
53. Chomsky
Seymour ,   Berkeley, USA   (05.18.06)
A great critique of Chomsky's views on Hizbullah is Michael Young's article in today's Daily Star of Lebanon. The Lebanese also have to live with the burden of Hizbulla and don't like it one bit. Check out Young's blast at Chomsky and the left's mentality.
54. #6
Jane   (05.18.06)
You make me puke, you and all your like-minded (or lack of mind[ed]) terror-appeasing garbage. You see the world through the prism of ignorance. You know nothing whatever of the realities in the region, and expect everyone to join you in choruses of "Kumbaya". If I read one more pseudo-psychoanalytical apologia for these Islamofacist beasts...
55. #15
Jane   (05.18.06)
Get on the meds line in back of Ahmanahitler
56. The blame
jason white ,   afula,israel   (05.18.06)
it lies with the Jews in the states.There is not one who is willing to punch him in his stupid mouth. What could you get if you knock him out? A fine for littering? Pick him up with a big pooper-scooper. Pity the Jewish Defense League of the '70s is no longer around.
57. #19, 22, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 45
Ellen Prescott ,   Southsea, Hampshire   (05.18.06)
#19, I am not an anti-Semite. And nothing anti-Semitic was mentioned in my post. 22, I do not condone terrorism, whether it is committed by Americans or Al Qaeda. My point is that as long as there is colonialism in the Middle East, Muslims will retaliate. The 7 July bombings were instigated by Blair's involvement in the Iraq occupation. I sympathise with the victims whilst I understand the plight of Britain's Muslim community. And I believe that Muslim women wear the hijab because they have a sense of value and worth. They view their bodies as precious things, not to be tampered with. What is wrong with that? 34; Neither I, nor any of my family members and friends had anything to do with the extermination of Jews during WW2. This was over 5 decades ago. Although it would be cruel to forget the Holocaust, it is time to move on. I doubt that the Arab Jews who chose to move to Israel 50 years ago still feel a lot of plight about their departure from their original countries, as they now live under cruel discrimination in Israel from the Ashkenazi elite. I do believe that the Iraq occupation is what enraged the Muslim youth to take part in the London bombings. With regards to Ulster, Britain has never been 'brutal.' In fact, it is England who cultivated Ireland. Ireland has relied on England for centuries. The IRA is a trivial organisation of drunken louts who have no idea why they fight. They ought to be greatful that they are part of this grand Kingdom! 35, I understand that Islam's history isn't perfect, but neither is Christianity's. Let me remind you that there are only 1.6 Million British Muslims out of a nation of 60 million. 36, Every citizen of the Commonwealth is proud and honoured to be a subject of Her Majesty. 40; I don't deny that most Jews from Europe and the Middle East are indigenous to Israel/Palestine, but so are the Palestinians. You both have got a connexion there. 41; I have many friends who are Muslim and wear Hijab. They are proud to wear Hijab. I have Jewish girlfriends as well. 45; I don't condone any violence. But I believe that people under occupation and who experience violence on a daily basis feel that they have no other choice but to do something drastic, which is most likely, a violent deed.
59. Chomsky also supported Mao and Pol Pot
AK   (05.19.06)
He and his side kick Norm Finkielstein are the poster boys for the American Left and the American extreme Right, not to forget the Islamists "moderate" and otherwise..
60. Ellen Prescott, this time there'll be no Lend/Lease
AK   (05.19.06)
You better "honker out" your own mess, or get yourself a burkha (just in case you haven't got one stashed in your closet already.)
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