Eilat: 500 take part in Gay Pride Parade
Meir Ochayon
Published: 19.05.06, 16:39
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31. Eilat Gay Parade
Liam Hogan ,   London U.K.   (12.23.06)
To all the unnatural, religious perverts and freaks that put hateful and ignorant bile on this site about the Gays, may I remind you all of something most of us spiritual and G-d believers have realised for a long while: 1) It is the Judeo/Christian religious mythology that used to teach us the Earth was flat and that the planets (the seven Holy Lights/Gods in the sky) all revolved around the earth. Any of you guys still believe this? 2) Your Religions used to teach us that all life came from the male ejaculatory process...until the female eggs were discovered and the womans contribution to the process of life belied your primitive, patriarchal nonsense and again your Religions had to change their message. 3) Your Religions also used to teach humankind that disease, deformity, pestilence, drought a calamity were all the result of 'Gods' will and not due to the observance of the weather and basic irrigation or of an elementary practice of hygiene. The message miraculously changed and was buried once the dicovery of pathogens, microbes and weather patterns made a mockery of your 'God's' huffing and puffing. 4) Womens and minority rights to equality, education, inheritence, sexual pleasure, suffrage, employment (including the Priesthood and Ministry) all came about against bitter oppostiion from the Christian and Jewish faiths. All of whom raged against it being contrary to ' The Word of God'. How many of you Religious freaks would now deny females their G-d given rights now? 5) The Christian Church blamed and massacred Jews throughout the centuries blaming them for the death of Jesus Christ and cause of pestilence and calamity while at the same time proclaiming it to be ' The Will of ' God'' How many of you Religious Right perverts still proclaim this to be true? 6) The Catholic Church ( parent of all modern Christian Protestant sects) has based it's Chatechism, Doctrine and Faith on written texts of, at best, doubtful authorship which it Itself admits to believing purely on a basis of heresay and 'Faith' and nothing else. 7) The Christian Church (both Protestant and Catholic) used to prevent us all from playing sports on the Sabbath, wearing party frocks on our birthdays, eating healthy foods and drinking alcohol. Now, my dear little homohaters can you please tell me this: a) Has your 'God 'changed His mind about all of this? b) Have your 'Holy Books' changed their words? c) Or is it simply that the human mind has changed it's understanding of the 'Word' and altered it's beliefs accordingly? If c) is the answer then I suggest you look at the question of homosexualty in the same light and change your opinions and beliefs about that too. As we have already observed, your God's Mind or His Holy Scripture need not be altered to accomodate this. Shalom Israel.
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