England afraid to fly its own flag
Modi Kreitman
Published: 04.06.06, 16:31
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258 Talkbacks for this article
61. Are you lot retarded?
Steve ,   Bristol   (06.04.06)
Someone has already shown this article is a lie - absolute load of rubbish. If anyone needs to grow a pair it's the people who believed it was true in the first place. A pair of braincells.
62. 52 Ellen: Get off the PC NMX Micro Chip is Israeli
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.04.06)
So, you want to boycott Israel? do it properly. Let me help you. Check all your medications. Make sure that you do not have tablets, drops, lotions, etc., made by Abic or Teva. It may mean that you will suffer from colds and flu but, hey, that's a small price for you to pay in your campaign against Israel, isn't it? While we are on the subject of your Israeli boycott, and the medical contributions to the world made by Israeli doctors and scientists, how about telling your pals to boycott the following..... An Israeli company has developed a simple blood test that distinguishes between mild and more severe cases of Multiple Sclerosis. So, if you know anyone suffering from MS, tell them to ignore the Israeli patent that may, more accurately, diagnose their symptoms. An Israeli-made device helps restore the use of paralyzed hands. This device electrically stimulates the hand muscles, providing hope to millions of stroke sufferers and victims of spinal injuries. If you wish to remove this hope of a better quality of life to these people, go ahead and boycott Israel. These are just a few examples of how people have benefited medically from the Israeli know-how you wish to block. Boycotts often affect research. A new research center in Israel hopes to throw light on brain disorders such as depression and Alzheimer's disease. The Joseph Sangol Neuroscience Center in the Sheba Medical Center at Tel HaShomer Hospital aims to bring thousands of scientists and doctors to focus on brain research. A researcher at Israel's Ben Gurion University has succeeded in creating human monoclonal antibodies which can neutralize the highly contagious smallpox virus without inducing the dangerous side effects of the existing vaccine. Two Israelis received the 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Doctors Ciechanover and Hershko's research and discovery of one of the human cells most important cyclical processes will lead the way to DNA repair, control of newly produced proteins, and immune defense systems. The Movement Disorder Surgery program at Israel's Hadassah Medical Center has successfully eliminated the physical manifestations of Parkinson's disease in a select group of patients with a deep brain stimulation technique. But let's not get too obsessed with medical research, there are other ways you can make a personal sacrifice with your anti-Israel boycott. Most of Windows operating systems were developed by Microsoft-Israel. So, set a personal example. Throw away your computer! The Pentium NMX Chip technology was designed at Intel in Israel. Both the Pentium 4 microprocessor and the Centrium processor were entirely designed, developed, and produced in Israel. Voice mail technology was developed in Israel! The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was developed in 1996 in Israel by four young Israeli whiz kids. Both Microsoft and Cisco built their only R & D facilities outside the US in Israel. So, due to your complete boycott of anything Israeli, you now have poor health and no computer. But your bad news does not end there. Get rid of your cellular phone! Feeling unsettled? You should be. Part of your personal security rests with Israeli inventiveness. I also want you to know that Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world. Israel produces more scientific papers per capita - 109 per 10,000 - than any other nation. Now want me to continue ??????? There is plenty more Mazel Tov
63. good.. if any country
former brit,   (06.04.06)
deserve this you pompus brits do .now pucker up and kiss arab ass, slag off the israelies as this is the only way you brits know to get on with the bullies.
64. To #52
Francois ,   Paris   (06.04.06)
Calling you a moron is very fair. You claim to be a teacher but your poor understanding of realities proves that you are a major moron. In my opinion, you are totally unfit to teach something, even basic maths, to children.
65. Your flag...
Greg V. Gritsch ,   USA   (06.04.06)
You are attacked by terrorists and are concerned about offending them? Seems like SOME of your countrymen have forgotten when you were attacked by the Nazis. Did you pull your flag then?
66. ...don't loose perception of scale...
Vorax   (06.04.06)
...symbolizes the 'blood thirsty crusaders' and the occupation of Muslims... occupation of what?... I am not anglo-speaking and don't consider myself as an educated man, but what I recollect from Union Jack, approximately - - mechanics - Newton - steam engine - Watt - economics - Adam Smith - DNA structure - Watson/Krick/Franklin - electrodynamics - Maxwell - atom - Rutherford - electron - Dirac - evolution - Darwin - computers - Turing, Shannon - universe - Herschel, Jeans - drama - Shakespeare, Shaw - poetry - Byron, Keats, Wilde Shelley, Burns, Moore etc. - prose - Dickens, Kipling, Joyce - philosophy - Bacon, Hume - music - Handel, Elgar, Britten - painters - Constable, Waterhouse, Geinsborough, Rosetti, Lawrence (and many more) that is at first glance. and what do we have from.. eee.. how do you spell it?... eee... musselims?
67. exactly #61
Ari ,   Manchester, UK   (06.04.06)
Thank you Steve. How many times does it need to be pointed out that #1 this article is false and #2 England is NOT afraid to fly the flag; there is at least 50 on my street alone. I've read the real article in THE SUN, I suggest you Britain bashing ignoramuses do the same. To, stop the sensationalist Britain baiting articles, not only are you alienating Britons in general, but you are alienating British Jews like myself. Some of the comments about my country on these talkbacks are frankly racist, and extremely offensive. You are winning no friends.
68. Political Correctness
Josh ,   Seattle, USA   (06.04.06)
Political correctness will destroy the West. Do the opposite of what the Islamo-fascists want us to do.
69. The flag is flying all over the place
S Judah ,   London   (06.04.06)
There may be something in the Sun report, but it is negligable. I am here and the flags are flying all over the place. Pubs, Shops, homes and cars.
72.  # 60 G G
yakov shani ,   IL   (06.04.06)
That lovely sanatorium in the mountain above Montreux would be better for her.The Arab Association for Unfortunate British Academics would be willing to bear the cost which is prohibitive for regular people. She is certainly worthy of consideration.
73. Shame and disgrace
74. Through your thick heads
Steve ,   Bristol   (06.04.06)
Is there some part of "this story isn't true" that you self-righteous colonials don't understand? Keep posting the outrage and the insults, it shows who the real idiots and cowards are - too scared to accept you've been had by media bias? I've never come across any anti-semetic sentiment in the UK, and only the tiny minority of halfwits like that Ellen character actually sympathise with the outrageous demands of a very small portion of the muslim population. The is nothing what so ever to do with Islamic threats and flying the flag. A major chain of pubs has banned football shirts because of worries about hooliganism (which, thank you very much, we're entirely capable of ourselves). It has also banned smoking in many of it's pubs, and in many it won't play music? The writer may as well have tried to link to one of those for all the difference it would have made to the actual fact of the matter. We don't like extremist Islam, and won't tolerate it or bow to it. We treat all extremism that way, including this load of rubbish - the writer of the article should be fired for such nonsense, and all right-thinking people should voice their distaste for this news source. In printing such blatant rubbish it not only harms it's own reputation but also that of Israel as a whole. If I were Israeli I'd be ashamed and disgusted at such reporting, just the same as if I would as a Brit if I discovered a news source was claiming that Israel was out to destroy Europe - it isn't true and makes all those associated with it come across as idiots or bigots.
75. Professor Ellen Prescott
honest man ,   los angeles, usa   (06.04.06)
Dear Ellen , I am not a professor, neighter a historian, but is not that true that the ethnicity/religion that you are supporting, and embaracing in the name of left , is the same invasive power that has made perished many different civilization and cultures in middle east, ie Coptics in Egipt, Assyrians in Iraq, Zoroasterianism in Iran, and now fighting with Hinduism in INdia, ... believe me I am not a name caller, but if you are not a fit for the word moron, then is there a better title? do you think a professorship gives protection for a moronic behaviour?
76. Hold Fast
Arthur Clements ,   Las Vegas USA   (06.04.06)
Don't worry, can always fly your colors here in the USA.
77. Flag of St George
Geoff Corre ,   london   (06.04.06)
The sheer historical ignorance of some people is astounding-St George was born in Turkey and died in "Palestine", and had absolutely nothing to do with the Crusades. The Crusades were initially directed at Christian heretics such as the Cathars and were also directed against Jewish people. This does not prevent us from supporting the England football team.
78. Ari
j   (06.04.06)
Ari, the truth hurts!!!!
79. This article is why I don't read YNet anymore
YNet seems to be campaigning to exagerate the Islamist threat and anti-Semitism in the UK, and in its quest to do so it has published yet another wildly inaccurate article whose only purpose is to scaremonger. If they keep lying so proactively about this, it makes me wonder how truthful the rest of their coverage is. Sure there is an Islamist problem here in the UK, and there is anti-Semitism, YNet is so keen to make headlines that the coverage on this topic has been twisted to the extent that it has become propaganda.
80. Silly #67
Mike ,   Atlanta, USA   (06.04.06)
Believing is seeing, not the other way around. Indeed, that's the essence of anti-Semitism. Now YOU and your lot can deal with it for a change.
81. #52
Jane   (06.04.06)
Actually not. The academic community in England is of late, as we all know, of very questionable repute. The purported fact that you are a professor further attests to that creeping disintegration. I am not unkind, Ellen. I find your blather unacceptable, unbearable and insufferable.
82. #61
Jane   (06.04.06)
Given the impending takeover of your country by Islamofacists and their sympathisers, it will be true all too soon. Further, considering how self-righteous you Brits are, do you not think it is profoundly politically incorrect and markedly insensitive to use the word "retarded"?
83. #64
Jane   (06.04.06)
A votre sante!
84. # 62 G G in re Ellen # 52
yakov shani ,   IL   (06.04.06)
Just to add a few words to your long list. In the previous century the teachings of three men changed the face and nature of the entire world more than any other human beings in the history of mankind, influenced and changed, whether one agrees or not with their teachings is irrelevant. Freud, Marx, Einstein. Need I say more ? Perhaps,Gaby, you know, but I doubt if our professor friend does, I shall enlighten her. Dr. Chaim Weizmann made immeasurable contributions to the British war effort 1914 - 1918, as scientific adviser to the Defense ministry. Again when Singapore fell to the Japanese in ww2 he was called upon to save the day because Britain's supply of rubber ( tyres ) was terminated, he invented latex, and very quickly at that. President Roosevelte summoned him to the White House for an urgent meeting with Du Pont and Monsanto. Churchill had a very small and select group of confidantes during the war, a handful at most, they had his ear at all times, as he had theirs.Dr. Weizman was one and Iss Elleniah Berlin another.I wonder if Ellen could give us the name of one, just one Muslim, whose name has become household like the first three I mentioned. Or perhaps one who has contributed to Britain or mankind in a significant way. I could go on for a long time, I wonder if she knows that Ezer Weizman flew as an ace spitfire pilot in the Battle of Britain, to save her skin. I could tell you many stories of sheer and outright bravery, bordering on madness, regarding Israeli soldiers who played "special roles" in the Btirish Army in ww2, especially in North Africa. Any Mulims do the same? Ellen, they are losers, we want to help them, they want to kill us.
85. DPC, Britain and the Holocaust
Kate ,   London   (06.04.06)
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that had the Germans invaded Britain in 1940, the vast majority of Brits would have collaborated with the Nazis to murder their Jewish neighbours. Britain not only fought a war in spite of and not because of the Jews but actually collaborated in the Holocaust via numerous channels, including: the 1939 White Paper, the conferences at Evian and on Bermuda, the refusal to bomb the railroad tracks leading to Auschwitz. This is a stain on Britain's reputation which will never be expunged. And Britain's reputation was hardly enhanced by the neo-Nazi conduct of British troops in post-war Palestine. In that engagement I can assure you that the British army behaved little better than the SS.
86. #82, Regarding ignorance
Steve ,   Bristol   (06.04.06)
I'm not sure where you're from, Jane, but the UK is far from on the verge of anything of the sort. You are, in short, talking out of your rear end, but that's okay, as I'd expect no less of someone who actually believes this article and defends such blatant lies in the media to further their own agenda. I have no time for political correctness or so-called insenstivity. Most people I know are the same, which is exactly why your claims are so profoundly wrong. While the closet socialists in New Labour are trying to tax us into obivion and the big-government federalists in Europe are trying to legislate us out of our own sovreignity, there is a growing trend over here. People aren't standing for the multiculturalist nonsense that has in recent decades pervaded academia and politics. What we really want now is equality and tolerance, but not at the cost of our own identity. While taking such ideals too far (see France and it's limitation of it's own language and culture) is bad, we are seeing a much needed rise of national identity, especially amongst the younger academic circles. If, however, you and your comrades wish to keep believing the media crap that you're being fed here then so be it. You'll look like fools, for sure, but at least you'll be able to live in your little bubble of paranoid delusion. Of course, should you care to educate yourself to the actual state of affairs, or get something resembling a grasp of contemporary politics, feel free to actually ask questions and check your sources.
FRIEND   (06.04.06)
88. To everyone saying this article is false
"Following warnings by extremist Islamic group al-Muhajiroun, in which the group said that the red cross in the England flag symbolizes the 'blood thirsty crusaders' and the occupation of Muslims, some of the largest companies in England have ordered their workers not to wave the flags. The flag has recently appeared in England on everything from bikinis to cars, and sold in endless versions in stores. But the Islamic protest forced some corporations, such as cable companies NTL, Heathrow airport in London, and even the Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Agency to ban the flag in every form due to fears from reactions of Muslims. The Sun tabloid newspaper has in recent days launched a campaign to bring back the flag, and has published a blacklist of companies preventing their workers from expressing their patriotism at work. The Sun said that a large pub network has banned drinkers from entering with symbols of the national team. The hero of the day is a two year-old toddler, who was thrown out with his parents from Leicester, because he wore the England team's uniform. " Tell me what was innacurate there please. It covers that most English are waving the flag second paragraph, so your bringing that up shows that YNet is telling the truth, not that it is lying. So please read the entire article as oppossed to just the headline. If you have a problem with the headline say the headline is a lie, but don't say the entire article is a lie since every word in it is infact true. P.S Geoff you are an ignoramous, the Cathars had nothing to do with any Crusade other then the Albigensian Crusades (Which was launched against them, not by them), I suspect you got the idea that Cathars where the Crusaders from something ahistorical that the authors know is ahistorical. Steve Your calling Israelis colonialists betrays your own prejudices which seriously reduces the credibility of everything you say. Ynet may have made a mistake in the headline it used, however the contents are infact accurate. Some big english companies have banned the flag, and that is totally rediculous, and tragically reflects a road to Dhimmitude that the Liberal Dhimmis (Liberal Democrats) want us to embark on. Rule Britainia, Muslims who despise our flag ought not to move here. P.S the Crusades were not what modern Muslims and Dhimmis say they were, and they were never launched against Jews. St Bernard of Clairvaux himself stopped an anti-semitic incited during the Second Crusade.
89. Just proves how England stinks.
No wonder they produced humans like Ellen.
90. Afraid to fly our Flag.
teapot ,   England   (06.04.06)
If true, then this very worrying indeed. I’d like to show this article to a few people. Can you provide a link to the original source of this story please? Many thanks, TP
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