Jewish Scene
New York: Missionaries storming Israelis
Eitan Amit
Published: 03.07.06, 11:05
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61. to (57) Edwin
Marcel Abel (France)   (07.04.06)
Edwin, different interpretations in the New Testament may be traced back to the original text itself, as it contains much uncertainty about the meaning of some words, about syntax, etc. (Please see below ). Thank you for giving valuable opinion in a friendly way. It is rather uncommon here. The Meaning of Words in the Masoretic Hebrew is Lost The copy of the Holy Scriptures produced by the Jewish Publication Society, being the Jewish Bible, does not contain the New Testament. In reviewing it, we discovered some interesting things. One shocking observation was discovering hundreds of footnotes as the following: # Exact meaning of Hebrew uncertain, # Syntax of Hebrew unclear, # The traditional reading madhebah is of unknown meaning, # Grammar of Hebrew unclear, # Meaning of first line uncertain, # Meaning of verse uncertain in part, # Force of Hebrew uncertain, # Construction of the verses uncertain, etc. This was very shocking. We are usually told the Bible is inerrant. The Jews were the guardians of the Old Testament who were extremely diligent to preserve the text that not one jot or tittle was added or removed. Nearly all Christian Bibles rely on the Jewish Masoretic Hebrew text for translating the Old Testament into current languages. How was it possible for the translators to produce an "inerrant" Bible, when the "guardians of the so-called 'inerrant' Hebrew text", did not know the meaning of many words and passages? The Pronunciation of Words in the Masoretic Hebrew is Lost "The English names of the Hebrew letters are written with much less uniformity than those of the Greek because there has been more dispute respecting their powers. This is directly contrary to what one would have expected. Since the Hebrew names are words originally significant of other things in the letters and the Greek are not. The original pronunciation of both languages is admitted to be lost." (The Grammar of English Grammar, 9th Edition, 1865). A Maxim of Law states, "He who does not speak the truth is a betrayer of the truth." So, if people are doctoring up the truth intentionally, or they are not really speaking the truth, they are actually betraying the truth! It is worth noting that, as far as the Hebrew text is concerned, the King James was translated from the Ben Chayyim Masoretic Text; named after Jacob ben Chayyim, under whose editorship it was printed in 1524-1525, while almost all modern English bibles translated since 1898 rely heavily on Kittel's revised Masoretic text; Rudolf Kittel was a German rationalistic higher critic, rejecting Biblical inerrancy and firmly devoted to evolutionism. So, if the original Hebrew language has been lost, and all the Old Testament books contained in bibles are based upon a corrupted 8th-10th century manuscript that has little in common with the Original Hebrew Text, is God's Word still available to us today? Well, God has promised us that He would preserve his Word (1 Peter 1:23, 25, Luke 21:33, Psalms 12:6-7; 119:89, 152, 160, Isaiah 40:8; 59:21, John 10:35, Matthew 24:35). So, just where is God's Word preserved today? Have a nice day !
62. #60
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (07.04.06)
Maybe it's because the net is open and we support freedom of expression in this country? We allow fundamentalist Jews to appear on secular talk shows, too.
DEBRA ,   USA   (07.04.06)
64. Good Luck with the Chassidim!!!!
Aidel ,   Sydney/Australia   (07.04.06)
I understand them targetting Russian speaking jews who have little knowledge of their heritage, but I cannot imagine them getting very far with Chassidim. Chabad Chassidim are at the for-front of Jews 4 Judaism and will probably ending up handing THEM out a 7 Mitzois of B'nai Noach!!!
65. Former jews for Jesus
Mike ,   Israel   (07.04.06)
These meshumadim are no longer jews, they are former Jews, most who claim to be jewish are third generation removed from Judaism, ask them and they answer "well my grandfather on my father;s side was Jewish till he married a non jew and accepted jeezer" duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! BTW there is no such jewish name as Yeshua, the name is Yehoshua, but since they insist on trying to judaize the name why don't they call him Yeshmucka HaMomzer? Jews do not believe in Jesus plain and simple, not inquisitions , nor crusades, nor pogroms nor holocausts (all expressions of Christian love) can change that!
66. Edan, Beer Sheva (#42) 2,000 Years of Failed Argument
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (07.04.06)
Torah has survived Christian polemics the last 2,000 years because Christianity is so riddled with errors. Jews are right in this respect: Jesus cannot possibly be the Jewish Mashiakh. On the other hand, Christianity has also survived Jewish polemics during that same 2,000 years because Jews, while mainly correct, won't abandon a couple of messianic implications that even the Jewish Sages acknowledged are correct. Christians are right in this respect, and corroborated by Talmud and the Jewish Sages, when they argue that Is. 53 refers to the Mashiakh. Neither side has been willing to subordinate their pre-inclinations to the rational laws of the Creator and deal with the implications. Polemicists on both sides employ the same arguments that have failed for 2,000 years, amassing a 100% failure rate for their arguments all that time. Still, both sides refuse to learn a thing. That's why the conflict has raged for 2,000 years with the same failing arguments but no resolution. Airing the same failed arguments, yet again, always produces the same result. Recently, Jewish anti-missionaries have even contradicted Talmud and Tanakh, which would implode Judaism, in their attempts to win at any cost. They are very convincing - to an uncritical audience rooting for them in an Orthodox gathering or on Arutz-7 radio where there is no other voice. But they crash and burn in a more critical forum - like this one - where they run into diverse historians, seminarians of other persuasions and other scholars. And you, Edan, can hit Is. 53 out of the park? Step up to the plate and show us what you got. Advocating Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming non-Jews
67. ifthey will pay
some body ,   city   (07.04.06)
okey ..jessus is the god of the jews
68. To Marcel the missionary
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (07.04.06)
Oh Marcel... Where to begin..? For starters, who was this Richard Anthony? Was he a jew? How pretentious and ridiculous to think that a non-jew would know more about jewish texts than a jew! In any case, any religious scholar (jew or not) knows very well that our Tanach was already complete (WITH VOWELS) long before the 8th century B.C.E. More like the early 4th... You prey on less knowledgable jews like a wolf to sheep. In any case I strongly urge you to go to . Take a look at the Q&A section where Rabbi Singer elucidates how the authors of the gospels manipulated and mistranslated the hebrew texts in order to fulfill their christian agenda. Notice how he always refers to the original hebrew text. It may be very hard for you to accept but I think it will do you some good....
69. to (68) How insulting your adress. It's not the way my stude
I am all but a MISSIONARY. I am a Catholic and proud of my denomination. Again the same antiphon : only Jewish scholars are experts. For example, who deciphered hieroglyphs ? He was a " foreigner ". 6
70. Missionaries
almann ,   jerusalem   (07.04.06)
In reacting to an article to the visit of the Pope to Auschwitz, I wrote that the aim of the church is to erase the Jew from the face of the earth. Now a new tactic... The Jews for J. This group intends to seduce the jew by resorting to those pre-Paulian apostles, whom they consider Jews, to demonstrate that it is possible to be Jewish and believe in J. Paul, Saul of Tarsus, sought to Christianize the pagan world at that time. Well,Paulian christianity has failed to make headway in the erasure of Jewry. However, nowhere is it mentioned how the apostles were Jewish except for the Last Supper, which they claim to be Passover Seder. So, the attempt to erase Jews is ceaseless.It has become part of Christian theology, that Jews must maintain Israel so that J. will come. They feel they are the chosen people. Jewish existence after thousands of years of attempts at extirmination has proven quite the opposite. JEWS!!! BE STRONG. THEY WILL FAIL!!!
71. 65 - Read ezra and you'll find the name Yeshua
amnon   (07.04.06)
It is a shortened form of Yehoshua from post-exhilic Hebrew. And it was a standard name of that time. Learn the facts before you attack - it helps you not to look so ridiculous.
72. Missiomaries storming Israelis
Uta Schmidt ,   Deutschland   (07.04.06)
Thank God that Yeshua is the best teacher in Judaism.......and he is also the fulfillment of the law. He teached me how to overcome Antisemitism. I shall never forget what Jeshua did for Israel and the Nations: he suffered for all of our sins and is the Lamb of God who gave him for all mankind as a holy sacrifice . His sacrifice cleanses us and sets us free to receive his truth. Dont harm the Jews and Gentiles who love Yeshua and Israel in would fight against the God of Israel. You will not be successfull against the King of the universe. God bless you and save you through his precious son the most nobel SON of Israel. Shalom dont be ashamed about this faithfull Maccabean.
73. I would offer them some water
A jew ,   New York , New York   (07.04.06)
If they came to my home I would offer them some water, a whole bucket-full of water, straight over their heads!!!
74. I would teach them to follow Ribi Yehoshua instead of Jesus
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (07.04.06)
Learn Maseket Sanhedrin (39a) in Talmud, which teaches that anyone who saves a single nephesh is equated to having saved the world. The converse is that anyone who refuses a single nephesh, by whatever means, is equated to having refused the world. I would do my best to educate them to forsake gentile Roman Hellenist Christianity and make teshuvah to Torah, restoring them to the Jewish community and a place in olam ha-ba. Many have made teshuvah as a result. By contrast, I don't know of any who made teshuvah as a result of having a bucket of water poured on their head, being cursed at, punched in the face, etc. I do know of multitudes who have strayed as a result of being driven away from Torah by such behavior by sanctimonious hypocrites falsely claiming to follow Torah, whose primary achievement is khilul ha-Sheim and bringing shame on genuine Torah Jews. Advocating Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming non-Jews
75. to (68) EDAN the INERRANT JEW.
Marcel Abel the Wolf ,   (France)   (07.04.06)
Edan, It seems to me you have not a mean opinion of yourself. Maybe just an impression. I am a Catholic and proud of it and a MISSIONARY of course NOT. (even ironically said, it hurts you). By the way, something is wrong with this Jewish site YNET. Some hateful, hideous posts should be censored, if not I solemnly declare YNET's TERMS OF USE are inconsistent with themselves. For example : POST (60), POST 37( There's nothing to debate) and a few others even more hateful. If SOME Jews cannot accept arguing with Christians, don't argue at all, OR DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO COME HERE IF TRUE, SINCERE NON-JEWS ARE NOT WELCOMED, other sites for Jews and non-Jews EXIST. If WELCOMED, don't replace sound arguments with hostile, verbal attacks. BE PATIENT AND TOLERANT AND EVEN SIMPLY POLITE. ------- Now the wolf (me) to the sheep (who ?) (your post 68). ---> " Rabbi Singer elucidates how the authors of the gospels manipulated and mistranslated the hebrew texts in order to fulfill their christian agenda. Notice how he always refers to the original hebrew text ". + Most original hebrew manuscripts are corrupted (Please read my post 61). Rabbi Singer and yourself are probably fakirs to elucidate what is missing. Reconstruction of corrupted passages in order to prove we manipulated the Holy text, that is properly unacceptable and unfair. There exist bad translations due more to bad, reconstructed, rearranged texts than to bad achievement of some translators. I will visit your link when you have carefully read my various posts. I do not appreciate being invited in such a way : TOLERANCE and PEACE and LOVE, yes LOVE, are friendly companions who accept you as you are. Proselytism is not my affair. ------------ ---> Allow me to quote you : « Any Jew with a decent to moderate jewish education will put ALL of your ridiculous, pathetic arguments (including Isaiah 53 and Daniel) to shame. Jews for Jesus is an oxymoron. Believing that Jesus was the messiah is a direct contradiction to everything Jewish ( OK not EVERYTHING...). » + First we are not "Jews for Jesus" but "Chistians for Jesus". The wolf is in your fortress. Be careful (joke). May I repeat a quotation I have already made mention of : Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in one famous book (House of the Dead, 1862) said : « If someone gave me irrefutable evidence that Jesus of Nazareth be outside TRUTH ... I would STAY with HIM rather than with TRUTH. » You have misinterpreted somewhere : "Jews for Jesus", we do not even know them in France or in other countries in Europe or in the world. We are not Jews, we are humble Christians for JESUS, the Messiah and Saviour of ALL NATIONS. The LAMB of GOD still suffering because of our iniquities. Why do you despise and combat sincere Christians' s belief : are we not brothers in the faith ? Are we those who want to "wipe off" Israel from the map ? Many thanks to Uta Schmidt for her touching, beautiful post (72) : you could use it as a link so worthy of being visited. Peace with you. God bless you. Amen.
76. Marcel (#75) Mutually Exclusive Perspectives Hinder Communic
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (07.04.06)
In tolerance and with respect, Marcel, Biblical Judaism, Israel and Jews (which are the only authentic kind) are defined by Torah as those who do their utmost to practice the mitzwot (commandments) of Torah. Oxford historian James Parkes has shown that antinomian 4th-century Christianity and their Jesus image-idol was the polar opposite of the 1st-century Ribi Yehoshua and his Netzarim followers. There is an intractable paradox between the antinomian 4th century Hellenist gentile Christianity with their Hellenist-inspired version, Jesus, contrasted against the Torah-observant 1st-century Pharisee Ribi, Yehoshua and his Netzarim Jewish followers. They are mutually exclusive polar opposites. Following one is rejection of its polar opposite. If one is the messiah then its opposite is the antichrist. Torah-keeping Jews are the polar opposite of antinomian Christians, and that is an unchangeable fact. The better informed of us can treat each other with tolerance, dignity and respect; but the two polar opposites can never be compatible as "brothers in faith." Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming non-Jews
77. To Marcel of France -
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (07.04.06)
"the original Hebrew language has been lost, and all the Old Testament books contained in bibles are based upon a corrupted 8th-10th century manuscript that has little in common with the Original Hebrew Text".... Can you provide a shred of evidence for this claim?? Didn't think so.. Sorry buddy but this is complete, for lack of a better word ,: BULLSHIT. They have not changed by even one punctuation mark since the 4th century C.E. Once again a christian perversion of judaism. You talk of tolerance and Love? Please understand that when you write things like this (as well as "AD") it makes my blood boil. The fact that you are at YNET means that you will have to deal with the TRUE uncensored feelings that jews have towards Christianity and it's blatant lies.
78. to Edan in Israel.
Marcel Abel (France)   (07.04.06)
TOLERANCE did you say : I quote you : Marcel the Missionary. You first insulted, and I have not answered at the same level. Who do you think you are for not answering to a specific point : who has preserved God's word and where ? ANSWER OR DO NOT, now I am convinced you are not as loyal as you pretend to be. Someone else perfectly neutral could compare your posts and mine, I have no fear about the result : I am as loyal as you and a little ageing to start being dishonest. I am tired. BULLSHIT did you say . That's all your intellgence and your background permit. It's a little "short", comrade. By the way, my blood is boiling too. You say : «They have not changed by even one punctuation mark since the 4th century C.E. » ALLRIGHT then, you confirm SINCE the 4th century. And now I will not change one iota. Please my Lord bless him in Your name, he will not dispute with YOU.
79. NON-Jews for Jesus
Elana ,   USA   (07.04.06)
Who are they kidding. AND...all the Federation could come up with is, No thank you, I am happy with my Judaism. My booklet would read: Don't even bother opening the door! Curiously enough, my first and only encounter was in (believe it or not) Tel Aviv when a couple knocked at my apartment door (all of this in Hebrew, mind you) and started their spiel. MY RESPONSE: YOU ARE CERTAINLY IN THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD! The same could be said for NYC.
80. Jesus for me and all who have peace in him
81. Jews For Jesus
Moishe Rosen ,   San Francisco, U.S.A   (07.05.06)
Yaakovs name calling and history twisting convinces us Jews for Jesus we are all the more right. The real issue is whether or not Jesus is the Messiah.
82. I, for one like them:)
muhammad ,   nyc   (07.05.06)
RCA ,   USA   (07.05.06)
The christian thing?.......Been there, done that! Judaism is more sensible, more realistic, more broad in it's intellectual scope, more scholarly and more spiritually enlightening, for me anyway. The jokes are better also!
84. +83+ ----->The christian thing ? (sic)
Marcel Abel (France)   (07.05.06)
"So, reader," wrote Montaigne in 1580 in the preface to his first volume of Essays, "I am myself the substance of my book, and there is no reason why you should WASTE your leisure on so frivolous and unrewarding a subject." ------- As a narrow-minded Christian, together with over one BILLION narrow-minded Christians, should I WASTE my time on such a dazzling post ? and JESUS OF NAZARETH said : « Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them, saying: "Blessed are the POOR IN SPIRIT, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and FALSELY SAY ALL KINDS OF EVIL against you because of ME. » Matthew 5, 1-11
85. Moishe Rosen, San Francisco, U.S.A
Marcel Abel (France)   (07.05.06)
" The real issue is whether or not Jesus is the Messiah. " That's the RIGHT question which surpasses ALL others ! Thank you Moishe. Que le Seigneur vous bénisse !
86. + 60 + "Why are christians on ynet ?!"
Marcel Abel (France)   (07.05.06)
Doux Jésus ! Without Christians here your talkbacks would be so BRILLIANT and so LOVING. More prosaically,Ynet made an excellent choice to be OPEN to the vast world. The very question has left your TOLERANCE open to doubt. Please Ynet and Christians should normally be capitalized.
87. Marcel of France the snake!
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (07.05.06)
The snake from France would have jews believe that our Tanach has gone through many additions and that the original text was long ago lost. His logic says that if the original text was lost than the "new testament" is just as authoritive as the original. These are more Christian lies! The Masorites added vowels and punctuation to the Tanakh in the dark ages, however this does not constitute "tampering" with the text since until then these vowels and punctuation marks were handed down throughout the generations as the oral law (hence the name "masorim"). We jews believe that this oral law has always gone hand-in-hand with the written one. The masorites simply deciced that it would be best to transpose this part of the oral law onto the written law. The original text has remained unchanged since about the time of Jesus (sadly his life is a universal reference point) and many even believe 200 years or so before his time. Are we to believe that jewish bibles from France all the way to Yemen were miraculously standardized simultaneously?? Just another trick to try and make us rethink our faith....Snake!! I don't think so, Marcel.
88. +87+
89. The Harvest of YHVH's People
People of YHVH ,   Kingdom of YHVH   (07.05.06)
Torah (instruction) teaches us how we should treat one another. The hatred I hear goes against Torah and what Yahshua spoke (Yahshua made constant refences to the Torah). We can argue all about the little details to the end of the earth. The clear point is simply. It's about YHVH's people and restoring YHVH's Kingdom. The Jews have a priestly calling to ALL the Nations. It's NOT about religion. Tanak (Old Testament) in Exodus tells us the Torah was giving to All the Nations. Let's not forget while the Nations were at the foot of the Mt. Sanai. YHVH's thundering voice was heard in 70 different languages. These are the Nations who came out of Egypt. Which came from all around the region, during the draught when Joseph (Son of Jacob "Israel") was in power buying the land for Egypt. There is one GOD and one Law for YHVH's people. YHVH’s people are those who hear HIS voice and OBEY! You are with YHVH or you are not. You either keep is commandments and appointed times or you don't. If you love HIM you will. If you don't you will feel HIS wrath. You sound like a group of kids saying...”It's mine, you can't play with us”. Let's grow up in YHVH and love one another and do what HE has asked us to do. "GLORIFY HIS NAME AND OBEY"
90. The Torah was given to the Jewish people alone
avi   (07.05.06)
Here's a hint, when Hashem gives the ten commandments he says I am your G-d who took you out of Egypt... He didn't take all the nations out of Egypt to serve him, only us. He has other commandments for the nations which they ignore and discard to worship idols, much as Christianity rejected the law, all the while claiming to succeed Judaism.
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