UK Muslims present: Jews against Zionism
Published: 05.07.06, 15:21
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61 Talkbacks for this article
31. Rustum, how much have you read about growing up in Iraq
AK   (07.05.06)
as a Jew. How about growing up in any Arab country as a Jew (I assume you read about Jews in Europe)?
32. thanks Joe (24)
People like you are why there is hope in this world. Most racists here cannot understand what you said, or actually will simply pretend you didn't write it!
33. What Jewish scholars? Since when biased people
Márcia, a Zionist ,   Brazil   (07.05.06)
can distinguish the truth from lies?
34. #25 thanks
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.05.06)
Actually, I'm rather interested in trying to understand the Zionist hatred for all things Islamic, and the fact that many organisation/institutions of a Zionist leaning only ever pick up the very worst sewer-type thinking from Islam and do not notice that Judaism has the mirror image. If we all thought Judaism was represented by the most intolerant, most anti-goy anti-Christian sayings of the Fathers, many people would be up in arms saying "that's not Judaism". I happen to believe that Judaism is rather a liberal religion and that there are deep and lasting grounds for co-existence between followers of the great monotheistic religions. It is rather unfortunate that Islam has spawned a cess-pit of dissafected youths who fish out of the religion every last scurrilous ruling in order to justify their own ignorance. However, I must add that there are many Jewish people who do the same, viz the oft quoted "If someone comes to kill you, get up early and kill him first" etc, etc, etc. These sayings may well have had some application in particular historical times - but I believe that the way forward is to pick out the co-existence parts of the religion and concentrate on them and watch as the extremists on both sides fall by the wayside. In short, the Israel-Palestine problem is not a religious problem, but a political problem based on two competing interests for one piece of land. The religious issue complicates it and exacerbates it.
35. Jewish traitors to their religion
Don Saliman ,   Nahal Oz, Israel   (07.05.06)
I hope on judgement day,these anti-Zionist Jews rot in hell,for their crimes,of sitting and helping these terrorist kill their fellow Jews. They will have to pay for each death of their fellow Jews. What they don't know,is that their terrorist friends,will slit their throats,when they don't need them anymore.
36. Say it loud IM ZIONIST & PROUD!
Gil ,   Tel Aviv   (07.05.06)
Arrived in Tel Aviv almost two months ago and also, like Russell am the proud owner of an Israeli ID card. Next I'll be the proud husband of an Israeli wife. Then I'll be the proud father of sons and daughters. Then the proud Grandfather watching the third generation enter the IDF, marry, have kids and build up the fantastic... one and only... amazing country that is ISRAEL. Am Yisrael Chai!
37. allergins
mimi ,   n.y.   (07.05.06)
first off, they live in londonistan,I'm sure there reformists,I'm sure there libs,i'm sure they got lots of that education you get from those exclusive elitist universitys and I'm allergic to k---s.
38. #31
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.05.06)
AK - there is quite a lot of literature about Jewish life in Arab countries before 1948 in Hebrew and Arabic. Why you would assume I have read none of it is beyond me. I have also read much about various Zionist schemes such as the operation to "encourage" Jews to leave Iraq and Egypt, inter alia. Not a very clean bit of history, if you ask me, but then you have already assumed I have read nothing and know nothing.
39. # 34 Rustum
Yakov Shani ,   Israel   (07.05.06)
For once I agree with you. I am not in the mood right now for an extended posting but I would like to make just one comment in re your opening statement about Zionist hatred. You may have detected a lot of hatred in my posts, this is a misreading on your part, it is not hatred, it is pure contempt. No doubt you have seen my "big black stone" comment. This is a prime example of what I mean by contempt. There are adequate similar examples in Judaism and Christianity. I have said before, religion is very capable of inducing a deep psychotic state of mind, as it often does, which can lead to disaster, as it often does.
Jew for Truth ,   Jerusalem, ISrael   (07.05.06)
This is a sick bunch of people who need to learn facts and stopping smoking grass and believing propaganda. Also, FYI< Jews suffered many pogroms over thousands of years amonsgt Arabs, Rustum!
41. Rustum
Caligula's Horse ,   Solomon's Stables   (07.05.06)
Nobody needed to encourage us to leave the Arab countries, the Arabs incouraged us more than any Jewish agency or Zionist schemes. Just once in your life, dont lie.
42. The Extreme Left & Naturei Karta
NYC Girl   (07.05.06)
The fact that the far left fringe would align itself with a bunch of demented religious fanatics like Naturei Karta says more about them than it does about Zionism. It makes you wonder where these goddamned Israel-hating Jews would go if another Hitler came to power? You can just bet they'll all be washing up on the shores of Tel Aviv.
43. #31,russy
mimi ,   n.y.   (07.05.06)
g you got a job russy?Me thinks your on the dole over there in the mussie wonder land,bet you got time to study alot while in between praying at your local mosque.Keep praying Igotta a feeling your going to need it cause maybe theres a zionist scheme right around the corner.Cause you know what not all of us jews are pussies,wanting to appease your murderous asses,Iwent to gaza just before it was handed to you canabalistic a-holes,by a group of self hateing jews,isaw the greenhouses turned in to toilets by you pigs,so stop with the big words man ,you can't teach us anything ,crawl back in your hole or go teach at a major university in londonstan.
44. Far Left & Far Right Meet
Yitzhak ,   San Francisco   (07.05.06)
A gathering of radical Islamists, fundamentalist Ultra-Orthodox Jews and radical left-wing Jews. Totalitarian minds think alike.
45. V'LaMalshinim Al T'Hi Tikva
David ,   Montreal, Canada   (07.05.06)
The subject says it all. Keep these slime in mind; at least one of the brachot in the amida won't be in vain. I know Yakov Rapkin--a total slime, with a failed married life, messed up kids, reviled in Montreal. BTW, when the "distinguished" (NOT) professor was on sabbatical in Israel, he wasn't anti-zionist enough to refuse financial support from Israeli Universities to fund his stay--and like a rabid dog, tu4rned on his benefactors the minute he left.
46. 16 Uri Avneri and Rustum HaHAHaHa The best Joke since long
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.05.06)
47. For all those who are AGAINST Zionism Wake up
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.05.06)
"Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth. "Antisemitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently antisemitic, and ever will be so.
48. #34. Rustum
Ram ,   London   (07.05.06)
With all due respect note; you are comparing those who talk the talk with those who walk the walk. Rustum! There is a difference between those who vent their frustrations on this and other similar sites to those who are perpetrating terror acts around the globe. It is not only a few disaffected Muslims! You must be aware of the number of UK muslims who express support and justification of acts such as 7/7. A report was just released! The first paragraph of your post #34 says a lot about you! Furthermore, your description of Zionists and "the few disaffected muslims" are anything but accurate. There is a culture in arab countries which preaches hate of Jews and Jihad to little children for heaven's sake. Just watch a few clips from the following link. You are looking at the real thing here! I ask you again " are you redeemable"?.
49. traitors.
stephane ,   france   (07.05.06)
those jews are disgusting.they are a cancer inside israel and inside the my eyes;they are more my ennemies than any hamasnik.these people are the shame of each real jew.
50. #39 thanks
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.05.06)
Thanks for your reasoned comment. I was heartened.
51. #43 offensive
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.05.06)
I read your offensive post. I hope you feel better now. By the way, there are a few swear words which you forgot to write. Perhaps you'll add a post-script.
52. #40 sick
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.05.06)
"Jews suffered many pogroms over thousands of years amonsgt Arabs" Perhaps you'd like to list them, starting with a few thousand years ago. Obviously you are a person who believes in a reasoned debate. Thanks for your kind words. NOT
53. Rustum, in your readings on Jewish relations in Arab lands..
Jenny ,   USA   (07.05.06)
I'm sure you missed out on this one which was surely not documented in the stories you read - that in the 50's the enlightened Iraqi gov't rounded up many Jews accusing them of being "communists." Many were killed, but some got away like my uncle who was rounded up at 11 (I'm sure many 11 yr olds were die-hard communists). These of course were made up charges. Oh maybe you missed this one too - the aunt of one of my aunts was pregnant and one day the guards came to her house and shot her husband right in front of her face. He was accused of being a spy for Israel (of course he was not) and was shot on the spot. She had to flee to Israel, the only place on earth that would accept her and take the only job she could find which was sweeping floors. In Iraq they had been rich and she had no education, but you know the Iraqi regime, always very humane, robbed her of all her money. You see Rustum I always ask my aunt (through marriage) questions b/c I truly want to know how life was in Arab countries for Jews. They had to flee from Iraq to Iran in the 50's and then from Iran to the US in the 80's so they have surely seen it all. You can believe all the Arab propaganda you like about the Mossad being responsible, but that's another way for the Arab dictatorships to sherk off the responsibility and even blame the Jews for yet another crime. You sound like a smart chap and should know better....Sure some of their Arab neighbors were very good to them but the gov'ts would not have been able to succeed had the majority not supported them, much like the Nazi's. Feel free to ask me any questions.
54. Rustum the new Ellen? Or the old one?
Christopher ,   UK   (07.05.06)
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.05.06)
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.05.06)
Bible, Zechariah 1:14 Thus says the L-RD of hosts, "I am exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and Zion." To be against Zion and Zionism is to be against G-D! No religion, no people, no power on earth can stop the promises of G-D to the Jews and Israel ! G-D has promised a wonderful future where "Jerusalem will dwell in security". True peace and security forever. The evil ones will never again hurt another human being! Bible, Zechariah 14:9 And the L-RD will be king over all the earth; in that day the L-RD will be the only One, and His name the only One.
57. Whilst the world sleeps!
Proud Jew ,   out there   (07.06.06)
The people that live overseas, israelis included, can do so at ease because of the State of Israel. We/they can all try and escape Israel because of financial hardship etc., but this country brings us back together reminding us that even apart together we are one! When jews are criticized or condemned they all know that they have the backing of a strong and powerful country, never again to be herded up like animals like my parents were. Maybe they think that if they align with the Arabs they will not be noticed as Jews?? One of my daughters who wasnt born here, will soon be entering the Army to contribute on a grand level, and I am proud of her and proud to be a citizen of the state of Israel.
58. Stockholm Syndrome Infecting Some Jews
Dan ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (07.06.06)
Considering the mass onslaught on the Jewish State by the overwhelming majority of the world's billion Muslims, it's not surprising to see a small number of Jews who would seek to ingratiate themselves with the most radical elements within a sea of hatred that seeks to de-legitimize a three millennia historical bond with the holy land. The psychology behind the ingratiation of such Jews may in fact be linked closely to certain tendencies associated with the well-known coping/survival mechanism, know as the Stockholm Syndrome. Such Zionist-hating Jews apparently feel an overwhelming sense of physical security and emotional self-worth, much the same way that hostages can sometimes be enamored with their abusive terrorist captors. Fortunately, the great majority of Jews aren't susceptible to the spiritual malaise and emotional weaknesses characterized by this disorder.
59. #53
mimi ,   ny   (07.06.06)
your words are crap,is that dirty enough for you russy oh i've got some real smut for you sweetie,perhaps you'd like to download some of the snuff films your peaceful and tolerant beheaders have made,Ihere ther the number one sellers on the arab streets,you know the scene,an innocent waiting to die with seven big brave men standing behind them ,chanting ,waiting for the final moment when they can inflict there message of murder to the world.Iwatch them to stay enraged and to continue with every breath i have to fight the muslim nazi serial killers,don't ever lecture me on filth russy,those you defend invented the word,Igotta dollar for yah
60. Jewish traitors.
Hilda ,   USA   (07.07.06)
Unfortunately, history has shown us that there were always those Jews who hated themselves and the Jewish people. Just because someone is born to a Jewish mother, does not immunize one from this horrible disease. The person who discovers the antidote will be extremely rich and famous and revered by those of us who are spared this loathsome malady.
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