Opinion  Soapbox
Don't disrupt a tolerant city
Zev Stub
Published: 12.07.06, 09:21
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53 Talkbacks for this article
1. you make me ashamed
Shelly ,   Tel Aviv   (07.12.06)
The views in this article make me ashamed that Jerusalem is my capital city. Any progressive, tolerant city in 2006 hosts a gay parade with pride. Stabbing someone because of their sexual orientation is no small act to be swept under the rug. I fully support the gay parade taking place in Jerusalem and hope that the organizers don't cowtow to inflammatory language and threats of this kind. Keeping silent is not an option for the World Pride parade - but it should be for people like Zev Stub.
2. We don't need sexual perverts in Israel.
Moshe ,   Israel   (07.12.06)
Israel was to be the homeland of the Jews. We don't need the sexual perverts of the world converging on us to advertise their filth and abomination. Being gay is something to be proud of?
HaDaR ,   Israel   (07.12.06)
TOHEVATH HASHEM, AN BOMINATION TO THE LORD, that's how the TORAH calls these behaviours that some would like to FLAUNT PUBLICLY in the HOLIEST of cities JUST TO PROVOKE over 90% of its population which opposes the march! Murdering in the spirit is not less than nor separable from - in the Torah - murdering in the flesh!
4. What Drug is Zev Smoking?
Daniel ,   Tel Aviv   (07.12.06)
An act of war? Threats? How's that different from "Make a Molotov Cocktail to Kill the Sodmites, a Schlisel Special?"
5. I don't think so!!!!!
Talula ,   Israel   (07.12.06)
Jerusalem belongs to every single Israeli. GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adam Admati ,   Israel   (07.12.06)
of prejudice and reinforcing negative stereotypes are the ultra orthodox, who are a hypocritical bunch, if anything... parading everyday, as they do, in 17th century Polish attire, protesting to get their own infant-killer criminals and wife beaters out of jail, pretending that there are no homosexuals among them, when they have definite rules about how to ostricize their own when one does become known, and prefer to hide-under-the-carpet when their own teachers abuse their children. These are PRETENDERS to defending the Torah. They simply HATE everything that they don't control. No wonder there is still anti-semitism in the world!
7. kol hakavod
jman ,   il   (07.12.06)
finally someone said it right. i hope noone will disregard this as hateful. this is the outlook of 99% of the normal haredi community. thank you for saying it for us.
8. Pathetic
Jimmy ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.12.06)
"Please tolerate our intolerance and be sensitive to our bigotry", says Stub. Not only is his screed offensive, it's also ignorant. He clearly knows nothing about Jerusalem.
9. Arrogant
BEN ,   TLV   (07.12.06)
"Leave you in peace...", you say. Sounds like your tollerance is dependant on the fact that those you dislike stay away from you and "Your" city. Your is an articel full of cheap rhetoric. How tollerant are you and most jerusalemites toward the neglected and abused arab minority??? If indeed 70%-85% of jerusalemites oppose the parade, then maybe you should reconsider some of your statements, and anyway avoid pouring on us such an obtuse, arrogant and fearful approach to the homosexual community, some of whom are no less jerusalemites than you.
10. Talk about oxymoron....
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (07.12.06)
This one takes the cake! "In Jerusalem we are tolerant, so don't come to our city to have a gay parade." Does the author realize how that sounds???
11. Who is "we" and "our"
Nadav ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.12.06)
As an "Anglo," I am ashamed to read what you are writing (and will make sure WE boycott JANGLO)! What is all this "We" and "Our city" business. I am and Anglo-Israeli gay person living in J-town and Jerusalem is as much MY city as it is yours. And bull about tolerance, thats why all the secular Israelis are fleeing Jerusalem. We had the Pride Parade last year and theo nly difference this year is that we are inviting our Jewish and Gentile, Gay AND Straight brothers and Sisters from all over he Diaspora to Celebrate TRUE Diversity in OUR Capital CIty!! We're (have always been) here! We're (and will always be) Queer, Get (finally) Over It! We were Born Gay just like we were Born Jewish, so stop trying to fight both God and Science and accept people for what they were intended to be!
12. tolerance gives in to terror and violence
Avi ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.12.06)
According to Mr. Stubb everything would be nice and lovely here in Jerusalem just as long as the bully boys are not provoked. It does not work like that. No one proposed the same style of gay pride parades that take place in Amsterdam or New York or Tel Aviv. Here, it has become abundantly clear that the gay community is under direct and vicious attack (just look at all the foul mouthed, ignorant talkbacks). What we, as ordinary residents of Jerusalem, who may well not be gay, have to do, is stand by those who are being attacked violently. For that reason, our family will be marching on the parade. We must put a stop to those who use violence and intimidation to get their way. The only way to stop bullying or terror is to not let it intimidate you. If the opponents of the gay pride parade can only resort to violence, then that shows the weakness of their case and of their position. Finally, the arguments on all sides here are legitimate and should be carried out in a civilized manner, as the moderator of Janglo is wont to do, but to kowtow to bigotry and violence is not the way.
13. #1 did you send your child to a school with GAY instructor
David ,   Jerusalem   (07.12.06)
14. What?! Now there are two of me?
David ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.12.06)
15. If The Torah is Opposed to This "Tolerance" Why Shouldn't We
H ,   Jerusalem   (07.12.06)
be opposed to this abomination and tolerance in this holy city and country? Parshat Kedoshim (Leviticus) 20:13: "A man who lies with a man as one lies with a woman, they have both done an bomination; they shall be put to dath, their blood is upon themselves." This law is part of the Holy Torah just like the law of murder and robbery. And why should we have more "love & tolerance" for this filth than for a robber, thief or murderer?
16. We're not giving in to haredi terror threats....
Andy   (07.12.06)
we till be in Jerusalem for World Pride 2006. The city is big enough for all of us to enjoy.
17. Zev Stub & Toleration
Susie Weinberg ,   Jerusalem   (07.12.06)
I was stunned to see the hateful, distorted responses to what can only be described as a call for peaceful relations, mutual tolerance and sanity. Good for you, Zev Stub. Jerusalem is with you, even if a few crazy Anglos (or others) are not. Susie W.
18. This hilarious piece says it best
Jon ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.12.06)
Gay-Pride Parade Sets Mainstream Acceptance Of Gays Back 50 Years www.theonion.com/content/node/28491
19. All the hate mongers are missing the point
Dave ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.12.06)
The author isn't saying anything bad about Gays. All he is saying is that a huge, in-your-face parade is totally out of Jerusalem's character. We're happy to have you live in our city, but why do you have to wave our sexuality in our faces? If anything, this parade is a MAJOR step backward for tolerance.
20. Who started this fight?
Jon ,   Jerusalem   (07.12.06)
What, you think you are going to hold a Gay pride parade in Jerusalem and not get all this fighting? Come on! This fight was started by the parade organizers, not the religious!
21. Re 10: Talk about oxymoron...
Joe ,   Jerusalem   (07.12.06)
The real oxymoron is why the gays are waging a huge war that is splitting society in order to hold a superficial display of "tolerance." And then they get to feel really self-rightous because "those intolerant dosim aren't as open as we are." Please! No one needs this parade here! This whole thing is just a provocation!
22. this is just to say...
Gay is ok Stubby get out of the way!
23. Parade should be inTel Aviv
Robert ,   West Palm Beach, FLA   (07.12.06)
I am an extremely tolerant person who has gay friends. Sexual preference is the choice of every individual, but it is to me provakitive to have the parade in Jerusalem. I lived in Israel for a year and, knowing the fabric of the secular Israeli nation, I think it would make logical sense to have the parade on the tailet in Tel Aviv.
24. go back to Chicago!
harry ,   jerusalem   (07.12.06)
I'll never look at you the same after reading this garbage Zev. You should be ashamed of yourself. Reading crap like this gives me another reason to support the parade and to march as well. Know this Zev Stub, I'm marching because of you and your closeted bigotry.
25. In case you haven't been paying attention
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (07.12.06)
Israel is in a state of WAR in Gaza and Lebanon (thank you, "4 Mothers" for the "mighty peace!") and a bunch of self-absorbed, narcissistic "persons of alternative sexual orientation" can't think of anything more important than their little parade. Get over yourselves, you morons.
Bush ,   USA   (07.13.06)
PART 1 i see you guys aren't budging but for the sake of freedom and democracy please hear out how undemocratic you all are. Every year or so in NYC there is a gay parade Manhattans businees section that is. If the gay parade decides to move to Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and even the Bronx where most of the city are Gentiles. Cities of families Jewish non Jewish Orthodox or whatever. there would be complaints from most of the dwellers and they have the right to be because they should live just as free as Gay people. It is undemocratic to annoy a community of people who want to live in their religious neighborhood not having to see things against their religion or even seculars and Gentiles who don't want their children to see of such.
27. andy and friends
BUSH ,   USA   (07.13.06)
PART 2 Now we both know it would never come up where gays would ask to march in Boro park out of respect for the religious. And if they would do it anyway there would be protests across the street from all types of people against it but not violence since the gays are not marching there in spite. And if 3 people would get stabbed the police would make sure not to repeat the same mistake the next yr out of respect for the offended. I LOVE NY Israel isn't america and will never be America. While they should march in TA and aren't is undemocratic. Even after they get stabbed they are still stubborn to come back proves the people aren't democratic and have no respect for the people living there. If so they aren't marching for their own respect but rather in spite. The Haredim seculars moslems and Christians feel it in their bones that even after all their hard work to stop them the marchers are still stubborn to march and in spite makes their blood boil. They feel like the gays are infringing on their way of life. I think this is all self understood to Americans and you too should understand it.
28. Andy and friends
Bush ,   usa   (07.13.06)
PART 3 Say the Pope lived in Jeruslem all yr round i am almost positive they wouldn't march out of respect for his religion. Notice how i didn't write the Chief Rabbi. Because you guys have no respect for the Jewish religion which happens to be your own yet you would have more respect for someone from a different religion even if he was a former ss guard. CASE CLOSED
29. Violence or otherwise
Daniel ,   Tel Aviv   (07.13.06)
Zev, without taking a position either for or against the parade in Jerusalem, I suggest you check with the Jerusalem Open House for statistics on attacks against gays in your tolerant city. I'm sure they'll be happy to oblige. You can find them on Ben Yehuda St. - there's a big flag there to help you find it. These attacks may not have come to your attention, but that certainly doesn't mean that they haven't been happening. Your argument would be more convincing if you weren't sweeping inconvenient facts under your carpet of tolerance.
30. Jon, the hate mongers *ARE* the point
Daniel ,   Tel Aviv   (07.13.06)
and like it or not, probably the only reason you're even vaguely tolerant of gays is because they are, to you, an obvious part of life. The reason they're obvious, in part, is because once a year, they get together and march, in all sorts of places all around the world. Sometimes in lots of lovely colorful costumes, and at other times, just as they are (though those ones rarely make the papers of course). Think about it - if they didn't do this, you'd probably also think that the whole idea was revolting, or perhaps you'd think, as Queen Victoria apparently did, that there was "no such thing" as Lesbians? Once again, I'm not saying that the parade has to take place in Jerusalem, but you cannot deny that it has to take place at all. The hate mongers here prove that it has to keep taking place.
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