Nasrallah: Hostages in secure location, far away
Roee Nahmias
Published: 12.07.06, 18:50
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41 Talkbacks for this article
31. #29
All you need to understand is that your government does not stop those terrorists from blowing us up. Hence the government, by letting them stay in your country, is responsible for the attacks on our soldiers. When one country enters another country's border in order to kill or kidnap it is an act of war. We would not do anything to you if you didn't have some blood on your hands. If you really wanted hizbullah out of your government you would do so, but haven't as it seems. So, if you want to rebuild your country on terrorists be our guests but expect the obvious consqeuences, for instance, an attack on your infrastructure. While you killed 8 soldiers of us without any provocative action, and kidnapped two, we only blow hardware on your side. You will be back to the dark ages just like the terrorists have expected. Enjoy
32. Hostage Solution
If the IDF were to adopt a "take no prisoners" approach there would little value in terrorists taking hostages. Maybe it is time to take this whole thing up a notch?
33. Re#31
Obs   (07.13.06)
Your terrorists are the one who blow up children day and night in Gaza.All the world know that Israel is the terrorist leader in the world but no one can say it frankfuly.Nasrallah knows all about U guys../.
34. agree with #21
Angela ,   Lebanon   (07.13.06)
THE PEOPLE OF LEBANON ARE NOT HIZBALLAH...and hizballah does not represent ISLAM.
35. 21 is right
paulo2005 ,   lisbon,portugal   (07.13.06)
the author of comment 21 has a point. Lebanese are not hezbollah. It is doubtfull that strikes at lebanese facilities will result in the disarment of hezbollah. Instead of striking those who not attack israel.., IAF should strike hezbolla people, Nasralah in the first place. Just imagine if a missile did strike Nasralah while he was annoucing his victory against Israel. This would have been a great it.Instead of doing it israel choose to fly by hezbolla leader residential area and strike airports and roads used by common people.
36. Dear George 21 - please read!
student ,   north of israel   (07.13.06)
we know that the peole of lebanon are not hizballa. but man you must understand that the goverment of Lebanon are responsable for what happning in lebanon. thay can arrest nasralla they can prevent hizballa action they can send the army of lebanon to south of lebanon Lebano and syria can stop hizballa but they do not do it! think people think! quite weekend!
37. Sweating Pig
Mashiach ,   New York   (07.17.06)
Did everybody saw how this "brave" hizbollah thug acted on TV. He is sweating like the animal he is because very soon he will be decapitated by IDF. I pray for his rapid delivery to the hands of IDF.
38. Answer me these five damning questions
lebaneseman   (08.08.06)
let me ask five questions. I would like to know what israeli public opinion is about them. The first: Hezbollah maintains that it asks for three things. - The return of three of its members held in Israel - That Israel withdraw from the Shebaa farms - The map of 400 000 land mines that Israel planted in Lebanon during the 20 year occupation. If Israel is truly interested in a long lasting peace, why has it not already given them these things. Especially the last one. I would appreciate an answer other than "well, we don't believe them..." but if that is your answer, then so be it. Second- Does Israel accept any responsibility for the creation of Hezbollah? There was no Hezbollah before the Israeli occupation. Why did you occupy southern lebanon for 20 years, after the PLO had been subdued- only to create the monster that is Hezbollah today. Did Lebanese water have anything to do with it? Do you not feel somewhere that the chickens have come home to roost? Third- you call hezbollah terrorist. But Israel was the first to draw civilian blood in this conflict. Hezbollah killed a few soldiers, and Israel retaliated by killing twenty civilians and imposing collective punishment on the whole country of Lebanon. So in this conflict, who is the terrorist? Or do you have a different definition of terrorist- like whoever you don't approve of? Four- Is there any solution to this war that would make Israel feel safer? When the Shi'a return to their villages, you will have a million people that hate you with a bitter vengeance. Their hatred will be 10 times worse than before. Or, are you not planning on letting them back to the South? That is why you are destroying their towns. The last - If Israel is willing to destroy all of Lebanon to get a lasting peace, why has it never tried building better relations with the South. Why, in its 20 years of occupation, did it never build hospitals, infrastructure that would help the communities, foster trade... The Shi'a of the South are poor people- they would have appreciated whatever they could get. Why not?
39. Nisrullah is a real Hero
Salim ,   Pakistan   (08.13.06)
Saiekh Sayyed Hassan is the real islamic hero and he proves that between all muslim community, SHIA community is the best..
40. #38 - I agee with you 100%
lala ,   Australia   (03.02.07)
Hizballah has simply taken prisoner 2 Israeli soldiers...NOT civilians...just Soldiers. They just want a simple trade.... They want peace and to establish that they get what is rightfully theres and what the Lebanese people have every right to receive. They want the Lebanese prisoners released..they want the maps to the land-mines so that they don't have to worry about their children being blown up when they go outside to play.... The Jews want a repeat of what happend last year instead of peace. MAKE PEACE NOT WAR
41. Lebanon needs Nazrallah
lala ,   Australia   (03.02.07)
Lebanon did not put Nazrallah into power....The Jews did when they killed his son. I am against a war... Lebanons soil is already drowned in blood.... But the prisoners were never given a trial free of prejudice and unfairness. They were not proven guilty of a crime their rights have never been addressed. Enough civilians have died... Without Nazrallah there would be another Nazrallah... someone who wants justice and freedom for those without a voice... Freedom for the Lebanese
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