8 soldiers killed in north
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 12.07.06, 22:43
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31. #25
Wise Man ,   USA   (07.12.06)
My friend you are an idiot. Why I have to go to lebanon ? I do not like fighting and I am way too old for that. you say Israel is holding 10,000 Terorist ? Just becasue you called them "Terrorist" it will make the stetment true. My Friend go back to the beach and make sure you cut down on that happy drink.
32. we LOST 8 today but ın ısraeL borned 800 TODAy
33. 8 soldiers killed
Djazaïri ,   France   (07.12.06)
Sooner or later, Arabs will crush the zionist entity.
34. Daniel
Caligula's Horse ,   Solomon's Stables   (07.12.06)
I suggest you realize you threats (unlike Peretz & Olmert co.) and move back to London, your defeatist approach is the cause for all our problems. You see, the terrorists are like hayinas, they cant take on the lion at the open, they come at night and attack his defensless children, at most they can pence him before they run away, but if the lion is tired of fighting like you are, and instead of catching a hayina and killing him, he just walks about bleeding, not trying to get the hayinas, at most sending out a weak roar, he will be eaten, but you see, hayinas are cowardly creatures, if they see one of them getting torn up to pieces by the lion they will run and never return again.
35. Weakness Invites Aggression Yet Again
Born In The USA ,   SF CA USA   (07.12.06)
The tip-toe pin-prick shadow-boxing skirmishes in Gaza are directly to blame for this invitation to full-scale war. Hezb. correctly calculated that the price to pay was cheap and IDF was easy pickings for cross-border raids and kidnappings. All the talk about changing the rules of the game has been, at least up until now, whistling past the graveyard. In Gaza they are only too happy to absorb what little punishment has been meted out and now you have a two front war to wage ineffectivly as the world urges "restraint" which is code for "please continue to commit suicide or we will accuse you of becoming NAZIs". The world will never love or even tolerate we Jews, Israel must rise up and defeat it's enemies by exacting a price so horrible that even the prehistoric mind-set of Islam recoils at the thought of ever testing your will to live again. The alternative is defeat by a sense of collective guilt. Do not be induced to quietly walk into the gas chamber of failed nations. Fight and win!
36. #4that is the thanks Israel gets for giving gaza?
rachel ,   boston , usa   (07.12.06)
37. #12 no sympathy from me Jack
You poor person. It must be frightening for you, living your life with so many weopans around you. How many times have you fired an AK-47 HUH? The feeling you have is no where near what these Israeli soldiers are going thru, if they are still alive. Try to become a vioce of moderation in your country. You have, I'm sure been to Islamic School, if so for every thing that is questionable in life, every solution that other people choose, and your Imams don't like it, your revised solution is the Quran. Enjoy your book, and I will not pray for you, so you better pray for yopurself. No one will be listening though.
38. This is what you want
jamal ,   Palestine/Nablus   (07.12.06)
Israel is treating palestinians and lebanees( and all others in the whole world) as dumies in its hand to acheive its goals. The prisoners were to be let out after oslo agreement, then cairo agreement then ,,,,,,, The lebaneese prisinors should have been let out after withdrawal, why should isreal keep them , only to have its soldiers killed and kidnapped. No attention or price for their lives, opinions, feelings, freedom, rights, land .... they don't care about anything, just work alone setting the rules and forcing USA to accept it. But always know that when this happens palestinians and lebanees has nothing to lose. So what happened is the conseuence.
39. # 3 imposter / HARSH RESPONSE ?
Marcel ,   Florida   (07.12.06)
Ynet allows fake posters , #3 what an honor that you would try and counterfeit me. I must be getting your attention. BUT6 PLEASE learn to spell my name correctly if you aim to fool anyone . Hamas's meaning -Hell Awaits Moslem's After Suicide. The weak Israeli leadership keeps taking of harsh response and painful response. I've come to the conclusion that there is no such thing left in Israel and that Haluts ,Olmert are just more of the same lying cowards who hide under their political blankets.
40. Re #20
Irgun Fighter   (07.12.06)
I can't believe the Irgun fought for POS like you! For shame!
41.  That's what happens when people elect a leader who
AK   (07.12.06)
is openly too tired of fighting and winning. Is Olmert becoming too tired of losing or is it all right with him since his family is far away from any danger, and his money is probably far away, as well.
42. to #34
Are you stupid or what ? What is this crap with hayine , and lions. Did your mami told you that you are a lion? Stupid !!
43. #12 Israel came in peace
rachel ,   boston, usa   (07.12.06)
tell that to the terrorists who attacked them .....
44. #26 occupation , shmoccupation
rachel ,   boston ,usa   (07.13.06)
Israel gets out of Gaza and you attack .....All you want is to get rid of all the jews.........Vicious blood thirsty killers....
45. #27 Are you ready for you 72 virgins?
rachel ,   boston ,usa   (07.13.06)
You are getting closer , getting closer ......Boom ....(all in pieces and it hurts like hell ) ....whoa!!! no virgins...I want my virgins!!!!
46. Israel will win against their Satanic neoghbors.
Daisy ,   USA   (07.13.06)
God is on the side of Israel!
47. #12, Marc, attack was from your country.
The attacks came from Lebanon, thus lebanon is responsible. Should israelis keep getting killed while you coddle the murderers? Get rid of Hezbollah and the rest of the terrorists, make peace with Israel and both Israel and Lebanon will prosper.
48. SHAME TO YOU No 12 DANIEL from north tel aviv
Marc BERTON ,   herzliya-israel   (07.13.06)
peopl as you merite to go in jail for tell such propos leftists , but you forgot something mr daniel the big problem is ARAB ISLAMIC EATING THIS WORLD , Palestine first never was arabics , neither jerusalem build by Jewish Kings David and solomon .. BOGGED LIKE YOU , ITS YOU Must to gone join up your bigs palestinians frends as you love many ..., you dont merit for living with the israeli jewish people , because you a traitor the jewish nation what is in war with palestinians hamas-fatah-djihad and hezbollah .. You are a spy for spoke like that , you are the 5 th column and you are as well dangerous than arbs "you" leftist israelis"you are not normal fr spoke like that " you must be crazy I am sure .. judea samaria-gaza-jerusalem are parts integral of medina israel , and mr daniel I want to tell something we must expelled and transferred all arabs palestinians from yecha and from israel to Jordania than shud be the homeland of soi disant "palestinians" because they are 85 pc of citizens "and you must go with them because you love them too !! zal for the 8 soldieres falling down my condolenses to ther family am israel hai
49. Poor Israel
A soldier   (07.13.06)
IDF is no longer as it was. IDF is an ill army, weak, and cannot defend itself. Any primitive opperation can cause a serious damage to it.
50. #35, Mission impossible!!!
Mahdi   (07.13.06)
Israel, whoever leads it, will not win its war against the resistance against the occupation. Israel will win only in a video game you play it, or a dream in your bed in the USA.
51. #21, Greg, in case you have missed it, Israel is the victim.
AK   (07.13.06)
It is Israelis that were attacked, killed and kidnapped. You're on the wrong side of this conflict. All the violent and vicious people you keep talking about are the people you support.
52. 8 soldiers killed in north
Erick ,   Paris in France   (07.13.06)
Reacting to hizbullah terrorist acts with disproportional reprisals is justified. This is the only method to get rid of terrorists groups. History proves it. So was it for the allied countries against nazi germany with 1944 - 1945 bombardments.
53. Yesterday the Islamists bombed Iraq, India and today Israel
Christopher ,   Uk   (07.13.06)
tomorrow will be who knows? But yes, they will strike terror every day because it says so in the Koran that they must launch a jihad against the infidel. Is anyone surprised??? Really did the EU wake up yet or what?
54. to no 34
You do not know Muslims if you think like what you said. They are very brave indeed. You'd better remember this. Occupation and Aggression never lasts anyway!
55. #31
This is the best thing that you can say? That you are too old and i'm drinking in the beach? You dont know nothing, you see CNN and them you think that you know something. I dont care if you belive me, this is the reality but you dont live in a real situation. You dont have argument and im not gonna loose my time with you, say whatever you want because is not gonna change anything and im not your friend.
56. #50 dead mahdi
Marcel ,   Florida   (07.13.06)
You seem to forget ,the arab moslems have lost every war they have fought against Israel This time you will be hit the hardest The Jewish prophet almost 3,000 years ago wrote of damascus being completely destroyed in our day. Isaiah 17;1 The time has come for Islam to be hit harder than they have ever been hit .YOUR violence and arrogance demand it and your destruction comes from above.
57. " WHo is the Terrorists"
Nick ,   USA   (07.13.06)
Both Hamas and Hizbula attacked military bases equipt with Tanks , missles , firearmas and all..we can call it easily a war area...IDF is attacking un armed civilians, killing children, woman and elderly peaple, destroying schools, bridges , homes, hospitals and poewer plants ...etc. For god sake, could somebody tell me who is the terrorist..I wounder? Note " use the dictionary or the internet if you need help with definition"
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.13.06)
59. #12, I can feel your fear
Can you feel the fear that the israeli kids have to live with on a daily basis since they were born? The kidnapped soldiers are only two years older than you and they were only watching the border. No harm done to anyone. Against them, they want Israel to free hundreds (thouzands?) of people that have killed and that would happily do it again and again. It was a mistake to negociate in the past. Yet, they will kidnap whether Israel trades in or not because no matter what concessions Israel makes, it will never be enough. The poor people like you are paying the price for the extremists who are endangering the population. Your Lebanese govermnent has no saying, it hasn't for ages, the Hizbolah and Syria does. Besides, I am not sure too many peaceful people would democratically dare to voice their concern in any of the Arab countries or they would probably be dead in no time. Lebanon lived in peace with Israel until Syria, Iran and their pupets got involved. The people in Israeli prisons are not kept there just to waste the tax payer's money. These are people that have killed and they are kept alive for ages, yes in prison but kept alive. And how does Israel get their "POWs" back? In coffins!!! That is if they trade thouzands of criminals for those corpses. I guess they should indeed be called "POWs" since in effect, this is really a war, and I thought Israel had negotiated peace and made so many concessions for the sake of what? What does it mean? That you can't trust any deal made with any of the Arab countries, although, sofar, Egypt has kept its deal. I can hear your fear and feel your fear but in Israel, the kids live with that fear since the day they were born, just because some people will never accept Israel's exstence, no matter how many concessions it makes. So, innocent victims will continue to die until there will be a major catostrophy since peace is out of the question for ever. In any event, as long as Israel will not have the right to exist, there will be people that will agress it and Israel will have to defend itself. This is all very sad. By the way, do you know that Hezbolla's rockets are probably easily able to blow up all the power plants in Israel? Contrary to the way the Hamas and Hezbollah and other similar bodies proceed, Israel does not act irresponsible. Yes, there are accident as they purchase those people who want their extention, but this is not their purpose. Can you imagine what people, kids, pregnant women, old people, feel like when they travel by bus when they can blow up in an instant, or those sitting peacefully in a restaurant? While the Arabs coveting the "shahid" culture, congratulating those who want to die (that is only if it is the Hamas and Hezbollah that sends them, so they do it in the name of Allah, but then once they die at the hands of Israel, then they are poor victims of a terrorist country - go understand!) Israel tries to avoid civilians and tries to target the very bodies that act against them, contrary to what is presented that Israel purposely targets civilians. I believe that you can sleep peacefully, Israel is a very responsible country. It will not blow up any power plant, while knowing that a lot of innocent victims would die. Yes, it will go after the Hezbollah and I really hope it will succeed better thatn in the past this time. But it will avoid civilian casualties and if it comes to affecting a large civilian population, I seriously doubt that Israel would take such measures. Now if the Hezbollah, the Hamas and the like had the same handy opportunity, honestly, what do you think they would have done? I guess that the Hizbollah's rockets are probably able to reach those power plants and it is only a matter of time...
60. #57 Have you ever watched the Palestinians Function?
You always see them with weapons, surrouded with all the civilians, including kids. When they are targetted, is it surprising that the civilians are hit too? The civilians are not targetted! However, what about the Palestinians that blow themselves up in busses and restaurants? And Israel takes into custody those who have killed or planned the killing and they keep them alive contrary to the israelis that are kidnapped!!! And Israel has to trade thouzands of criminals for corpses. Of course, who kills an Isreali women and children aer not "criminals", they deserve to go freely.
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