IDF: Muhammad Deif in critical condition
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 13.07.06, 11:07
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31. #23, #28 Rustum
Daniel ,   Tiverton, USSA   (07.13.06)
I'm an Irish American Catholic who is somewhat to the left of many in these parts...don't like bush, don't like being mislead. But I and many many more like me have come to love the state of Israel. There was a time, and unfortunately still is in some locales including my own state, country, heritage, religion, where there are instances of hatred for the Jews. That to me is OUR shame. But we, the concept of what my country IS - requires and demands that we support our brothers and sisters of Israel. There are no palestinians: there are Jews, Arabs, Persians; but palestinians are Syrian. Seems to me that Israel has been most careful in her response to attrocities committed against her citizens. You and all of the rest of the terrorists (Islamists) have publicly stated that we and the jews are infidels etc. You are then saying that we are sub-human (pick that up from your friends the NAZIS?) I would like no death and destruction, unfortunately it may require the elimination of many innocent people that HAMAS, Hezbollah, PLPF, Qaeda, and others hide behind. A fine example of this is the beach blast in gaza that was caused by Palestinian Rocketeers. Or how about the concept of Martyrdom. I always thought of a martyr as one who dies at the hands of another in defense of a belief? Not ones who educate and send children off to kill other children in acts of murder. When Islam starts teaching what it SAYS it believes (You'll have to rewrite the Quoran and get another messenger to do this) then after a few centuries maybe just maybe you will be accepted into the human family. But not before then. Bless Israel.
32. Daniel of Tiverton
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.13.06)
Well - a response that was not hysterical and yet still teeming with hatred. The fact that you are expiating your own guilt at Irish American Catholi anti-semitism should not be translated into your views on the Middle East. There are no Palestinians? That gives away your very agenda. They are not syrian, tney are not Jordanian, they are indeed Palestinian and the fact that their villages were eradicated from the face of the earth doesn't change that fact. When you say "you and the rest of the terrorists have stated that we and the jews are infidenls" you are in fact talking out of your lower orifice. I have never stated anything of the sort, and it is a fantasy of yours if you think I associate or have anything to do with rabid haters on either side. As for Hamas, Hezbolla etc hiding behind innocent people - where do you think teh Kirya is situated? A residential area of Tel Aviv. It is a very moot point whether army and police installations on either side are "hiding behind civilians" or placed in civilian areas to protect the civilians. A bit of subtle thinking might get you a long way. Your final worthless thoughts about the need for Islam to re-write the Qoran are yet another sign of your prejudice. Perhaps Islam needs to be stronger at the centre and that ijtihad needs to stress more the spiritual rather than the marshal path - but you will find just as many fundamentalist rabbis in Israel stressing the inequality between Jews and goyyim. Rememer the famous "Goldstein's finger nail is worth 1,000,000 Arabs"? If you are going to preach, then preach to both sides equally. How dare you refer to me as a terrorist. I have never wished for a soul to be hurt, but only for peace and equality to reign and for both sides to stop teaching their children to hate and kill the "alien" within their midst. I am probably talking to the deaf.
33. To Rustum and his terrorist thinking.
Mike ,   Israel   (07.13.06)
You truly amaze me, anytime someone with some intelagance writes and does not share you point of view, you simply attack insult and preach hate. You use fancy words in your text b ut do you understand what your typing? i have my doubts. You are refered to as a terrorist simple due to your celaberating of the killing of Israelis thats a fact, you should face, i'll remind you that yesterday you where rejoicing in the killing and kidnaping of soldiers (Israelis) That my litle terrorist puts you on the same level as your average suacied bomber. You preach and preach on this site, i know that you enjoy people like me writing back to you that is your goal to anoy Israelis and Jews, its your only purpose in life, your failing again your not anoying me your entertaining me i truly enjoy listing terrorist like you and talking to them, give me a chance to act like an animal go to your level, in the real world i would not give you the time of day nor would anyone here and you know that. This is the only way you can talk with "normal civilized peaple" maybee i feel sorry for you, i'm not sure. You unfortunately belong and a world that sees things in a clear way that does not justify the killing and provacation of the inocent no matter what colour they are or from what part of the world they are, you blame Israel for the Muslims deaths i'll remind you the muslims are killing more muslims in a month than Israel did in a life time thats a fact but i never here you condem that. Like you say i'm probably talking to a deaf blind person, knock your sefl out i'm having fun with you.
34. Rustum - PLEASE DO ME 1 FAVOR!
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (07.13.06)
It's the only thing I'll ever ask of you. I know you are so insistent that the "Zionist entity" as you people like to put it, are responsible for everything but please get your head out of your ass and realize that terrorist organizations and the people that support them are responsible for what happens to them. And don't give me that BS that Isreal is using terrorism because we would have loved a little peace and quiet after we left Gaza - But NO it wasn't enough...Do you really think we enjoy this? Do you really think we would have attacked without being provoked? We have military superiority and if we don't take advantage of that then we might as well raise a white flag and lay down and die (which I believe would be OK with you). We jews have been the martyr for too long. We are fed up with that role as we are fed up with propagandists such as yourself. To quote Shakespeare (speaking of a jew, no less) " Prick us shall we not bleed?...Wrong us shall we not revenge!?? The jewish nation loves PEACE. We act out of a basic survival instinct and to assure our citizens security. Why is that so hard for you to understand?? And here is my one favor to you, not as a jew to a muslim but as one human being to another: Please take a look at this- Please look up the sources and quotes for yourself as obviously you will not believe them... Like I said before, they brought it upon themselves.
35. Rustum - PLEASE DO ME 1 FAVOR!!
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (07.13.06)
It's the only thing I'll ever ask of you. I know you are so insistent that the "Zionist entity" as you people like to put it, are responsible for everything but please get your head out of your ass and realize that terrorist organizations and the people that support them are responsible for what happens to them. And don't give me that BS that Isreal is using terrorism because we would have loved a little peace and quiet after we left Gaza - But NO it wasn't enough...Do you really think we enjoy this? Do you really think we would have attacked without being provoked? We have military superiority and if we don't take advantage of that then we might as well raise a white flag and lay down and die (which I believe would be OK with you). We jews have been the martyr for too long. We are fed up with that role as we are fed up with propagandists such as yourself. To quote Shakespeare (speaking of a jew, no less) " Prick us shall we not bleed?...Wrong us shall we not revenge!?? The jewish nation loves PEACE. We act out of a basic survival instinct and to assure our citizens security. Why is that so hard for you to understand?? And here is my one favor to you, not as a jew to a muslim but as one human being to another: Please take a look at this- Please look up the sources and quotes for yourself as obviously you will not believe them... Like I said before, they brought it upon themselves. Ynet - ARE you against me? Why don't you post my talkbacks..? They are not inciteful...?
36. #31
Reason ,   Canada   (07.13.06)
That was very well said. It is nice to hear a voice in support of Israel that is not Jewish. Rustum is an extemist who should stick to extreme news sites. Please take your hatred elsewhere Rustum. I would be interested to know your opinion on the bombings in London.
37. #33
Reason ,   Canada   (07.13.06)
You are completly correct. It is the way of radical Islam to blame their problems on others. That is the prime method in suppresing the people. Islam countries murder many of their civilians. Iran executed at least 94 people, and Saudi Arabia at least 86 last year according to Amnesty International ( Is this not a problem for you Rustum? I suppose it is okay if a muslim is murdered (often beheaded) by another muslim as long as your living G-ds say it is okay.
38. Two faced
dustbowl ,   Tx, USA   (07.13.06)
Hey Rustum. The whole of the muslim world indoctrinates all muslim youth to commit suicide and/or kill all jews. This is one sick religion.
39. the dialogue
Daniel ,   Tiverton, USA   (07.13.06)
For Rustum and anyone else thinking I may be an hater of Islam, i am not. I am just a person who looks at the world and sees and says it like it is. Palestinians are demanding the release of ALL woman and children held in Israel. I believe that Israel would happily release them even for the bodies of those butchered by the militants, as they have in the past. My thought is this however; I think that there are many prisoners of Israel (women who have had their requests met-that their children be allowed to be with them in Israeli custody) which is probably a healthier environment then from the mucho tough guy attitude of their families back HOME? I also believe (I really shouldn't say 'believe') I know that many of the youngsters that were indocrinated in the concept of Slaughter and Marytrdom are now realizing that the philosophy of DEATH need not be part of their BEING. NUFF SAID?
40. me
Daniel ,   Tiverton, USA   (07.13.06)
Maybe I should have mentioned it earlier, and I'll be labeled worse than an Infidel, and worse; and maybe many of my fellow americans will consider my thoughts worhless,, you too Israel but this is me. I don't believe in any myths. I fully believe that all of faith is based on the fear of the unknown, and a safe and happy explanation of what everything means. WE CAN"T ALL BE RIGHT (Jew,Islamist,Christian, Bhuddist,animist,sorry if i forgot anyone)...I know that we evolve as we wizzen. I can't imagine a heaven more offensive than that claimed Islam, don't know if i'd like to listen to harps all day either, whose image are we made in? that which we have written. Everything thought of has been thought of by man; from the first grunts of a language all the way up to an explanation of WHO AND WHAT WE ARE. That is all. Nothing is written that did not come from the mind of man. That is a FACT. With that: I will walk with Israel. Chow, thats a dog right?
41. Rustumtum The Muslim Extremist spews Hate again
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.14.06)
because he cannot control the Jews into Dhimmitude He comes here only to break gas since his local mosque is already gassed by his buddies doing the same he does...... He's a coward
42. #41
Daniel ,   Tiverton, USA   (07.14.06)
Thanks Gabrielle, the less said sometimes means the most.
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