Opinion  Sever Plocker
A war Israel must win
Sever Plocker
Published: 13.07.06, 08:20
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61. Israel Only commits War Crimes
Shadi Manasra ,   Ramallah - Palestine   (07.13.06)
Israel Only commits war crimes; Since the killing of Palestinians’ Civilians especially Killing Palestinian children in addition to bombing Electricity stations and destroying infra-structures besides shilling houses of civilians are only crimes of war according to the Geneva Convention and the International Law And that is exactly what Israeli Occupation Forces just do in Gaza and west Bank. Israeli Political Leaders Must Dare to admit that Their occupation to Palestine is the iris of the evil in the middle East Shadi Manasra
62. IF you have The Freedom of Expression Place this?:
Manasra Shadi ,   Ramallah - Palestine   (07.13.06)
As usual, the Israeli government has moved against a clearly defenseless population without any regard to international norms or human decency. Acting with little interest in diplomacy and wielding its overwhelmingly huge stick, Operation Summer Rains is simply the latest attempt to destroy any hope for a resolution of Middle East hostilities. The Israeli planes have cut off electricity for nearly half the population of Gaza and Lebanon — no refrigeration, fans or air conditioners in a scorching climate. “Unacceptable and barbaric punishment of civilians — women, children and the old,” stated the office of Mahmoud Abbas as the Palestinian leader worked to secure the release of young Shalit. Add to this the sonic booms used to further terrorize the population. How long can silence reign in light of illegal house demolitions, extrajudicial murders, and the destruction of thousands of olive groves, the consistent refusal to honor UN resolutions 446, 452, 465 and 471— the return of land captured in war. Israel and its wealthy patron the Bush administration refuse. “Shadi Manasra”
63. Stop the Terror
John ,   Eagan, MN USA   (07.13.06)
Israel does have the right to exsist and are a member of the U.N. in good standing. These terror organizations violated their sovereignty by going into their country and kidnapping people. Grow up people in the Middle East, and learn to live with them as they are here to stay. Isrreal has been constantly attacked over its' history by terrorists like Assad, Khomeni, etc.
64. #53 You are right----It's Islam!!!
Shasta ,   Klamath Falls, USA   (07.13.06)
If you are a Muslim, then you accept certain core beliefs which are incompatible with the foundations upon which Western civilization is established. Also, this is a diversionary tactic directed by Iran to provoke trouble in Gaza and Lebanon with Israel to deflect the world's attention away from Iran's nuclear program.
65. How many quagmires do you want?
Jay ,   Los Angeles USA   (07.13.06)
Olmert, probably due to his own lack of military experience, grossly overreacted to the capture of one soldier. Hezbollah accepted the invitation, and now two more are in ememy hands and eight are dead. Do you really want a third front in a war that you can't win?
66. Abba Eban
Chrisona ,   Chicago.IL   (07.13.06)
The great Israeli diplomat Abba Eban referred to Israeli's pre-1967 borders as the "Auschwitz lines." Then as now, he was right. IF Israel intends to survive, it must have defensible borders. Disengagement, shmisengagement. The boundaries are all wrong.
67. What, the.....?????
ytba ,   usa   (07.13.06)
BS"D Thankfully I was sitting when I read this: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/chi-0607130111jul13,1,6425793.story?coll=chi-news-hed The Leftist Chicago Tribune GET'S IT RIGHT!!!???? ...And they even use the "T" word!!!?????? (Title of article is..."Terror as statecraft.") And they quote an Israeli, and appear to AGREE with him????????????!!!! "As Israeli defense minister Amir Pertz said after the first attack: "The masquerade ball is over. The suits and ties will not serve as cover to the involvement and support of kidnapping and terror". " That's got to be a "wonder" of the modern world, if I ever saw one. (That, and Israel Leftists not running from our enemies.) I think we may be 'on a roll', Please G-d
68. We Will Win, Please G-d
ytba ,   usa   (07.13.06)
BS"D And we will have allies, too. If the Leftist Chicago tribune can endorse our fight for survival against brutal psycopathic savages, then the P.R. battle has already been won. see: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/chi-0607130111jul13,1,6425793.story?coll=chi-news-hed "Here's what we think, Mr. Prime Minister. Hamas had a chance to govern peacefully. It had a chance to build a state in Gaza, to stop terrorists from lobbing shells into Israel. It chose to cheer a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv and help kidnap a soldier for ransom. For Hamas and Hezbollah, the masquerade is over." And they even finally use the "T-word", and in the title of the piece, no less! "Terror as statecraft" Right On, Chicago Trib editors! Way To Go!
69. God forgives fools, thus Leitch
Deborah Daniels ,   Baton Rouge, LA   (07.13.06)
Most people see forgiveness as a sign of weakness and Israel cannot afford to be weak, or appear weak. Isn't amazing that when a people make something out of nothing through hard work and due diligence, there is always someone waiting to try and take it from them? My prayers are with you Israel, put on the Whole Armor of God.
70. Response
Adam ,   New York   (07.13.06)
To the posters from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, I personally congratulate you on your ability to state your opinion freely on the internet and hope you can taste the fruits of democracy soon. In Israel, this would not even be an issue.
71. #2: ??
jonathan ,   nyc   (07.13.06)
Mr. Chicago: let's send a few rockets in your neighborhood and blow up your family and then see how you feel the US should respond. You are an ignorant fool. Israel has the duty to defend its citizens and to not submit to terrorists. This is not your grandmothers war anymore.
72. #7
jonathan ,   nyc   (07.13.06)
"We" don't want your support, nor do we need your support. Israel will defend itself and its citizens from sensless acts of terrorism and aggression. You can sit in the oregon woods and think up conspiracy theories all day.....
73. We are with you, Israel!
Jennifer Henry ,   Palm Beach, FL USA   (07.13.06)
Israelis, don't ever think you are alone! The US is on your side and will never abandon you. Just ignore the leftists, it's trendy these days for leftists to be anti-Jewish. Long Live Israel!
74. iran
mike ,   usa   (07.13.06)
It is clear that Iran is stirring all this up, via Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah. The mullahs are content to allow the Palestinians and Islamist terrorists to do whatever damage they can to Israel, weakening her,and they don't care how many Muslims die in the process. Israel's problems won't end until the mullahs are gone.
75. Moomen - who cares about your recognition
Boutros   (07.13.06)
I do not give a damn about what 100 million arabs & billion muslims recognise. Do you honestly believe that four and a half million non muslims have any respect for backward and violent culture?
76. little georgie # 31
David ,   Jerusalem   (07.13.06)
hmmm - I'm not quite sure if it's me that's hyperventilating here, georgie, with all due respect. Time to look in the mirror again. Regarding if you 'confused' me, well its just that here in Israel when people refer to 'bus bombings', its usually assumed that they're referring to bus bombings. I dont think people from Haifa are soft, tho as a veteran of an IDF combat unit, in my experience little American boys who seem to live in a poor Hollywood movie (yo david, etc)usually are. In general, by the way, I love and respect our friends in the United States, as do most Israelis. Silly children like you let your country down.
77. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. #44
Mike ,   Virginia   (07.13.06)
The artical you suggest completely misapplies Matthew 10:34. Jesus was not articulating rules of phisical warfare. Jesus was speaking of spiritual warfare and the spiritual oppression we are subjected to by our own families and community. Even so, our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, powers, and authorities of this dark world, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly relms. The sword he speaks of is the sword of the Spirit. Even in days such as these, the Kingdom of Heaven is forcefully advancing, and froceful men lay hold of it.
78. Moomens #53
Seth ,   Washington, DC   (07.13.06)
Yes and your co-religionists kicked out our family, stole our businesses and homes, and body-searched our women when you kicked us out in 1949 but we're doing well and we continue to kick your ass in every conflict. It must be very frustrating for the backwards world Muslim community that can't defeat a few million Jews. Your people always claim you have "Allah" behind you but circumstances would seem to indicate if our common G-d favors one side or the other, it must be the Jews...inshallah
Ron ,   VANCOUVER   (07.13.06)
The Palestinians want their own country. There's just one thing about that, there are no Palestinians. It's a made up word. Israel was called Palestine for two thousand years. Palestinian sounds ancient but is really a modern invention. Before the Israelis won the land in war Gaza was owned by Egypt and there were no Palestinians then. The West Bank was owned by Jordan, and there were no Palestinians then. As soon as the Jews took over and started growing oranges as big as basketballs, what do you know, say hello to the Palestinians, weeping for their deep bond with their lost land & nation. So for the sake of honesty, let's not use the word Palestinian any more to describe these delightful people, who dance for joy at our deaths until someone points out they're being taped. Instead let's call them what they are "Other Arabs " who would rather wrap themselves in the seductive melodrama of eternal struggle & death. Okay, so the "Other Arabs" want their own country. No, they don't. They could have had their own country any time in the last thirty years, especially at Camp David. Fact is, if you have your own country, you have to have traffic lights and garbage trucks and Chambers of Commerce & worse, you actually have to figure out some way to make a living. That's no fun. No, they want what all the other Jew-Haters in the region want: Israel. They also want a big pile of dead Jews, of course that's where the real fun is but mostly they want Israel. Why? For one thing, trying to destroy Israel or "The Zionist Entity" as their textbooks call it -- for the last fifty years has allowed the rulers of Arab countries to divert the attention of their own people away from the fact that they're the blue-ribbon most illiterate, poorest, and tribally backward people on G-d's Earth, and if you've ever been around G-d's Earth, you know that's really saying something. Five hundred million Arabs; five million Jews. Think of all the Arab countries as a football field, and Israel as a pack of matches sitting in the middle of it. Now these same people swear that if Israel gives them half of that pack of matches, everyone will be friends. Really? But what about the string of wars to obliterate the tiny country and the constant din of rabid blood oaths to drive every Jew into the sea? Just reverse the numbers. Imagine five hundred million Jews and five million Arabs. Can anyone picture the Jews strapping belts of razor blades and dynamite to themselves? Of course not. Or marshaling every fiber and force at their disposal for generations to drive a tiny Arab State into the sea? Nonsense. Or dancing for joy at the murder of innocents? Impossible. Or spreading and believing horrible lies about the Arabs baking their bread with the blood of children? Disgusting. No, as you know, left to themselves in a world of peace, the worst Jews would ever do to people is, debate them to death.
80. hebrew wall of honour.com
Ron ,   VANCOUVER   (07.13.06)
http://hebrewwallofhonour.com/ This is an amazing site to honour Israel's heroes & thank them for protecting our homeland.
81. We stand with Israel!
Tim ,   Philadelphia PA   (07.13.06)
We are 100% behind Israel on their own homeland defense! Do not give in and do not negotiate with these animals - it will only encourage them to capture more Israelis. This was a completely unprovoked attack by these cowards on a democratic society.
82. Gale Leitch
Jeff Brewer ,   San Diego, CA USA   (07.13.06)
Missus Leitch, I'm sorry you've been so ingranined with hatred for Israel. These people are fighting a xenophobic and racist religion and people (the Arabs) who tolerate no other nationalities/ethnicities in the vicinity of the Near East. That is the fact of the matter. Since Mohammad's reign of slaughter began in the 7th century, no Jew, Christian, apostate Arab or other infidel has been welcome by the vast majority of the Near East inhabitants. These people are at war with the world...in NYC, India, Madrid, London, Israel, Sudan, the Phillipines, Somalia, Nigeria, etc., etc. wake up and take notice of the real enemy. It isn't Israel.
83. Full of it ..
Sam Olayan ,   Riyadh   (07.13.06)
Reading the articles and the feedback only reinforces my conclusion that jews are delusional when it comes to history and in denial when it comes to reality. No wonder jew are so paranoid.. Jew are full of it.
84. #50 Jo
Dorothy ,   Herzliah, Israel   (07.13.06)
Israel's problems are due mainly to its leaders wanting all of Palestine "the Greater Israel" and caring much more for expansion and land grabbing than about human life, Jewish and other.
85. #62...to my dear cousin Manasra Shadi....
Neil in NYC ,   NYC, NY, USA   (07.13.06)
"As usual, the Israeli government has moved against a clearly defenseless population without any regard to international norms or human decency." My "cousin" Manasra, if you were totally honest with yourself, maybe you would see how you did have The Freedom of Expression here, and heard. Also, realize that if you disagreed with your beloved Hamas or Fatah, you would be dead. As for your diatribe, think about it.....if your mindless murdering leader Arafat had really wanted peace and acted appropriately, you would have your "state" in both Gaza and the West Bank.....instead, your leaders and your people chose intifada, then Hamas, and cleary want the end of Israel and what your racist ignorant Imans and leaders call the Zionist Entity. Deal with the facts on the ground man.....its clear, you and your "victim" people do NOT want peace, and are following the lead of Imams and leaders who care little for your children....strapping bombs on them to blow up other innocents. Sonic booms may "terrorize" people, but face it.....blowing up Pizzerias, Cafes, Bus depots, and elderly Jews celebrating their Passover holiday are just a tad more terrorizing....in fact its MURDER. Israel has proven quite absurdly in my opinion that she wants to have a 2 state solution, its YOUR leaders and YOUR people that have chosen otherwise. Stop blaming the other side and start looking at your own stuff and responsibility for your own people. You had your chance since the Oslo accords were signed, and you lost it. Frankly, you may never have another shot.....and you know, in the history of this bloody world, not too many people's like the Palestinians have been given such a shot at their own state, and always undermined it...time after time...after time. Cousin, I wish you luck in your anger, but frankly, you are blaming the wrong government. Your leaders have taken your people down the path of destruction and constant loss.....and again, you will lose.
86. perhaps YOU...
perhaps YOU should visit this site honestreporting.com
ALEX ,   LEBANON   (07.13.06)
88. To Nasralla - the day of your physical castration is coming!
Yehuda Maccabee ,   MODI'IN   (07.13.06)
89. Please Stop the Insults
Servet Gözel ,   İstanbul Turkey   (07.13.06)
Some people here still believe insulting other religions and members of these religions will do good, and furthermore some others still think killing civilian people by some means is righteous. Man, I think this is way far from a healthy platform to discuss a serious subject while people keep on saying "Go Israel. Damn the arabs. Damn Islam. Our prayers are with you." Not that I'm distinctly on one side, but a healthy discussion requires people to stop provocating and irritating opponents in the discussion first. I'm outta here.
90. Israel not viable without the places no one misses.
Lea de Lange ,   Jerusalem Israel   (07.13.06)
Do we miss Gaza and Southern Lebanon? This is not the question. The question is whether Israel can exist with deadly enemies in Southern Lebanon and in Gaza and the answer is clearly:"no, it can't". So? We must be in those places ourselves, we should never have left them, Four mothers and I do not know how many fathers did a lot of damage. We should return to those places "no one misses" because it was proven beyond any doubt that Israel is not viable without them.
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