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Homefront is strong. What about the government?
Naomi Ragen
Published: 19.07.06, 11:04
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13 Talkbacks for this article
2. Naomi Ragen
Michael ,   Haifa   (07.19.06)
Haven't read for a long time now such a superficial and transparent piece of rubbishy drivel like this one by Ms.Ragen
3. Cause for concern
Eli Reuven ,   Newton USA   (07.19.06)
Most of my family live in Jerusalem and Netanya. At this point in time they worry more about their friends in Judea and Samaria who are being arrested -- even a lawyer was arrested who challenged the arrests! -- than they are about the war itself, and they don't take the war lightly. I don't know if Olmert's words about being tired of winning are still part of his psyche, but I suspect they are, because Syria and Iran still feel safe. So here we have it. Olmert and company are going after Hisbullah etc with a vengeance -- that's good; but they are still holding back on those who make it possible for Hisbullah etc to operate -- that's not good; and they are arresting Jewish patriots who are protesting, in political ways that are an essential part of the democratic process, Israel's surrender of land to arab terrorists -- and that's very bad. I am pessimistic about this. It may turn out that this war may very well have been fought in vain. Were the country and Knesset to be more than 50% like Naomi Ragen, Caroline Glick and the brave men and women who are fighting this war, I would have no such fears.
4. Further to Government
Doreen Ellen Bell-Do ,   Tzfat (Safed)   (07.19.06)
There is no such thing as a strong, wise and good gov't whose sole interest is the good of its subjects. My hope is that we, this entire area, do not return to the political situations in our given countries as they were before. My hope is that some individuals in each of our countries realize that so long as there are countries and borders there will be wars. I hope that we mature a bit and move a step closer to Anarchy. I do not mean chaos. I mean the condition of self-ruling, free market statelessness, as described by the greatest Humanists that Humankind has ever produced. I don't expect that we can make the transition in one day. I do hope we take our first halting steps in that direction.
5. Naomi Regan - Our own Ann Coulter
lior stattenhouse ,   TA Is   (07.19.06)
Ms. Regan thinks she can out-halutz the halutzim, out-zionist the founders, and out-soldier the soldiers. let us remember that the gov has a lot of constituencies to satisfy and that ms regan's bloodlust is only one of them
6. Naomi Ragen is right, as usual. No Coulter , though
AK   (07.19.06)
Now Ann Coulter prefers to kick the opponent right in the balls and watch him scream his ultra-liberal head off. I often enjoy Ann Coulter, even if I don't always agree with what she says. She doesn't mince the words and she is definitely not PC person, and that in itself is a huge plus. Naomi Ragen I always agree with. She speaks with a clear and intelligent voice and with perfect understanding of the world around her. She is never shrill, nor is she cruel. No, she is no Ann Coulter, but Orwell. You don't like her because deep down you're afraid that she is right, that she calls into question your dearly held and never questioned opinions. In her article she has stated what for any clear- thinking person is rather obvious – that the press undermines rather than bolster the morale of the country, and that she worries that the stamina and courage of the government is not that of the nation. And Naomi is right, and has good reasons to worry, judging by the past government’s actions and by what I see on FOX, CNN and the rest. What she says must be said, even is people like you refuse to listen. Some will listen. Of cause, since we have exactly the same problem, I understand what Naomi is saying, but fortunately we’re not in the midst of the existential war, at least not yet.
JEBB ,   HAIFA   (07.20.06)
Wailing sirens warning of an incoming missile send us people hurrying for underground bomb shelters, not knowing where the next rocket might land. Sometimes it is a false alarm, but the drill is always the same and my nerves are frayed. Even when the rockets aren't falling in Haifa, the sound of rumbling can be heard in the distance, echoes of explosions as missiles rain down on neighbouring towns and villages.
8. Absolutely right
nul ,   Israel   (07.20.06)
My (and not only my) feeling exactly. Michael are you a journalist yourself, by any chance? Ms.Regan expresses concern and you fall into hysterics.
9. Naomi Ragen: always wise, always right. Congrats, Ynetnews!
Márcia ,   Brazil   (07.20.06)
10. To Doreen Ellen (#4)
Márcia ,   Brazil   (07.20.06)
Self-ruling comes with independence and sovereignty only. Imagine there is no heaven -- it's exactly where internationalism reigns, one step closer to totalitarianism.
11. #7 Jebb
omar   (07.21.06)
what did you think was gonna happened, when israel decided to start a war with lebanon? Im sorry this is happening on both fronts. Once we start caring about both fronts, thats when Jews and muslims will live in peace, We did it before we can do it again. Imagine a more peaceful land. now imagine how we can accomplish that. The mission underway will only create more problems. We all know this. so why dont we change our views?
12. Blood athirst!!
Nayeeda ,   Lebanon   (07.21.06)
I have to say that despite my disgust and anxiety towards what is happening actualy between Israel & my Lebanon dearest..I find myself appalled from some of the opinions that I once thought young intellectuals would never have!! Both of the people have experienced war,injustice,elimination,genocides and many more brutal experiences throughout the centuries..still we have nt learnt from our mistakes. Stop the war..refuse the killing..ban the brutality..acknowledge that Hizbollah does nt represent the Lebanese people,not even all the shiaas that exist in the south or parts of Beirut..the apaches are not hitting hizbollah in fact as the whole world is seeing ,bombs are only targeting innocent,helpless children.. what is exactly that you want? exterminate a whole country,a whole religion? a whole ethnicity? what is it? or your goverment is just blood athirst so the palestinian blood is no longer satisfiying ,they drewled over lebanese fresh and young blood!! you have come to know before that you can take away anything from us even our lives but you shall never strip us away from our dignity...Dignity: honor, a virtue you do not possess, a non existing word in your vocabulary..something your money cannot buy!! we will not forgive and we will never forget what you have done and stil doing to us. But personaly if I had the choice of killing all israeli to the last ,I would not do it because i t will turn me into the thing i despite the most YOU! I pray God to have mercy on you on Judgement day, cos from where I see it all of the zionists with no exception will serve as charcoal in hell.. Repent it is not too late.
13. Nayeeda, attack came from your country
AK   (07.21.06)
The attack on Israelis occured on the Israeli soil and the killers/attackers/kidnappers live in Lebanon and are part of your government. Your country started this war, even if everybody delicately omits it, blaming only Hizbollar. Accept responsibility, then you can end the war. It is from Lebanon that the missiles have been coming on Israeli towns.
14. words of truth
rita morris ,   san diego ca usa   (07.24.06)
First time to veiw your site. Appreciate the print of truth. Heart swells under pressure released by tears. I too, support the decion of your goverment. Also journalist are in a sorry need of developing a human insite to the moment. I ask for your permission to submitt your artical to any san diego paper that will print it? Respectfully yours, Rita Morris
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