Opinion  Soapbox
The gap between 'right' and 'effective'
Galia Golan
Published: 24.07.06, 09:15
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45 Talkbacks for this article
31. Galia Golan
zov ,   rosenberg, tx   (07.25.06)
Readings the responses to her pathological nonsense one can be amazed by almost placating attitudes of almost all of the readers. Do people who at least remotely familiar with the military history and the foundations of statehoods realize that during the times of war the subversive propaganda and demoralizing calls to the public, like hers, result in hanging from the lamposts and drum beats upon the treat?
32. Dear Professor
Academia ,   USA   (07.25.06)
I hope there is more of you on each side of the fence. The US has an agenda in the middle east starting from fabricating a story on WMD to attack Iraq and now pushing Israel into a war that there will be no winner. At the end each side will claim victory: Israel for disarming Hizbollah and Hizbollah for getting Israel to leave shibaa farms and deliver some prisonners. Ultimatley I think this would have happened without all the destruction. The problem is that in Israel most of the politicians are war generals and so it is difficult to get them to think in anyother way. It would be a pitty that after all the death tolls that we end up on the negotiations table.
33. to #17
Mike ,   USA   (07.25.06)
Yes. How about it. The Golan is not part of the promised land and so why do you want to occupy syrian land and at the same time ask them not to support terrorist group. Give them back their land
34. #1 Kareem
John ,   NZ   (07.25.06)
With all your babbling about civilised world, you forgot to ask yourself the question, what caused Israel to act. Israel was provoked. You fool. Why don't you listen to your wise King Faisal and condemn Hisbullshiit.. or shut the hell up.
35. Galia Golan, the New Shulamit Aloni
Katy ,   USA   (07.25.06)
Does she wear her keffiyah to her peace now meetings?
36. Wrong
Francois ,   Paris & MontrĂ©al   (07.25.06)
Eventually, Hizballah may claim that they won however they would have lost their military strength, their credit as a "resistance" organization and will appear as Iran proxy and they will never get any Israel pullout or prisonners swap. Moreover, even if they claim victory, they will be smashed if they even think to rebuild their military forces.
37. to #33
jason white ,   afula,israel   (07.25.06)
Check out the sites on the Golan that Jews were living there three thousand years ago. What about our Temple Mount?What about the Holy city of Hebron? Give us back our land!
38. Israel's atrocity
Yohan ,   Amsterdam   (07.25.06)
to check Israel's self defence, please see: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14069.htm
39. Collective Punishment? Civilian Populations? Not!
Paqid 16, Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (07.25.06)
It's been widely conceded by virtually every western media that Khizb'Allah, Hamas & other terrorists make it their practice to entrench themselves among civilians. They peek out from under their women's skirts to fire between their children, then flee to leave their women & children to become "martyrs." It's a miracle that for every 180 "civilians" who couldn't ditch their black mask and green headband before the IDF killed them there isn't another ADDITIONAL 540 "women and children" killed. It's a tribute to IDF surgical precision that there were only 180 or less of their human shield "martyrs" killed. "Civilians"? Who're you kidding? Political "solutions" that aren't backed up by imminent military disaster are distinguished are "blue helmet" adventures. I'm suspect the professor was also one of the advocates of placing Israel's future in Arafat's hands as he now advocates placing Israel's future in Assad's hands. The time is long since past to place Israel's future in our own hands in the service of ha-Sheim. One should ask: what will be the motivation for missiles to stop (works for both Lebanon, Gaza or any other adventurous terrorist groups) and what will be the motivation to return our soldiers? The answer to the first is widespread death and destruction until the missiles stop. The answer to the second is open season on Nasrallah, his henchmen and their successors, every time the poke their head up, until our soldiers are returned. These policies must be as certain as the rising of the sun and the tides of the seas. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming non-Jews www.netzarim.co.il (website visible again, but contact forms don't work due to war)
40. So what of the future?
Dan ,   USA   (07.25.06)
So since you have practically annihilated all of Lebanon in your vain pursuit of vanquishing the Hezbollah movement, what happens next? And in 10 years? 20 years? You cannot possibly expect these countries or terrorist factions from eventually acquiring a nuke of some sort. Either a dirty bomb or a full scale warhead, thus making the military playing field much more even. Where will bombs and military might get Israel then? You will be forced into diplomacy since the conventional military deterrent will be removed. I'm sure Bin Laden would trade Tehran,Damascus,Beirut and Riyadh for Tel Aviv. The old saying "When you live by the sword, You Die by the sword" is very relevant in Israel's case. You will never kill enough since you create 2 fold the number of enemies with every death. You MUST concede enough for peace to actually take root or you will constantly be playing the house( The Arab Middle East States who SURROUND you on ALL sides) with a losing hand. Eventually those bombs you drop on others heads will be dropped on yours. After 50 years of killing and being killed with no end in sight, you cannot get peace with a bomb in your hand. Why can't Israel see that?
41. Fifth columnist Galia Golan
Shalom Freedman ,   Jerusalem   (07.25.06)
Read the bottom line. Forget the sweet palliative at the beginning meant as a cover to show that she understands us. She is a surrender-nik demonstrator against Israeli policy, a Shulamit Aloni-alike She is also the kind of unrealistic appeaser whose line of thought has gotten us into this present mess. Galia, why don't you explain to us how Hizbollah are putting into play the Soviet- Vietnamese 'people's war' model against big bad imperialist us.
42. Are you a religious preacher or a Professor???
Charles ,   Nigeria   (07.26.06)
I respect intellectuals,cus i grew up in a university community. But im so surprised to read this article,With all due respect Professor,i think you need to wake up and be realistic. This guys are not ready for any political solution to the problems,there are no rules for this engagement.Infact no compromise,either israel defend themselves or they die. Have you ever experienced a mob action professor?Thats exactly what it is with them. No man in a sane state of mind will enjoy sheding blood nomather the reason.Unless he is insane.Just like Hizbullah and their allies. Many people around the world also appreciates your kind gesture for peace,but There is time for everything,"TIME FOR PEACE AND TIME FOR PIECES" Why the hell do you think that all this mad islamic extrimists and terrorist will listen to you Madam Prof Peace Maker?? They are like OLIVER TWIST(by Charles Dickens),they will always want some more.The best solution is to starve them to the point of death if posible and they will plead for peace. EVERY HUMAN HAVE A PRICE,AND EVERYTHING HAVE A BREAKING POINT. We must try to find their breaking point,there is no political solution in my opinion,they will always have a reason to send another missile(Even for the fact that you are a JEW is enough kill you and your family,or dont you remember what happened to the jews before and during the 2nd world war?) Do you think that if they had the oppurtunity to have a nuke that works,You will still be alive in Tel Aviv or wherever you are to make your peace?. Do you think they give a shit about you and your peace? Read #3 remarks,DIPLOMACY DOES NOT WORK WITH ISLAMIC DUDES. Meanwhile you better understand that ISRAEL is in a state of war, very perculiar one that can kill you at anytime even outside israel. Anyway,you are a professor of Russian and East European Studies,You better go back to Middle east studies department and start as a fresher. Beware!!!
43. shafiq
hanan ,   canada   (08.01.06)
Wake up buddy, we are all praying for ya man, you sound like an idiot. youre in la la land. Those images must have all been computer generated just like the world trade center plane crashes, all made up. I highly doubt you are shafiq and from canada but anyways. give me an email and we'll talk.
44. attack the roads
Mary An ,   Antwerpen & Belgium   (08.04.06)
It is better to attack now ;bombs the roads in the north of Lebanon ; near the city Telkalakh to stop the transportations of the rockets from Iran;payed with the oil dollar of Iran;bombs also the main roads and the secondary roads from Syria;so you can stop the movement of the rocket launchers; I hope that you are the winner in this little Iranian war.
Knave Dave ,   Honolulu, Hawaii, US   (09.11.06)
Only when Israel accepts the borders that were given to it by the League of Nations and its descendent, the U.N., will Israel be able to attack with impugnity those who attack across its borders. When Israel decides to live within the law, it will have the right to expect others to do the same. The sole right to determine Israel's borders belongs to those who won the land from the Ottoman Empire and who decided to GIVE the land away, rather than keep it for themselves. The ONLY nations to win the lands of the Middle East via treaty from another sovereign nation are the allies who fought in WW1, who were assisted by Arabs far more than by Jews. Those nations chose to give a portion of the land to Jews anyway, and that is the Jews only legitimate portion. It was the right of war for those nations to give as they chose. The Jews have not won ANY land since then because they have not had the courage or the ability to fight their enemies to surrender and to sign treaties. They have only fought them to retreat. The territories that are occupied still belong to the U.N. as it has not given those territories to anyone by final treaties. So, Israel would have to fight the U.N. as the assign of the victors of WWI, in order to win the land militarily by treaty. How, then, can Israel expect the U.N. to honor Israel's concerns when Israel so flagrantly dishonors the U.N. and those allies WHO PAID WITH THEIR BLOOD to free that land from the Turks? It is an absurd expectation. If Israel cannot beat the U.N. militarily into giving it the land it wants with a treaty to prove the transaction, then Israel cannot win anything it wants militarily because the U.N. is the only legitimate authority over the spoils of WWI. That's historic fact as plain and true as it gets. --David Haggith
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