Poll: Half of Americans support fight in Lebanon
Sari Cohen
Published: 27.07.06, 09:46
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31. #1. Danny + I don't view those websites CBS/NY Times
Mary ,   USA   (07.27.06)
I answer polls on good sites not those lefty ones. They don't deserve my viewing. They seem anti-Semitic. Yes Israel's response is justified. No it is not proportionate, or Israel would lose. Yes they will win. No, Kofi has no nads. He's anti-Semitic. And Yes, Israel should do WHATEVER it takes to snuff out these regional terrorists, their offshoots(children) and the terrorist sympathizers. No, I wouldn't recommend Israel do anything different than what she is. Now to Danny in Haifa, We are praying for your and your family's safety and all Israel. We here in US are very aware of your suffering and we are looking very closely at what is happening in Israel, and know that what happens where you are may happen here. I don't know how much you subscribe to G_d's Word on what Israel means to Him, but many here understand that Israel is His and when someone messes with Israel, they are messing with G_d. It's not that we here are not aware of the harm that has come to you and Israel. Shalom Israel The terrorist-minded here are also watching what happens there, and they are taking notes.
32. #4 Yeah, Americans know more than you think,
Mary ,   USA   (07.27.06)
CREEP. You remind me of Nakita in Russia, who loved Rhetoric. Putin loves it too, asswipe. You need to see Truth in action, You don't believe how you've been taken off-guard by Israel's response to the IGNORANT HISSSSSSBULLLLLAH.
33. #17
Mark ,   San Antonio USA   (07.27.06)
If a "Jew is a Jew is a Jew," then why isn't a "Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim"? You are correct that 7th Century Muslims ATTACKED the Iberian Penninsula (Spain/Portugal). However, you failed to mention the Arabian Muslim attacks against Constantinople, which brought about the Orthodox Patriarch's request to the Roman Catholic Pope for assistance, which resulted in the Crusades. You Muslim "infidels" have always been the aggressors, and your Muslim "brothers" in Lebanon are getting exactly what they deserve. When you Islamofascists decide to stop your murderous attacks against the West, perhaps then we can discuss peace between our peoples. Until then, may G-d bless us with victory over your sick, perverted interpretations of your conflicting scriptures (Medina and Mecca) found in the Koran.
34. I dont get it
48 % say response proportionate, 26 % say exaggerated response.... so the other 26 % said......???
35. #6,#24, and #27 what???
DR ,   Florida, USA   (07.27.06)
Are you guys really that dumb to think that the US media reports are that biased??? Have you seen these reports, do you watch American tv??? Cnn shows dead bodies in Lebanon everyday. They show Lebanese families who have lost relatives, or have been stranded in Beirut for weeks on end. We know exactly what's going on. The fact of the matter emains that Lebanon housed a terror group. Hezaballah then Attacked Israel and Isarel has every right to fight back. If you don't get this simple fact, then you are all hopeless. Arabs need to learn that ISrael will not bow down and appease terror like Lebanon did. Any questions???
36. #16...muppets???
DR ,   Florida, USA   (07.27.06)
Was ISrael an american puppet in1948? How about '67??? Israel acts out of self defence everytime an Arab country attacks it. Maybe killing nine soldiers and kidnapping two others is not enough to boil your blood, but Israeli's have these things called balls and they do not hide or run form terror, they kill it.
37. Your days are numbered
Mike ,   London, England   (07.27.06)
The US is on its way out, its economy will collapse soon and your terrorist state will only last as long as the US. In fifty years time China will be the world's superpower and Israel will be gone.
38. #15, Jeremiah...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (07.27.06)
What policy would you support? Letting terror groups run around unchecked to kill who they want? Or would you prefer that the US just not do anything to help fight terror??? Which unrealistic policy would be yours?
39. Guess which half support Israel?
Jim ,   NYC/USA   (07.27.06)
News aint the liberal democrats...which by the way most Jews in the united states vote liberal. This should send shock waves through the jewish community that says the political party they support does NOT support them...They might be shocked Im not, like the blacks, the jews in america have been the democrats patsies for years. the true support comes from christian evangelicals who 99% are conservative republicans. Jews should start to realize who your real friends are..It aint the pope. Go Israel!
40. 1/2 of Americans is approx.: 115 mil. people - GO ISRAEL!
Vera ,   USA   (07.27.06)
41. WAEL & co. - WAnnabE psychologicaL warfare
Sharon ,   Haifa, Israel   (07.27.06)
You anti-Israelis on this board look desperate for self-assurance that reality will adjust itself to your wishes. Or are you trying to increase our resolve by proving you're a worthy target? By the way, only the ignorant use the term "Juw".
42. #37 Your folks said the same thing about themselves
Israel   (07.27.06)
58 years later, we're still here.
43. #35
Proud Muslim ,   Earth   (07.27.06)
Your response shows that you're missing the big picture... it doesn’t mean that brining “some” pictures of what happening to the civilian which are being killed by Israelis using US weapons that your media is unbiased, look at the whole coverage and tell, what they comment, who do they blame for those killings… think please with me… they work on your sub-conscious… beware! Jew-controlled media uses very intelligent way to convince you that "Israel is defending it self" I respect American people intelligence but Jews don't, please do a thorough research (from reliable sources not owned by Jews or Arabs) about the whole issue and don't just take what the media tells you, please, would you? Please don't judge us as terrorists because we're defending our lands, defending our dignity, defending our people, defending our values... We Muslim would love to live in peace, no body with functioning brain would want a war, can't you see this, we're forced to fight back to defend our lives... our religion teach us that… please read about Islam a little bit more… Please look at the big picture, please investigate, and don’t let Jews media fool you. I know you're smart but what you see and what you hear 24/7 is what you believe after all, I can understand that… but don’t gave up, try to find the truth… Another example how Jews-Controlled media brainwash Americans minds is when the sad 11/9 attacks happened, the media linked the terrorist to Islam and all Muslims (directly and indirectly), so if one day a group of murders who happened to Christians made something as awful, should we consider all Christians terrorists? No we shouldn’t! Get my point? Thank you for your understanding… Peace from Islam Lands
HATER OF ALL ,   USA   (07.27.06)
45. #43 Nice "sales pitch"
Mark ,   San Antonio USA   (07.27.06)
Proud Muslim: Nice "sales pitch," but this American ain't buying your product. You "proud" Muslim "fighters" use your holy places to fight cowardly battles; you "proud" Muslim "fighters" hide behind women and children while launching attacks and defending yourselves from counter-attack; you "proud" Muslim "fighters" have proffered flags of surrender, only to launch attacks when your enemies are near. Your Koran grants you permission to lie and behave in this manner -- so say your Imans. You are a collective disgrace to humanity in general and manhood specifically. You are cowardly mongrel dogs that whine about the American media while simultaneously trashing the truth in your own media. I will grant you that some Americans are brainwashed: They are known as "liberals" and they generally believe your lies. On the other hand, there are those of us who recognize the type of enemy we are fighting and know that only total war against you and yours will garner any respect from you Islamofascist curs. May G-d grant us victory over you, your lies, and your sick religious beliefs/interpretations of your "sacred" writings.
46. #43
M Harvey ,   UK   (07.27.06)
Well said, people should start do some seriuos research!!!!
47. Isreali support
Emory Robertson ,   United States   (07.27.06)
I had just read an article about the support in the united states for this campaign. You will find nearly 100 percent of us natural citizens that we support Isreal forever. Our government has turned terribly corrupt internally. We support our President and especially our armed forces. The armed forces are always normal americans, and not politicians in the field. American politics worries too much about world approval. First, we don,t need it. Second us and Isreal is the true americans only concern. The lebanese government is totally responsible , they say one thing politically but we all know they are supporting the Hezbollah! For this reason, civilian casualties is a must, because in truth most are not just civilians. They believe and fight against Isreal. The civilians in this case are the enemy too. We as Americans have learned as much in Iraq. The Muslim terrorist groups and militias needs to be eradicated. Us as Americans wish our government would be as determined as yours to get your people back. the number is unimportant. We have had to watch our citizens get their heads cut off alive on TV, in Iraq. The general public view of Americans is kill them all for this. Lay complete wast to what is left of Iraq! You cannot defeat guerilla warfare by being cautious. although probably correct. Protect your Isreali soldiers. Level whole towns, then send in the vulnerable ground troops. Israel is close to doing that now. The whole world also knows that Hezbollah is getting support from our mutual enemies. Syria, Iran God know's who else is really helping them. I believe Hezbollah thought they could get more muslim support in the international forum for isreal to take the fight to Hezbollah. That does not seem to be happening. If America stay's out of the fight. Or at least that is the general public's thinking. The truth is Hezbollah started this by kidnapping Isreali soldiers. We as Americans will be there for you. Guaranteed. The general population in the United States is Christian. Gentiles who would love nothing better to support our Isreali bretheren. For your land is our Holy Land as well. Most Isreali's probably do not realize this but we as Americans would fight for your country probably before we would fight for our own. Your cause is alway's just. Go get your people. We support that whatever international opinion is. The muslim world thought when we invaded Iraq that all muslims would revolt. Well that did'nt happen. So inturn I do not think any country will do anything, politically for the isreali people protecting it's own. We as American's are ready able and willing to assist the Isreali cause. You would see people like me a 35 yr old white male join the service to help protect Isreal. Point being: Regardless of what our press or politicians say publically, we Americans support the Isreali conflict and actually want to help. Thank you, Emory Robertson, USA
48. they want to destroy us
bina ,   ny, usa   (07.27.06)
that a good hope, you are right if arabs wanted peace they would have it, but thats the problem they don't want peace. thats why yasser arafat walked out of camp david, he was getting 90% of what he wanted, thats pretty much everything. just look at the recent events - israel left lebanon, israel left gaza israel planned to leave west bank. israel kind of said we're giving everything back just leave us alone? did the arabs leave them alone-- no they didn't. if the lessons here are not obvious i dont know what is so the answer to all those seeking peace ( israel and usa) the only way to have peace is to crush the terrorists to murder them as they have murdered us take off the white gloves and fight a war as a war should be fought CRUSH THEM CRUSH THEM i whole heartedly support Avigdor Lieberman he's got the right ideas this is islamic fascism and should be treated as such. Bush deserves the highest praises for his handling of this. Diplomacy? with whom? people who want to destroy israel? whats to talk about? CRUSH THEM!!! forget human rights forget that we are civilized nations stoop to their level and destroy them thats the only way to deal with this situation nothing else will work, unfortunately there are no one who has the balls ( sorry) to do it and thats the problem... because the solution seems clear to probably everyone ( in israel and usa) but no balls....
49. # 39 u're right
bina ,   ny usa   (07.27.06)
most jews do support the democrats and liberals and that the problem.... the cbs abc nbc cnn are probably run by jews ( im not sure) new york times is and they are all liberal and support the terrorist or pacifism or feel sorry for civilians ( those civilians? send their children to become suicide bombers and are proud of them) but thats the problem thats why they are allowed to kill us (jews)because we (jews) dont stand up for ourselves and don't respect ourselves im a jew i watch fox news and a registered republican! so as bill oreilly says i say to all liberal jews -- wise up!
50. To number 24
CNN is Arab owned. So may we believe all we see onscreen coming from Lebanon is also fabriacted and for sure not the truth?
51. Proud Muslim (43) must be "Jew-Controlled"
sk ,   USA   (07.27.06)
Really, PM, you open your mouth, the filth pours out in its urgent sincerity, and I have even more scorn for your religion than I had before (which is quite the accomplishment). The only manipulation the media give regarding Islam is that it is a religion of peace, when the only "peace" Islam is associated with is after conversion to Islam or death.
52. #37 Mike I hope you are teaching your girls to wear veils
Annie ,   USA   (07.27.06)
53. America is in a war on two fronts just like Israel
Jonathan Eyal   (07.28.06)
Danny, You are a fool. America is putting its money where its mouth is because they are losing people too. Ever hear of Iraq and Afghanistan? With regard to Israel, we should keep sending as many Hizbollah as we can to their graves no matter how long it takes. If we need a full ground invasion of Lebanon I am 150% for it and if Syria sends their army in we will just have to send them to meet allah as well!
54. #52 Annie
Mike ,   London, England   (07.28.06)
Very insightful comment there Annie. Adds to the debate greatly. We already have many Muslims in this country and apart from the right-wing inbreds, we all live happily alongside them. It's called multiculturalism - something racist Israelis and American Christian bigots will never understand.
55. #54 Mike Was 7/7 part of your peace plan?
Annie ,   USA   (07.28.06)
56. #54 Flip Answers aside- My Say
Annie ,   USA   (07.28.06)
Mike, Diversity is American’s strength. My country is made of people of all cultures and I have supported immigrants all my life and have seen many summers. I still believe in Freedom of Religion. Many in America wear veils and I defend their right to do so. However, If I choose not to wear a veil I insist on the same right of choice, without fear of death. I believe that is why American’s left England, Freedom of Religion. Does your multiculturalism include discipline for handing out leaflets about ones religion. Mr. Germaine Lindsay spent his childhood in West Yorkshire. He converted to Islam in 2000. He was disciplined at school for handing out leaflets in support of al-Qaeda. Perhaps if England had been kinder and more tolerant of these bombers, Mr. Lindsay would not have carried out a deadly bombing killing 26 people on the Piccadilly train. I personally find it easy to embrace diversity and repugnant to embrace terror.
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