Online guide: Killing 'infidels'
Published: 24.08.06, 12:51
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91. THE FACT IS...
KEITH ,   NY,USA   (08.25.06)
All of us will soon know the truth. What sadens me is the innocent the Radicals will murder and the deceived satan has taken with him. I will not continue to try and change your minds, you obviuosly don't want it. Yet remember this day all you muslims, that Keith tried to enlighten you to the truth and all you unbelievers that Keith tried to show you the path to God. Jesus the Christ is the only way unto God and eternal life with Him. If I am wrong, wht have I lost? Nothing, I lived a good and honest life and treated people the way I wished to be treated. BUT what if your wrong? Are you willing to rol the dice with your soul? NOT ME!! Like I said...we all will know very soon.
KEITH ,   NY,USA   (08.25.06)
If you are not of the Spirit of God, you will never understand the Bible, so don't even try to read it and understand it too. If you read it with the intention of tearing down and TRY to show its contradictions, then of course anybody can do that. But, if you truly want to understand it and gain knowledge from it, then get a different attitude, repent of your thoughts and ask God, and his name isn't Allah, to show you what he means. Then you will see what He is saying. God even says that he will confuse unbelievers to what He has spoken; so don't be suprised at your ignorance. I am willing to help any of those who really wish to understand. E-mail me
93. the exact link
Sha Fei   (08.25.06)
94. Libneniyyeh response
Carrie ,   boondocks   (08.25.06)
I have taken the time to read the Quran, as you suggest. It lost my interest when I got to the passage telling men to warn their wives once if they suspect disobedience, then to banish them from their beds (big deal), and finally to beat them. The God I know does not punish those "suspected" of evil and certainly never allows men to beat their wives. No thanks.
95. to John Papas
Arthur ,   Asheville USA   (08.25.06)
I find it interesting that you quote Matthew 26:51 and fail to mention that Jesus rebuked Peter and healed the ear that was cut off when recounted in Luke. I also fail to see where the other verses mention Jesus advocating offensive action to convert others. Carrying a sword is also a means to defend oneself and a deterrence. Not to mention that the swords of the day that the common man was able to get were short, dagger-like instruments and had many practical uses besides violence.
96. Religion of Peace
barbra ann deaton ,   Vidor, Texas USA   (08.25.06)
97. Religion of Pieces
Tim ,   US   (08.25.06)
Ok, so people who support what the Islamaniacs are doing are quoting the bible to show that Jews and Christians did it too. There are several points to consider: 1. Some people are always telling us God does not exist and the bible is fiction. So, quoting fiction to prop up the idea that it is ok to kill is a good idea? 2. The context of the material in the quotes is from thousands of years ago. Have we learned nothing since then? 3. Face it, Islam is an intolerant religion of pieces. 4. Prove otherwise... show me the voice of moderates or any condemnation of what is being done in the name of Allah? BTW Jehovah, God, Allah are allegedly one and the same in Islam. That makes us all His children. What kind of Supreme Being sets one child against another deliberately? No, Islam is not for me. Not even by force.
98. Take off the blinders
Joe ,   Huntsville, USA   (08.25.06)
Friend, you need to take off your blinders. You have no idea of what you are talking about. Wake up.
99. #77....then don't kidnap and kill
Joe ,   Huntsville, USA   (08.25.06)
You want to place blame upon Israel. Don't forget, it was Hezbollah that kidnapped Israeli soldiers and lobbed missiles into Israel. That is an act of war, and nothing less. If you don't want civilians killed, then might I recommend that you stop your senseless killing. Muslims are taught to lie for their "god". No, Chrisitans and Jews did nothing to stop the war, and they should have demanded more. Civilians were warned. If they stayed, they were part of the problem. Hezbollah, like all terrorists, hide behind civilians. War is hell, and civilians die. My recommendation is not to commit acts of war against people who want to be left alone. Then your people don't die when a response is provided. I can talk to you till I turn blue in the face, but you will NEVER understand that your people are responsible for this. Not Israel, not the US and not the "infidel". Mind your own business, worship as you please, and let everyone else do the same. If you do not, then expect more death to rain down upon your people. You must know that Israel is teetering on the edge of massive war with your people because you choose to war with them. I highly recommend that they are left alone, if you value your lives. I get the sense that your people do not value life. You kill indescriminately whoever does not agree with your ideology. Now take this message to your people, or your people will suffer annihilation. The choice belongs to all of you. However, all of this is in the hands of God. What must come to pass will come to pass, and there is nothing that can be done. The Muslim people will continue to perpetrate these crimes in the name of Allah, and ultimately, a very large price is to be paid. Not all Muslims are warmongers and murderers. Unfortunately, there is enough of the 1.2 billion who are to be very significant. Good luck in fighting against the world, because you cannot win.
100. Jason
Eric ,   USA   (08.25.06)
Yes Jesus said to buy a sword if they didn't own one. Yet I guess I missed the verse where Jesus told the disciples to go murder innocent women and unborn children if they didn't accept him as savior. What just what did Jesus do when one of his companions cut off the ear the high priest's servant? The next time you crack on the Bible to prove a point, why don't you ask God to give you insight and ask to see the truth. Anyone can pull a sentence or two out of a larger story and distort the meaning. The Bible does not say to love your enemy. It says to PRAY for your enemy, to pray for those who persecute you. Read Matthew 5:43-45.
101. #60 Omar
Eric ,   USA   (08.25.06)
You make a very convincing argument, except that you make a HUGE assumption that invalidates your claim. Christians don't believe everything that happens is God's will. God ALLOWS things to happen as a result of our own choices. Not everything that happens is by God's own choosing. Who are you to know the mind of God and that it was his wish that Samson commit "suicide"? God granted Samson's prayer. We cannot say it was God's will or God's desire. And yes he knew before Samson was born this would occur. These innocent people you speak of that Samson killed were not innocent. Samson was a Judge of Israel, a protector, one chose to root out evil in Israel. He had been deceived, captured, and imprisoned by his enemies the Philistines. These innocents had gathered to offer sacrifice to Dagon, their god. The people asked for their enemy Samson to be brought forth for their entertainment and humiliation. And well you know the rest of the story. Let this be a lesson to you who are sworn enemies of Israel - YOU SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT TO HUMILIATE GOD'S CHOOSEN. HE WILL GRANT THEIR PRAYERS AND YOU WILL BE DESTROYED.
102. #88 few bad apples?
Gabe ,   Portugal   (08.25.06)
last time i checked the few was only 20% of whole Israel, that is not very few to me!!!
103. My apologies. I meant Jason not John.
Arthur ,   Asheville USA   (08.25.06)
104. Lies?
Monkeyhunter ,   Heartland, USA   (08.25.06)
Lies Djarzairi? Muslims have given us a 40 year running track record of consistently slaughtering unarmed noncombatants in nearly every country world wide - (except those smart enough not to let the vermin in of course.) The only lies are the ones constantly dripping from your diseased uulating cake holes everytime a camera lights up around you. Pathetic little frauds. You murderous little gnats want a war?congrats, a war is what's coming to you. Someday soon, we'll no longer care what happens to your civilians either. Then you'll get your war. You've had 40 years to sharpen your blades. We're just getting started over here. Better fasten your seatbelt split-hoof. And look for a good woman to hide behind. You're gonna need one.
105. #61 Omar
Monkeyhunter ,   Heartland, USA   (08.25.06)
Did you actually just compare a story in a 3000+ year old text with present day palestinian children blowing up Israeli children suicide style? No wonder there's no talking this out - you represent a population full of utterly disconnected dimwits and moonbats. The arguments for not nuking all of you are disappearing every minute. Get rid of the middle east and how high does world wide average IQ jump? Double digits I'm thinking. Just wondering out loud here...
106. Islam and peace
Jay Graddi ,   London, USA   (08.26.06)
I started to read a history of Islam by a noted professor of religion. I quit half way through as I became tired of the constant warfare. Islam has a history of ongoing fighting between the sects as well as the occasional foray to conquer the infidels. It is a religion of death.
107. #105 MonkeyHumper
MonkeyHunterHumper ,   ME   (08.26.06)
Let's take you off the map, the US IQ average would increase by triple digit. Keep on humping monkeys, make sure to use protection to avoid, errr never mind...
108. Ref.: #105
mike ,   Houston, TX   (08.26.06)
Don't know who you are, but I sure like the sound of what you say/said. Formerly, I thought I was the only one who thought that way, but I'm beginning to see more and more of us. We need two great leaders: Another Alexander the Great to slaughter the Persians (Iranians), and another El Cid (a real one this time) to drive all muslims (intentionally not capitalized), not from just Spain, but from the planet earth. Good wished to you!!
109. response to mohammad bin
maria ,   philippines   (08.26.06)
good you got that bible verse from the old king james bible. amalek and his people were enemies spoiling the israelites. it was war. could you explain this to me please: sura 9:5 fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every strategem of war. please read the new testament of the bible. thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. is that in the quran?jesus never sin. allah is not a true god.
110. response to dan from the usa
maria ,   philippines   (08.26.06)
you 're dead wrong against the holy bible .they are not just stories.the holy bible contains the law, history, prophecy , gospels, etc.2 timothy 3:16 says, all scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instructions in righteousness. the old testaments are filled with violence, if you read it, you'll find out why. By the way, we're not all brothers and sisters, yes we came from adam and eve, but their fall, the devil became our father, some people in the old testaments believe in God so they became His children, some were not.we're in the new testament if you're not a born again believer you're not HIS galatians 3:26 says for ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. John 1: 12 says, But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name.
Corina ,   San Bdno, CA   (08.26.06)
Saleh, you name a few ancient versus in the Bible and you think we are stupid enough to ignore what is so blatantly occuring before us in radical Islam's global Jihad against every man, woman, and child that doesn't bow to it's will? Try your stuff on an uneducated, illiterate populous maybe they'd believe you. Also, your website uses the Quran to refute biblical teachings which is illogical b/c even your own Quran by the prophet Muhammed held that Muslims should read the Bible:Sura 5.68,"Say,O followers of the book! You follow no good till you keep up the Tauret(Torah) and the Injeel (christian Gospels) and that which is revealed to you from your Lord." If Mohammed himself holds the Bible in high esteem as to insist it's followers do as well, why would he then contradict himself? Ask Allah to help you read your Quran with mercy instead of the hateful lies some in your religion are teaching. Corina
112. Answer to Mohammed Bin
rpfj ,   Great Mills,USA   (08.26.06)
You haven't studied nor rightly divided the word of truth correctly in this instance. This verse has nothing to do with approving violence just for the fun of it. Amelekites were enemies of God's chosen people and they were instucted to get rid of them. Also this verse deals with the Amelekites who walked after the fleshly nature as opposed to people who walk by faith and not by sight.
113. answer to #76 Dan usa
rpfj ,   great mills usa   (08.26.06)
We are not all brothers nor can we all live in peace as much as you'd like to think that way. The Bible was written by holy men as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. There may be some books that condone violence, but you have to read the Bible by faith and you have to be spiritually saved and rightly divide it by studying or else it will only seem like foolishness.
114. Absolute Truth - MUST READ!!!
Mark Gabriel ,   Nome, Alaska   (08.26.06) According to these links the Quran has been changed over time. --------- The book Islam and Terrorism by Mark Gabriel: Some pages from Mark Gabriel's book (need Adobe Acrobat Reader): 206KB 124KB 101KB 100MB 88MB (free ripway accounts allow a maximum of 10MB transfer per day. If links don't work, try back later)
115. To #84, among others.
H. Torrance Griffin ,   Mannheim, BRD   (08.26.06)
You all may want to check 23-25 and 80 to get an idea as to how far out of touch these murderers are with the faith they claim to defend. HTG
116. To maria, rpfj
mohammad bin ,   Jeddah   (08.26.06)
As I said to keith even before Amalek, Prophet Joshua ben Yun went into Jericho, according to the bible, and went on a rampage killing the whole town just because they existed and happen to be Gentiles. These people in Jericho had never threatened the Israelites who were coming from Egypt. Read the book of Joshua and you will realize that you can never take those massacres committed by the Israelites which god(satan) commanded them to do, out of context because it specifically and explicitly says for you to kill women, children and babies. This is unlike verse 9:5 which never explicitly says to kill innocent women and children and even Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) condemned killing of women and children and civilians in his sayings. Moreover, if you clearly read the verses around it you will see it is not a verse with a blanket statement to kill all non-muslims: [9.4] Except those of the idolaters with whom you made an agreement, then they have not failed you in anything and have not backed up any one against you, so fulfill their agreement to the end of their term; surely Allah loves those who are careful (of their duty). [9.5] So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. [9.6] And if one of the idolaters seek protection from you, grant him protection till he hears the word of Allah, then make him attain his place of safety; this is because they are a people who do not know. [9.7] How can there be an agreement for the idolaters with Allah and with His Apostle; except those with whom you made an agreement at the Sacred Mosque? So as long as they are true to you, be true to them; surely Allah loves those who are careful (of their duty). [9.8] How (can it be)! while if they prevail against you, they would not pay regard in your case to ties of relationship, nor those of covenant; they please you with their mouths while their hearts do not consent; and most of them are transgressors.
117. Response to Islamic Polemics(anti-muslims)
Mohammad ,   Jedda   (08.26.06)
I dare you if you are not afraid of the truth to visit
118. The idiocy of Born-again Christians
Jeremy ,   Houston   (08.26.06)
I am having trouble with this current sickness called Born-Again christianity saying that you have to born again in order for you to understand the bible whenever you prove to them that the bible has mistakes and is filled with contradictions, and their sayings that God intentionally misguides you. YOU DO KNOW THE MUSLIMS SAY THE SAME THING IN THE KORAN. Furthermore, doesn't it say in Isaiah 1:18: Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. God doesn't say somethings you will never understand and you must blindly except, but He says let us reason together in order to realize that proper reasoning will lead you to understand many things about your Faith.
119. to monkeyHUMPER
Omar   (08.26.06)
Monkeyhumper your asanine response doesn't merit from me a response but I will give it to you anyway, what happen with the Israelites 3000 years ago still influence Jews now as can be seen by religious Zionism and greater Israel concept. Furthermore, we even have the current Israeli government terming the operation that if it is attacked by a nuke it will go for the "SAMSON OPTION" meaning it will be like a suicide bomber and kill everyone in the Middle East with them even the Arab countries at peace with Israel and who didn't fire the Nuke. So trust me what happened thousands of years ago is very important to Israelis.
120. To Eric
Omar   (08.26.06)
Eric, you know it is really hypocritical that you go out of your way to justify Samson's action but at the same time if one would argue that what was happening to Samson was the samething that is happening to a Palestinian who blows himself up in front of Israeli soldiers because of all the oppression they have brought upon him you would SAY THAT THE PALESTINIAN IS A TERRORIST WHILE SAMSON IS A HERO AND A GREAT JUDGE OF ISRAEL GETTING RID OF EVIL! OH THE HYPOCRISY. Furthermore, you still believe that God didn't want Samson to commit suicide. The funny thing is though is that God condones what he did and even supports him and many Rabbis, Pastors say that Samson is a hero in Heaven with God. Again, this is the same concept of Martyrdom that Muslim Extremist clerics distill in their followers.
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