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What are gays trying to prove?
Andrew Friedman
Published: 29.08.06, 12:09
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31. #22: East Jerusalem IS ISRAEL
Anti-Hypocrite   (08.29.06)
It is so sad that you have leaned so far to the left that you can't even see that ALL of Jerusalem is Israel, not just a portion. And if you are so lacking in disdain for that 'other group', then why do you have a problem being joined with them?
32. Like a shiny, new penny
Rex Bannon ,   Bountiful, Utah, USA   (08.30.06)
You folks prove my point for me so well, it's difficult to summon the strength simply to restate it: Religion is bigotry in funny hats. And liberals? Really, we're fine with the funny hats, but please shut up with your foolishness. Live your life and leave mine alone. It's really none of your business, and that includes parades. Do I laugh at your hats?
Craig Crawford ,   Laguna Niguel USA   (08.30.06)
I can understand your sentiments, but you might consider the following ... 1. The coming 'New Testament' (literally translated 'New Covenant') was clearly prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31 ... "Behold, the days are coming when I will make a NEW covenant (testament) with the House of Israel and the House of Judah ..." Jeremiah 31:31 And Jesus-Yeshua (the promised Messiah) said ... "This cup (representing the third cup of Passover He was drinking) IS THE NEW COVENANT in My Blood ..." (1 Corinthians 11:25) “Then He (Jesus-Yeshua) said to them, ‘These are the words which I spoke to you    while I was still with you,    that all things must be fulfilled    which were written in the Law of Moses    and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me."    And He opened their understanding,    that they might comprehend the Scriptures. (Luke 24:44-45) 2. Those verses you call "Christian" were written by Rabbi Shaul (of the tribe of Benjamin ... 'a Pharisee of the Pharisees') who was taught "at the feet of Gemaliel", one of the most highly respected Torah teachers in the history of Israel (read your Talmud) ... Rabbi Shaul's name was changed to Paul by God (after he came to fully believe Jesus-Yeshua IS the promised Messiah foretold by the prophets) ... Rabbi Shaul (Paul) who wrote those verses was also a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin ... how much more Jewish can you get than that? 3. We read in the Bible it was Biblically corrupt and unbelieving politicians and religious rulers of the day who felt their power threatened as they conspired against Jesus-Yeshua, the promised Messiah, who fulfilled many, many prophecies from the Tanakh ... He is 'The One' the Tanakh (Bible) promised would one day step forth from ETERNITY ... ("from old, from everlasting" Micah 5:2) ... "But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, (city of King David) though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet OUT OF YOU shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth have been from of OLD, FROM EVERLASTING." [Eternity] (Micah 5:2) "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and His name will be called Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6) Also, read Psalm 22, a detailed prophecy of Messiah suffering while hanging from the Cross .... Grace and Shalom, www.alphanewsdaily.com www.theprophecies.com
34. #27 - Because Other Gays need to see...
Andy   (08.30.06)
gay people who are not hiding the fact that they we gay. We are no longer willing to be a secret that must remain invisible, as if we had something to be ashamed of. And we will not be threatened into hiding by appalling threats of violence by those who do not agree with us. That's why I was in Israel for World Pride in August and that is why I hope thousands of gay Israelis march. My heart is with the Jerusalem Open House as they boldly demonstrate acceptance, self-acceptance, not acceptance by heterosexuals - but self-acceptance to other gay people who really need that in their lives.
35. To Craig Crawford, the missionary:
Stop trying to recruit Jews to your sect - you have enough followers!
36. Homosexual March
June Earnshaw ,   N.Vancouver, B.C.Can   (08.30.06)
I hope sense prevails and that the march will be cancelled completely It seem s to me that Jerusalem is a special city and I would hate to think that it be allowed to be desecrated by those who do not uphold moral and ethical values Thankyou
37. I don't think YOU get it
The gay parade should march through the arab/muslim neighborhoods this year, to show the world how tolerant those neighborhoods are. It has been proven previously that the other areas did not riot or oppress the march.
Craig Crawford ,   Laguna Niguel USA   (08.30.06)
I appreciate your sentiments, but, for the FIRST 100 years after Jesus-Yeshua taught and performed miracles in Israel and Jerusalem (EXACTLY as the prophects said He would) it was the other way around with Jews 'recruiting' gentiles ... in fact I am the fulfillment of Bible prophecy (see Isaiah 49:6) ... "I will also give You as a light unto the Gentiles, that You should be My salvation (Savior), to the ends of the Earth ..." (Isaiah 49:6) It also sounds like you may be the fulfillment of Bible prophecy concerning the Messiah (Isaiah 49:7) ... "The Redeemer of Israel, their Holy One (see Micah 5:2), whom man (the world) despises, to Whom the nation (Israel) abhors." (Isaiah 49:7) "And we (Israel) hid, as it were, our faces from Him (Messiah) ... He was DESPISED, and we (Israel) did not esteem Him." (Isaiah 53:3) I am no missionary, or a prophet, or the son of a prophet, but I DO take the Bible seriously ... including the warning found in Ezekiel ...  "When I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul ..." (Ezekiel 3:18-21) Don't believe anything I say, but please search the Scriptures to see if these things are true ... Grace and Shalom, www.alphanewsdaily.com www.theprophecies.com
Craig Crawford ,   Laguna Niguel USA   (08.30.06)
From a Biblical perspective there are really not that many believing Christians ... 1. A TRUE believing Christian (follower of Jesus-Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah) is COMMANDED to love and bless Israel and the children of Israel ... "I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you" (Gen 12:3) Jesus-Yeshua warns one day He will return and judge the nations and people on how they treated "His brethren", the children of Israel. 2. It is important to note that God, the true God of Abraham, never forces Himself on anyone ... and never in the Bible does Jesus Christ (the Greek-English translation of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach) try to force anybody to believe in Him or to attend His church or synagogue. Jesus-Yeshua simply says that He "Stands at the door and knocks." We have to open that door and invite Him in. God tells us that He has given each and every man and woman a free will to decide for themselves whether or not to accept His offer of salvation (life in Heaven) through Jesus-Yeshua, the promised Messiah. He clearly outlines the choice, and sincerely warns us of the consequences. It is a personal decision. God says that He looks into each man and woman’s heart to see if they are sincere in their belief. God is looking for people to come to Him out of love. If a man or woman ever decides not to believe in Jesus-Yeshua, that is their choice. It saddens God for He knows what their destiny will be after they die. But, never does He ask others to force a non-believer to return, or try to force them into believing through threats of injury or death. God shows us the only places we will find these coercive conversion tactics are from those who are driven by a depraved spirit and the dark power of Satan. God says the Bible is His Word. The Bible says God cannot lie and God says He will never change. The Bible has withstood the test of time. God challenges every religious system to hold the words of their books, their leaders, their founders, their prophets, and their angels up to the light of truth. God welcomes all to search His Scriptures and try to find error, contradictions, or lies. He also includes many, many prophecies to authenticate His Word. If you belong to a religion, or church, that follows a prophet or worships a god who is so small and insecure that he would have people threatened with death if they criticize or refuse to join, and will threaten people with death or bodily harm if they decide to leave through their own free will, then flee! If you follow a religion or belong to a church that is afraid to hold the people who founded the religion or the words they spoke and the books they ask you to believe, up to the light of truth, then flee! God’s warning to the non-believer is clear. But God also tells us clearly that we are not to judge others, for they will be judged by Him after our earthly bodies die. God looks directly into the heart of each man and woman to see what each truly believes. Only a strange, twisted, paranoid religion, driven by the dark and evil powers of Satan himself would ever rape, torture, kill, imprison, beat, kidnap, behead, bomb, burn alive, or harm people in any way as a means to convert or to force people into joining, or staying, in their religion. The god of that religion is not, and never has been, the God of Abraham.  Any religion that would do these things is not lead by the Holy Spirit of God. It is a religion of darkness. It is a religion of evil, twisted, wicked men, directed and lead by the power of Satan. Many blessings are promised in Heaven to those who withstand such religions and suffer or die in their faith for doing so. Grace and Shalom, www.alphanewsdaily.com
40. Gay parade WHEN?
Delta Vines ,   Missouri, USA   (08.30.06)
What I don't get is, why have this parade during Elul, right before the fall feast days? Why, in the midst of the most revered of holydays, would there be a parade such as this? Is it to incite or provoke opposition? Why not have such a thing later? The week long activities were given attention - positive attention. To hold the parade now would attract negative attention. Arabs and Jews are not sequestered to one area of Jerusalem or another. To allow full freedom of speech, you must also allow those who are in opposition to speak out. Freedom of speech is not one sided only. Does no one have respect for G-d, or Yom Kippur? At least have respect for those who do, please. No prostelyling, just expression from a Christian Zionist
41. Fundamental flaw in gays' argument
SR ,   NYC   (08.30.06)
What puzzles me is the failure of gay's supporters to see the flaw in the logic of demanding full minority right, such as Jews, Hispanics, or other minorities have. Being a Jew, a Guatemalan, an Eskimo, etc is a fully developed identity phenomenon based on many social , economic, religious, ethnic, and historical factors. Meanwhile, being gay is simply lusting after persons of own sex. Not that they should be officially discriminated or denied marriage rights. Gay rights are much ado about almost nothing.
42. If they want respect, they should show it too
Suzy   (08.31.06)
I agree that they should be respected as people, but they should show it also, by doing it somewhere else.
43. 29 & 35
Witholding Christian scriptural information from Jews is anti-Semetic. Jews and non-Jews make their decisions re: Christ individually. Not according to Inquisition or Islamofacist "conversion" tactics. The dark ages of "Substitution Doctrine" is done. Christ = Freedom of Choice.
44. Craig Crawford, preach it brother! God bless Israel
45. Craig Crawford
A Gay Christian ,   USA   (08.31.06)
Jesus was Gay. You can not deny that. You even wrote that. Jesus loves you, just as I do.
46. Homos freedom of expression
bob ,   kiryat ata, israel   (08.31.06)
Homosexuals' goal is not "freedom of expression" but to have everyone "accept" their lifestyle as "normal". .. Homosexual preference as a matter of just one of many "normal" and alternative lifestyle choices, not perversion, which, of course, it is, has been and always will be. Homosexuals can go about this country having all the sex they want and nobody stops them. That is freedom. Stop trying to shove your lifestyle down our throats.
Craig Crawford ,   Laguna Niguel USA   (08.31.06)
What DOES Jesus-Yeshua, the promised Messiah, say to all those who call themselves "Christian" and yet still WILLFULLY sin and practice "lawlessness" ...  "NOT everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven ... Many [most] will say to Me in that Day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied [taught] in your Name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your name?'   And then (at the judgment), I (Jesus-Yeshua) will declare to them 'I never knew you, DEPART from Me YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'" (Matthew 7:21-23) [Departing from Heaven ... and into Hell] "Lawlessness" is WILLFULLY doing, 'approving of,' or teaching those things that oppose the Word of God (with no repentance and no remorse). THE BIBLE GOES ON ...  "Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary [compelled] to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. ('saints' are any and all who will believe) For certain men have crept in unnoticed, [calling themselves 'Christian'] who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, UNGODLY men, who turn the grace of our God into LEWDNESS . . . But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those WHO DID NOT BELIEVE." (Jude 1:3-6) "Behold, the Lord (Jesus-Yeshua) comes with ten thousands(millions) of His saints, (any and all who sincerely believe) to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way,  AND OF ALL THE HARSH THINGS WHICH UNGODLY SINNERS HAVE SPOKEN AGAINST HIM.’" (Jude 1:14-15)  "The Son of Man [Messiah ... Jesus-Yeshua] will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His Kingdom All things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness [sin], and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 13:41-42) 'Repent' means to stop doing those things that are against God's law and return to His ways, which are good ... The warnings are clear ... my heart trembles for your eternal destiny if you don't get right with God ... Grace and Shalom, www.alphanewsdaily.com www.theprophecies.com
48. #47
Maybe you should preach to Christians. It seems that is a lot of Gays in the USA
49. To #45
Lance ,   NY, USA   (08.31.06)
I DENY Jesus was gay. I DENY that homosexuals have any kind of so-called "right" to force their perverted life-style on normal people, yet, I will pray for you because your soul, being eternal, WILL in fact end up in only one of two places upon your physical death, which, by the way, is determined by your Creator, God Almighty. May you someday, soon I hope, acknowledge, accept, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior for only HE can save you from yourself and the world. Homosexuality is NOT an alternative lifestyle. It is an abomination.
Craig Crawford ,   Laguna Niguel USA   (09.01.06)
Let's let the Torah and Tanakh speak for themselves . . . Messiah would ride into Jerusalem . . . lowly, riding on a donkey: "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion [Israel]! Behold, your King [Messiah] is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, yet He is lowly and riding on a donkey." (Zechariah 9:9) They would set a price on Him of 30 pieces of silver: "So they weighed out for my wages thirty pieces of silver. And the LORD said to me, ‘Throw it to the potter’ - that princely price they set on me." (Zechariah 11:12-13) He would be despised and rejected . . . and would feel the pain of rejection: "He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." (Isaiah 53:3) Messiah would be beaten and killed for our iniquities [sins] to SAVE us from Hell: "But He was wounded for OUR transgressions, He was bruised for OUR iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes [whip lashes] we are healed. And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity [sin] of us all." (Isaiah 53:5-7) (This can't be 'Israel' ... the Hebrew pronoun is SINGULAR) Messiah would be CRUCIFIED: "All My bones are out of joint . . . My tongue clings to My jaws; They pierced My hands and My feet, They look and stare at Me." (Psalm 22:14, 15, 16, 17) He would have stakes (nails) driven through his hands: "And someone will say to Him, ‘What are these wounds in your hands?’ Then He [Messiah] will answer, ‘Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.’" (Zech 13:6) He would be mocked: "A reproach of men and despised of the people, They shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying ‘He trusted in the Lord, let Him rescue Him;’" (Psalm 22:7-8) They would divide His garments and cast lots for His clothes: "They divide my garments among them, and for My garments they cast lots." (Psalm 22:18) He who knew no sin would be made sin ... for us: "My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?" (Psalm 22:1 . . . also see Matt 27:46) (With these words from the Cross, Messiah was pointing the Jewish leaders who were gathered around the Cross to Psalm 22 ... they knew the Scriptures well ... Psalm 22 is a detailed prophecy of Messiah hanging from the Cross) His side would be pierced: "Then they will look upon Me whom they have pierced; they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn." (Zech 12:10) He would be buried in a rich man's grave: "He was buried like a criminal in a rich man's grave;" (Isaiah 53:9) Messiah would be RESURRECTED . . . "For You will not leave my soul in Sheol [Hell], (King David knew Heaven and Hell) NOR will You allow Your Holy One [Messiah] to see corruption [decompose]." (Ps 16:10) Don't blame the Jews ... God planned this 'ulitimate sacrifice' for Mankind .... "Yet it was the Lord’s good PLAN to bruise him, put Him to grief, and make His soul an offering for sin . . ." (Isaiah 53:10, KJV paraphrased) God (Messiah) would then return to His place in Heaven, until . . . "I [the LORD] will return again to My place until they [Israel] acknowledge their offense. Then they will seek My face; in their affliction [the coming Apocalypse] they will diligently seek Me" . . . (Hosea 5:15) For the LORD to return to His place means that He had to have LEFT His place . . . www.alphanewsdaily.com www.theprophecies.com
51. To # 50 and # 49
A Gay Christian ,   USA   (09.02.06)
CAN YOU PROVE JESUS WAS NOT GAY?! Read your Bible!! You can deny all you want but the proof is in the pudding.
52. what makes you happy?
lea de lange ,   jerusalem israel   (09.04.06)
Proud Marchers, Humans are not animals, not dogs, not swine, they are blessed with "be fruitful and multiply" but they are modest. There is no sex out in the streets. So...what I mean is that we are not talking about gay or straight, we are talking about modesty. Jerusalem likes modesty. What is wrong with respecting that? Gay Paris, Modest Jerusalem. Why offend this Holy City? Nobody touches a person for committing acts forbidden in the Tanach, nobody. Why not leave well enough alone, why offend decent people that never did you any wrong? What you will get in return is just the opposite of what you want, People wont respect you, they will turn away from you in contempt, disgust, and even fury. Does that make you happy?
53. Intolerance apologist
Sean ,   Montreal, Canada   (09.05.06)
The author, rather than concerning himself with the homosexual community and their "apologists", might better inquire as to why he so erroneously stated that there had been no objection by the Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox communities to the original festival. What are they trying to prove ? Perhaps that as long as there are people like Mr. Friedman around who cannot hide their hatred- and try to use disingenuous arguments to hide that hatred - a clear message needs to be sent that gay people have as much right to walk the streets as Orthodox Jews or their apologists.
54. Gay Identity
judy ,   Brighton, UK   (09.06.06)
Those who subscribe to 'Gay Pride' parades are making their sexual orientation their core identity. They appeared to be obsessed with sex. As others have said, you are free to do what you wish in private. Why parade your sexual preferences? It is immodest and perverse. Heterosexual people feel no need to flaunt their sexuality (in all its forms) in a parade. They have better, more meaningful things to do, like care for their families and worry about their country.
55. To Craig Crawford and other Christians
Miriam ,   Zagreb,Croatia   (09.08.06)
A Comparison of Judaism and Christianity: Judaism G-d-centered, selfless Bible (5 books of Moses) written by G-d, with Moses as secretary G-d creates man in His image; thus man has a soul and free will Bible (Hebrew Scriptures) quotes G-d directly, in His own words, over 3800 times Man's purpose is to serve G-d through His Law—the commandments G-d's commandments are binding obligations Jews believe in the Bible because G-d said so (orally) Jews study the Bible only according to the oral tradition received from G-d Jews believe in Moses because G-d gave him authority G-d controls evil, using it to punish sinners and for other purposes By doing G-d's commandments, man brings G-d closer Man follows G-d's commandments according to G-d's own detailed instructions, whether or not it makes sense to man Man transforms the world to reveal its Creator -- to bring G-d's eternal kingdom here on earth G-d creates and runs the world to serve Him Man has direct access to G-d through prayer and repentance; any mediator only gets in the way & blocks the relationship Doing G-d's commandments is a privilege & opportunity that provides true freedom G-d made eternal covenants—1 with Jews, 1 with gentiles (google noahide) —and He keeps His promises Christianity Man-centered, selfish New Testament written by man Man creates G-d in his image; thus Jesus is declared to be a deity New Testament never quotes G-d a single time, other than quotes from the "Old Testament" G-d's purpose is to serve man by providing salvation—for free G-d's Law is a nice idea, but it is only "fruits of the spirit," not a duty Christians believe in G-d because the Bible tells them to Christians interpret the Bible according to their own ideas and opinions Christians believe in Jesus because he gave himself authority The devil controls evil, using it to rebel against G-d Christians wait until G-d brings Himself closer to man before agreeing to do any good works Man uses his own reasoning and interpretation to decide what are "good works" and what are not Man leaves the world behind, escaping earth to enjoy heaven Evil controls the world, which will ultimately be destroyed Man has no access to G-d except through a man (Jesus) G-d's law is a burden and a curse that enslaves and condemns man G-d "changed His mind," throwing away the old covenant for a new one hear also: http://www.aishaudio.com/search/results.php?sid=j44761f1d1e77g7&directkw=anti-missionary
56. Straight Identity, to Judy #54
The Golem ,   Los Angeles   (09.09.06)
Straight Identity is paraded in front of us every day from TV shows and movies to the President of the United States. Hey, it looks like the President of Israel has such a strong need to parade his het identity that he may well be indicted for it. Orthodox "modesty" parades the wife at home cooking and cleaning while the husband spends all day at work or in the Yeshiva. Why are you people so insecure that you make your sexuality your core identity? There are, as you say, better, more meaningful things to do. I rarely go to Gay Pride marches, my life is too full as it is, yet I have happily been with the same guy in a blessed and holy marriage for 24 years, whatever reactionary Rabbis may think. Why don't you people go promote your lifestyle in East Jerusalem if you're so secure.
57. 51-Read your Bible. Sodomy is rejected of God.
Sodomy is sin before God. So what does that mean regarding your statement? If it's any consolation, "neither liars, nor fornicators, nor drunkards, nor lovers of themselves (homos), shall see the kingdom of God." "thieves and fearful are also listed" "And why do you judge another when you once did the same." So sin comes in all different shades. That's why Jesus said, "There is none righteous, no not one." Therefore, Jesus Christ is the only way to forgiveness, through confession and repentence [turning away] from sin.
58. It's not "sexuality" it's unresolved trauma re: same birth..
-caregiver parent, influence, or early abuse... Thinking becomes skewed. The "gay" believes it's "sexual attraction" when in reality, it's attempt to heal unresolved trauma.
Suzy ,   Los Angeles, USA   (11.20.06)
Excellent points, eloquently stated.
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