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Al-Qaeda urges non-Muslims to convert to Islam
Published: 03.09.06, 00:05
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90 Talkbacks for this article
61. #50
mordichai ,   cleveland ohio   (09.03.06)
i did convert last week i ike it its truly good religion ifound abeauty she from toledo she said she converted too and she showed the pics of before and after she realy changed from an ugly mama of you to a beautiful would be virgin ilove your mama in her new form and i hope your sisters will join so the numbers of earthy virgin will increase so you donot have shot in order to enjoy my prize
62. do these islam freaks smoke crack?
ken ,   california   (09.03.06)
63. join my own religion...n party in miami beach
ken ,   california   (09.03.06)
why dont they join my own religion and lets party in miami beach its will do them good at last in my religion you dont hide in caves.
64. Should we blame the messenger?
KASSIM ,   AUSTRALIA   (09.03.06)
Muslims are followers of Islamic teachings, brought upon either through family traditions or conversions. Like many of us. they have taken a different path. Having said this, what Creator would like to see His creations destroy each other? King (the Prophet) Suleiman adjudicated the case on a baby claimed by 2 different women, by offering to cut the baby in half to share between the two plaintiffs. Upon hearing this judgement, the true mother withdrew her case so that her child could live, and the case came to a happy ending. By the same token, the Creator is more of a Father who would still love His prodigal children and wait for them, earnestly, to return when He can organise a big feast to commemorate their to the fold, rather than sending his other sons to hunt them down. What if the peace loving people and children of the Creator open their houses and lives to all their muslim neighbours. There is enough in this world for everyone to share. War and hatred are the result of greed. Don't blame the muslims who are just the messengers, but overcome the ideology (that led to their actions) with brotherly love and understanding. Take this from one who came from a muslim country.
65. #55
Yaha   (09.03.06)
#55. How is it over in frogistan? As a response to your post..I saw a undeniable conversion by the sword only a week ago. It was taped for the whole world to see. It helps to leave the segregated neighborhoods once in a while eh?
66. (#17) Casiopea and supporters Plz Read
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (09.03.06)
Dear all, Needless to say, I find it very unlikely that this site (FFI) which you recommended for the readers to visit, any different than that of Osama or AL-Qaeda on the net. When the FFI site starts their “Home Message” by attacking one religion, then, it stands to reason that this site is grossly biased and should be ignored. I would totally ignore this link because it can only add fuel to fire and help to expand the ills of the society. Education and intelligence is a blessing to our modern society. If we allow the like of FFI to spread hatred and ignorance among the unwary minds of the populace, one can only expect the inevitable to happen, which is more war and more hatred and more misery on earth. The least that one can do is understand the root of the problem. There is a myriad of educational sites on the web which invites the curious mind to learn more about other religions and therefore, to make sound judgment based on facts and not hatred and ignorance like the one spread by the FFI. Here is the link to your favorite home base cult that can only be ranked among the illiterate and unworthy of even mentioning. Osama Bin Laden and his like are a cult that takes advantage of the social powers that any religion has including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. FFI is one of the cult that will only poison the mind of the innocent and can only add to the pool of ignorant and illiterate minds that are poisoning our society and the world. [[[“””About Faith Freedom International Islamic terrorism is inspired by Islamic teachings. We can never get rid of Islamic terrorism unless we defeat the ideology behind it and that is Islam itself. Islam induces hate backed by lies. Muhammad was a terrorist by his own admission. All Muslims, to the extent that they follow him, are terrorists. Those Muslims who are not terrorists are ignorant of Islam and are not good Muslims. Fortunately they are the majority. We need to rescue them. If you are a good human being, you are not a Muslim. Read this site and if you can't prove me wrong, which you certainly can't, leave this deceitful cult of hate and terror and join mankind. Don't be part of the Umma. Umma is fascism. It is divisive. It induces the hatred of others. Be part of humanity instead. Your ignorance is not an excuse. Pull your head out of the sand and face the truth, like we did.”””]]] I can only say this to you and all others, Learn the facts and seek knowledge based on a wide and broad opinion before you claim any kind of prophecy above others. In short worthy words, “Don’t be fooled easily and use sound judgment before you even try to inspire others, because, if you know half the story, its absolutely worse and more dangerous than total ignorance. Amir
67. #55
Aharon ,   US   (09.03.06)
"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." -Sura 9:5 Did I quote that wrong? ""When you encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads, until ye have made a great slaughter among them...." -Sura 47:4 Sounds peaceful, huh? Is it not true that the words FIGHT and KILL appear more times in the Qur'an than the word PRAY? "You have heard that it was said,'You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you." -Matthew 5:43-44 Unfortunately, the English crusaders and some other Christians didn't quite get this, and it's probably what gave the Islamic world their ideas about Christianity today. What do you REALLY believe, Djazaïri? Do you want me dead because I have faith in Yeshua? Do you want the Jews dead because they are living in the land God promised them? You know, God doesn't take back promises. At least MY God doesn't. You'll understand soon enough. They day is coming. I pray you have opened eyes.
68. We'll hear no Muslims speak out against this
D- ,   San Diego, USA   (09.03.06)
even here in the US. They live in fear of other Muslims. Anyone who thinks that outlawing Islam would be cruel to Muslims has no idea of what Islam is. Does anyone truly believe that people like to live in fear? End the fear. Recognize Islam as an intolerant religion and outlaw Islam in free countries. Contrary to common belief, the happiest people will be the former Muslims themselves, who will be glad to give up Islam once they see the backbone that they have been secretly hoping for in the free societies that they have striven to become a part of.
69. #55, where exactly??
Mike ,   Australia   (09.03.06)
Where exactly are those "millions of non muslims in the middle-east arab states? "
70. Convert to Islam
BRL ,   USA   (09.03.06)
If we convert, What will we be Shiaa or Sunni? We will have to know so we can start killing the other group.
71. To #16, aaron
Emily ,   San Jose, USA   (09.03.06)
How true. How very true! Just wanted to let you know I had to laugh (ruefully) at your post. I love your sarcastic wit!
72. The things is ....
This pronouncement about "convert to Islam or else!" might be the herald of a new attack planned on the U.S. I loathe Christian Amanpour, but according to her recent "In the Footsteps of bin Laden" program which aired on the US CNN, it was asserted that binLaden/al Qaeda got a lot of flack within Islamic circles for not having given their victims a chance to convert to Islam before being attacked on 9/11, and about how, reeling from that, Al Qaeda offered such entreaties to non-Muslims prior to subsequent attacks around the world.
73. On to something, but ...
Stewart ,   USA   (09.03.06)
You guys trying to get the Virgins are on to something, but as you've discovered there are quite some catches. Kudos to the talkback that resurected Mark Twain as a Muslim. At least we know Twain wouldn't object to the Virgins. One thing though. If we don't convert, they will kill us. Where do they get the idea that a Jew won't kill them before they kill him. They've been making this mistake for eons. Maybe if we thin their heard enough, we'll be left with the intelligent ones that get along with people.
74. ad-quada urges non-muslims to convert
debbie ,   israel   (09.03.06)
I certainly would not want any part of a religion that is responsble for so much bloodshed of innocent people, suffering fear and destruction all over the world. And to ERMEW or LA, the Jewish population is less than 1% of the world population and they have won many times more Nobel prizes. Who's counting?
75. 65
Djazaïri ,   France   (09.03.06)
In Frogistan everything is OK unlike in Zionistan. Sometimes someone shouldn't believe what he sees, especially in the medias.
76. What about the hapless virgins?
Emily ,   San Jose   (09.03.06)
what crime did they commit that they have to have sex with some creepy guy who blew up a bunch of innocent people???? Hey, we need to start a new organization, a sort of Amnesty International or SPCA for virgins!!
77. to #51 - Aharon
Kevin ,   Illinois USA   (09.03.06)
Amen, my brother in Christ Jesus! I couldn't have said it better. I will never follow the moon god Allah! Matter of fact, I stand against this principality in the all powerful name of Jesus Christ, and say that this power will be broken by the power and authority of Jesus Christ, at His soon coming! Those that would have us convert to Islam, read the book of Acts, and see just what a persecuted church does in Christ's name. See how we grow under persecution. See what the power of the Church has in His name, walking with His authority. Christ will have the final say, and His power will win over all false gods. Even Allah, as well as hs prophet, will bow their knee and confess that Jesus is Lord!
78. #68 Your'e right. The Muslims are scared.
James ,   Toledo Oho USA   (09.03.06)
That is why the American muslims wont speak out against the crazy muslims. And that is precisely why the silent muslims are in danger in this country. Many Americans are really straining their ears to hear the voice of the so-called peaceful religion. But we aren't hearing it. That leads us to believe it's all a lie and a deception. The resulting conclusion being "if you aren't with us then you are against us". That makes them the frontline targets if the shooting starts at the street level. They don't even necessarily have to give up Islam as you suggest, all they have to do is make their position known and take a stand. American muslim PR needs a very loud voice in the US. Right now it's barely a wimper. We don't see any of the muslem leaders asking to come to the public arenas to reassure the general public of what they are doing to prevent the radicalism from taking hold in their subculture. They aren't going to the churches and synagogs. They aren't going to the newspapers and radio stations. They aren't going to their neighbors and assuring them that they are against the madness. It doesn't take a lot to get some Americans to start getting out the weapons...just one home grown lunatic voice will do it. But on the other hand, the silence of the muslim community speaks louder than all the lunatics combined. If all we hear from them is silence, just what are we to conclude? As far as I'm concerned, if they threaten my family and community then I'll take up arms and kill as many of them as I possibly can before they kill me. There are a LOT of regular American citizens who feel exactly the same as me. This Azzam really needs to hope that the FBI catches him. Our government here in the US is the only thing that restrains the forces that would rise up out of the citizens of this country if the government ceased to exist. The radical Islamists need to be glad the government is restraining those forces. Many of us are really really pissed about 911 and wish that our government wouldn't play half-hearted war games, but rather totally devastate every muslim country in the middle east. We don't need their stinking oil to survive. We have oil. Besides...that's why God made horses and mules.
79. to # 67
Djazaïri ,   France   (09.03.06)
Quotes of the Coran don't make history. Islam didn't convert by force unlike Christianism. Christianism who sometimes doubted Amerindians had a soul. Muslims have no problem with Jesus we consider sent by God. Jews consider Jesus an impostor.
80. To D- #68 You're not totally correct
Jewish American ,   USA   (09.03.06)
I don't totally agree here, outlawing Islam in free countries. Yes I do agree that Islam preaches intolerance, hatred, and fear though just to get that out of the way. But to outlaw Islam in lets say the US for example would be lowering ourselves down to thier level, making us no better than the terrorists. What Muslims need to be shown is an uncorrupted leadership who believes in moderation of religion in all its forms, as well as someone who wants to help his people as well. They also need leaders who will not suppress free speech, nor thier women and children. Fmr. Israeli PM Golda Meir once said, "When Muslims begin to respect thier women and children, then we will have peace in the Middle East." Muslims need to be free in thier own countries in order to rid themselves of tolerance. And not just the men, I mean ALL of them, women, children, elderly, disabled. Muslim's in Islamic countries need to be shown that moderation of religion is ok, that tolerance is ok, and so forth. This is what the free countries need to do instead of just plain outlawing it and making the US no better than Iran for example.
81. #28
Anna   (09.03.06)
HAHAHA!!! I had a goood laugh... :)) Well, it seems so. They just deceiute the whole MENkind with this one illusion... :)) And I bet she's already 720, or older... :)
82. #79
Aharon ,   US   (09.03.06)
If muslims believe Jesus was sent by God, then WHY do they not confess that He is Lord and free their souls from the darkness and destruction they seek and be saved? Listen, You either believe three things about Yeshua. 1. He's either a liar 2. He was a lunatic. or 3. He is LORD. You can't believe He was Sent by God and NOT believe He is Lord. You have to concider the other two, and that would cancel out the fact that He was sent by God. I understand you have some of our New Testament texts in your holy scriptures. I suggest you read the ones that aren't included. They might explain a little better. Or if you want to see what happens when an athiest critic tries to disprove Yeshua ever even existed, yet comes to the conclusion that He IS Lord, then pick up a copy of "More than a Carpenter." by Josh McDowell. I suggest it to any Jew or Muslim or American who believes Jesus was "Just a good teacher." Shalom, Djazaïri
83. #80 yeah right...
Mark   (09.03.06)
Excuse me but IMO this is total bs. I think there will finally be peace in the world when everyone evolves to be an atheist. We have evolved; come and catch us and drop this medieval dogma.
84. To (#78) James, Toledo
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (09.05.06)
Hi James, Before you offset the balance of logic, I ask you to check out this site "CAIR" on the net. Also, have you talked to any muslim in the US? Have you visited any of their convention centers across the US? I doubted you did any of this. Please do not rush to judgement. If any of these self prophesed maniacs come to you to harm you in the name of Islam, be assured, the Muslim communities will be the first to defend the freedom which this country stands for. You have to be well seasoned in the area of political culture of Islam in order to justify what you have said. I assure you, when you become well seasoned, you will realize who is the real enemy. In our modern time, The real enemy is "Ignorance", for the WWI and WWII and the rest of all the wars on earth started by real ignorance that tries to justify killing others. Read well and be well and safe. Amir
85. To #51 & #77
Lance ,   NY, USA   (09.08.06)
AMEN Brothers, AMEN!
86. Question for Craig - 6.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (09.13.06)
If Jesus Christ is impotent until asked then man has the power and God none, yet Paul states that all fall short of the Glory of God so how is it that man can save himself? Your theory or easy-believism is way off and makes works, man's asking, predominant over grace and as Paul states we are saved by grace not works. God and God alone saves by grace to those predestined to be saved. How can a sinner under that and ruled by Satan and until the point of conversion be any other than a sinner unheard by God? What you say is well meant but not the Gospel.
87. Reply to Yvonne - 41.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (09.13.06)
Indeed Christians have one major task and that is tell of the Gospel message. That Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. That is the key(s) to heaven for it is the power of God unto salvation. Note, God unto salvation, not man, not works but pure grace freely given by God Himself. It is God who draws, convicts, converts and adopts and all was done by one wonderful act some two thousand years ago at Calvary never to be repeated. No conditions or works required.
88. Reply to Audrey - 49.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (09.13.06)
Audrey, Saul of Tarsus, learned his judaism from the great teacher Gamaliel until his conversion. Then he claims that he learned everything following from the risen Jesus which he claimed was better than anything that came before. The point I make is that Jesus, his disciples, Saul or Paul were all Jews and everything in our New Testament is confirmed by the writings of the Torah. As Paul spread the message it was to the Jews first in each town and only then to the Gentiles. But you are right that the Roman Catholic offshoot is one of Christian clothed Paganism and to some extent this has permeated into the Reformed religions too. I believe from study that the Torah teaches that Messiah is God. Sadly you don't and time and distance separates us but not our God for He is the same. Can't say that for the god of Islam though.
Craig Crawford ,   Laguna Niguel USA   (09.14.06)
Good question ... I think this following link will help answer your question much better than I can ... Or, just go to and then click on 'Articles' ... David Hocking is Jewish, and was once invited by Menachem Begin to speak before the Israeli Knesset on "Israel's Right to the Land' from the Tanakh." Afterwards, they asked him to write a small book on this talk. Dr. Hocking is a Messianic Jew who believes without question Jesus-Yeshua IS the promised Messiah of Israel ... and after all these years Dr. Hocking still maintains close relationships with many in Israel. He has just posted these commentaries (see above) which deal with your question. My answer would be more simplistice and much less theological ... God is the "I Am" ... He "Is" and "Was" and "Always Will Be" ... "One day is but a thousand years and a thousand years as one day" ... He lives in 'Eternity' outside our 'time domain' (physics term) ... and He says He alone knows the 'end from the beginning.' He sees the past, present, and future in one glance and He knows who will receive His Holy One, the Messiah, as their Lord, Savior, and Redeemer (Tanakh and New Testament-Covenant terms) BEFORE they make the decision to believe and to trust in Him for their life in Heaven. God knows EXACTLY what you are going to sneak into the kitchen and eat for a late snack next Tuesday night when nobody is looking ... He can see it right now ... but, unknowingly, YOU still have to go to the store and choose that (still future) snack next time you get groceries. He knows what you are going to choose before you choose it, yet you STILL have to make your OWN decision at the store ... so you couldn't enjoy the fruits of your decision if you never conciously decided what to stick in the grocery cart. That dessert you will eat was also 'chosen before the beginning of the world' in the eyes of God, because He could see the past, present, and future and KNEW WHAT YOU WOULD CHOOSE ONE THOUSAND YEARS BEFORE YOU CHOSE IT. Jesus-Yeshua said to "Repent from your sins, believe in Him, and trust in Him for the forgiveness of all of your sins ... and THEN we would be saved from our sins and the eternal darkness, loneliness, and torment of Hell." WE HAVE TO CHOOSE ... AND THE HOLY SPIRIT DOES ALL THE WORK. But, if we find we can still willingly sin in our life without remorse or asking for forgiveness ... or if we can hate Israel or the Jews, the brethren of our Lord, we probably aren't saved or 'chosen' ... for the Holy Spirit would convict us inside if we were truly saved and believers. He also warns MANY will call themselves Christian, who are not. That's also why there are so many Bible prophecies in the BIBLE ... prophecy is how God proves He is God ... "and there is no other ... knowing the end from the beginning." This is what sets the Tanakh and the New Testament apart from ALL other 'holy' books in the whole world (such as the Quran and the Book of Mormon). On another note, click on this next link to see an amazing MATHEMATICAL prophecy concerning Israel becoming a nation again in 1948 ... written 2,500 years in advance ... Good luck and God Bless!!!
Knave Dave ,   Honolulu, Hawaii, US   (09.17.06)
This is what they call "urging" people to convert. A few days after this article was written, the pope quoted someone long-dead who said that Muhamid brought only evil and violence into the religious equation, and Muslims responded by shooting and burning churches -- even churches that were not Catholic in the slightest. This is what they call "urging" people to convert to Islam. And now they say, "Muslims don't need democracy." Not only do they not need it; they apparently cannot survive in it. They need total control if they are going to silence or kill all their enemies. Theocracy, which gives them total control, is what they call "urging" people to convert to Islam. Al Qaeda urged Westerners to "abandon their ‘misguided’ ways or else suffer." In other words, CONVERT OR DIE ! And apparently the rest of the followers of the "religion of peace" remained silent in the face of these Islamic threats, lest they also be killed!
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