Tibi tells Sinn Fein leader of discrimination against Arabs
Roee Nahmias
Published: 06.09.06, 15:28
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31. Bancor, I believe you need to understand
Sam ,   USA   (09.07.06)
Bancor, you seemed confused. The Irish have a history that paralells jewish history. They have been persecuted in thier own country. Jews who lived under the Arabs in thier own country have been persecuted for centuries. The Arabs have been in "Palistine (original Palistinians were Jews)" for centuries. The British have been in Ireland for centuries. What doesen't make sense is why would a Sein Finn official want to visit the mirror image of what Sein Finn was fighting against. Telling Keren to go to Israel makes no sense. actually, it sounds simular to a white racist telling a black man to go back to Africa.
32. To Sam #31
Bancor ,   Genoa, Italy   (09.07.06)
Dear Sam, just for what you said, I think Adams is one of the best fit persons to speak not to Palestinians, but - remember - arab members of Knesset, it's a bit different. As to the historic question, set apart; every people on the Earth could, on these basis, pretend to expel another people from the land he likes better. And you, talking from USA, aren't the most qualified to sustain what you say: think, for a moment, to Indians...
33. Bancor, a few problems with your retort
SAM ,   USA   (09.08.06)
The only problems with your reply is 1. Jews aren't pretending the come from Judea. Roman's sort have documented that situation. 2. The difference between Americans, and Italians and for that matter Arabs, is that we know what our forefathers did and we know it was an injustice. We admit it . How about you? does your conscience bother you? tell the truth. By the way, America was named after Americo Vespuci, an Italian who took advantage of the Indians just like the Americans you blame. You are not so innocent. Remeber why there is a diaspora in the first place.
34. America, Italy and Vespucci
Bancor ,   Genoa, Italy   (09.09.06)
My dear Sam, I may have some problems, but they are nothing in comparison with yours. 1. Jew aren't pretending the come from Judea; right, but where do you send Palestinians? Out from Gaza and West Bank? And the settlements in West Bank where are they situated? The issue isn't on a subtle geographical question. 2. I know that you Americans recognize that it was an injustice towards Indians, and I appreciate. But don't you think that it's a bit too much to throw the blame for what YOU did to Indians on the person (incidentally Italian) who simply realized that the new lands discovered by Colombo (another Italian, damn!), weren't Eastern India but a new continent? It would be as Curie (you know who was?) is guilty of YOUR throwing the A bomb on Japan, olny because she discovered the radioactivity! Try to be more sober, when you write.
35. Bancor, pull that bottle of Chianti out of your mouth for a
Sam ,   USA   (09.12.06)
You love to twist the words when your shame is thrown in your face.You don't even know what your talking about. Read a book. You have a lot of problems. You dont want to blame Italians of old for thier sins but Jews and "Americans" have to take the same blame. Interesting theory and I see now why it makes sense to you that its ok that Arabs persecuted Jews in thier own historical land for cebturies. You do ignore those facts, don't you. Those "Americans"way back then were not "Americans" but Europeans ravaging the native populations for thier own benefit. My point is that even your own countrymen participated in that great injustice that we "Americans" are to be blamed for today. Columbus is known as the worst criminal of then all. a murderer of millions in the end. By the way, it was Columbus that named these indiginous peoples "Indians". Have you no shame at all? Pull that bottle of Chianti out of your mouth and sober up before you make yourself look even more ignorant. I also noticed you evaded the whole Diaspora thing. Maybe because it is the Italians who created the mess to begin with. Interesting, because Italy has been okay in recent centuries for Jews, even during WW2. you shouyld be ashamed of yourself. You disgrace your countrymen. Matter of fact, I bet you aren'y even Italian.
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