Bereaved father: Son killed in unnecessary war
Shmulik Hadad
Published: 08.09.06, 19:21
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31. 600,000 troops were killed during the Civil War.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (09.09.06)
30 million Americans were in the United States at the time. Times 600 thousand by ten. 6 million Americans would die today to free the slaves. Hitler slaughtered 6 million Jews. A few more Jewish patriots dying is well worth not repeating another holocaust. Bee's die protecting the hive. While it may be sad and one will grieve the loss---it was totally necessary to ward off the danger from an outside intruder.. Bee's don't necessarily have to kill the intruder, just drive them from the hive. Maybe a good stinging to Lebanon will be needed every generation. Memories lapse given enough time.
32. #9 david
sid   (09.09.06)
that is why there are wars cause we have people in this planet thinks like you
33. Who elected Olmert - he kept his sons out of the army
Eric ,   Australia   (09.10.06)
Everyone who elected Kadima has a part in the blame for electing this parody of a "government", the leader of which, made sure that he was sending everyone else's sons to war, except his own (who are evading army service). Next time you vote, make sure you know for whom you're voting, without embracing all the rose-coloured visions which our "esteemed parshanim" pour into the public domain. Before you voted, if you'd bothered to investigate who the real "faces" are behind the fat slogans, maybe Olmert & co wouldn't have been in power, and our sons and brothers wouldn't be 6 feet under.
34. #14 Naive dave I think you miss the bigger
Knave Dave ,   Honolulu, Hawaii, US   (09.11.06)
Would I prefer that Saddam be in power? I prefer him dead, but not at the cost to the U.S. AND TO THE WAR ON TERROR that it has taken. First, any president who launches a pre-emptive strike has an ABSOLUTE moral imperative to be right about his reasons for starting a war. Bush was wrong on both accounts. There were no WMD in Iraq, other than MAYBE a handful of of old missiles that were nothing more than lost inventory. (I guarantee the U.S. could not find every single WMD it has in stock if it had to.) There were no WMD, and Iraq had no connections to the terrorists of 9/11. Second, the U.S.A. doesn't HAVE to solve any of the world's problems. It just continues in the delusion that it has to and that it can. Most importantly, all the money spent in destroying and rebuilding Iraq could have made Afghanistan the pearl of the Middle East if we had spent it finishing the job with the Taliban and rebuilding the nation. It would have proven the U.S. does not hate Islam; the U.S. is not out to rule other countries or steal land; the U.S. does not hate the people of Islamic countries; and countries that support terrorists are better off after the U.S. has expunged the terrorists and installed a democracy. That's what the money spent in Iraq could have accomplished, had the U.S. been more interested in building positive examples than destroying negative ones. And THEN every war from that point on would have been less likely and so much easier if needed BECAUSE PEOPLE WOULD ALMOST HOPE FOR SUCH A THING TO HAPPEN TO THEIR COUNTRY SO THEY COULD BE LIKE AFGHANISTAN. What a huge opportunity lost due to a dimwitted president who wrongly believed Saddam sponsored terror against the U.S. and held WMD based on some VERY FLIMSY evidence. But, like many in Israel, he saw reality the way he wanted to see it when he looked at satelite photos, rather than as it was. --David Haggith
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