Opinion  Others
Open your eyes, smell the anti-Semitism
Joel Rubinfeld
Published: 18.09.06, 11:55
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31. tit for tat
Stephen ,   Raleigh   (09.18.06)
I don't want to leave the muslim world a smoking hole in the ground. I just want to do that to all the arab states which ring Israel.
32. #13-Good thing Ynet posted your post...
Truth ,   USA   (09.18.06)
shows you're not a Christian ...and sure don't know the Bible ... “…Pilate [Roman Gentile Governor]… had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified. Mark 15:15 "Father forgive them [Roman (Gentiles) & Jews], for they know not what they do. And they [Roman Gentiles] parted His raiment, and cast lots" Luke 23:34 Christ was no "God with us". "..O Bethlehem...out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting." Micah 5:2 "... His name will be called Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6) God said, He Himself would come and save (Savior) His people Israel. So all Christian's "plead the blood" of Jesus (God with us) as the only atonement for sin, into salvation, healing, redemption and right relations with God. Which is why Jesus said, [on Crucifixion] "What shall I say, Father deliver Me from this hour? No. It is for this hour I have come." Jesus said, "No man takes My life [because they didn't have the power], I give it...." Please don't pretend to be a "Christian" if you don't know that Judeo-Christian scriptures show God's eternal love and blessing on Israel. Jesus cannot be your "love" if you hate His people. Because God said, "I will bless those who bless you [Israel], and curse those who curse you." Jesus loves Muslims too ... but He never agrees with those persecuting His beloved people from whence He and all the great Prophets, Kings, and Apostles came from - Jews. God bless! Israel. God bless you. Please read your Bible.
33. Nasarulla AntiSemetic!
Dr.Joi Cherian ,   Aluva India.   (09.18.06)
In all probablity Nasarulla or the Arab masses may not be aware of an epithet called antisemetism.They are oppsed to the Israeli occupation and supression of Arabs.Antisemetism has absolutely no relevence in this context.
34. Zionist are Anti-Semitic
Sattouf ,   USA   (09.18.06)
The most anti-semitic people in this wrold are the Zionists.
35. #13 and #14
Ben Hiatt ,   Portland Oregon, USA   (09.18.06)
Peter, either the kosher diet works REALLY well or you are going to have to admit that even if there were Jews behind the execution of Jesus Christ, none of those Jews are live anymore. Also, do you hate Italians? Or any descendent of the Roman Empire, as has already been stated, they are the ones that did the killing. Hating something because of what their ancestors may or may not have done makes about as much sense as me hating all Muslims because of 9/11. As far as Anti-Semitic being an archaic word, I think you are right. We should just go ahead and call it ignorant bigotry and be done with it, besides; the main perpetrators of violence against Semitic peoples these days seem to be other Semitic peoples…
36. Great Article
josh ,   Washington DC, USA   (09.18.06)
Great Article!! Right on the Money.
37. MUST-SEE vid!
Stan Derd ,   Main Street, USA   (09.18.06)
See this and forward it: www.myspace.com/waragainstthewest
38. Anti Jewish Arabs
Sam Weinstein ,   USA   (09.18.06)
It's pure and simple that is why we fight for survival. The Lebanese don't care about our people why should we care about them. They allowed the rockets in the south thus they are acessories to the fact
Sam Weinstein ,   USA   (09.18.06)
Let's see it's ok to have a arab state but not a jewish state. It's ok to have a muslem state but not a jewish stae. Yep that is being anti Jewish in my opinion.
40. You're so right, Joel Rubinfeld
enzo ,   london, uk   (09.18.06)
Yes, I can smell anti-semitism from here. There is nothig new about it. They were anti-semite before Nasrallah and they will be anti-semite after Nasrallah. In the West we are fighting a war against anti-semitism at all levels, mainly through educating people. In the Middle East there is no such a thing as fighting anti-semitism and politicians and mullahs prey on people's ignorance to foster hatred against the Jews (and all the infidels).
ISAAC RUBIN ,   ISRAEL   (09.18.06)
In S.A. when the whites found a way to live with the blacks in a segregated way the world press labeled them racialists.In Israel when the Arabs are not prepaired to live in a democratic country where they are free citizens in a jewish majority they are not called racialists and the world press backs them. Anti-semit is a word taken from Europe in the Middle East it is badly used as a jew hater.
42. #14 :-) Noora from Bahrain teaches us archaism & modernity..
43. The Truth
Christian ,   Lebanon   (09.18.06)
My blood is on ur hand and on the hand of ur descendants. "Jesus Christ addressing those who sent him to crucifix..Guess who? For those who think its Hizbolah or hamas then wrong answer....
44. To # 15..the truth
Christian ,   Lebanon   (09.18.06)
Jesus was never a Jew...Jews spoke Hebrew while Jesus Christ spoke Aramaic (the language of the people who lived in the area of Palestine, Lebanon and Syria), Jesus was the son of God on Earth, God is not Hebrew. Jesus came for to save the world while Jews are only for Jews.........Christianity is a bigger problem for the jews than Islam....Peace out
45. To the Lebanese here that just proved the article's point
Adam ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (09.18.06)
To the Christian guy; the Roman soldiers crusified Yehoshua Ben Yosef the Jew that you worship. To the other two Lebanese; You IDIOTS don't understand the meaning of the word 'Antisemitism'. Tell me what is Semitism???? Is there such an ideology?? Hamas are speakers of a semitic language yes. Firstly there are self hating semites around that is possible for starters. Secondly the term doesn't mean what it's literal origin implies (you ignorant pricks) it was first eroneosly coined by a european reporter to mean anti-Jewish racism. But there is a difference between Jew hatred and antisemitism. Jew hatred means hatred of the Jews for what they are and the way they are. Whereas 'Antisemitism' (as opposed to anti-semitism which is a ridiculous concept that you ignorant morons are confusing) is an irrational phoebia that is based on falsehood. It has many forms and is a social disease. It doesn't refer to hatred of SEMITES. The name is eroneos but fitting for just as what the word refers to is false so to is the word. NEXT I would like to reiterate that MORE THAN HALF OF ISRAELI JEWS CAME FROM LEBANON, SYRIA, IRAQ, IRAN, EGYPT, LIBYA, MOROCCO, TUNISIA, ALGERIA, YEMEN AND THOSE ALREADY PRESENT IN THE LAND. THE EXACT SAME IS TRUE OF 99% of those calliing themselves "Palestinian" they also came from abroad. Also nearly all european Jews have more in common genetically with Levanites than with europeans. A Jew is by definition from Palestine whereas a Muslim or Arabic speaker is not as such. Hezballah is a dirty disgusting nazi terrorist SS army and it's supporters are blood thirsty grotesque nazis. The 500,000 non Jewish economic migrants that left what became Israel before and during the 47-49 war don't count as 5million under international law. In addition it includes those who had BEEN in the country for two years prior only which doens't count under international law. Even those 500,000 refugees (which were inflated by poor Arabs who joined them in the camps for the welfare) left due to a war impossed by their own armies. THEY ARE NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY IN ANY WAY. 68% of those who FLED in the war of independence never saw a Jewish combatant. The remainder left during the course of war like in many wars. ANd since Marhaba is ponting fingers by saying we cause the seperateness. What about your beloved Lebanon??? It is only seperate from Syria due to the Maronites.
46. examples of the author's own "anti-semitism" and racism
Jack ,   USA   (09.18.06)
antisemitism: "it is the bearded Lebanese and Palestinians" racism: "who call a spade a spade" old term but has more recent racial connotations against black people.
47. #45, Adam and antisemitism
Marhaba ,   Beirut Lebanon   (09.18.06)
Yes, sure, I mean I think people already know that "antisemitism" refers to racism against Jews. So i don't see why you're putting so much effort to make your point. As to those Palestinians who "fled" Israel, why can't they come back? I mean, what if someone left for a weekend to visit some friends abroad? no honestly, I'd like to hear the Israeli narrative on this. Is there a "squatter rights" law in Israel like in the UK? and what about the rights of the owners? (Lebanon seperateness from Syria, did not result anyone loosing his home, so can't compare) Last, your text is too dense, so think about breaking it into paragraphs. It would make it easier to read. And less verbal abuse would certainly make you look less ignorant.
48. open letter to benedict XVI
bernard XVII ,   france   (09.18.06)
please, pope: say something real bad on leb jew-haters and whatever happens.... don't apologize.
49. #45 - Thank you
Robin ,   USA   (09.18.06)
For doing it before I did. I am so sick of these morans not knowing what they are talking about. Where it comes from the history of anything. They (Jew-haters)are simply making up history to suti them. I love that no one seems to know that the population in "Palenstine" has increased, but that would make other realize there is no ramdom murders by Israel, as they currently have the world suckered into thinking!
50. Reply to Marhaba
Adam ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (09.18.06)
Hello. You are right about curbing the abuse of course. But I get very iritable when I see the same stupid ignorant lies being repeated all the time and for this I appologize. It's very frustrating. incidently I have three half Lebanese half Jew cousins and my best friend's girlfriend is also half Leb half Jew. Regarding the much improved composition of your question vis a vis the Shami absentees of pre state Israel, first of all I would like to point out that there were more Jews who were forced out or Arabic speaking countries than non Jews who left pre state Israel. Those Jews left behind them ten times the value in property and belongings. It is also very difficult these days even under the correct UNHCR definition for refugees to know who is legally a regugee from the area. In addition whereas all the non Jewish ruled places in the southern portion of Syria such as Jordan, the Gaza Strip and the P.A. autonomous areas of the Israeli Administered West Bank; NO JEWS MAY RESIDE and if they could they would be persecuted and treated with threats of violence. It comes down to whether you feel that a people with a history should have a country where they are a majority but with equal democratic rights or you want to withhold our rights after 1300 years of oppression at the hands of Islam. Don't give me that crap about how great it was for Jews under Islam just because of one or two short and fleeting periods of limited success for the Jews there because that also happened under Christianity. After 1000 years of Jewish return and then persecution and criminaly harsh taxation causing our dwindling and then the renewal of the same attempted revival process every 200 years and Muslim migrations in and out of our land, we were close to reestablishing ourselves under fair conditions of democratic equality with a demographic majority. And would've done so if it weren't for Muslim antisemitism and the maner of British imperial interests. If you believe that allowing in many randomers 60 years later most of whom fled because their leaders told them that they should leave so that their armies could kill and expel the Jews despite JEwish calls for them to stay in their homes then that's your opinion but know that the Israeli 'Arabs' have better rights than any other Arabs except for Lebanese (whose Arab identity was affirmed in 1990) and certainly better than Jews in Muslim ruled areas of Palestine (Jordan, Gaza, Areas A and B) for none may exist.
51. to #44 You need to learn your history
Phil ,   Washington DC   (09.18.06)
A quick history lesson for a "Christian" #1 - Jesus was definitely a Jew and was supposed to be in a direct lineage from King David #2 - Jesus didnt speak Hebrew because it didnt exist yet dummy - modern hebrew is born from Aramaic #3 - Jews are not only for themselves - The temple was actually built for people everywhere in the world to house G-d and worship him. #4 - Christianity didnt even exist until about 300 years after Jesus died. Trust me, read any book on the subject, its true. The early christians were all jews and when people wanted to convert to christianity they had to convert to judaism first. #5 - Christians are not problems for jews because even the ones that do hate jews, dont kill innocent people with bomb vests in a manner in line with psychotic behavior. Even Saladin wasnt this crazy.
52. #44 - Please read you Bible...
Jesus Christ ... came from the line of King David ... Great Jewish King? Solomon's Father? Jewish .... God bless...
53. Phony Christian Peter; Jesus was a Jew so you must hate him!
Daisy ,   USA   (09.18.06)
I'm so sick of the Arabs who call themselves Christian but are really Muslim radicals. Stop the charade!
54. Adonis; More psychotic Arab rantings.
Daisy ,   USA   (09.18.06)
Arabs always lie about everything. They don't even believe what they say!
55. '#7, "Semites" can be Antisemites
Dietrich ,   Heidelberg, Germany   (09.18.06)
Dear Andrew, your argument is not new, it is commonplace in any discussion concerning Arab antisemitism. Inconcise as it may, be the term "Antisemitism" stands for a hostile attitude towards Jews(and Jewsalon), based on "racial theory" -as opposed to religious Antijudaism. Wouldn't you think that the notorious Hadj-Amin al-Husseini, seeking refuge in Hitler's Berlin and asking the leaders of Nazi Germany's Allies not to let the Jews of their countries escape instead of being killed in the Shoah, or the Arab leaders giving asylum to hardcore Nazis like Alois Brunner or Johannes von Leers were Antisemites? Kind regards Dietrich
56. Jesus himself was Jewish!
Dietrich ,   Heidelberg, Germany   (09.18.06)
... as well as his disciples! By the way, your argument contains no truth and incited pogroms all over the Christian world, just to remind! Kind regards Dietrich
57. Genocidal Islamists Allowed To Parade
Adina Kutnicki ,   US   (09.19.06)
Well of course this is true. The Islamists in PA controlled areas and in Lebanon, Iran et al are waging a genocidal war of extermination. If that is NOT acts of antisemitism then I don't know what qualifies. What stuns me is that Israel's political hatchetmen allow ! these rabid, bearded Islamist Hitlers to parade in Nazi style regalia without being challenged. What the hell are they waiting for? Perhaps an A bomb heading into Tel Aviv courtesy of the mullahs? These Jewish ? leaders are playing fast and loose with our people's fate.
Knave Dave   (09.19.06)
If you want to convince European minds that Hamas and Hizbullah are fighting a war based solely on anti-Semiticism, then you need to get out of the U.N. territories that you occupy. So long as you are there, they have a very strong argument against you, and there will always be MANY who believe that is the sole reason those groups are fighting. People have a hard time believing hatred or evil can run so deep; so they want political reasons to explain what is happening, and you do a darn good job of providing them with those reasons. These groups will be seen as a "political movement" so long as you provide political reasons for seeing them that way. When Israel lives within international law, its foes will lose the moral high ground that they do not deserve to occupy. You must chose either the Golan Heights or the moral high ground.
59. #13 Proud Christian - JEWS KILLED CHRIST
Knave Dave   (09.19.06)
You are a Palestinian, and Christians should be more supportive of their fellows in the faith who are Palestinian, instead of showing one-sided support to Israel, as if God does not care about those who follow Jesus. BUT Do you really follow Jesus? He taught peace and he, himself, forgave those who crucified him -- both Jews and Romans -- "because they do not know what they are doing." Like today's Muslims, the Jews of that day reacted in a knee-jerk way to someone who was saying something they didn't want to hear about themselves. He was a Jew who was criticizing the Jewish religious establishment of his day. So, if you're going to be against Jews, you must start by being against Jesus and then against Peter and against Paul because they were all Jews, too. They were a small sect of Jews that was treated harshly by the establishment because Jesus spoke out vehemently against the establishment. He ridiculed the religious leaders and popped their self-righteous bubbles. Nevertheless, Paul was not against his fellow Jews; nor was Peter. It is understandable, however, that you would be against a Zionist take-over of the land you live in. The UN never gave that land to Jews, and the Bible does not command you to give it up to them either. So, you have no reason to simply walk off of it now that they are back and want it. You can stand against Zionism and still stand in support of people who are Jews. There are many Jews who stand against Zionism or who suggest it moderate its ways. Work with them to build peace through acts of kindness. That is the tougher road that the Apostles took -- acts of kindness toward the majority who persecuted their minor sect.
60. #15 Jesus Not a Jew
Knave Dave   (09.19.06)
If you claim that Jesus was not a Jew, then you deny the New Testament, which clearly states his Jewish lineage. If you deny the New Testament, which is the only significant record that Jesus even EXISTED, then you have no reason to believe in him at all. (Yes, Tacitus mentions his existence and so does Josephus, but they are brief mentions -- a mere paragraph in history that would never even have been noticed if not for the New Testament.) The fact that Jesus spoke Aramaic means nothing. MANY Jews of his day spoke both Hebrew and Aramaic because Aramaic was the trade language of the time -- Aramaic in the Middle East as the day-to-day and Greek and Latin throughout the empire as the language of the highly educated or of the Romans. What is significant is that the only record of Jesus' LIFE (what he did and what he taught) gives his Jewish pedigree.
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