Hi-tech firm boycotts Israel over 'war crimes'
Ehud Kenan
Published: 27.09.06, 08:10
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151. Sam Weinstein
anna salaman ,   Manchester UK   (09.29.06)
Sam - is it really beyond your comprehension that contributors are able to use their critical faculties about Israel. The evidence of Israels' crimes against the Palestinians is screeching from every direction. People are NOT anti-Israel, much less anti-semitic. They are opposed to the inhumane Israeli government policy and actions against Palestinians. Don't confuse those things.
152. to all
Darksun ,   Czech rep.   (09.29.06)
you are all talking about antisemitism... dont you recognise, that, they were not talking about jews? they talked about israel... and israel comitted war crimes... its fact... none have anything against jews, but a lot of people has a lot of against israel (including a lot of jews that are critics of israel)... i have to agree with belgium company, if i had such company and israeli company wants to cooperate with me, i would answer them the same (as about companies from other countries, which are not doing things as are written in human rights...) and... if you are talking about antisemitism... semits are palestinians too... not only jews... so its idiotic to say, when i believe that right is on palestinian and lebanose side, that anyone is antisemitic... yes i dont like what israel is doing, as well, i dont like sucide bombers... i have nothing against people, but i have a lot against regimes, that thinks that are better than other races... and one regime such this is in state of israel... (btw, do you know, what does it mean? israel=god is fighting)...
153. Boycot
Dr.Joji Cherian ,   Eranakulam India   (09.29.06)
In the past Israel could get away with all its inhuman actions unquestioned because the oppnents were brutaly crushed.Not any more. Israel is a loser now is going to answer and pay for the ruthless supression and agony inflicted on the Arabs.
154. U2U: cutting her leg
MIODEZKY ,   Belgium   (09.29.06)
By the way one of the main Microsoft Belgium "training partner" is U2U. Interesting ...
155. These Anti Israel Talkbacks Seem Emotional
Sam Weinstein ,   USA   (09.29.06)
These talkbacks are anti Israel and are pointed at this one particular article. Don't see it much in other talkbacks. Definately seems to be one or two people from the same place with a personal interest in this particuler talkback. I would guess they are from Belgium
156. How wrong can yu be Sam
anna salaman ,   Manchester UK   (09.29.06)
No, it is not just two people writing these emails. I belong to a group whose members regularly visit Palestine and we collectively have many contacts with Palestinians and relatives of palestinians living in the UK, so our information does not depend on the western media -thank God - but what people have seen and witnessed with their own eyes - house demolitions to make way for an illegal wall, destruction of olive lands, destruction of schools and mosques and churches, pregnant women giving birth at checkpoints because the IDF will not let them get through to the hospital, etc. How much more evidence do you need before you accept the atrocities inflicted by Israel on the Palestinian people? Get real, Sam
157. Daisy - who is the drop-out?
anna salaman ,   Manchester UK   (09.29.06)
Daisy, what evidence have you got for your assertion that contributors are drop-outs? I'm a qualified teacher with an MA in Peace Studies andanother MA in Theology. I've taught Holocaust Studies at degree level and it is precisely because of my background and detailed knowledge of the Holocaust that I wholeheartedly condemn the appalling brutality and cruelty of the Israeli state and the IDF towards the Palestinian people. Israel is inflicting its own wounds on an innocent people. THE PALESTINIANS WERE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HOLOCAUST!
158. Marianne, appealing to Jewish values
Jake   (09.29.06)
Well, who is the gullible one today? You really believe this U2U manager is governed by principles, when the manifesto of the entire U2U company is to pursue business in the 'Middle East'? He doesn't want business with Israel, because it will hurt his business interests in the Arab world. That's the reality, Marianne, and it's always been that way. The comments from this man are just a spiteful but spineless excuse, as is your tedious melodramatic mention of 'Jewish values'
159. John from Los Angeles
Jake   (09.29.06)
I'm sure that countries which do not exist except in quotation marks are not obligated to satisfy your demands for borders and a Constitution since they do not exist. In the meantime, you ought to confine your hypocritical mind to the confines of your own country's borders, God knows where they end, and close the gap between the purported freedoms granted by your Constitutions and the actual reality. If not, you might not escape the well-deserved label of being a paltry, sanctimonious, slanderous excuse for a person, with an inferiority complex.
160. To Moonwolf, how about a visit to Planet Earth?
Jake   (09.29.06)
You are right about the differences between Canada and Israel. The first one is that Israel RETURNED to its historic home, as opposed to settling a new continent entirely. The second difference is that Canada got rid of the Indians except the ones living in the Arctic, whereas there are Arabs living throughout Israel and all around Israel too. Let's start with a definition of "negociating in good faith". Those who threaten imminent demise to the Jewish people, like yourself, are not negociating partners for Israel but rather prime candidates for being consigned to the rubbish heap of history.
161. Eyes Open, R.E. Norman Finkelstein
Jake   (09.29.06)
Norman Finkielstein, a Jew indeed, and also a Holocaust denier. The fact that he is a Jew therefore did not deter him from becoming the greatest champion for David Duke since a bunch of folks decided to put on white sheets and hoods and hang black folks from tree branches. I think you should change your name from Eyes Open to Eyes Wide Shut
162. Moonwolf, note the use of the word 'Zionist'
Jake   (09.29.06)
is chiefly confined to use by Israel-haters and Jew-haters in a search for a euphemism. No 'Zionists' here, Mooncreature, just some people defending Israel and the Jewish people from slanderous stupidity, which will nevertheless have as much effect as trying to headbutt a brick wall. Your irrational slurs will be to no avail, other than to reveal you as the emperor with no clothes , and nothing underneath either.
163. Anna Salaman, 'Palestinians' did not exist during Holocaust
Jake   (09.29.06)
But if you must blow your own trumpet about your teaching credentials, perhaps I might recommend you switch to becoming a pupil. The Arab leadership in Mandate Palestine was actively pro-Nazi, and the Grand Mufti and Chairman of the Arab High Committee Amin al Husseini indeed was a key figure in planning an executing policies of genocide against Jews and others in the Balkans, and enlisting Moslem support for the Nazis.
164. Anna Salaman, speaking of illegality
Jake   (09.29.06)
You speak of an 'illegal wall', your deceptive reference to a structure which is only 5% wall, and at the same time to refer to an entity called 'Palestine', which is not the name of any legally recognized political entity on the face of the earth. The only recognized entity is called the Palestinian Authority, and the only reference to 'Palestine' in international law and discourse is in the context of the END POINT of bilateral negociations, in which Israel is also recognized as a sovereign nation by the Palestinians. Perhaps it is time for you to get real, because it doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes to see through the subterfuge of deception in your diatribe.
165. Darksun's false definition of the word Israel
Jake   (09.29.06)
Actually, no, you are wrong. The word Israel does not mean 'God is fighting', but then again haters of Israel were never known to be sticklers for accuracy. Israel means 'Wrestling with God', a reference to Jacob wrestling with a mysterious man or angel .... and winning.
166. blah blah blah
chocolate ,   Belgium, Brussels   (09.29.06)
I'm proud to be belgian and have a belgian company boycotting an Israëli company. Israël has an apartheid regime, it is notoriously known to not respect any convention whatsoever. No one feels any sympathy for a country that kills mothers and children. Don't hide behind "terrorist attacks". There are statistics, and Israël kills *far* more mothers, children then any other movement, be it terrorists or so-called armies. No-one forgets the numerous video's & pictures showing all the bloody crimes Israël has done in Gaza or in Lebanon. I have friends that visited Israël and Gaza as part of a peace movement, and I believe them and their pictures. Israël is the most racist country, and the world is aware of it.
167. Bashing Israel is fashionable..
Ted ,   London UK   (09.29.06)
Most comments here are a result of an "Internet" brainwash.. If you look at the stattistiacl facts you will find that in the last 100 years of conflict in between Jews and Palestinians less Muslims/Arabs have been killed in Isarel than: 1) The number of muslims killed by their own brothers 2) The number of muslims killed in Russia 3) The number of muslims killed by France in Algeria 4) The number of Muslims killed by the US in Iraq and Afganistan 5) The number of Muslims killed internally by the regieme in Iran and yes, this hatred to Isarel is the NEW anti-semitism...
168. Bravo to U2U
Philippe Kattan ,   Canada   (09.29.06)
Bravo to U2U This kind of move, of decision, when motivated by basic humanitarian reason, truth, justice, needs a lot of courage for a company. But this is the symbolic tipping point of change. Has a jew, I see no antisemitism in this move. Anybody who invoke this in the situation is an ignorant and is blinded by a very narrow comprehension of human history. Philippe Kattan, Canada
169. one or two anti semites writeing these talkbacks?
Sam Weinstein ,   USA   (09.29.06)
These talkbacks are anti Israel and are pointed at this one particular article. Don't see it much in other talkbacks. Definately seems to be one or two people from the same place with a personal interest in this particuler talkback. I would guess they are from Belgium
170. #166 Chocolate What company do you work for?
Sam Weinstein ,   USA   (09.30.06)
Possibly the same as moonwolf eyesopen, Shim Shom, Lucifer.
171. Sam Weinstein : contact me
Bernard ,   Brussels   (09.30.06)
Hi, Sam, contact me ...
172. to Anna #156
esther ,   raanana   (09.30.06)
Have you heard of Palliwood, Anna? There's even talk now of Hezbollywood. By the way, in the third video footage you will see how and where a pregnant Palestian woman gives birth. I saw a film on Jenin some time ago, where an Australian volunteer makes some very disturbing statements: If you are an educated person, and teach Holocaust, please make use of academic and intellectual accuracy, check and double check your sources, and don't believe every "eye witness" report. "THE PALESTINIANS WERE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HOLOCAUST" - why, I believe that is right out of Ahmadinijad's book.
173. #44
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.01.06)
shame on you!!!! how can you be so empty? so devoid of conection to your people, their struggle on a daily basis for their future existance. just go spend one day there under constant fire and feel what others feel. oh, i made aliyah. coward! don't you know what they'll do to you in belgium and in england, france, middle east, etc.... if the country of israel didn't exist? you'd be dust! the existance of israel, no matter how you feel it operates or handles wars is the very reason you are alive today and enjoying freedom as a jew!!!!!!! for some reason, for all reasons, people around the world are not too fond of us jews. but, at least we have somewhere to run to if and when things don't turn out too well for us in the diaspora. indirectly and because of this coutry you are so "disgusted with", you are breathing, free and allowed to progress as you wish. otherwise, you'd still be stuck in a SHTETLE somewhere in eastern europe or god forbid in a concentration camp. remember, germany was one of the most civilized country in the world in the late 30's and 40's....and look what they were capable of! when people have a state, they are a people, united and can hold their head high and be proud. no country ever is immune from doing unjust things. indeed even belgium. but, when push comes to shove, you stand behind your country in times of trouble. otherwise, in my eyes, you are despicable.....but still entitled to your opinion, though. this is why israel is the most enviable democracy in the mid east.
174. What is the word for "g-d is fighting"?
Cadavre ,   US   (10.01.06)
I have always believed Israel was a metaphor - a place in the heart - like Shangri-La in Hilton's "Lost Horizon" or the "Heaven" of Islam an Christianity. It's funny how institutionalized religion reduces a metaphor that everyone can enjoy to an exclusive club structure. Is Israel a Hebrew word? Does Judaism trace it's lineage to Ancient Egyptian humanities? If Israel is the word(a word that translates to a noun and verb - it's a pretty efficient form comunication) for "Wrestling with g-d", what is the phrase/word for "Fighting with G-d" and "G-d is Fighting"? Israel translates to "Wrestling with G-d", Amazing. Is the poetry as enjoyable as offered by the wordy languages we speak these days?
175. vive belgium
ash ,   egypt   (10.01.06)
at last an europe do something right
176. #174 answer
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.01.06)
please sir, get off your high horse and semantic jibbering. yes, yes, we are very impressed with your word play and knowledge of the webster dictionary. israel's right to exist and defend itself has no place in webster. understand that this piece of land WAS GIVEN TO US LEGALLY BY ALL NATIONS OF THE WORLD IN 1948. it also was ours according to history for thousands of years prior to 1948. i suggest you read a history book rather than the dictionary for a change. it's easy to talk as you do, living in america or outside of israel and judging the israelis. you have peace, comfort, calm and a safe existance wherever you are. i doubt you have ever been to israel to see what is really going on on a daily basis in that country. we are all big shots judging from afar without first hand experience of what we are saying. we all are removed from the israeli daily life here in the usa. all we see, all we know, all we experience is what the media feeds us. israeli life losses as well as the heinous bombing that gazans do in israel are mourned in QUIET by its people. we are not arabs to bring the media and all reporters to the killing scene so that we can convince the world of atrocities commited on our soil by terrorists. we have too much respect for the dead and too much anguish for their fate to exhibit their bodies and torn limbs for propaganda, media consumption and favorable world opinion. the gazans stage umpteen times deaths that were not even caused by israeli soldiers. they send fake footage to all news agencies saying....look what they do to us! many of these footages are fake. have you heard of paliwood or are you too busy studying your webster? sir, WE SURVIVED THE HOLOCAUST AND NO ONE WILL DARE STAND IN OUR WAY TO LIVE IN PEACE ON OUR GOD GIVEN SOIL. in my opinion you are just one more fool falling for arab propaganda. explain this to me.....countries such as saudi arabia, katar, bahrain, uae, etc.... are vastly rich (of course, not their common man, only their dictator regimes) can they not help their arab brethren? go find that answer in your webster. you'll arrive at only one answer. they are not interested and they don't give a hoot what happens to the arabs or gazans or palestinians. for them, palis and gazans are puppets to be used so that all these wonderful rich dictatorial regimes can stay in power. as long as the pali issue is alive and boiling, no one arab will blame these regimes....they'll blame israel, of course. so please, do us all a favor and start reading history, look at memri tv, look at y- tube web sites so that you can educate yourself. you won't find your answer in webster, i assure you.
177. #176 - Are you a holocaust survivor?
Cadavre ,   US   (10.01.06)
Ya know - they say that heros are ones that died. You're alive - and don't sound knowledgable enough to have participated in the the more demanding educational systems the world had circa the "holocaust". I wasn't there either - the Indians my country murdered happened before my time. The injustices of WWIII - happened before my time - the smells comming out of Gaza - now that stuff - that's in bout your an my time. It is part of our moment - we cant do anything about what happen before except learn from it. What did you learn from history? But, you may actually have a tatoo from one of the camps. A coule of things abouts the holocaust - 60 million people (documented) died in WW II. Some, I dare say, were just as important if not more important than those you "allege" died in the holocaust. Word to the wise. The US DoJ is reviewing an unexplained release of Russian Historical Archives - they put holes in the "story" that has profitted the "Holocaust" and "Settlement" Industries. Abe Foxman wears $10,000 Armani suits - yet Holocaust Pensioners - in Israel - ones with tatoosfrom the camps - you know - the real survivors - have been short changed on their benefits from the SWC. I was asking someone who seemed to know some real "Hebrew" about the word "Israel" - the language that invented the word "Israel" seems to be a very efficient. Judaism is an interesting church - it's leadership - guys like moses and David - developed a legal system that serves as the basis for most legal systems in the world. BTW - laws are simply the common sense of humanity written into words. But since you're feeling a bit inadequate today - tell me - has Israel been violating the laws of Moses and David - if not - please explain.
178. answer to #177
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.02.06)
talking about knowledge and education.... can you compete with this??? 1. phd mid east affairs. thesis: arab israeli relation post first intifada. 2. not even a jew 3. no family member in holocaust 4. lived in israel, saudi arabia, lebanon for 10 years doing research and writing a book then back to usa 5. saw first hand life in gaza, west bank, interviewed many palestinians and refugees in camps, etc... 6. lived amongst israelis during the war 7. lived through bombing in a cafe in tel aviv well, you still claim i have no education? no life experiences? i saw first hand with my eyes what arabs do to arabs and in turn to israelis on a daily basis. i wrote many articles about it. and don't start telling me i am partial to israel because i am not even a jew. i am a person who has many many acounts and experiences in israel and the arab territories.....much more than you do, for sure! playing verbal gymnastics with me will make you sound rediculous. your line of reasoning is faulty to the extreme. you may sound intelligent to the dumb ones, but to me your iq is marginal at best.
179. U2U and High Tech
CC ,   Belgium   (10.02.06)
Mr. Wim Uyttersprot is as many in Europe brainwashed by the cheap islamic propaganda media. Islamic radicalism is part of the Socialism ideologies imposed on high schools and universities. Being Anti-Israel is fashionable. While their ignorance is unsurpassed. The Manager of U2U doesn't realize his ignorance and as such he displays the old face of the Jew Hater. Ask Mr Uyttersprot what he would do if his backyard is being bombarded by 3000 missiles! Wonder what Mr Uyttersprot would do if they chop off his head regardless of his tolerance and friendliness. Talking about a DUMB JACKASS with a degree, here is one of the many running around in the Academic world of Belgium and Europe.
180. World still have human feelings
Hassan ,   Cairo, Egypt   (10.03.06)
Really great action from nice company. It shows that world still have human being feelings.
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