French millionaire volunteers for IDF
Ronny Shaked
Published: 24.10.06, 11:55
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31. 22 thanks
georgia ,   USA   (10.24.06)
for the answer- but I believe this dual loyalty will cause proiblems in the future- JEWS are more loyal to jews and the jew state then their country of birth and this is what irked Hilter in WW2- This means that these jews parsiting off of the current host country would glady take up arms against their host country if their REAL country (israel) was to fight them- the LAW of return is a JOKE.
32. You should be cloned, Mr Romano!
enzo ,   london,uk   (10.24.06)
What a great man! What an example for all of us! I wish I was "him" (and not for the money!). Bravo Mr Romano.
33. Indian doctors #11
Carlos Murphy ,   Red Hill Australia   (10.25.06)
Mr. Cherian no disrespect,but there is no way in this world that i would allow an Indian doctor near me, most inept doctors on earth,where do you do your training in abbatiors.
34. Frenchy?
USA   (10.25.06)
Haha frenchman fighting for israel. That country is screwed the only good french soldier is a legionair and thats cus their not even french. i wonder how the us would feel is an iranian went back to iran and joined their armed forces for three years.... one could make the arguement that if israelis can do it why not iranians.... they also have duel citzenship for anyone born in iran. i know every one is gonna say something like "iran is terrorist" yada yada yada... but if your going to make that argument i would have to say israel is a terrorist state. and israel has attacked the U.S. ... unlike iran... long live the uss liberty and all its brave sailors.
35. To #21 answer
Nora ,   Israel   (10.25.06)
First of all the French army are in Lebanon as part of the United Nations. Secondly, many Jews volunteer to serve in the Israeli army. No its not treason.
36. To Elie - poor my ass
Nora ,   Israel   (10.25.06)
Iran pays big dollars to keep hizbullah well-equipped. I dont know how you can gloat knowing your country is run by Syria and Iran - where is your national pride? Another thing - there were no "innocent civillians" in the south, as their homes were stacked with rockets waiting to be fired on INNOCENT CIVILLIANS of another country. All such people were accomplices to the crimes. If hizbullah are stupid enough to start off another round of violence, our army will probably bomb the houses.
37. To #31 answer
Nora ,   Israel   (10.25.06)
There was no Jewish State in Hitler's time so it couldnt have irked him. You could also say that Christians are more loyal to Christians than they would be towards Jews. What do you mean "parasiting" off their host country? If someone's born a Jew it means they're a "guest" in a country, but if they're a Christian its their home? What are you talking about? Your thinking is a bit twisted!! A Jew is as much an American as a Christian or an athiest - no-one has superiority!!! On the other hand, Israel welcomes any Jew to live in Israel. Personally, I have dual nationality of both Israel and Britain.
38. #21 georgia
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.25.06)
i disagree with you 100%. i respect your concern regarding jews living in other countries and still serving a different army. you base your concern on a point which is invalid. france is not at was with israel and will never be. so, your point that jews serving in the israeli army while living in france are not loyal or dangerous to france is ridiculous. i am sure that had the french government been threatened and deemed it illigal, they would have had laws against this service in israel. but they don't! yes, jews are loyal to other jews. so what? we consider ourselves a family, trying to help each other and our country in times of need. what is wrong with that? if you believe in a cause, you go and act. it has nothing to do with being disloyal to france. nothing. unless the french themselves are interested in israel's destruction, which they are not! as to hitler hating jews. it was NOT because they were loyal to other jews in germany. in fact, german jews in germany prior to the second world war were the most assimilated jews of any other country and also the elite and most educated prosperous jews in the world and in europe. these jews were more like christians then jews....also the most secular of jews in europe....almost non practicing. they were very involved in german society, culture, universities, art, finance, academia, business, etc... they were more a part of germany than any other jewish groups in any other country. your comment refering to jews as PARASITES on the back of germany is so outrageous and borders not only on ignorance, but on antisemitic feelings on your part. how dare you? how dare you with your limited intelligence and knowledge even arrive at such a stunning idea? let me tell you that jews in germany WERE NEVER THE PARASITES benefiting from the german economy. THEY WERE THE ECONOMY! they were succesful in every department in life in germany and contributed more for the economy, literature, music, art, business, etc....than any other race. even with their minority, they were very well respected. jews are never the parasites of a country. they have an incredible work ethic, very hard working, brilliant minds, productive, successful in every walk of life and highly educated. everything they get is through hard work, ambition and dedication to bettering theirs and their children's lives. AND FOR THAT THEY WERE SCAPEGOATED AND HATED BY THE GERMANS. no one gave them anything for free. they earned it!!!!!! and unfortunatelly lost it all to that insane hitler and his nazi regime. but then again, you know very well, that like yourself, jews were always the first to suffer because of all their successes and because of their beliefs and sticking together. BABY, THIS IS WHAT KEPT US ALIVE AND STILL TOGETHER FOR GENERATIONS....AND GENERATIONS TO COME, LIKE IT OR NOT! go read some history and open your mind to knowledge before you make such off the wall comments.
39. #37 nora-- from one israeli to another.
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.25.06)
thanks for helping me answer the georgia ignoramous. can you believe her staetment about jews being the parasites of any country, benefiting from that nothing back? look at my answer to her. it's coming fast. can you imagine the nerve calling the most brilliant people on the planet, the most successful...a parasite?
40. 37 but...
does the jew state give equal rights to non jews? tNO. he point is- jews are moe loyal- though they are parasiting off of the country where they are living- to israel- they are not loyal to AMERICA for instance- case for treason- jew/israeli to firster.
41. #40
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.25.06)
if we can't understand what and how you write...mistakes, grammar, logic, content...etc.... how can we answer you here? again, you mention jews being parasites in another country but israel and that they are not loyal to america, etc... just to israel. STOP you sound like a very very very big fool and an idiot on top of that, a racist and antisemetic. read my message to you (#38) i was really trying to educate you because i felt so sorry for your lack of knowledge and intelligence. but i see here that my efforts were useless. opppsss, i forgot, you are not intelligent enough to read and ubnderstand what i wrote in #38.
42. To v. n.y. #39
Nora ,   Israel   (10.25.06)
Ahalan! Well done on the posts. Can you believe her cheek? She thinks if someones a Jew, they're automatically just a "guest" in the country they're born in (not a REAL citizen cos that's only a Christian's right) and calls them parasites! And we're here talking about a French millionaire!!! Lekh tavin otam!! bye for now!
43. 38
georgia ,   us   (10.25.06)
how do you know 'france' will never be at war with israel? YOU DONT. and what abouthte iranian jews that serve in the IDF. you are up against a wall- and soon the free world will demand that the jew, who joins the "jew only army"-loses his 'host' countries citizenship- it is already happenning in the USA_ by blocking the jews/israeli dual citizenships from the PENTAGON- eat it!!!
44. 38
stop stroking your jew ego- why are jews so unattractive and disliked years after years- getting nose jobs etc.? the jew in the USA is getting busted left and right for unscrupulous business dealings- and they all run and hide in jew island--isarel-
45. #43, #44 rediculous!
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.25.06)
france at war with israel? you wish! what need would they have to be at war with israel. preposterous idea! iran at war with israel? they won't dare becausev they know they will be wiped out, totally. stroking our jewish ego? WHY NOT? LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE ACHIEVED IN SPITE OF THE POGROMS, HOLOCAUST, EXPOLSIONS FROM ENGLAND, INQUIZITION IN SPAIN, TREATMENT AT HANDS OF MUSLIM COUNTRIES PRIOR TO 1948, TO NAME A FEW! and especially in israel, under daily fire and bombings and threats, we have built the most wonderful productive advanced, modern, technologically, medically, academically, agriculturally, scientifically endowed country in the world. think about it. we did it out of a useless piece of desert infested with swamps, sand and malaria. no one gave us anything that we didn't use for peaceful purposes and building of a prosperous democratic nation. unlike arabs who get billions of aid dollars from the usa and europe and they use it for munitions and terror, we jews went ahead and build a great nation with our own hands, education, minds, ambition and lots and lots of hard work. the country is not perfect and will never be, but look at our neighbors, with all thise billions of $$$$$ what have they built? can you even compare them to progress in israel in all aspects??? those that create and build out of ashes and out of nothing. those that survive and creatively give back to society in medicine, science and technology have THE MOST RIGHT TO STROKE THEIR EGO WHEN ONE LOOKS AT WHAT THEY CONTRIBUTE TO THE WORLD. unfortunatelly, you jew hater, unfortunatelly for you, these people are JEWS. if you don't like it, ok! we can't and don't want to change the opinion you hold and your belief. but facts speak louder that anything. WE ARE PROUD TO BE JEWS. WE WILL DEFEND EACH OTHER TO THE DEATH, WE WILL STICK TOGETHER AS WE DID FOR GENERATIONS FOR OUR AND OUR CHILDREN'S GOOD FUTURE, WE'LL CONTINUE TO LIVE IN OUR PROMISED LAND AND SERVE IT WHEN AND HOW WE SEE FIT. OUR STRENGTH COMES FOR OUR MINDS, OUR HARD WORK, OUR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND OUR DEDICATION TO A GOOD FUTURE FOR OUR PEOPLE. we came from the ashes into the light and we'll never let a person such as yourself, or those who believe in your comments and support them, do anything to jeopardise this.
46. #44
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.25.06)
better for jewish americans, although very few, to get busted on shady dealings that the entire arab corrupt leaders starving their people, keeping them poor and opressed, uneducated and dependent on aid, in refugee camps, in misery with only fanatical religion as the escape route, loading their minds with crap against the west, asking their little kids to become jihadists, never offering modern education, keeping them in the dark with only a kuran (violent book that it is) to keep them comfort, sucking and stealing foreign aid from the population, never building infrastructures and modern open minded unbiased educational institutions, etc....victimizinf them then pointing a finger at jews and israel. SHAME! by the way, the israelis (2) in the pentagon was an isolated issue which you latched on to prove your point. america is only too happy to give israelis dual citizenship since the israelis coming into the usa bring so much BRAIN POWER AND TECHNOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE and work in cooperation with the usa military, technology and high tech companies, scientists, doctors, medical reasearch, etc... to name a few. we contribute knowledge to the usa, we don't act as parasites as you claim. this dual citizenship will never be revoked because the usa and israel are arm in arm with each other. we have a common way of life and we are both democratic in values and behavior.
47. #44 jewish nose jobs!
48. To: v.n.y. Amen!!!!!!!
Nora ,   Israel   (10.26.06)
I SECOND your every word and I love you brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am Israel Am Israel Am Israel Hai Any you can eat that georgia !!!!!!!!!!
49. #48 nora
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.26.06)
notice how georgia dissapeared???!!! i was itching for her to continue with her comments, laughable that they were. well, you and i shot her in line? by the way,i am not your brother, but your sister. i am a woman . a proud jewish zionist woman who grew up in israel, passed several wars and emigrated to the usa....marriage and all. you know how that goes.
50. 31. All you have to say is you're and ignorant anti-Semite
Keep your own crap ,   USA   (10.26.06)
it cuts through all your bullsh*t...
51. 48. v.ny - Right on brother!!!
Pro-Israel ,   California   (10.26.06)
georgia's "smoke-screening". Truth is all the rigamarole is anti-semite fluff. Thanks for making georgia "eat it"! ha!
52. 49. Uh... sorry, posted "right-on brother" before reading
Pro-Israel ,   California   (10.26.06)
53. What an egotistical adreniline monger
Josh   (10.26.06)
This guy has four children at home and he risks his life. If he were a true to what he was saying he would make aliyah and use his jet to fly the other way to do business. In addition, if he were so righteous he would not make a big deal of this. There are plenty of millionares from countries like the US serving in the IDF. Besides how about the working stiffs who risked and lost their lives in the IDF. I think his motivations are shallow and incosiderate of his fellow jews because he makes a big deal out of this and he is neglecting his familiy obligations like so many money hungry individuals the thrill of conquering is more important than anything else. There are many Americans that want a chance to play cowboy at IDF boot camps. Even kentucky fried ones. Such machoism and twisted priorities is sad. So everybody look at him so he has some self esteem and then get back to living life in Israel, not just visiting. Look at me, look at me...I'm flashy rich and a hero......NOT!
54. #52
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.26.06)
i believe we've all scared georgia to death. or, argued her to death. yes, us jews are known to never give up and constantly argue and exhaust a subject before we give in......helped with our survival too. anyone see additional posts from her? i guess she ran out of antisemetic remarks or revisionist historical justifications. anyone notice her disgusting reference to jews are ugly and needing nose jobs? what cheek. outrageous. true colors are finally peeping out of georgia! if anyone thinks jews are ugly, ask all these very attractive jewish girls traveling to israel what tghey htink of our men. they'll tell you they melt at the sight of them. israeli men are very sexy men! bye bye, georgia. hope we saw the last of you here on ynet.
55. To v n.y.
Nora ,   Israel   (10.26.06)
Even better, ahoti !!!!!! Yep, we did a good job - the truth cant be messed with! :)
56. #55 nora
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.26.06)
ahoti, i have a wonderful book for you by alan dershowitz, you know, the very famous pro israel jewish lawyer who teaches at harvard law school....a real mench! and very active in jewish causes here and in israel. he wrote the book THE CASE FOR ISRAEL. pick it up. it is a great book. don't know if it is published in the hebrew language, but from what i gather, your english is pretty good.....unlike georgia, that is. in this book, dr. dershowitz brings up 10 myths about israel/palestinians/arabs/islam and creates a court trial situation to refute all the myths and lies from the arab mouths. his text is footnoted and based on historical facts, not on the revisionist history the arabs would like the world to believe. he even goes way into biblical / muslim/ christian periods of history. very well doccumented and very well written. you'll enjoy it. recommend this one to your friends too. also, another excellent book about the birth of extremist islamofacism and terror in the usa is a book called AMERICA'S SECRET WAR by FREIDMAN. excellent to understand the terror/islamofacism birth. WHERE IS GEORGIA AND FADI? I MISS THEM ALREDY!
58. dominique romano
dominique romano ,   france   (11.08.06)
as a human being and a jew my duty is to keep my peaple alive and free without forgeting the other populate and religions i have a dream like martin luter king and it will be that the childrens of abraham will live in peace and freedom lechana ba yeruchalaim
59. Very impressive...
Jean NYC ,   NYC -USA_   (11.22.06)
Dear Dominique, Congratulations on your eternal support to the state of Israel. You are the only one of your kind..... All the best to you and your family... Jean and Debra.
60. Grand Prince !...
Lo ,   Paris   (12.18.06)
I hope your dream will be reality for all childrens in the world, and "yours" of course...thanks for all "Grand Prince"
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