Gaza shelling: Wounded taken to TA hospital
Meital Yasur Beit-Or
Published: 08.11.06, 23:00
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31. did mark take history in high school?
Rosa van der Wieken ,   amsterdam   (11.09.06)
Mark is the tiresome kind of jew (at least I suppose he is) that always blames the jews for antisemitism. Mark, milions of jews have suffered terrible forms of antisemitism for centuries before there ever existed a state of Israel. Antisemitism can only be blamed on antisemites, NOT on jews. If you think the jews as a people are guilty it is because you hate them yourself.
32. To Khalid #23. When Israel Recovers Its Own Land.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.09.06)
You write :".. end this brutal occupation". In the 1920s the name ' the West Bank' was introduced for Judea and Samaria. So, the name ' the West Bank' did NOT exist before the 1920s. Judea and Samaria has been part of the Jewish Homeland since MORE than 2800 years. So, Khalid, when Israel recovers its own land, i.e. Judea and Samaria, it is NOT called "occupation". It is called recovering. Hope everything is well with you.
33. To Khalid #23. Highly Elevated In Nature.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.09.06)
You write :".. humanity and justice". Gazan civilian patients ARE being treated on an almost daily basis in Israeli hospital. This is proof of humanity. I am surprised that you can't see that. How come ?? Those Arab Muslims who does SEE the humanity of the Jewish People - those Arab Muslims ARE considered to be highly elevated in nature. BTW justice does NOT mean that you can continue firing Kassam rockets in the hundreds for months into Israel - and THINK that Israel will not respond. Hope everything is well with you.
34. It is so sad
dorothy ,   New Mexico USA   (11.09.06)
It is so sad for the average Palestinian to be stuck in this cycle...Once again, interviews with citizens who complain about kassam rockets being launched from their neighborhoods. Many do not like being used as human shields but their so-called leadership doesn't care about them, just more martyrs for the PR machine.
35. #31
Mark ,   USA   (11.09.06)
Sad to say, I have met a few Jews that are proud of their Jewish stereotypes. They have made me start bashing Jews. They are proud of being cheap,pushy, and very aggressive. I will always hate people that act that way. They do exist and I avoid them at All cost.
36. comments on#23
Dorothy Finlay ,   Tauranga, New Zealan   (11.09.06)
There is no occupation in Gaza. It is self imposed. I went to Gaza to work as a nurse with UK funding and within 10 days my contract was cancelled when it was known that I could read Arabic and understood some of the lies that are promoted about the poverty etc. Yes there is poverty but funds given for food are absorbed in weapons and the people suffer. None of thoise in authority or miliatary are poor! If the athorities in Gaza wanted peace, it is only a step away. But they don't and the people of Gaza suffer and Israel is blamed. How sad. I count many in Gaza my friends as well as many in Israel. Psalm 133 in the Bible says " how lovely it is when brothers live in unity, there God commands a blessing." If there is no unity the opposite is true. Don't let prejudice blind you from the truth #23. Israel does not deliberately target civilians but Palestinians deliberately put civilaians in the way of danger in order to blame Israel. How sad!
37. TO ##32
Khalid ,   The Netherlands   (11.10.06)
Well, I don't care what you call it these are historical details which can neither be fully confirmed or fully denied. The issue here is the rights of the people living on this piece of land which you can call what you like . The self evident fact is that the people living there (the palestinians) are human beings too and they have been living there for 28oo years too. They did not come from Mars. According to you, your ancestors have lived there 2800 years (Is there a way to prove that?) Just a remark never mind it let 's accept both peoples and establish a one man one vote system , a country for all its citizens. Who will reject that? It is the Isreaelis who will reject it meaning they want the land without the people who are actually living there as an established fact. Since that is not possible and not conceivable for the Israelis to accept, the two state solution came up. And since this is the only acceptable solution (mainly by the Israelis since that is how Zionism work, you have to ensure a Jewish majority in a land where that majority does not exist on the ground ) , then this makes the lands outside the ares of Jewish majority occupied land. The other option is just claim the whole land (as your history dictates according to your claims) and establish a humane truly democratic country encompassing all of its inhabitants, just like any other country where all inhabitants born there (and in your case who were there 2800 years ago) are full citizens of that country. Or End the occupation Very simple isn't it ?
38. TO ## 36 The Samaritan Nurse
Khalid ,   The NEtherlands   (11.10.06)
Are you sure you went there to help the alestinians or to spy for the Israelis. I mean even tjhe Israelis themselves have not gone so far as to support your claims. Look at the websites of the Isreali human rights organizations the likes of rabbis for human rights (to see how innocent Palestinian farmers are suffering at the hands of the settlrs), physicians for human rights , and the btselem websites. By the way what is the name of the UK organization you claim you worked with Hopefully, it is not the MOSSAD.
39. To Khalid #37. Revealing Your Deficiency.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.10.06)
You write :"Is there a way to prove that?" Khalid, by asking this question you are revealing your deficiency of your History Education. Remember that people with little History Education can make NO sensible statements. So, such people SHOULD be advised to study History first - and only AFTER having done that will his statements be sensible. NOT before that. Hope everything is well with you.
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