Resistance Committees: Proud to see Sderot residents leaving
Ali Waked
Published: 16.11.06, 21:57
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41 Talkbacks for this article
31. Israel Voted for the Left
Jerry ,   NYC, USA   (11.17.06)
And this spells suicide in the Middle East.
32. re: rocket for rocket
ali ,   toronto, canada   (11.17.06)
hey peter, are you calling for mass murder? holocaust by jews? anyway, your siblings are doing much more than rocket for rocket. they are actually firing 100s and sometimes 1000s shells and rockets for one rocket. just look at the the casualty figures. in the end, what matters in this struggle is who stands to the end. sderot shows that your tribes will blink first, and leave. as for you, I suggest you join your siblings because Canada is too clean and peacefull and does not welcome those who incite murder
33. No evacuation; just want a free holiday while schools out!
leslie   (11.17.06)
Abu Abir, told Ynet: "We are proud to see the residents of Sderot leaving town with their children and luggage, and advise everyone to evacuate." Dont deceive yourself that this is an evacuationof sderot, its just that they want a free holiday while schools out! Far from becoming more effective they will diminsh in effectiveness. Qassam makers and breakers are barking up the wrong tree
Jake   (11.17.06)
and longest
35. ali
mike ,   edmonton   (11.17.06)
who is talking about tolerance, another jihadist thug who thrives to annihilate all non-muslims? will your tribe blink and go back to arabia?
36. Shoot munitions back at the Palestinians
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (11.17.06)
If Israelis act in large enough numbers what can the government do? They can't even keep the Arab terrorists in jail without trading hundreds of them for a few Israeli's. Send missiles into Gaza. Terrorize the same ones who terrorize you. No one holds their terrorists responsible....especially the Europeans and the Arabs. How would anyone hold Jewish terrorists responsible for the same atrocities. The Israeli government can look the other way and say, "Oops....I don't know who shot all that crap into your refugee camp. People were killed?.... Well, we are truly sorry....We'll hunt them down for you though.....We might not make an arrest until the next millenia, terrorists are hard to spot in their stealth face masks! Isn't tha saying, Terrorism breeds Terrorism? Somebody might as well fulfill the phrophesy.
37. sick culture, sick!
aviv green ,   usa   (11.17.06)
leaving sderot is a perfect example of giving in to terrorists and empowering and giving them the impression that the missil attacks are finally getting to us. even if they do, go to the shelters and hold classes in the shelters, but never ever leave your city. leaving means they are winning and that their mode and method of asttack is working. they will come back stronger and send more of the missils, more often. we need to ACT NOW. eliminate the source and location of terror even if the entire population stands in the way. but recommend they put their innocents on the bus first like the sderot residents did. then blow them to high hell. they keep these civilians as a propaganda and then cry when they are killed. what a sick culture. yach!
38. Government failing to provide leadership in Sderot
Bob   (11.17.06)
When Israeli leaders start acting like the Jewish leadership of Europe before WWII, it's time to get new leaders and get them quickly. Our leaders need to regain the spirit of 1948 and remember that "if someone comes to kill you, kill them first." The PA terrorists and their supporters must be crushed before there will be a chance for peace. They have forsworn to crush us, demoralize us, and exterminate us and are doing everything they can to carry out that plan. Why are we pretending that they are doing otherwise? Why are we pretending that there is no answer to terror? Why is our government only making half-hearted piecemeal efforts to stop the rockets? Why are we not holding Egypt to account for the porous Philidelphi border/corridor? Why are the government continuing to pretend and trying to make us pretend along with them? This behaviour is more frightening than the rockets because it shows the government is not in touch with reality and is operating from wishful thinking about the way they hoped things would be rather than the way they are. When will we Israelis wake up and call them to account? When will be demand new leadership? It's absurd that we continue to allow the government to play with our lives. Enough!!!!
39. Those rockets sure are accurate ???
M. Segal ,   Mpls America   (11.17.06)
I never cease to be amazed how each rocket each artillary shell hits exactly doing exact damage killing wounding injuring those scientists that make them are incredible they NEVER MISS lucky I no not live in ISRAEL THANK YOU... M. Segal
40. carry on with the struggle Palestinian resistance
Noora ,   Bahrain   (11.17.06)
41. Not leaving.......
megan ,   Israel   (11.17.06)
just taking a vacation. They haven't moved to Tel Aviv or anywhere, they are mothers who are taking their children away for a break and THEY WILL BE BACK....this is not an evacution of a town and just how many took this break in Eilat..think you will find the town is still very populated... So thePalies that may have their eyes on Sderot....just wait and see...soon my friends....the debt of your rockets will be paid in full...but no whining, you asked for it!
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