Israel rejects Franco-Spanish peace initiative
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 17.11.06, 01:13
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31. Every point in the Franco-Spanish plan is a non-starter.
Richard James ,   NY, USA   (11.17.06)
They made a list of unsolvable issues and this is their idea of how to make peace. Not even ONE of their five points has a chance of being resolved successfully by being part of this plan. No matter how much anyone might want peace at this point, the Franco-Spanish peace planners don't have the answers.
32. #11 efi g of your own imagination!
Jay ,   Israel   (11.17.06)
You are a ignorant fool. If you had bothered to read history books, you would realise that Israel has had to defend itself against arab countries aggression numerous times. Being completely outnumbered, because of brilliant tactical jewish defense, we won them all. You arabs cant win anything cause you are too busy fighting amongst yourselves ! Get some education man ! Oh yeah, by the way. USA wouldnt exist without jewish technology.
33. Franco-Spanish-Italy trio
silvio ,   italy   (11.17.06)
In each moment historical France, Spain and Italy are always set from the wrong part. Today, everybody will ascertain it of person, if you want to be sure which it is the correct part, you take the opposite part always where Mr. PM Prodi is set with his communist company! For your guarantee and safety!
34. Thanks To all the comments by Israelis
Abd ,   Montreal, Canada   (11.17.06)
Its shows how much u want peace in the Middle East..Seriously i mean they are not even talking about a peace inforcing force only a monitaring one..There is good and bad side in this for Israel. The bad side of this is that the whole world would see the daily Israeli massacres and violations of human rights, the good side is that Israel doesnt have to go kill U.N. moniters in the South of Lebanon they would be closer to them in Gaza.
35. Israel is digging a big hole...
Michael Steiner   (11.17.06)
Israel seems to think that by sitting with its arms crossed and making no effort to resolve the situation, the situation will somehow go away. It won't. Little by little, Israel is turning into the Palestinians: it rejects absolutely all overtures and chooses conflict instead (q.v. Assad's offer of negotiations, invitation to Livni to visit Qatar, Abas' repeated please, etc.). The problem will not go away on its own. Every new Palestinian generation is mor eradical (and brainwashed) and new enemies approach the horizon with alarming frequency (Venezuela, then look at the ascendancy of China and the African countries, and I doubt India and its like will be on our side when they get stronger either). No country in the history of the world has been able to subjugate a people indefinitely and lived to tell us about it. Israel won't be an exception. It's time to talk and make concessions. And no, what the other side does doesn't matter.
36. Victims & killers known, UN must demand justice, probe what?
Guy ,   NJ, USA   (11.17.06)
37. 35 - yes! we need oslo 2!
sign those agreements and make concessions to soothe the palestinian anger. wake up israel!!
38. #35 Your posting is rubbish.
Ely Greenhut ,   Israel   (11.17.06)
39. gee #38, that was real deep and constructive
it only shows how you rightwingers don't have a leg to stand on in a rational debate.
40. Peace with whom?
danii ,   TLV   (11.17.06)
There isn't one Palestinian people, but a lot of different families, armed group, mafias, etc... If we make peace with one of them, the others will attack us to show their power to their rivals. Egypt will still allows arms smuggling through their borders, since influent people make money out of it, and since it keeps the Egyptians busy enough with the news not to turn to Islamic politics and against their own secular and corrupted government. Syria will still do the same and encourage a Hizbollah-like situation in Gaza, since this kind of "pseudo-victory" (read: constant indirect state of war with Israel) it's their only hope for not being the next one on the US and occidental list for a "New ME", and to avoid international sanctions following their murder of Hariri - the Lebanon HoG. The head of Hamas will still sits in Damascus, taking direct orders from Assad. Even if there are some Palestinians that don't think Israel should be wiped out, they are weak and unorganized. If France wants to do something productive, it should find among its numerous charismatic Muslims some strong and moderate leader for the Palestinians (not from North Africa) – somebody Israel can deal with. There is a new, moderate, global power in the ME he can use to make everybody happy: Al-Jazeera in English.
41. No:14, We love our lifes more than the solution. WE ARE IN.
Atilla Karagözoğlu ,   Istanbul & Turkey   (11.17.06)
Ely you are wrong, sorry :) You are too smart :))) This is a world problem. It affects everyones life since centuries (100's years) You are just wrong. We are in. We have our reason. We love the world peace (our lifes) more than we love see the solution between both countries. I hope you get the point. Sincerely Atilla Karagözoğlu
42. Ely Greenhut, you are too smart :)
Atilla Karagözoğlu ,   Istanbul & Turkey   (11.17.06)
leave you alone ? No way :) You just made me smile. I cant believe you. if we let you alone, you make all world disappear. am I wrong to say that ? Sincerely Atilla Karagözoğlu
43. unsupervised killing !
freeman   (11.17.06)
israil wants to continue to kill palestinian civilians unsupervised. if it really wants an end to the crises why on earth would israil reject such initiative. the bottom line is this just goes to show that israil is not really interested in peace and all what it wants is to swallow up as much as possible of palestinian lands.
44. 14, the reason why no one cares about African Genocide
Jewish American ,   USA   (11.17.06)
It's a crappy reason, but its plain and simple, oil. The oil is in the Mid East and there is conflict there, so while the oil is still there people will care more about it. What does Sudan or Chad have, some gold maybe? They have nothing. I am not saying it is right, this is just the reason why those genocides go almost unnoticed.
45. #43 freeman - This plan would make things worse.
Richard James ,   NY, USA   (11.17.06)
Why would Israel accept a plan that makes things WORSE rather than better? It's like asking someone if they would take arsenic to cure a stomach ache. Let's look at the plan and see why: 1. "An immediate ceasefire" - This is a problem because NO ONE IS IN CHARGE OF ALL THE PALEO TERROR GANGS. No Paleo leader, including Abbas and the Hamas PM, can make a cease fire work with all the hundreds (thousands) of little terror cells who want to murder Jews. Even if they COULD get a real cease fire, what would they do with this time off from terror? Instead of having hundreds of tons of explosives in Gaza, they could end up with a MILLION tons of explosives in Gaza (along with a vast network of underground complexes and rocket launchers hidden in every single civilian home in Gaza.) France and Spain wouldn't lift a finger to stop them. 2. "The formation of a Palestinian unity government that would be able to receive international recognition" - Abbas and Hamas will never agree on this, except for the part about how they will NEVER actually form this govt until Israel gives in to their demands about it. Their demands to Israel HELP terror rather than hindering it. 3. "prisoner exchange between Israel and the PA (including the THREE kidnapped Israeli soldiers)" - Oh, gee. If you involve Hezbollah, it becomes a million times more complicated as they move to take over Lebanon on behalf of Iran. Israel can NOT allow convincted mass murderers to go free. Too many other Jews would be murdered by these individuals. The Paleos will never compromise on this. They want thousands of prisoners exchanged for ONE JEW. 4. "talks between the Israeli prime minister and his Palestinian counterpart" - What exactly is this supposed to accomplish? Abbas has already said that he won't compromise in any way. He wants 100.000000% of what Arafat demanded (the very demands that started the intifada.) Hamas has made it clear that even if Israel gives Abbas his 100.000000% demands, it won't make an ounce of difference to them. They will still be at war with Israel. They might stop for awhile to increase their arms (to the million tons of explosives or whatever), but they won't ever agree to peace with Israel. 5. "an international force that will deploy in Gaza and reinforce the ceasefire" - The international force would keep Israel from stopping mass murdering terrorists from shooting missiles over the peacekeepers' heads and gathering millions of tons of explosives. NO peacekeepers ever stop terrorists. They only stop those who try to defend themselves from terrorists. ------- This is why Israel doesn't see this as a chance to end the crisis. Israel is doing what she needs to do right now. The IDF arrests between one and two dozen wanted terrorists in Judea and Samaria every single night. This is why suicide bombings are so few and far between now instead of happening daily. The security fence also does a huge job in helping to prevent suicide bombings. No cease fire can happen right now. No peace plan is going to be welcomed by Israel when it guarantees a MUCH WORSE WAR as a result of it. It's not that Israel doesn't want peace. Israel insists on surviving no matter how many mass murderers want otherwise. This means that Israel has to fight against the murderers.
46. #39 There is no rarational debate here #38 is right.
Jew from Israel ,   Israel   (11.17.06)
47. Euarabia(Leftists) plan more dangerous than terrorist plans!
KMR ,   Middle East   (11.17.06)
48. Europe agin and again and again..Yaaaachk.
Ishak Haskiya ,   Roskilde - Denmark   (11.17.06)
49. #43 PC hate propaganda
eh-oop ,   UK   (11.17.06)
The facts are simple and don't need embroidering. Palestinians have voted for a terrorist government, and many have supported terrorist action for decades, since 1965 in pursuit of a "national" identity which they did not claim before then and, both before then and now, for reasons of religious supremacism. This terrorism has brutally claimed the lives of innocent Israeli men, women and children, ruined the peaceful life to which we are all entitled and brought death, corruption and economic ruin to the people in whose name this crime is being perpetrated. The French government and the current Italian and Spanish governments (whose foreign ministers are both given to intemperate anti-Israel statements and, in the case of Spain, likes dressing-up in a keffiyah) consistently swallow the Palestinian line and dismiss Israeli concerns for electoral reasons (France) and anti-American ideological reasons (the other two). Israel has every reason to not to trust the Palestinians who continue to teach their children hatred of the Jews and use violence and taqqiyah and every reason not to trust the European governments, whose troops are doing such a wonderful job preventing Hizbollah from re-arming itself.
50. #42 you can not accept the truth. Ely is right
Ely Greenhut ,   ISRAEL   (11.17.06)
51. Breaking news!
ANberty ,   Argentina   (11.17.06)
Genneralismo Francsico Franco is still dead!
52. Michael Steiner
Jake   (11.17.06)
Who do you think are, Ezekiel? Shut up.
53. #40...exactly!!!
DR ,   Florida, USA   (11.17.06)
I think some people understand that you cannot have peace with a people who want you dead. There may be some Palis who want peace, but they are the minority...this is a fact. Most Israelis want peace, but want security first. Unitl the Palis give up their terroristic ways, there will never be peace. They have to stop raising suicide bombers as children and stop teaching hate in their schools. Maybe then, we can have some quiet.
54. #44 your so smart
USA   (11.18.06)
To bad you couldnt even look up wikipedia to find out that sudan's #1 export is oil. Wow i cant believe it you dont know what your talking about.
55. 54. 44 is right. Sudan's oil no more compares to ME oil
than it does to Canadian or American; which renders it irrelevant.
56. 23. Hey A: Read the Hamas charter. Read Fatah's origns...
PLO - Arafat. What is "jihad" "martyrdom" "shaid" "Islam by the sword" you crazy arabs can go to hell sooner rather than later far as I'm concerned. We "arm chair generals" don't have to live in Israel to send our prayers, money, advocacy, lobbying and labors. So you shut up.
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