Bar Refaeli: Supermodel in every way
Orna Yefet
Published: 14.12.06, 17:33
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31. Racism is a two-way street
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (12.17.06)
If anyone in my circle of friends had used the kind of language I hear in here, because my granddaughter dated a Jewish boy, which she did, I would have considered them flaming, ignorant racists and cut them out of my life.
32. To No. 31
NYC Girl   (12.18.06)
While I understand why you would have the reaction you did to some of the talkbacks, and I certainly applaud your intolerance for bigotry, there's another angle to Jews marrying out of their religion that you might want to consider and it has nothing to do with any sense of racial superiority. It has to do with numbers and the fact that so many Jews have been lost as a result of things like the Inquisition and the Holocaust and various other attempts to eliminate them. In fact, there was a study done a number of years ago that attempted to come up with an approximate figure of how many Jews there would now be if it weren't for those events, and it was staggering to see the difference between that figure and the actual number of Jews in the world today. And while it isn't always the case, where intermarriage is concerned, that the Jewish spouse converts and/or raises his or her children as Christians, it happens often enough to have a potential impact on the continuity of the religion. In my own family, for instance, where none of us is religious, my brother's wife (who was Protestant) converted, and so my niece was raised as a Jew. On the other hand, one of my aunts was married to a Catholic man, and while their son is technically Jewish, he married a Christian woman and their children, for all intents and purposes, are Christians. So, in a sense, that family has now been lost to Judaism and I use the term "lost" without making any sort of a value judgment...merely a numerical one. And while I don't deny there are Jews who are racists, I think, perhaps, it's important to keep in mind that often there are other aspects to this very thorny issue that aren't always quite so readily apparent.
33. NYC Girl; I totally agree with you and I'm not Jewish.
Daisy ,   USA   (12.19.06)
Most genties don't understand why some Jews are against inter-marriage. They view it as Jews believing they're superior to the rest of us. As you articulately pointed out that isn't the case at all. I've read the the research you cited and It's amazing and heartbreaking to realize what the Jewish population would have been if the Holocaust, forced conversions, pogoms hadn't occurred. The Jewish population could have been numbered between 200 million to half a billion today. I felt like crying when I read that. It's too sad for words. Unfortunately most children from intermarriages are raised as Christians or with no religion, and no cultural understanding of being Jewish. That is why I don't take offense when Jews take a stand against intermarriage. If I were Jewish I also be against it.
34. Race Traitor
HF ,   Irvine, CA   (12.19.06)
As far as the neo-nazis are concerned, Leonardo DeCaprio is a traitor to the white race and should be hanged from the nearest lamp post for being with a Jewess.
35. To No. 33, Daisy
NYC Girl   (12.19.06)
Thanks so much for your comments and for providing that statistical information. As you pointed out, the numbers are really quite staggering and, viewed in that context, I hope that people will be able to better understand why there's a fear of intermarriage, even among many Jews who aren't necessarily all that religious.
36. racist
debbie ,   NO LA   (12.19.06)
If Jews have to worry about losing more Jews to intermarriage,then I am happy to be called a racist.This moron Refaeli has to go with someone of German descent of all things?She seems like a typical narcissistic secular Israeli and personally I hope he uses her and then tosses her to the wayside.Way to go Leo!
I WILL HELP HER   (12.20.06)
kae ,   al   (12.22.06)
For me, Bar Refaeli is a nice girl,she's a international model. She's also very beautiful. A great destiny is in the future of Bar Refaeli because she's a supermodel.
39. You are all missing the point!!
o ,   usa   (01.04.07)
The reason she looks so beautiful is because she does not look like a typical Israeli! SOOOOOO... In USA,she will not look so special, but put her in Israel - where most of the girls are dark skin - she stands out. Put her in Hollywood, - and there are thousands like her.
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