Youth believe Arabs dirty, uneducated
Ahiya Raved
Published: 09.01.07, 23:12
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69 Talkbacks for this article
61. All of htis got started....
Absolute Rubbish ,   Canada   (01.11.07)
All of this got started when the ignorant among the Jews & Arabs started following their false prophet leaders. The Zionists started all this chosen one rubbish to the point people don't even get the real picture, which has nothing to do with who is the chosen one. The Ayatollahs decided they would destroy the Zionists, because they believe they are chosen one. Neither is the answer for none of them are going to be the superiors and none of them obeyed god. And it has everything to do with history of the middle east, society, and education. Besides that, the Ashkenazi leaders aren't semitic at all and neither are the Ayatollah Muslims. All of this rubbish is what causes this racism. Nobody did it to you, and if you'd look around you now there are millions of well educated Arabs and Jews who have made great contribution to society. Wake up and see the truth, you are walking in a lie thousands of years old. Stop being the pawns of Europe, to create ethnic wars in the mid-east.
62. uhhh.. Brooke?!!
Lynne   (01.11.07)
first of all.. the fact that you think I'm a foreigner among Arabs proves that there is a misconception among Israelis and Arabs alike,, since you think that if I was an Arab I'd come to this forum to attack Israelis them names etc... Brooke, I am an Arab and a Muslim.. and yet I do want peace and Ihave no hard feelings whatsoever towards Jews.. quite the contrary.. Jews and Christians are called "People of the Book".. they are niether idolators nor infidels and definitely not pigs and apes!! what you are referring to is a verse in the Qur'an where God cursed PART of the Israelites who disobeyed Him!! so this happened only on that occasion and with part of the Israelites.. as for conversion to Islam by sword- those who carry out such acts know nothing about Islam.. because in the Qur'an there are very clear verses that denounce conversion by sword.. and in Islam if you say that you have converted while under any sort of pressure you will not be accepted as a Muslim!! and again Brooke, you qoute what Golda Mier says about Arabs.. this is exactly what leads to misunderstandings!! it's like me qouting Ahmadinejad on Israel and telling you look what Israelis are like.. I only ask you to try to understand the true Arabs and Muslims.. we are living in a conflict that has lasted for over half a century.. why didn't our fathers and grandfathers find a solution?? because they dismissed the importance of communication between the regular individuals.. they always waited for the leaders to find a way for peace.. right now we are living in the communication era.. why not make good use of it instead of turning it into a field for verbal wars and accusations?!! trust me.. you'll be a lot happier when you realise that your so-called enemy is just as human as you are!! it is our diversity that makes this world so colourful.. Please give it a second thought and you wont be disappointed..
63. Arabs and Jews
Kristen Johanson ,   Seattle USA   (01.11.07)
Well, what do you expect from people who consider themselves to be "God's chosen people?" Obviously they believe they're superior to others and are bigots/racists..
64. To #26
H. Torrance Griffin ,   Mannheim, Germany   (01.11.07)
Being a Black Man growing up in South Central Los Angeles, I have learned the hard way how the abnormal and frightening is eagerly reported and presumed to be normal. IOW, have you actually _met_ any Arabs? HTG
65. #61 Mick..
Lynne   (01.11.07)
I agree with every word you said.. very true.. thanks..
66. Noa!! Eureka!! (response from other article)
Lynne   (01.12.07)
hmm.. you brought up something I've been trying to figure out for a while.. I do believe that a better economy would actually make Palestinians interested in something else other than fighting withIsrael..I no more think that what Palestinians need is getting more land.. what they need is making good use of the land they've got in their hands.. your idea had inspired me with another idea!!.. since you say that due to the unstability in Gaza and the West Bank governments would refrain from sending aid workers there.. well.. my idea would be giving this aid money to Palestinians who have hospitals.. schools and other projects in order to help those expand their own projects and hire Palestinian youths whom due to the lack of any life opportunities are turning to armed militias for help!!this would be a good start until Palestinian are capable of supporting their economy on their own.. I'd like to hear your opinion on this :)
67. re: clean, violent
McLoughlin ,   Ottawa, Canada   (01.13.07)
Perhaps Jewish students ought to contemplate the fact that in the OT, Jewish settlements drill deep wells, which drain dry Palestinian shallow wells, and then the Palestinians are denied permits to drill deeper to access water under their ground. Or, that Palestinians are forced to pay many times more for water than Jewish occupiers. They should contemplate that Palestinians are denied the right to freedom to work. Even charity funds sent from overseas are stolen by the State to build more illegal settlement. So, if you are poor, living in a desert, denied the right to water, what the hell do you think? Are you able to maintain the luxurious standard of toilette as your occupiers? As far as being violent, and who is violent, and who is responding to the violence in self-defense, Jewish students ought to wake up and get a reality check. Good thing they are in school. Otherwise, they risk being ignorant their entire lives.
68. Revealing talkback messages
Mariyani ,   Sydney, Australia   (01.13.07)
Actually, a number of the talkback messages here reinforce the findings of the survey: that a fair number of people are out and out racists.
69. Your opinion
chavah ,   netanya, israel   (12.24.10)
is based in nothing more than your feel-good, naieve experience of the world. The Mid-East is not the Mid-West. When one out of every three Moslems in the UK wants to kill non-Moslems, I suspect the rate is a little higher when it comes to Arabs in the Mid-East and their attitude towards Jews. This isn't just prejudice it is reality! They are violent (how many honor killings are there in your nice American neighborhood?). Count the number of Nobel Prizes. And look at their persons, homes, etc. - dirty, ignorant, and violent. Just the reality - other than that they are great people. Go live with them and I think you will have a change of mind.
70. # 35 Agreed - currently Israel
chavah ,   netanya israel   (12.24.10)
I live in Israel and agree. If there is bigotry it is justified. A big part of the problem is that the Jews have been TOO nice to the Arabs, an being afraid of them is more than justified. It is hard to tell which ones are going to try to kill you. It is not so much the individual as the theo-political philosophy of Islam that is the enemy - the follows of Islam are just the agents, the "useful idiots" of this philosophy.
71. re: #68
chavah ,   Netanya, Israel   (12.24.10)
Mariyani, have you ever been to Israel? have you ever lived here? do you know any Arabs? Are you an Arab? (and if so and you are really a woman you ought to bail even if it means leaving home with the clothes on your back). I think not. It is NOT RACISM, it is reality. The Arabs want the Jews dead, Israel destroyed. What is so hard to understand about that? Look at the honor killings, the constant terror attacks everywhere (not all Moslems are terrorist, but nearly all terrorist are Moslem), and levels of illiteracy. then tell me that the Jewish students are not justified.
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