250,000 Palestinians fenced in, says report
Ali waked
Published: 22.01.07, 12:24
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31. Let's turn the roles around
Yuri R. ,   Amsterdam, NL   (01.22.07)
Since so few Israelis seem to reject fencing in people, maybe we should turn the roles around and put the jews inside the fence for a change. I bet that reminds you how sick it is to fence in people.
aaron ,   ra'anana   (01.22.07)
PETE ,   windsor, ct.   (01.22.07)
americans can't even stand them. But our jew bought politicians have made it a crime to say so
34. #19 Dancon9
Ben ,   London   (01.22.07)
You didn't have to bother correcting everything you've said coz since you write everything in capital letters, like a total dickhead such as you are, no one bothers to read it any way.
35. Here's A Genius Idea For Khalid The Retard
Yishai Kohen ,   YeShA, Israel   (01.22.07)
We SHOULD build the fence at our border- the Jordan River. Anyone west of the fence accepts that Israel is the ONLY sovereign power, and accepts peace. Anyone who doesn't accept these gets booted to the east side of the fence. Foreign nationals- including the Philistines, who get booted forfeit any and all property in OUR land. And then there will be peace. Ever think of that one?
36. Purpose of the fence - SECURITY. Is Not establishing borders
NL ,   Israel   (01.22.07)
The security fence currently being built between the Palestinians in the West Bank and Israeli population centers is a defensive measure. It is designed to prevent terrorists from carrying out attacks in Israel. ITS PATH WAS CHOSEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECURITY AND TOPOGRAPHIC CONSIDERATIONS, while making every effort to minimize disruption to the daily lives of the local Palestinian population. Such was the case in the peace treaty with Jordan in which the border fence was adjusted, by mutual agreement, by 80 meters. Only a small number of Palestinian villages are included on the western, or Israeli, side of the security fence. The fence does not change the status of Palestinian lands, their ownership or the status of the residents of these areas. The residents' legal status remains unchanged. Dozens of crossing points have been set up to enable the movement of people and goods. The land used in building the Security Fence is seized for military purposes, not confiscated, and it remains the property of the owner. Legal procedures are already in place to allow every owner to file an objection to the seizure of their land. Moreover, property owners are offered compensation for the use of their land and for the damage to their trees. Israel is making every effort to provide local population and landowners with individual solutions to any difficulties caused by the Security Fence. Members of Palestinian terror infrastructure caught and questioned disclosed the fact that the existence of the Security Fence in the Samaria area forces them to find of other means to perform terror attacks since their previous entry to Israel is blocked. In fact, the fence has helped prevent over 90 percent of attempted terror attacks emanating from the West Bank.
NL ,   Israel   (01.22.07)
he security fence does not attempt in any way to mark a future border - an issue reserved for negotiations between the sides. It is also important to note that the security fence area does not annex any land to the State of Israel. Firstly, it is important to remember that the former "Green Line" was the armistice line between Israel and Jordan during the years 1949-1967. It was not the final border between the countries which was to be determined in peace negotiations. The "Green Line" ceased to exist following the Arab threat to Israel's existence during the Six Day War in 1967. The drafters of UN Security Resolution 242 post-war in 1967 recognized that the pre-June 1967 lines were not secure. This is the reason that UNSCR 242 refers to a return of territories, not THE territories, due to the understanding of a need for flexibility in border determination as part of a SECURE final agreement Secondly, while the final border between Israel and the Palestinians has to be determined in negotiations, the route of the anti-terrorism fence is determined solely by the immediate and pressing need to save Israeli lives by preventing Palestinian terrorists from reaching the Israeli populations. Thus, the fence is being built wherever this can be achieved most effectively. To put it arbitrarily anywhere else, such as along the pre-June 1967 lines, would have nothing to do with security and, therefore, nothing to do with the purpose of the fence. In fact, on the practical level a fence along this line would create far greater humanitarian problems, arbitrary dividing certain villages , and separating others from access to water and other basic services on a large scale. NONETHELESS, in those cases where the route of the fence meets Israel's security needs within the former "Green Line," it is being built there (the vast majority of the fence).
38. Israel's consideration of Palestinian land
NL ,   Israel   (01.22.07)
Israel has made the use of public lands a priority in building the security fence, in order to avoid, as much as possible, the use of private lands. If this is not possible, then private land is requisitioned, not confiscated, and it remains the property of the owner. Legal procedures allow every owner to file an objection to the use of their land. When private lands are used, owners are offered full compensation, in accordance with the law. In addition to security considerations, Israel has made every attempt to plan the route so as to avoid any undue hardship to the local population. Every effort has also been made to cause minimal damage to the landscape and flora, which will be restored, as far as possible, once work has been completed. Similarly, the route was changed or rescue excavations were conducted in order to protect archaeological sites. For example, the security fence was located, to the greatest possible degree, on unused land to avoid harming agriculture. Trees affected by the construction are to be replanted. POSITIVE RAMIFICATIONS Attention has been paid to water reservoirs, wells and pipes and accordingly, rusty pipes have been replaced by new ones and laid down underneath the Security Fence so that they will not be damaged. Special attention has been paid to the restoration of the area and once earthwork has been completed, restoration activity took place in order to restore the area to its former state, as much as possible. OLIVE TREES The area of the Security Fence is abundant with olive trees, vital for the Palestinian farmers’s living. A built- in mechanism in the construction work provides for the uprooting and relocation of these trees to areas where they can continue to grow and be cultivated and, at the same time not leaving the area barren. Farmers who cultivate olive and other fruit trees growing within the Security Fence can designate a new site to which the trees will be relocated which has no free access constraints. Contractors assigned by The Ministry of Defense to build the Security Fence are responsible for carefully uprooting and replanting the trees. So far tens of thousands of olive trees have been relocated in accordance with this procedure. It should be noted that olive trees require scarce treatment, only three weeks a year.
39. Legality of fence
NL ,   Israel   (01.22.07)
The Israeli Supreme Court determined that, in the context of self-defense, Israel is entitled to employ a variety of measures in order to prevent and deter potential terrorists from carrying out their attacks.The security fence is one of these preventative measures. The decision to establish the security fence area was taken only after other options were tried and failed to stop the Palestinian terrorism, which presents an imminent threat to the lives of Israel's citizens. It should be noted that under international law, the authority exists to seize private land when the seizure is “imperatively demanded” by the necessities of self –defence (acording to Article 23(g) of the 1907 Hague Regulations which set the basic rules of the Laws of Armed Combat according to international law). It should be noted that this is a recognized exception to the serious ban upon a seizure of private property. Additionally, a military commander has the authority to seize property, in accordance with the laws of armed combat, in situations when the military aim is to protect the State of Israel and not only to protect the local residents of the territories. It is important to note that the security area does not annex territories to the State of Israel. It does not change the status of these territories, their ownership, or the status of the residents of these areas. The security fence does not attempt in any way to mark a future border. The Supreme Court has already dealt with a number of appeals regarding the security fence, in many cases ruling in the favor of Palestinians (consequently, at the expense of the safety of Israeli residents and a cost of millions of dollars) in the event that the court felt the route of the fence was impinging too much on the palestinians. Up until now, over 100 petitions have been submitted; over half of them have come to a close, mostly by agreement by the parties after alterations to the fence route.
40. Legality, regarding international court decision
NL ,   Israel   (01.22.07)
The Advisory Opinion of the International Court did say that they believed that Israel's security concerns don't justify the ROUTE of the fence (not the fence itself as a security concept), because the fence must be viewed 'in context'. Two salient points regarding this opinion: 1) Interestingly enough regarding the 'context' of the situation, it is interesting to note that the international court's decree mentions the word terror ZERO times. 2) It is important to note that the 'problematic' route has been changed, often to the benefit of Palestinians, in response to appeals by Palestinians, a mechanism allowing Palestinians representation in Israel's High Court, (although they are not citizens of Israel, but rather citizens of the PA)
41. HAGAR's WOMB - will solve the problem
Ima Bleever ,   Anytown USA   (01.22.07)
The fence is a necessary evil. Why do Palestinians wish to dirty their shoes on something so disgusting to them as a Jewish homeland, anyway? Please read my post on HAGAR's WOMB. It needs to happen. Please make sure it does.,7340,L-3352070,00.html The HAGAR's WOMB tunnel will connect the two divided Palestinian homelands together: West Palestine, currently known as Gaza, will be able to drive directly to East Palestine, currently known as the West Bank of the Jordan River. It will require no slow, pesky Israeli checkpoints. It will simply be a TOLL ROAD. Anyone wishing to go between Africa and the Middle East or parts beyond can drive there!!! It will require a toll-tag, which is an electronic device that gets sensed by an antenna at either end of the tunnel. You can buy your toll-tag at a gift shop at either end, inside Palestinian Territory. So the only delay using my plan will be if you have to purchase a toll-tag the first time. Otherwise, you just keep a balance on it by paying in advance to the toll-tag office. One time travellers can return their temporary toll-tag to the gift-shop at the other end of the tunnel. If you forget, they'll send you a nasty bill. Those boxes are not cheap. This way, Muslims can DRIVE to Mecca instead of taking overloaded ships that often sink. This way, you can have free commerce between the largest continents of Earth without those pesky JEWS getting in your way. If you want to enter Israel, that is another story. No Jew will ever set foot inside HAGAR's WOMB. The territory inside the tunnel will be like an extension of Palestine. Think about it and prepare your people for a new, more peaceful and prosperous future. And remember, this idea was brought to you by a Christian.
42. If they want, they are free to move to 21 arab states
Dor ,   Jerusalem   (01.22.07)
They can be housed in properties left behind 1 million Sephardi jews kicked out in the 1950s.
43. 33# Pete, say hello to David Duke
Judah ,   Golan Heights,ISRAEL   (01.22.07)
44. number 2
bernard ,   france   (01.22.07)
read several of your contributions this evening... some made sense... but now, my friend, feel like your double , twofold talk betrayed you.
45. Saudi Fence(Iraq)-US fence (Mex) SpainFence(North Afr)Sahara
Alan ,   SA   (01.22.07)
46. Matter of Opinion....
Jack ,   San Diego, USA   (01.22.07)
You say "fenced in"; I say "fenced out" for the betterment of the Israeli society.
47. pals and supporters: hate the fence?
yossef baseballovsky   (01.22.07)
48. #10-quite so
Cameron   (01.22.07)
If my neighbors were lugging AKs around and howling for the destruction of my state & family, that would be least of my responses. Grow up, Pali people. There comes a time when every angry little boy has to grow up and start acting the man. The world is racing into the future--what is to become of you?
49. to # 30
Adi   (01.22.07)
in case you didn't know it, THIS ARE OUR OWN BORDERS!!!!
50. Fences make good neighbors
Fencing them out, ,   not in   (01.22.07)
Unfortunately, hedges, though more attractive, will not be sufficient to keep out suicide bombers and terrorists.
51. You all make me sick.
Joe ,   Brooklyn, NY   (01.22.07)
As you can see from the article, much of the abuse handed to Palestinians as a result of the fence stems from Israel's determination to protect the settlements. Don't you think that when the Palestinians, day after day, cannot take their grandparents to the hospital, cannot visit their families, and can barely leave their homes, that that will increase support for terror? Why do you think there was so much less terrorism during the peace process? The Palestinians got bored of what you seem to think is the national hobby of killing Jews? If Israel only removed the settlements and built the fence on the Green Line, there would be the same amount of security for Israel proper, and less of an adverse effect on the Palestinians.
52. A good Palestinian is a fenced Palestinian, and
Inyaki ,   Bilbao, Basque   (01.22.07)
a good Israeli is also a fenced ( on the other side) Israeli- a Good spanyard is a fenced Spanyard etc Inyaki, Bilbao the eternal capital of the Basques and its Athletic fotball club!
53. to #33 please speak for yourself
Dave   (01.22.07)
moron, i know alot of Americans who like and love jews, i am one of them! and i'm not jewish!
54. Mongolia didn't like being fenced out either
but the Chinese had to defend their country. The palestinians have built this fence block by block with their terrorism and their vows to destroy Israel.
55. #1 #2: If the fence works
Semantics need not ,   apply, USA   (01.22.07)
to protect the State of Israel from terrorism, then call it whatever you like. Semantic arguments don't keep palestinian terrorists from their evil missions, fences do. You don't like it? Petition your PA/Hamas/Islamic Jihad/Al-Quds/Al-Aqsa "government." See how far that gets you.
56. #30 Khalid: What borders? When there is a peace treaty
Khalid's claims to ,   genius exposed in US   (01.22.07)
then you can talk about borders. Until then, borders mean squat and Israel is going to do what's best for its citizens. If the palestinian governement cares about their people so much, then they will renounce terrorism, recognize Israel, and come to the negotiating table. Whoops, I forgot. They are too busy with their factional fighting to waste time trying to help their people. Oh well, I guess that's their choice. Too bad the innocent palestinians can't get their government to do something positive for them, they are so busy with their greedy power struggles they have no time to help their people with mundane issues like "borders" and "statehood." If it weren't so sad, it would be pathetic.
57. #26 So you admit it's our home Palestine
wether 5th or 50 th coumn, it does not matter.
58. Compliment
Spoff ,   Auckland New Zealand   (01.23.07)
This wall is the supreme compliment to the Palestinians. The Germans were able to contain Jews with simple wire netting. Once again Israel scores a world first. Biggest concentration camp in History
59. Re: Do I Care? No, Not at all.
Virginia ,   Lynden, USA   (01.23.07)
If that was really the case then all Americans are considered warmongers because our president attacked Iraq? I think NOT!!! Anytime a city or its inhabitants are walled in the area is legally called a GHETTO.
60. Suicide Bombing are ALSO illegal
jason ,   usa   (01.23.07)
the fence is the answer for that problem
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