Irving denies gas chambers existed at Auschwitz
Associated Press
Published: 25.01.07, 01:07
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72 Talkbacks for this article
31. why the mossad doesn't kill this dog?
stephane ,   france   (01.25.07)
32. TO NO# 1 and all.
stephen ,   ludlow, usa   (01.25.07)
You have fallen for a lie, Your mind is being made up for you. Shoot him? He is one man, he has the right to spew lies, or believe wrong. His words change nothing, but those who get on the waggon of stopping free speach can and will bring forth a most horrible thing. Who is to say that the past will not repeat it'self? There was a pope that killed all who denied that the Jews killed the very son of God. Support these laws against speech, go ahead, and then cry in a few years when those in power will turn it against your people.
33. why publicize Irving's rantings ?
moshe ,   Israel   (01.25.07)
In Europe there seems to be a "culture" that invites Irving's ranting. Europeans can return to a reasonable profile by: NOT paying attention to scum like Irving and preventing / arresting pro-Nazi demonstrations.
34. david irving
mc ,   england   (01.25.07)
he should emigrate to norway. judging by the anti jewish/israeli cartoons and attitude by its establishment, he will be most welcome there. this is the home of the infanous oslo peace process. need i say more?
35. I could
Winter ,   Germany   (01.25.07)
vomit when I read this article. But these guys are too dangerous as one could only ignore them.
36. David Irving ( one of many )
Yiannis Kareklas ,   Athens , Greece   (01.25.07)
I feel sorry for David Irving hating jews , once in a while we see in history that a man is born out of shattered families or background and as a mean of redemption or well feeling fulfillement has to hate the society in which he is living or a certain group of different ethnicity or religion. Take for instance Hitler , he couldn't stand his grand-mother being a whore , as for David Irving I am sure he is a homosexual born from a low class whore and whose father was an abusive alcoholic. David Irving , you can write all the BS you want , facts and proofs do exist , you are a disgrace to your history peers. Ham Israel Hai.
37. to Haji Mumbai #26..soon u muslims eat rest of Indians too
38. Here you are all again
where is the freedom of speache you all speaks about all the time ?? anyone can insult and Joke about holly people and when the people get angry you say all ... it's freedom of speache but when it comes to a point which touching the Jews you forget this melody of freedom of speach and you ask to kill this one and why the Mosad didn't kill him and he is an anti simitic or Nazi or or .... this is you ..... i want you all to read all the talk back again to see your self clearly what kind you are . and before you attack another people think what you would do if you are in their place ... this guy sent to prison for three years because he said what he think about a sencetiv issue and insted of discussing with him what he said they just put him in prison and till now nobody could proof that he is wrong .
39. No gas chambers? Perhaps WWII was a Jewish invention?
David ,   Karmiel, Israel   (01.25.07)
David Irving is undeniably an anti-Semite. However, by his statement his also denies the mass murder of others - Gypsies, Communists, homosexuals and all those who perished in the gas chambers in the concentration camps because they opposed the Nazi Regime. One might ask Irving to look into the horrific work camps in which thousands of Allied Servicemen perished at the hands of the Japanese. Were they also a creation of the Jews? One may ask if there really was a Second World War or if this was also part of a Jewish plot? Was London really bombed? David Irving is one of those people who are so filled with hatred of the Jewish people that he will blame every disaster from the Great Flood to the 2004 Tsunami on the Jews. His is a very sick man and should be place in protective custody or in a home for the criminally insane! I am sure that he will soon be awarded Honorary Citizenship of Iran.
40. Who said Irving "Historian".He was Building site "hand"
Alan ,   SA   (01.25.07)
41. He looks like Satan
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (01.25.07)
Maybe he mousse his eyebrows just for that "special look."
42. no satisfaction.... is that a fact???????
Jack Klaber ,   R. Hasharon, Israel   (01.25.07)
This SOB of seemingly humanoid form will not be able to be convinced that these facts have indeed occurred. Simply, because he is not willing. For that he should rot in hell in eternity!! It would have been different if he could change his mind but he is mindless and blinded with hate and hopefully will explode due to an overdose of antisemitism. Even when I am willing to submit an affidavit that will state that my mother, may she rest in peace, was in Auswitz and did see the gas chambers and did smell the awful smoke that came out of the chimneys, this creature that is tagged with the name David Irving, will not change his mind. There is ample evidence around. Movies that show train loads of people arriving. Within hours these people VANISHED!!!! They literally went up in smoke!!!!!! If I would be interested in his "explanation" then I already now can tell him that : ".. the proof of such information will not satisfy ME".
43. TO #29 : you are mistaken !!
Jack Klaber ,   R. Hasharon, Israel   (01.25.07)
If I have the right to say my ("popular") opinion whatever it contents or consequences may be, then don't be too surprised if: after many people have "published" that they believe that YOU are a rapist and child molester that one day someone will "bring you to justice"....... I can turn around what you said: What is unacceptable today may well be considered popular by future generations. So if you will be around long enough for "enjoying" your todate fruits of rape and molesting children, future generations might give you a statue...... "What goes around, comes around"
44. Irving denies gas chambers existed at Auschwitz
Theo Ghefner ,   Toronto, Canada   (01.25.07)
How did it happen for him to be that lucky and not beaten at least once yet?
45. david irving ,   manchester u.k.   (01.25.07)
Irving should realise that with his level of mental ability ,hitler would have gassed him as well.
46. Just Ignore Him.
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (01.25.07)
47. Sorry #7 - #17 is right....stop your hysterical rantings...
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (01.25.07)
about America. She is a loyal friend to Israel in a sea of Israel haters. We do appreciate America's support over here. Republican or Democrat - America's values are our values. That's why the strategic and moral relationship between Israel and the US will stay strong.
48. freedom of speach
victor ,   ft lee USA   (01.25.07)
right or wrong you should have the right to say what you think without fear of going to jail.putting someone in jail for airing their opinion is exactly what the nazi's did.
49. 5 words for Irving: prove it or shut up
tourist attraction? ,   USA   (01.25.07)
50. If Auschwitz had no gas chambers, where did all the people
51. #45 Thanks for the numerous guffaws--LOL!!!
Sharon ,   USA   (01.25.07)
52. #38 you really have no concept at all
Oh no, not you ,   again #38!   (01.25.07)
you also are nameless. I am sure I have responded to you on other talkbacks, but you still do not understand the concept of freedom of speech, so I will attempt to explain AGAIN: When a person PRINTS AND PUBLISHES lies and garbage that refute the historic record concerning ANYTHING, not just the Holocaust, he may be held accountable in a COURT OF LAW for something called LIBEL. LIBEL is against th law. Period. It has NOTHING to do with denying some simian-brained moron the right to say something foolish or nonsensical. Once again, Austria has strict laws that state that people who deny the Holocaust may be thrown in jail. They can prove Irving did this because he was stupid enough to put his nefarious thoughts IN WRITING. What don't you get about all this? Why can't you get this concept? This Irving has been proven wrong already by the historical record. The facts, well-documented in books by eye-witnesses, films, American soldiers who were THERE, etc. disprove Irving's contentions. You really are never going to get it, are you? I urge you to KEEP TRYING to educate yourself about the concept of freedom of speech. Someday, you might get it and finally FIGURE IT OUT.
53. Sorrz #47 (a.k.a. neighbour) don't be overwelmed too much
Jack Klaber ,   R. Hasharon, Israel   (01.25.07)
---- .....loyal friend to Israel.....--------- ---America's values are our values --- I think not. America is a good friend and has a track record that shows this. BUT, America will act in its own best interests. This is natural, is also required (by constitutional law) and can also be seen in many cases of which I just give 3: 1) when Israel developed its own jet fighter some years ago, the LAVIE, America vetoed it and we had to buy "made in the USA" F-16s. 2) same thing with political issues. as long as it is in the interest of the USA, we were allowed to proceed with our endevours. Just remember the several wars in which the USA told us when they thought we had to stop. 3. When Israel wanted to do military business with China, the USA gave the thumb down sign and we had to cancel at a very late phase in the deal causing serious diplomatic problems with China. So dear neighbor, be more realistic and know your friends and the limitations that come with dealing with friends. Sometimes blood is thicker than water.
54. to 53#--america is our best friend.
avraham ,   jerusalem   (01.25.07)
may god bless israel and america.
55. #48: He has the right to say, but NOT TO PRINT IT
#52 ,   USA   (01.25.07)
56. Definiton of Libel as distinct from freedom of speech
Important distincti ,   USA   (01.25.07)
"Libel refers to a highly technical common-law concept concerning defamation that has broad political implications and a lengthy, confusing history. In its seventeenth-century form, libel covered any WRITTEN STATEMENT [caps. added--ed.], whether true or false, that tended to damage the opinion which "right-thinking" people might otherwise hold of the government, public officials, or ordinary citizens."
57. reply to #17 from #7
#7   (01.25.07)
I'm sorry to say this but it is exactly that sense of awareness you urge me to adopt, which has brought me to my conclusion. Let me bring to your attention the fact that I did not refer to the shameful report it self by Ariana Huffington, with its horrified comments, but to the encouraging whistle blow on it by Jonathan Chait, so that the inner criticism on it (in USA) will also be seen. And yet, some 200 comments of people so relieved someone finally has the courage to "speak the truth" which Huffington according to Huffington "everybody knows", is not some negligible comment by "one man". That "one man" is an honorable politician in the Democratic Party, had the Democratic party had anything to say about it? Are there any comments made by them to condemn him for that? Or even to just dissociate them selves from his statement? NO. Just like no one in that room had any reservations when he said those things. This hasn't been the atmosphere in previous years. Anymore than an ex president going around spreading conspiracy theories about the Jewish money hunting him down would have been acceptable in past days. I don't think a candidate for secretary of defense in past decades would have practically invite Iran to attack Israel in a hearing in Congress, as the present one did, by declaring very clearly the policy he brings is that the USA should not attack Iran, while stating at the same time that he is aware that an option of an Iranian strike is likely. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with that, and never thought that alone should be a cause for an American strike on Iran, that's what we have IDF for and I don't recall ever asking you to fight for us instead of ourselves fighting at the age of 18 and in reserve, but it would have been nice had he not chosen to pull the deterrence of our being the ally of USA right out of Iranian consideration so bluntly in such a terrible timing! Please! You appeal to my awareness, give me a break! Never did an entering Sec. of defense considered such villain statements to be benefiting his chances to be elected by Congress. You had a Iraq Study Group for the war, and it conclusions were practically "ditch the Jews". "The Jews" not Israel because it was "Jewish pressure" Baker thought the Middle East peace talks initiative should be saved of. Now we know what went wrong with all the previous ones, it's not that the other side was reluctant to finally accept our existence, and broke every agreement it had signed with us costing us a death tall that would equivalent some 80,000 casualties in the US if you consider the population ratio, only due to Oslo! No, it was the Jewish pressure. Has anybody pointed out how outrageous these insinuations are??? Anybody??? In Congress??? On CNN??? On ABC??? On CBS??? NO. Just like Huffington won't suffer any consequences. Just like it won't have any consequences on Wess' career (only good ones judging from the comments). No. We live in days in which such an outrageous statement by such an honorable politician goes unchallenged by anybody in the room, cheered by the reporter who declares that "everybody knows that" and awakens hundreds of commentators to gladly declare that someone finally had the courage to say out loud what they were all thinking. I think I'm aware of what it reminds me of, and how much it defers from previous times in US.
58. why doesnt irving have a debate with aushwitz survivors
zionist forever   (01.25.07)
I would like to see him in an official debate with an Aushwitz survivor. IRVING: there were no gas chamber its all a big lie. SURVIVOR: there were gas chambers I was one of the people who had to remove the corpses. IRVING: no your wrong there were no gas chambers all those people went to take a shower most came out happy and clean but a few of them died of hyperthermia because the hot water tap wasnt working on the day when you were working because the shower was to cold for them. SURVIVOR: I saw the soilders dropping the gas canisters into the chamber IRVING: Were you wearing your glasses at the time I think you will find that they were just throwing bars of soap so the prisoners could clean themselves up. IRVING: I told you so there was no gas chamber at Aushwitz and that old man just just misunderstood what was happening mainly because he has bad eye sight Hopfully Italy will introduce a holocaust denial law then Irving can give lectures in the various European prisons.
59. Intolerance Law vs Facts
Mike ,   La Verne   (01.25.07)
Let's see now the logic goes. The holocaust is fact. It is fact because the Law says it is fact. If you deny the holocaust then you are guilty. If you are guilty then you are a liar. If you are a liar then you a racist intolerant person. If you have proof that no gas chambers existed then you are a breaker of the Law. If you speak your intolerant view then you will go to jail. You will go to jail because any evidence you have or speak about does not exist oe exists only in your mind. Any thought expressed that denies the holocaust is an illegal. All tolerance of intolerant thinking is against the Law. If you say that the Nazi's were not very good at doing the Holocaust because if they were why are there so many holocaust survivors come from, you are guilty of violating the Law. The Law is the evidence and no other evidence shall come before or after it. It is illegal for the Law to tolerate intolerant thoughts. How many fingers? Anyone see the movie 1984?
60.  Re: Intolerance Laws
R. Alkalai ,   USA   (01.25.07)
Free Speech is the ability to freely express what you think and feel. But it comes with a responsibility for one's words. If you freely yell "fire!" in a crowded movie theatre, and as a result, people are trampled to death in their panic to escape, your words will have caused destruction to innocent life. Denying the truth- well documented facts, and revising them, intentionally distorting them, to meet your own criteria is the action of lying. Using a distortion of truth to encourage, or create an atmosphere where harm will come to another is a crimminal act. And should be. Laws, such as the ones you refer to, were put into place because there are people, such as Irving, who do yell "fire" with the intent that harm comes to people. In religions and belief systems where all of life and creation is valued, and a true respect for all that G-D created is apparent , great care is taken so that one's words will not cause harm to what G-D created- life. When one intentionally distorts the facts behind a horrific genocidal event, such as the Shoah, or Daffur, with the intent to once again, cause harm to what only G-D can create -life, then one is spitting in G-D's face. If your personal beliefs, or needs, permit you or another, to participate in, or approve of such an action, and it is done with the intent or hopes of causing harm to another, then you are spitting upon G-D' s face, and a practitioner of the darkest of arts.
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