Clinton slams PA indoctrination
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 08.02.07, 20:07
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62 Talkbacks for this article
31. #22 Palestinian Children Education
Tracy W   (02.09.07)
Regarding indoctrination of Palestinian children. I found the TEACH KIDS PEACE website. I had never seen it before but it seems very informative. It has sections regarding textbooks, TV, summer camps, mosques and other activities. It has the actual videos produced for children.
32. #9
v n.y. ,   israel/boston   (02.09.07)
poor and helpless people???? do you in fact mean the palestinians???? of course you do! it is amazing that in their entire life, under egyptian and jordanian rule and later under israeli rule with billions of dollars in aid, these people still remain poor, helpless and uneducated... but they still have all their energy and brain power in jihad and suicide bombings, in making bombs, etc.... had they spent as much time building and studying rather than destroying and screaming bloody murder and standing like beggars in front of the world community, they wouldn't have continued being the poor and helpless people you pity. poor and helpless is self perpetuated by the palestinians who, not for a single day in their lives, thought to use these billions of dollars to create an economy and prosperous civilization for themselves. pitying them will only perpetuate the continuation of their circumstances.
33. To #32, what are you talking about?
Libnani ,   Beirut   (02.09.07)
The Palestinians are the most Educated Arab people... Their presence and effect on economies in the Arabian Gulf states is felt. they have a strong impact economically and educationally throughout the Arab world. Do not let your hatred oversee realities...
34. No Mrs Clinton, our textbooks educate us exactly
Palestinian   (02.09.07)
what has happened and what is taking place. It teaches us the danger from zioinism and how they steal our country which we will get back again soon. Check Israeli text books which teaches that there has been nothing called Palestine, and that Palestinians are myth.. No thanks, we do not need advices from Clinton! The Palestinian society must learn that it is endangered and that our culture is stolen by Israelis and that more than 500 villages ful of palestinians have been terrorized by the zioinists... You think we are sick, we think you are more sick!
35. Hillary is messing the point
Palestinian children don't learn hatred from textbooks but they learn it from seeing their blood being shed in the streets by the Israelis every day !
36. shame .shame. shame
she wants to reach to the wight house by picking on poor children !
37. Let The Jew Money Flow 2 Her Campaign
1.5 Billion Muslims   (02.09.07)
But do u think wer BUSH failed She will Succed , dream on like me u r dreaminn one day u will walk to the Promise land , we shall see who gets there first . Reality check , world
38. Tired.......
Somebody is working soooooooooooooo hard to win the next election,,,,,,,by criticizing palestine??? something fishy is goning on here....
39. Islamic justice is by the sword
James ,   USA   (02.09.07)
Islamic justice is by the sword. If you think otherwise then you are decieved. Read the Koran and you will find in it that all who are not Muslim are infidels and it is acceptable to kill all who are deemed such.
40. #32 Economy and prosperity !!?
Nothing is possible under accupation ! Got it ???????
41. Loudmouthed hacks of the Republican Right
David ,   San Francisco   (02.09.07)
With the exception of the small minority of Jewish Republicans and Clinton-haters, who are well-represented on these talkbacks along with their Christian evangelist buddies (e.g. Marcel of Florida), the vast majority of American Jews know that both Bill and Hillary have a wide circle of Jewish friends and care 1000 times more about Israel and the Jews than the phoney fool George Bush, who has caused more damage to Israel than any other US President ever. This, as always, will be reflected in our votes in 2008.
42. indoctrination of children to hate
v n.y. ,   israel/boston   (02.09.07)
the "academic" figure which heads the palestinian education department and is responsible for these texts cannot help it. this is because for generations, these people have been told lies about the true mid east history, the history of "palestine and palestinian existance" and the jews and judaism (blood libels). i cannot see how educational publishers and figures in the palestinian territories can put together historic texts and geographic texts that are true and valid historically and politically. their indoctrination did not stop at jating of israel and the jews, but continued in inventing and accepting skewed and twisted political and historical truths about the mid east and where the palestinians came from and who they are. also, when one mixes religious ideology and public institutions, it becomes indeed very dangerous to the minds of the young. since islam and the kuran can never be questioned or criticised, young palestinian and arab muslim students don't ever question the historic validity of these texts. to them, if allah willed this history, so it shall be the absolute truth and not to be questioned or negated. it is amazing how succesful their leaders, politicians and historians are when it comes to the total brainwashinf pf generation anfter generation of young minds.
43. Clinton Slams PA
Dr.Joji Cherian ,   Aluva, India   (02.09.07)
I remember Clinton along with her fellow senoter Schumar on CNN a few years ago "reqesting" Sharon not to be lenient on "terrorist" Arafat. Just like asking Hitler not to be lenient towrds Jews. Now she is finding fault with PA education system when they are being subjected all types inhman treatements in their own home land.One can not expect any thing better from mainstream American politetions than such abject groveling and propetiation of the Jewish lobby
44. RE:No Mrs Clinton, our textbooks educate us exactly
Roy Galut ,   Selah Washington USA   (02.09.07)
The Name Palistine was given to the area after Haderian Removed the Jews from that region around 132 AD to cleanse the area of Jewish memories ...he used a variation of a long time jewish enemy The Philistines... The arch of titus in Rome shows artifacts the jewish temple from an earlier removal around 70 AD... There is ample evidence for the jewish temple on the temple mount and for the presence of jews there 2000 years ago for those who are not in denial...
45. #41.. David, you are dillusional!!
Ghenis Khan ,   Mongolia   (02.09.07)
Don't you ever get tired of the using same old leftist name calling tactics? Bill and Hillary have a wide circle of MONIED friends. If you got the dime, they got the time, fool! So, it doesn't matter if you are israeli-jew, arab-muslim, native american, or communist chinese! If you put MONEY into their campain chest so they can keep getting power, they will sing your song!!
46. Very sad, US candiates have to put up with this BS
Kim ,   Lexington, KY   (02.09.07)
Mrs. Clinton, it is Jewish occupation that is the problem not Palestinian books. Do you really believe this crap? If it wasn't for Palestinian books, Palestinians would not know who is occupying their country, stealing their lands, killing their children, kidnapping their young men, creating road blocks to prevent their movement. Snap out of it Mrs. Clinton, US needs strong leaders who can stand up for America and more importantly can stand up for justice.
47. Re 46
Roy Galut ,   Selah Washington USA   (02.09.07)
Kim You might want to spend a lttle time reading history books as well as the bible... also do an internet search on: Bridget Gabriel - Lebonon christian Walid Shoebat - former palistinian Terrorist it gives a little different perspective than the liberal media
48. Did you ever notice that the Clintons suck
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.09.07)
up to everyone when they are running for the Whitehouse? Where was Hillary on this subject before she decided to run for office? She is now against anti war candidate. She says she would never have gotten us into a war if she were president. Anotherwards she won't fight when we need to fight. How is this type of a do nothing personality going to help Israel? She is a pascifist now. She will say anything to be elected. She will sell out Israel and the Jews after she is elected, if Israel becomes a liability. Who are these Democrats that the Jews are always so willing to support? They obviously have no backbone. Everyone might boo hoo about the war in the United States. But even with a paltry opinion poll, President Bush still stands up and fights for what he believes is right. That's saying something. Clinton is running away from her vote on the war with the political winds. If the winds shift against Israel-----she will abandon you like a forgotten stepchild. Think about that when you are promoting her. She does sound lovely when she wants to get back into a big white house though. She'll take care of everyones problems. What's she promising to the residents of Dearborn Michigan for their votes? She definitely got spoiled when she didn't have to cook and clean while inhabiting the White House. She can't wait to get back to the Rich Man's welfare system. You have to make decisions to earn your keep. She doesn't sound like she plans to do much while in the White House. I'm hearing a lot of I wouldn't.....I couldn't.......and I won't. Why not rent out the big White mansion if no one wants to do anything while living there?
49. 22# What professor hack indoctrinated your views.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.09.07)
Inquiring minds want to know? What university? What biased professor?
50. Kim 46# If you feel so profoundly for Palestinian Plight...
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.09.07)
and stolen lands and so forth....... Why be a hypocrite and live on my American Indian land? I mean you and your relatives stole it. I'd assume with your obvious convictions of fairness you would go back to Europe immediately. I'd also assume that you would be kicking all the Muslims out of Israel since they kicked the Jews out and stole the Jews land several centuries previously. I mean.......It's only fair......justice. Who owns land is in the eye of the beholder. History is easy to forget if it benefits the persons involved. I know the professors at the universities have all you clowns following their next new idea.........but do us a favor and come up with your own ideas. You look like a bunch of dumb sheep following professor know it all. Everyone thinks the Palestinian children are indoctrinated? Look at the American University System. Indoctrination galore.
51. Hilary I dont agree with much of your political
freedom ,   canada   (02.09.07)
platform. But people want politicians to say it like it is. You did. And for that many will respect you.
52. Palestinian indoctrination/education
raoulschur@hotmail.c ,   Netanya Israel   (02.09.07)
My question is why don't we hear a lot more about the source of all that hate - in the form of so-called *education* - coming from our neighbors from NON-Jewish sources? For starters, if the world media spread the news, there could be a whole new view of the causes of the conflict. But I suppose that's wishful thinking.
53. #22...delusions of peace.
DR ,   Florida, USA   (02.09.07)
Palestinaisn do not want peace. Wasn't this made painfully obvious to you when they voted for Hamas, a terror group, whos charter calls for the destruction of Israel???
54. #46 Kim, what a bunch of drivle...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (02.09.07)
Naive people like you who see Palestinians as the victims are just that...naive! Israel always wanted peace, but the Palis always turned it down. This is a fact that is written throughout history. After World War2, the British mandate proposed to give both Jews ad P{alestinians a stste side by side. Guess who turned it down? Arafat rejected everything he was offered by Clinton and barak. And again today, palestinians voted for a terror group ( Hamas) whos charter calls for the destruction oof Isarel. But yet you think we should lay down and let them do it without a fight??? You are either crazy or very mis-informed Kim.
55. #43, Dr. Joji
DR ,   Florida, USA   (02.09.07)
So you don't see anything wrong with teaching children to hate? You don't think its wrong that the majority of Palestinians voted for Hamas ( a terror group) which calls for the destruction of Israel in its charter. What If Pakistan voted in a group that called for the destruction of India? Would you think that its ok? Get real Doctor!!!
56. are a shame....
DR ,   Florida, USA   (02.09.07)
These poor children you speak of are victims of ther own society. They will never have a chance at a good life. They are brought up to hate and become Martyrs...this is what you think is normal??? What about the fact that Hamas and Fatah have killed tens of their own people, including children in the past few this a good upbringing for these children? The big shame here is people like you turning a blind eye to reality.
57. Suha Arafat as a substitute teacher?
Linda ,   Selma, CA   (02.09.07)
Senator Clinton's concern for Palestinian children might be more credible had she not posed in a loving embrace with Suha Arafat after Yassir Arafat was the most frequent guest of the White House under her husband's administration. But the Jewish vote is still important to her, I guess. Not actual Jews--just their votes.
58. ## 55 Dr.Florida
Dr.Joji Cherian ,   Aluva India   (02.10.07)
You better look for the cause for this hatred an eliminate them. You can not "treat" hatred by blackmail and armtwisting just as you are doing on the American polititions
59. #33
jason ,   usa   (02.10.07)
so i'm guessing hating the west , Israel and the US is called being educated?
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (02.11.07)
in Israel. Global Terrorist Arafat had more Jewish blood on his hands than anyone since Hitler, was adored by the international elites and the most invited foreign leader to the Clinton White House.
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