Opinion  Others
Same old story in Jerusalem
Uzi Landau
Published: 15.02.07, 00:36
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26 Talkbacks for this article
1. Excellent article. This is the plan that has always worked
Chanan ,   USA   (02.15.07)
and one day it will bring Peace to the entire Middle East. The only way to do it right is this exact old and tried way.
2. Get this straight. We will never give up! You like it or not
Palestinian   (02.15.07)
As you came here occupiers, you will sooner or later be busted. The Israeli colony will be doomed to a big failure. Just being Jewish is not enough reason to kick the natives of this land! Do not use your religion to colonize and destory another nation. How about bringing all the Christians of the world to here since Jesus lived here too??! What if we deport all muslims to Mecca too? Do you think Meccans will give up their lands for that?? How ridiculous!
3. Uzi
jan ,   usa   (02.15.07)
Uzi, please come out of retirement and run for PM. You are truly one of the most honest and well respected men that I know. As we told you last year here in America, you are annointed to run. That's what's been missing in all of the other candidates. Israel needs your boldnes, tenacity, fearlessness, and level head. Shalom my friend, Shalom
4. Great article. Bravo Uzi.
enzo ,   london,uk   (02.15.07)
Don't give them an inch... Don't promise anything... Don't talk to them... They only have a weapon: it's called "taqqya", the art the deceive. They are the world masters!
5. Time to change the locks on the Temple Mount
Yacov ,   Ashkelon   (02.15.07)
Time to change the locks on the Temple Mount with only Israel having the keys. Time to appoint a board of rabbis and Israeli government officials to govern the Temple Mount. Muslim imams could request to deliver Friday sermons, but only those imams approved who have no history of Muslim racism, bigotry and incitement against Israel and Jews. wishing to visit could apply for a visitor's permit, with permits issued only to those who have no history of Muslim racism, bigotry and incitement against Israel and Jews. Time for Israel and Jews to stop playing dhimmi and stand our ground- the Temple Mount is too holy to be trusted to Muslim lunatics.
6. Amen Uzi
sa74   (02.15.07)
7. Who are you to talk about not capitulating Mr. Landau?!
Daniel ,   Formerly Israel   (02.15.07)
At least Olmert first tries (or pretends to try) and then capitulates, while you just give up and go home without even trying. The moment you didn't get to be head of the Likud you left politics and went home, refusing even to take the Knesset seat that opened for you when Sharansky left! I don't understand you. You had a chance to sit in the knesset and at least to try and help the oposition. Do you have any idea what I would give to have the chance to be an MK that you threw away? I am just eighteen and to my great shame I was forced to leave Israel so as not to have to fight and die in pointless wars like Lebanon II that I knew would come after Barak was elected, and so I am reduced to sitting in my chair and posting on political forums and have no chance to ever be an MK no matter how much I want to. But you, you could have been an MK and you chose to sit instead to sit and post on the internet, all because you couldn't stomach being in the opposition, and you dare to say anything about not capitulating?!
8. Yes Uzi, it's terrible how Palestinians abuse Israelis
Apartheid ,   Boston MA   (02.15.07)
You can't capitulate in the face of violence. Like it says in the Bible: "An eye for a finger nail. You, your wife, your kids, your house and your dog for a tooth,"
9. Palestinian: You gave us the temple mount so don't complain
Daniel ,   Formerly Israel   (02.15.07)
after the 1948 war (which you started) the Temple mount and many of the other holy sites that you so prize were under Arab control. I say Arab not Palestinian because all of the West Bank was conquered by Jordan in the 1948 war, (and yet the "Palestinians" never complained about being under jordanian occupation) but it was much more important for you to destroy Israel than to keep your holy sites, and so you gambled with East Jerusalem and Nablus and Nazareth and Hebron etc. You gambled that Israel would sit on its hands while Egypt Jordan and Syria prepared for war, and you gambled that once the war began Israel would be quickly distroyed (which it would have been if you had struck first) and you lost. And now you dare to complain about it? that while the Egyptians might have had some basis to its claim of being the victim in 1967 (however laughable Nasser's loud declarations of his intent to destroy Israel and his open mustering of a ten-thousand-man invasion force in the sinai might have rendered it) Jordan attacked Israel first, and it did so despite having recieved a telegram from Israel several hours before the attack on Egypt in which Israel's leaders stated that they had neither the desire nor the intent to go to war with Jordan and that the coming attack was aimed only at Egypt, so you don't have even the slightest and most rediculous reason to contened that we stole the Temple Mount from you.
10. Israel must respect its own laws
Art ,   jc usa   (02.15.07)
The arabs will never like Israel, they probably will never respect Israel but...if the fear Israel .. Israel must enforce its own laws and secure its own interests. Concessions, "evenhandedness" unilateral moves do not work. They are seen as weakness and encourage arab violence. Israel must take back control of the Temple Mount.
11. Uzi Landau is right!
Helen ,   Maalot, Israel   (02.15.07)
The psychological principle is the same whether you are a parent or politician -- give in to temper tantrums and what you get is bigger and more numerous temper tantrums. Be firm; set limits and order will be restored.
12. 'Palestinians' are ethnic Syrians
Adam ,   Mecca, Israel   (02.15.07)
13. #2 palestinian
The only people that never gave up are the Jews, with 4000 years of uninterrupted hegemony on this land. 55% of arabs living in the Land of Israel descend from immigrants that came from arabia to prosper aside them .
14. How about Jews organizing a protest over Temple Mount?
me ,   Brooklyn, NY   (02.15.07)
There are currently two outstanding issues that need to be delivered to the government: 1. Jordanian minaret # 5. Keep status quo or build a Jewish synagogue on Temple Mount, but outside of the holy areas. 2. Ongoing Muslim destruction of the archaelogical material. This needs to stop.
15. No Peace without Ejerusalem as our capital of palestine
Ahmed ,   Ejerusalem Palestine   (02.15.07)
16. We love Jerusalem as much you do and will never give up
Mohamed ,   Ejerusalem   (02.15.07)
17. #2 Arab Nation Has 22 Countries but you will lose everything
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (02.15.07)
Arabs are the squatters and occupiers here after the indigenous Jews were the ones "deported" from our native Holy Land and our capital of Yerushalayim by the Roman Hellenists in 135 C.E. Jezus is a Roman Hellenist (Christian) counterfeit having NO connection to the historical Pharisee Ribi Yehoshua and, correspondingly, Christians have NO rightful claim to any of the Holy Land. As far as Mecca is concerned, I think that Arabs and Muslims should enjoy the same rights in Yerushalayim that Jews enjoy in Mecca. Well after 1948 Arabs still adamantly denied any "Palestinian" identity, insisting that there is only one Arab Nation. Among themselves, when not focused on eliminating Israel, Arabs still insist that there is only one Arab Nation. This Arab Nation has 22 countries and the only reason YOU are rejected in them is because Arab leaders NEED the fight with Israel as a scapegoat to deflect criticism of their own regimes. That's why you have innumerable fratricidal conflagrations that have no relation to Israel whatsoever. If you don't fix the 22 nations that you have and, instead, insist on taking the Holy Land from the indigenous Jews, then it will mean little to the Arab Nation -- but YOU and your families will lose EVERYTHING. We have been here with Yerushalayim as our capital since B.C.E. 1031 -- 3,038 years and counting; and we are prepared to defend Israel for eternity with whatever force is required and whatever cost to you and us and the world it takes. It is you who will lose everything if you don't start to think smart instead of belligerent and learn to satisfy yourself in Gaza or one of your other 22 countries. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews www.netzarim.co.il
18. To 2: Dont giv up, compromise.
Oded Ambar   (02.15.07)
If you do that Palestinians and Israelis and all neighbor countries will live mach better.
19. Hear Hear!
Russel ,   Tlv   (02.15.07)
Our country needs more men like him in the knesset!
20. UZI WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? We need you now more than ever!
j ,   jerusalem, israel   (02.15.07)
21. Uzi Landau, learn your hostory lesson
Khalid ,   The netherlands   (02.15.07)
Mr. Landau, mind you that this is the same rhetoric used by the french when they were occupying Algeria, the British when they were occupying India, ... etc and sinilar examples from history are countless. In those situations, leaders like you tried to convince their people that the only solution is to use more force, when using force already failed. And look where are theu now. look at bush predicament in Iraq. Using force will only help quell the symptoms of the problem foe a while, aftwer which it will return and explode in your face. Educate yourself and get rid of your racist zionist views, then you will learn that the only solution is to try to reach out to the other side listen to their grievances and then try to come out with a solution or atrrangement which makes life better for both sides,. Life is much better now for both Americans and Vietnamese now than when the Americans used to occupy Vietnam and use force on its people. Go to Vietnam now and you will see it teeming with American investments (McDonalds and the likes) and American tourists, something unthinkable when ther Americans tried to enforce it through military might. Imagine trying to open a MacDonald back then, it would has been blown up the next day. Of course, you can go along with your Rambo dreams, but Rambo's exist only in fiction.
22. Israel is being defeated and will be forced to share
Ayman ,   Haifa Palestine   (02.15.07)
23. #17 Paqid: A child's garden of misinformation.
Apartheid ,   Boston MA   (02.15.07)
24. Paqid
charles ,   petach tikva   (02.15.07)
Jerusalem is NOT your capital , it's the capital for Jews .
25. Finally! A voice of reason.
Allan ,   US   (02.15.07)
26. Looks like Uzi is right
Damir ,   Russia   (02.15.07)
Finish what has been started (or not started at all). Palestinians can already recognize power and weakness. They have yet to recognize wisdom. So works should be complete. And if Turkey wants to oversee it then let them.
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