Poll: 75 percent of Israelis want to be in EU
Ronny Sofer
Published: 22.02.07, 02:58
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31. #2: Please don't compare Israel with Turkey
Tobias ,   Germany   (02.22.07)
I think you can't compare Israel with Turkey. Israel is a western democracy, with a political system very similar to Germany's. So I think Israel would fit quite well into the EU and won't have to change so much. Turkey however has to improve their system a bit more to democracy, e.g. concerning citizen rights like freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc. But at the moment, there doesn't seem so much development in this direction, since Turkey is governed by an islamistic party.
32. #3, No maybe send the leftists there
Scott ,   Haifa   (02.22.07)
They can join their brothers that also exhibit no moral clarity, or understanding of God or His divine covenant with the Jewish people. The leftists can kiss the feet and love and join their Islamo-facist lovers in Europe and the two can live in love and peace forever.
33. #8: I agree, this would be end of Israel
Tobias ,   Germany   (02.22.07)
In the EU, everybody is allowed to move to any other member state and live and work there (without applying for a residential of work permit), as if it would be his homeland. If Israel would join such an agreement, the 11% of Israelis who would leave the countries according to the article, will be the minor problem. Israel would be in high danger to be flooded by european muslims, lose the jewish majority, and after that the democratic system. However, I disagree with you when you say that the P.A. will also join the EU. The lengthy discussions with Turkey show that the EU doesn't take just anybody, but requires certain standards. First of all, something like a palestine state is not in sight at the moment. Second, I see no reason to expect that it would be a working western democracy. Third, thought this would perhaps not be given as a reason openly, why should the EU want to absorb a poor third-world-country with a high concentration of radical islamistic terror groups? Oh - you say, they do it already, they are already financing the PA, so economically the situation can't get worser for the EU? And they already have the islamic terror organizations in London, Paris, Berlin, etc...? Probably true... But still, I can't imagine the EU take the PA. PA will stay the chaotic black hole of EU money, which has been in the last years.
34. Israel in EU
Jane ,   Czech Republic   (02.22.07)
Well, but... 1) Did somebody ask Europeans, if they want Israel in EU? 2) EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP doesn´t exist!!!!!! Every European has citizenship of country (sometimes of more countries), where he lives. 3) The "Konrad Adenauer Stiftung" is most conservative (especially in area of WWII revisionism and chauvinism) of german foundations. It is closest "sister" of extremely revisionistic, supremacist and chauvinistic "Sudetendeutsche Landsmanschaft"!!! Did you know it? (And, if you did know it, can you clarify to me, how can Jews with their experiences of WWII collaborate with most revisionistic german organisations? End justifies the means?) I am somewhat surprised of style of sources, where is Israel drawing informations about Europe...
35. who is surprised?
Intedi Nensak ,   Stockholm, Sweden   (02.22.07)
is anyone really surprised so many Israelis want to be part of the EU? the economical benefits from joining the more prosperous European nations would be massive. it's not very surprising though that unlike the views of most israelis, the comments on this board are (as usual) fiercly anti-european, as almost everyone commenting on this site are hyperreligious super-right wing nutjobs from USA - most of whom have never set foot in Israel they just enjoy sitting on the other side of the world and preach how someone elses country should be run(kinda like the french). they just like to bash Europe for some reason, Eurabia seems to be a popular insult for some reason though the muslim immigrants here are a very tiny minority, not even that much larger than the one in America actually (but i'm sure fox news have forgotten to meantion that part). the few who post from Israel (often with very "english" sounding names) are probably recent american immigrants who hasn't bothered learning the language of the country they reside in. and regarding the potential flood of immigrants, don't make me laugh. why would germans leave their much more prosperous and safe country to move to a country under constant attack where they will earn much less than they would in their home country? and don't you think an economic migrant from romania would rather go to France, Germany or the UK where they'll earn at least twice as much as they would in Israel? all the muslim immigrants in the west can already use their new passports to enter Israel if they please but they don't do so, they don't want to go to a nation that they detest more than anything. I am in favour of letting Israel join, they can take Turkey's place, that country is never going to be admitted anyway, everybody knows that.
36. #30- Scott: Do Israel A Favor
Yishai Kohen ,   YeShA, Israel   (02.22.07)
Don't ask, just wish him the best of luck- elsewhere. The more of them that leave, the better for Israel.
37. Israel in EU
Jane ,   Czech Republic   (02.22.07)
1) Why don´t want Israelis be part of the USA? In the USA is biggest Jewish community in the World (more then 60% of world Jewry)! 2) Why do you want be part of EU? Well we are more and more antisemitic, proislamic, racists, undemocratic, socialistic - simply hell undrefoot. So, why is it that just now bis EU????
38. #25 Michael Steiner
Peace Dreams   (02.22.07)
There are many articles here, on ynet, where you can clean your straw brains, like when HAMAS calls off "ceasefire" (those dumbs of Shderot didn't realize that there was actually a truce), or perhaps you should know that Terror groups are continuously trying to carry out attacks inside Israel (don't you love them for their peace talks and moves?). Here in Israel we have "violations, corruption at all levels, nepotism" . Ohh. yes, and we don't have human rigths. Now tell me, aren't you happy that you don't live in such a country and have the posibility to live in the "democratic, compassionate" Europe? The Europe that never stands aside when they hear of Rwanda and Sudan. The Europe that never stands aside when "smart leaders" like Ahmadinejead threatens to wipe a whole country just because he don't like the "regime" (you've got to admit, that a regime that provides you to hang a man, to behead and to cut the arms of a thief, sounds much better than the "inhuman" Israel). Every country has her own "garbage" and some admit that, some don't. I'm willing to see the bad in order to be better, not for Europe, but for my country, Israel, for the citizens. But unlike you, I see so many good and so many contributions that Israel made, those that make me so damn proud to be Israeli. May that Israel will exist forever, for us, the citizens who love her no matter what, and for those, who will accept her the way she is. Sooner or later.
39. The usual German propaganda show
Jonathan S ,   Frankfurt, Germany   (02.22.07)
At the same time when Germany declared to be committed to the security of Israel, poisonous gas was sent to Saddam Hussein, which killed incidentally thousands of Kurds and Iranians but was meant for Israel. At the same time when Ahmadinejad declared his intention to wage a new Holocaust, German trade with Iran doubled. For 25 years Germany provided secretly the necessary parts for the nuclear programme of the mullahs. After Syria killed Hariri, German trade with the dictatorship in Damascus rose by more than 40%. And the German Navy contribution is but a big hoax. Not a single pistol has been confiscated, instead spying on Israel was on of the main reasons for its establishment. Very soon, Israelis could be in the same situation as during the first Gulf war, when they were sitting with gas masks waiting for the German gas to arrive. This time, it could well be nuclear. Nothing learned from history?
DAVID ,   JUDEA   (02.22.07)
Being raised in europe,anyone with a jewish identity would not choose to live there. But this is precisely were the problem is. Herzelism has been so sucsesfull that a lot of israelis see themselves just as israelis without a jewish identity. Anyone wanting to live in europe has to be so far disconnected from his jewish roots ,not to feel the antisemitism there. Because of my family , i come there often . Over the years i have seen an increase in neonazis and islamfacists. I am forced to hide my kippa and tsitit,because of danger of violence. The times i have ventured out not hiding my identity,i have been called dirty jew to many times. I think we need to help the israelis that want to live there, with a one way ticket out. Ironicaly when i am in europe, i spend my time with israelis that became observant jews and discovered their identity there. For a lot of israelis it is very important to learn that as long as there are jews in the world there will be a Israel. But with the existing israeli identity and "culture" this country will not survive much longer.
41. #18 Rami
Renee, NYC   (02.22.07)
"I would rather raise my family elsewhere." Fine. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
42. Not Gonna Happen
Canadian Dude ,   Montreal, Canada   (02.22.07)
It wouldn't make a difference even if 100% of Israelis wanted to join the EU. France will never accept it in this lifetime (and though their "empire" has been dead for a long time now, they still have enough influence in Europe to get their way). There are also enough antisemites scattered throughout the rest of Europe, including Britain, to guarantee there will be no deal anytime soon. The concessions Israel would have to make just to apply to the EU would destroy it as a state, and the EU has not achieved enough economic success to make admission worthwhile (the French "model" is crap). Even the U.S. wouldn't want a union with Israel right now; the hatred they'd received from Europe as well as their arab oil buddies is itself enough to prevent that, let alone the other factors. To put it succinctly, there are too many people in the "enlightened" west, with their concocted version of history, who are bent on making Israel the scapegoat for Whitey's colonial crimes of the distant past. Stick to strengthening your own country, so that people will want to join you rather than the other way around.
43. Great Job
Apctan ,   Singapore   (02.22.07)
Germany has make a 'repented' come back after the WW2. Chancellor Merkel is the strong supporter of Israel. Great job, Merk !!
44. To Rami # 18
Andi ,   Israel   (02.22.07)
If you think you'll be more accepted elsewhere, don't bank on it. People in the UK, the "most popular" destination, are extremely suspicious of foreigners, especially Middle Easten ones with dark skin. The minorities also moan about discrimination, and its only a couple of years since serious rioting there, like in France. The grass is not always greener.
45. Now THAT would be the distruction of Israel
Natalie   (02.22.07)
Oh what a frightening thought!! As the Yordim will be flooding out, All the former palistinians now in Europe would come flooding in.
46. Israel and the EU
Sefardita ,   Sweden   (02.22.07)
The numbers doesn't make sense. 511 people interviewed and by that they conclude that 75% of Israelis want to join the EU? the pollsters probably called on people with European sounding names like Kessler, Lieberman, Kaplinsky and Gold. I dont think if they had asked Harari, Mimoun, Zemor or Abitbol the results would be the same. Furthermore, Israel would be safer joining the Arab league or a coalition of Middle Eastern countries than joining the EU. After all, it was the Europeans who killed 6 millions of our brothers and sisters.
47. Poll Newsflash:::Most Israelis have shit for brains
Al   (02.22.07)
They can leave right now and take their sorry asses and old parents with them. AS for those who stay and believe in the Jewsih State I along with millions of other Jews will support them with $$$$ till the end of our days.
48. no one interviewed ME...
hanna ,   Israel   (02.22.07)
...OR...99.9% of the nation. i've had my fill of ''polls''!
49. Hungarian opinion
D.C. ,   Hungary, Budapest   (02.22.07)
The Hungarians just want to send all the Jews back to their holy land. So, I don't thinks so they would support this idea. Stay on that side of the sea. Thank you.
Sid Emess   (02.22.07)
Living part time in the EU it is clear that Israelis have no idea what it is to be part of the EU. They must be idiots of the first order to want to be part of EU. Do they really want to be ruled by Brussels? with stealth laws - just look at the UK and how much it has cost to comply with the regulations whilst France and Germany ignore the regulations and recent new countries who joined are milking the system for all it is worth.It is time Israelis wake up and realised that Israel is a unique country - not part of anywhere else- unless they want to go back to the ghettos and the Nazis!
andrew ,   miami,fl   (02.22.07)
52. #49, racist D.C.
DR ,   Florida, USA   (02.22.07)
My father was born in Budapest as a jew and then moved to Israel. He still loves Hungary, but would be ashamed of you and your comments. I don't know how racist people like you still exist? Did you get beat up by Jewish kids in school? Did they steal your girlfriend? Or are you just brainwashed to hate? Either way you are pathetic!!!
53. Jane #34
Clippers ,   South East Asia   (02.22.07)
Israel does not hold any pain grudges against EU countries, esp. Germany. Instead, Israel has accepted them with open arms. Look at China, Taiwan and S. Korea stance against Japan. After 60 years, I am still surprise with their anti-Japanese war stance even when the Japan's former Prime Minister's visit to the war shrine [monument for their 'war heros']. Not to mention on Japan's educational intention of re-writting on their 'good' rationalism on war occupation in East Asia for their history books. They have toiled enough of their sufferring during the WW2 Japanese occupation and they are still having them in their inner hearts, even with their newer generations. The question lies on the two different 'climates of acceptance'. Israel can work alongside with EU even with the most revisionistic German organizations. Israel is a tranquil country if you would like to understand better with open mind. Israel wants PEACE. That is all about it.
54. #36 - Yishai; Okay....Agreed.
Scott ,   Haifa   (02.22.07)
#18 and all who feel the same... Bye and Good Luck
55. 511 respondents!!? Who do they ask? Hardly representative!!
Nora ,   Israel   (02.22.07)
I'm British and love Israel - I could leave any minute but CHOOSE to live in Israel. BTW, most Britains would love to GET OUT of the EU.
56. #47 - I'm staying with my family here
Scott ,   Haifa   (02.22.07)
You can send your dollars directly to me, I will send you the info at your request.
57. I agree with #46, Sefardita
Abdullah ,   EuMe   (02.22.07)
That Israel would be safer being part of middle-eastern coalition than being part of the EU. This will also be better in terms of preserving Jewish identity (avoiding assimialtion). - And one should always remember that it is Europe that committed the Shoah amd the inquisitions.
58. No thanks Eurabia!!! Ask ME next time...
Nora ,   Israel   (02.22.07)
59. israelis want to be part of EU
sas ,   israel   (02.22.07)
Do they want us???????
60. TO #47 AL
DAVID ,   JUDEA   (02.22.07)
You are so right,totally agree with you.
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