‘Jesus’ burial site discovery is just PR spin'
Roi Mandel
Published: 25.02.07, 18:34
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31. jesus family
tony crump ,   hamilton\usa   (02.26.07)
people are so quick to try to prove the bible wrong dont realize that one day they will have to stand before an almighty god and give account of every idle word that they produce woe to the man who adds to or takes from the word of god.
32. Indisputable Evidence
Watchman ,   Finland   (02.26.07)
25.000 different manuscripts of the New Testament existing - plus the "Church Fathers'" writings/quotes of the NT (almost 90.000 sources), out of which you could rewrite the entire NT again (some 10 verses would only be missing), if all the NT's of the world would be lost. Read 1 Cor. 15:6: over 500 witnesses in one event - give them three minutes each and there would be over a daylong testimony of the resurrected Lord - from people that could be consulted then. And even the enemies of apostle Peter (Acts 2:22) could nothing but accept the facts, which Peter claimed they had seen themselves - otherwise there wouldn't have been 3000 new Christians as a result of that speech - but a heavy stoning instead - which Stefanus, the first martyr, later experienced. "Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven", see: - in English: - in Hebrew: - in Arabic: - in Persian:
33. they reckon they had his foreskin at one stage as well
m   (02.26.07)
34. Michael
Marilyn ,   USA   (02.26.07)
The records for Jesus's existance are fairly good, especially for someone who lived so long ago. I wish I had this much evidence for my paternal greatgrandparents, whom despite my efforts I've only been able to turn up their names and country of origin.
35. to #25
steve ,   usa   (02.26.07)
Let's look in the Old Covenant for you shall we? YESHA'YAHU The entire 53rd chpt.--Tehillim 132:11---Yirmeyahu23:5-7---Mikhah5:2 These are just a few. There are many, many more, but I'm not going to do all of your studying for you.
36. nuts------------end
plyadies7 ,   la usa   (02.26.07)
37. Prof. Kloner Is Obviously Correct.
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (02.26.07)
There just is not enough solid evidence to make this anything other than speculation. In a way, it reminds me of the mania for holy relics popular in the early Middle Ages - wood from the cross, nails, cloth from the shroud - which was a highly lucrative business. The historical Jesus was just one of many Jews excecuted by the Romans while the religious figure of Jesus was invented approx. 100 yrs. later when the Gospels were written.
38. #35 You should read in context
Josh   (02.26.07)
There is not a single prophecy that places Jesus as the messiah. Not one. Nothing matches the prediction when taken in context - thus I reccomend you study a little more and with reading comprehension. The messiah is not perfect in sin but returning from sin. The messiah is like Mosses not emmaculately conceived. The messiah comes at a time when the people are drawn back to Israel not at a time when they are dispersed. The messiah brings peace. Jesus said he had not come to bring peace. The messiah speaks for G-d. Jesus said why have you forsaken me? The messiah will rebuke the fallen from Torah not collect them as chaffe. Etc., etc, etc.
39. #s 30, 34 + 35:
Michael Steiner   (02.26.07)
#30: Moshe, King Shlomo, harav Akiva and Alexander the Great are irrelevent. None of them nor their admirers claimed or claim any of them to have been or be the savior of the world without relying on whom one is conscribed to eternal doom. Try again. #34: What are these "good" "records"? #35: I didn't ask you for quotations from haTanakh (the term "old covenant" is meaningless to me as a Jew). Read my question again
40. to #25
John ,   Jerusalem   (02.26.07)
What evidence do you have that Moses ever existed? None. Which is, I'm sure, your point as well: religion has to be taken on faith because there's no way to scientificaly prove it. But, I do suspect that your intolerance of Christians or anything not Jewish is religiously motivated.
41. Proof of Moses
Josh   (02.26.07)
#40 asks what proof do we have. Open you eyes and look around. In everything you see around you there is the wonders of the blessings and curses of Torah. Fat children, aborted babies, broken families, child criminals, organized world, hatred for Jews, hollacaust, spread of the bible, three major religions, the world choosing to worship a dead man (choose life and choose death), etc., etc. Open you eyes and shut down broken logic, you live in the middle of a Torah world. Proof that the Torah is real and its delivery was real. Moses gave us it, all we need to do is listen to its heart beat to find G-d and good. The whole of Chistianity is predicted in Devareem/Deut 13.
42. Jesus.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (02.26.07)
Josh, When He uttered the words, " why have you forsaken me," the reason is that He was a substitute for every sinner that ever was and ever will be so therefore couldn't be helped by the Father until the sin was scourged from off Him. He was the seed promised to Eve, the type that Moses, Joshua and Isaac were symbols of and the Messiah promised by all your prophets. David spoke of Him, Jacob wrestled with Him and Abraham met Him after the battle of the kings. It's all there in your book but without the New Testament, the one without the other is like a suit without the jacket or trousers, it is incomplete.
43. 41 josh, i don't think that was the question 25 asked
44. jesus burial scam
jacob ,   louisville usa   (02.26.07)
this is stupid jesus burial tomb yea right. rising from the dead leaves no body this reminds me of the big deal made about the Da Vinci Code and the blood line people will say anything to make money just hope the gullible and nieve dont get takin for a ride on this one. the fact that no one gave this the time of day intill movies were made should be proof enough not to take it serious.
45. Jesus
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (02.26.07)
The price of sin is death to all mankind. So you are going to rebuild a temple to sacrifice what? God says quite clearly that He takes no pleasure in the blood of goats and bulls so what sacrifice is it that is going to wipe your sin away. Is it really this military man who will save you from a world that is going to be destroyed and on which you hope to build your future? God called you a stubborn people and nothing much has changed. Is it not strange to you that from every generation He has only kept a remnant for Himself? Ever wonder why?
46. Hyping up a scandalous project !
Marcel Abel ,   France   (02.26.07)
YNET you have come out of this perfidious attack against our faith with increased disregard! Not your first attempt! Keep writing such unfounded allegations and many will switch their support to other sites. As you have helped to spread this blatant blasphemy, you will be accountable to the Lord Father, to Jesus his Son and to the Holy Spirit!
47. to #46 Marcel Abel
Linn   (02.26.07)
Calmez-vous! Actually, the article that you are commenting on comprehensivly quotes the archeologist as dismissing the "findings" as nonsens. This shows that Ynet gives space for both sides to air their views.
FRANK ,   LAS VEGAS, NV   (02.26.07)
Messianic ,   USA   (02.26.07)
I have seen your posts and I have one question. If you were able to know without a doubt that Jesus lived and that he is the Messiah, would you believe in him? If you really want to read historical evidence of Jesus I suggest that you read "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. I sincerely wish you good luck in your search.
50. Jesus Burial Site Found
Dr. Allen Barber ,   Plano USA   (02.26.07)
This is nothing but speculation and hype. Christ was buried in a tomb hewned out of rock and was resurrected three days later. Therefore, no one will ever find His remains for He ascended to His Father's right hand 40 days after His resurrection. Try as hard as you like to make Jesus only a man and not God and you fail miserably! He will appear again in that resurrected body and make all unbelievers be what they are - fools!
51. Jesus burial place found
Don Quixote ,   Netherlands   (02.26.07)
Hallo, Christians, Jews, etc. brothers Do you know that 90 % of Christian doctrine was decided the first 400 years after Christ by “theologians” whose knowledge of science, etc. was comparable to a 10 year old child of today? And that is why people believed that the earth was the centre of the universe or that the world was made exactly in 7 days, (not one second less not one second more), 4.000 years ago, while we know now it is still in the making and will be for long? And that all animals were made during one of these 7 days, while we know now that they have been "made" along millions of years by "evolution", which could have been "programmed" by God? I am a believer, but have taken the time to study early Christian history. Councils were not summoned by the Pope, but by the Emperor. Beliefs were not even decided by theologians but mainly by politics. Did you know that reincarnation was a common Christian belief in early Christianity until it was abolished by Emperor Justinian, after imprisoning the Pope who refused to sign the abolition, and therefore it is still a valid Christian belief? I recommend Christians to read “The Christian Conspiracy” by Dr. L. David Moore. Be prepared. The next shock will be when Christians learn that Jesus was in India during the lost years 12-29, most of his life, where he learned Yoga and meditation, received the title of "Christ", after he reched Christ or Krishna consciousness (Christ and Krishna have the same root), also called Super-consciousness or "Kingdom of Heaven" consciousness. The gospels seem to contain many yoga interpretations of obscure and mysterious sentences. I wonder what will happen if they find a document proved to be written by Jesus himself in India. Info about Jesus in India (among others): Jews also have to be prepared. Abraham was also a yogui, as when he was in Babylon he was close to India, perhaps someone taught him yoga meditation. His name, A-braham or A-brahm, could come, as some say, from the name of God, (Brahm) in Hindi. Info: And Mohammed had his revelations while "meditating in a cave" where he “often” used to go and meditate. Interesting. Just like yogis. It is all going to be very exciting the next few years or decades. I have been dreaming of this since I was a 30 year old hippy in the sixties. But info goes slow, it will still probably take many decades. Perhaps I will see it from the other side.
52. calm
you all need to calm down, wait till the movie is out then judge. we dont know all the facts.
53. jesus remains
Kathryn ,   ashland USA   (02.27.07)
does this mean i can quit celebrating easter? the templars have made this claim for years, so why is this so important now? we should live as jesus did, that is to treat and respect every human equally, regardless of handicaps or color or sexual orientation or any differences, and when you live your life just live it guilt free and when you die you are dead!!
54. Thank God
Pam ,   North Carolina   (02.27.07)
Thank god that not everyone is fooled by such foolish allegations. Jesus WAS and IS the Messiah! He IS The Son OF God and he is tTHE Savior! Pepople, please don't let these fame seekers fool you into beieving a LIE!!!!!
55. Hmmmm.... what's next? A cult saying Anne Frank was Jesus?
Someone or other ,   New Jersey, USA   (02.27.07)
Come on. People make the weirdest claims about Jesus because of the big religion or two that make a big deal about him (Christianity and Islam - yes, Islam, because it also got Jesus into its tenets). This is nothing new. I suppose next thing we hear is that Anne Frank was a reincarnation of Jesus and thus the Second Coming was WWII. Come on!
56. true its a possability
T ony ,   NC   (02.27.07)
but why does the bible not talk about the oddities of a jew running around at the age of 30 whos not married being that at the time if a jew was not married by a certain age he was considered disfunctional and trash so why is it when most of his follows who were also jew and non jew ever comment o n that and defend it to the people. the church did just as much smear campaining n back in the day and killed you don't see the jews killing to cover up mistakes even christan sscolars can back that up lol but hey I to beleive that its not jesus cuz the c hurch uisn't that careless besides Mary Magdelen spent the last of her years in france anyway history tells us that and that jesus did i ndeed have a child to with her but they were never in jeruslem after jesus was killed any way
57. #7 i told them...
that jesus is my grand grand grand etc father, so i gave them a dna and blood test... its true!
58. Footsteps of Messiah
Moshe ,   NY   (02.27.07)
By the Grace of God, Maimonides (the greatest codifier of Jewish Law) said that Jesus (and Muhammad, both of whom most certainly existed) are part of God's great plan to prepare the world for the Messianic Age. Therefore, no discovery, alleged or otherwise, can or will detract from the Almighty's Grand Plan for the goodness of mankind. To my non-Jewish brothers and sisters I say - take heart and be not disheartened by what you see, read or hear, for the Messiah - be he whom-so-ever he may be - will surely arrive, and soon. Peace In
59. #58 The bad news
Josh   (02.27.07)
The Messiah is here and Jesus is in a grave. Someone made a mistake. 13 is only unlucky to those who failed the test of Deut/Devareem 13. It is lucky to those who passed the test. A test Jesus gave.
60. stupid
me   (02.27.07)
You're an idiot.
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