Report: Hizbullah readying for war
Published: 26.02.07, 08:37
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31. #27 ali baba
jerome ,   basalt, co   (02.26.07)
FYI if the Hizbullshutallah didn't attack Israel unprovoked for the third time in less than a year, your so called non-hizbullshutallah house would not have been destoyed by the IDF. (if that's even true that your house was destroyed that is) Who the stupid one for thinking the hiz are protecting Lebanon!
32. To Ali in Lebanon-the REALITY that is the Quran
Reality Check ,   BaGolan   (02.26.07)
33. #2 - Ali from Lebanon
Maurice ,   Montreal   (02.26.07)
Your naivete and stupidity is apalling! The whole world knows that Hezbollah is following orders from Iran and is there to fulfill the Iranian ambitions of regional Shiite supremacy. If Hezbollah were there to protect you none of the destruction of the last war your country is sill suffering from would have taken place. Hezbollah, not only does not have the capacity to protect you, but is more interestetd in causing political (and military) instability in Lebanon to bring about Iran's ambitions.
34. #33
HEZBOLLAH   (02.26.07)
No. hezbollah doesnt recieve orders from iran just equipment and funding. no way would hezbollah want instability in lebanon. what would that lead to? another civil war. why do you think we are so cold hearted about our own people? we arent, but you want to believe it so thats another 'excuse' to attack another arab country.
35. TO Maurice from Montreal
Ali ,   Lebanon   (02.26.07)
We no what is good for us...We live there...not like you hiding in Canada, taking advantage of the social benefits. This is what your stupid media tries to sell for you...The same goes to the links your friend sent....If u want I can send u some clips from Jews calling or the killing of all Arabs and for some videos of the American army raping men and woman MR RELAITY.
36. Where are the 4 mothers? What is their explanation for this
Dudu ,   Kfar Sava   (02.26.07)
37. 34 & 35
omg u guys r complete idiots. go hug a goat man ... get a hobby
38. Another UN job well done
Kofi ,   No Where   (02.26.07)
once again the UN comes to the aid of Hizbullah
39. to 7
you should talk, bet you got a free ride to Canada. Breech of agreement, maybe you should look at the what Lebenon,. and Hizbullah has not done.Like live up to the agreement.
40. Hizballah cowards bring misery to Lebanon
World traveler ,   Everywhere   (02.26.07)
How can anyone still think of these guys as heros? They literally hid amongst civilians and fired their little rockets into Israel. Then, when the IAF bombed the living shit oout of them, they ran and hid like rats and watched as civilians took the fall. Some freedom fighters they are!!!
41. To Ali, #35 any clips that you
Mark ,   Georgia, USA   (02.26.07)
would send can't be trusted as most people know!!! Sadly Arab media has lied for so long ( at 60 years ) and so much, nothing CAN be trusted from that part of the world. We've seen the staged and altered and out of context photograghs and videos. I'll bet you a dollar to a donut you have no proof of the US ARMY raping men or woman. Were always told to worry about the Arab street, I don't worry about cowards. Show me the video of Jews calling for the killing of Arabs in its proper context and we will go from there. Ali tell me why you hate Jews, I don't want to hear about your house. If Hezbo had not USED you as a HUMAN SHIELD your house would be fine. I am glad you were not hurt I wish no harm to anybody. Take care Ali Mark from Georgia
42. To 42)
Ali ,   Lebanon   (02.26.07)
So you judge even before sending you those clips...what an ignorant...see, this is why we cannot have a dialogue with such people like u...I tell u somehting and then u respond by completely rejecting it although i told you that I can show you the evidence. Even before sending them u tell me that they are lies, what a great mind. I don't hate Jews at all. I have an issue with Zionists. If you ask me why, then this will show another ignorance of urs...if u don't know what is Zionism do some research. So regarding the human shield thing, how did u come to a conclusion that the hezbollah fighters were using it as a shield. I would like to invite u to my town to show u the number of casulaties caused by the gifts the IDF planes sent to our children before the end of the war. Something u may not know, is that hundred of thousands of bombs where thrown by the IDF. Don't tell me that those are for hezbollah bcoz the only people dying from them is children who cannot differentiate between a bomb and a ball. I have no proof for the US army raping women,,,,are u where do u live...just last week, an american soldeir was convicted for the rape of a 14 year old iraqi girl and sentenced for 100 years. Since you don't beleive arabs and u seem to be outdated, here you go, check ur CNN:
43. To Ali #42, in all wars just as in
Mark ,   Georgia, USA   (02.27.07)
society at times of peace there will always be criminals and crimes are always committed. This does not excuse them and I say for the record that I condemn those acts. The US found out who was responsible and brought them to justice. As opposed to 9/11 when men, women and children were murdered ( 3000 ) and Arabs danced in the streets and called the murderers heros and martyrs. There are almost daily attacks from Gaza at civilian targets in Israeli town(s) which I'm sure will condemn in your next post, right!!! Have a Great Day Mark from Georgia My point with the media, and it is well documented I'll look up some sites and get back w/you on that. You write " I don't hate Jewsat all, I have an issue with Zionists. First I must repeat what Dr. Martin Luther King stated at Hardard U. in 1968 when questioned by a student King responded " When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. Your talking anti-Semitism ".You see Ali Zionism was/is simply a national liberation movement of the Jewish people, which holds that Jews , like any other nation, are entitled to a homeland. The last time I looked there were 21 Muslim nations that suurround Israel. I've read from different sources that there are between 47 - 51 Muslim nations, depending on who you read.
44. #35 - Ali and his jealousy
Maurice ,   Montreal   (02.27.07)
You state " We know what is good for us...We live there...not like you hiding in Canada, taking advantage of the social benefits." For your information Ali, I am not hiding in Canada which is my birth country, and I am very proud of our social benefits as well as my government which openly despises the Hezbollah terrorist organization. I sense from your words that you are jealous of me living in such a great country where people respect each other no matter what the ethnic origin, religion, colour or sexual orientation is. But I am not surprised because jealousy is also at the root of your hate for Israel which is one of the most advanced countries in the world in terms of science and technology, arts, and social structure, while most Arab countries are still in the dark ages where hate and killing are what count more than anything else.
45. #32 Reality Check!!
Lynne   (02.27.07)
it's amazing how you create your own movies and "documentaries" about Islam and later on start believing your own lies!! regarding the pictures of children rallying in army uniform.. I agree that children are not supposed to take part in such demonstrations.. BUT.. Israeli children are not so innocent from such acts..... regarding your last website on honor killings... the webpage you provide represents nothing but your own ignorance.. where in the Quran are honor killings ever justified?? quite the contrary.. in the Quran if a women is charged of ADULTRY (and not even rape) there should be 4 witnesses to prove it or else she is considered chaste.. ,"And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegations)- Flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors"(24:4). while in the Bible a women is punished for rape by having to marry the man who raped her!! "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives" (Deut. 22:28-30).
46. #45, Lynne, tell me
Mark ,   Georgia, USA   (02.27.07)
how do you know the movies are lies, it is typical people like you who see the truth simply can't take it. What was that line " You want the truth, you can't handle the truth". All you showed on your link was Israeli kids writing on artillery shells. That happens all the timein every war. What I didn't see was babies dressed as suicide bombers. Textbooks that teach children ( Arab ) to hate all Jews. I DON"T see 10 year olds going to military camp to learn guerrilla tactics. Which I'm sure you will condemn on your next post, right? After all if writing on a bomb bothers you surely you would condemn the other side for comitting much more heinous acts. I could not get the video to run. While I don't think anybody in their right mind likes to see children die, it is a fact on 9/11 men, women and Children were murdered and the Arabs danced in the street and passed out candy to celebrate!!! We always here about the Arab street ( and their anger building ) well they better worry about the Israeli street you think they ( Israeli's ) are just going to sit back and continue to take it, I think not. The street here in the USA is getting angry too, Keep going down that same track ( killing people all over the world i.e. UK, Spain, USA, the Aussie's) the Arabs day is coming all right but it will NOT be as they hoped. Saddam went around saying he WON the Gulf War,where is he now? Oh Yea, thats right, he is gone!!!! Hope your day went well Mark from Georgia
47. Mark..
Lynne   (02.28.07)
how I know the film "Obsession" is lies?? simple answer.. from living the daily lives of a typical Arab and Muslim.. I wouldn't say that hate is never preached in the Arab/Muslim world specially against Israel and America but such films are filled with exaggerations.. this is clear from the first few minutes of watching it.. all those taped are either the extremists who are regarded by most Arabs and Muslims as extremists.. or Arabs who have gone through specific circumstances.. found better lives in the West and then decided that the only road to fame nowadays is by bashing Islam and Muslims.. again I stress on the fact that YES, there are exremes in the Arab/Muslim education.. and you're right I condemn this but I am also aware of the the reasons of this amount of hate against the West.. Arabs and Muslims have ALWAYS been fighting some kind of conquest.. from the Crusades to the Turks.. to the French, British and Italian.. and finaly naturally the concept of Arab nationalism has become something sought after by many.. this Arab nationalism might have turned into an ideology of fear from the other side which in its turn caused Arabs to concentrate on teaching their children the need to fight Western Imperialism. in here I think both the ME and the West should take up their responsibilies to change this view.. attacking and threatening Arabs and Muslims is not the way of fighting extremism.. it was proved in Iraq, Afghanistan and othe Arab/Muslim countries to cause further radicalism.. pictures Israeli kids-- I'm surprised that in your opinion letting children sign rockets is very "normal"!! does the fact that it happened in Israel justify it?? it happens everywhere?? please do tell me where does this "everywhere" exist??? in fact I think that what we saw is onl what was allowed to pass through the media.. those kids were photographed this time.. I wonder how many are the cases we never know of.. in fact it's puzzling that children in military uniform pisses you off while you regard children in their normal civilian clothes writing on ROCKETS with the belief that they have participated in the DECISION of firing rockets on a neighbouing country as a very natural and probably "peaceful" act!!! you don't get peace by waging more wars.. an ideology could not be fought using F16s and rockets.. the only way to change the current situation is by finding a common language and RESPECTING one another.. and I refer here to both sides.. no one side is innocent of inciting hate..every one of us is responsible for every person killed in any attack.. anywhere.. Thanks!! hope you had a nice day too!!
48. Lynne, how are you doing?
Mark ,   Georgia, USA   (02.28.07)
I posed a simple question, how do you know there are lies in " Obsession "? Your answer had the advatage of being anecdotal. You accuse the film of "exaggerations...this is clear from the first few minutes...all those taped are...extremist who are regarded by most Ababs and Muslims as extremist ". Really? Why is it I never here this anywhere in the news. After all if most of the 1.4 bil Arabs and Muslims believe it , one would expect to see that opinion in the press ( print and Video ). Yet when this is voiced by Arabs in the film YOU ACCUSE them of DUBIOUS motivation. Next you subscibe to the " Yes but " dialogue. That is to say, I condemn the ( hate , teaching children to hate all Jews etc... ) but you understand it because of " the Crusades to the the French, British and Italian..and finaly [sic] Israel " First Jews suffered horribly in the Crusades, second what does all that have to do with Israel. You might be interested to know that in June 1913 the first Arab Congress had a favorable response to the Zionists. Abd-ul-Hamid Yahrawi, President of the Congress stated " All of us, both Muslim and Christians, have the best of feelings toward the Jews.When we spoke in the resolutions about the rights and obligations of the Syrians, this covered the Jews as well. Because they are our brothers in race and we regard them as Syrians who were forced to leave...but whose hearts always beat together with ours..." . In fact, Arab nationalism was regarded by Arab leaders side by side with Jewish nationalism, they beleived they complimented one another, so your position falls flat on that account. What was proved about fighting terrorism is that the good people of the West who will not use their overwhelming military might to kill innocents, correctly so. But I don't think that same restraint would exist if positions were reversed and the Arabs had the military superiority as has been demonstrated all over the world with the wanton killing of innocents by Muslims. With nearly no counter voice by the Arabs, in fact the oppisite has occurred, dancing , passing out candy etc.. So I do find it a liitle bizarre that children writing on a bomb in response to the unprovoked murder and kidnaping of its soldiers, rocket attacks intended to kill non-combants - Civilians - and you get upset about kids writing on bombs to releive the stress, please!!! As always have a great day Mark from Georgia
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