'UN is human rights nightmare'
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 27.03.07, 15:33
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46 Talkbacks for this article
31. i agree 100% about the UN is bias and unfair..
Larissa ,   Australia   (03.28.07)
The US has used a UN Veto to protect Israel 24 times between 1973 & 2001 from war crimes commited against the Palestinians and the Lebanese. There is no justice.
32. UN hate of Israel trumps Sudan also.
Johnson ,   USA   (03.28.07)
De Alba cannot hide from the truth. The UN must be reformed or disbanded.
33. #31 You really are becoming a boil on the butt of humanity.
34. #33... I can usually back up my claims with fact.
Larissa ,   Australia   (03.28.07)
But Ynet wont post it most of the time.... Too much censorship, not enough truth.
35. To Larissa 31
Shai ,   Israel   (03.28.07)
If you read all the UNSCR's and UNGCR's relating to the conflict between the Arabs and Israel, it's easy to get the impression that Israel can do no right. I remember that after the 6 day war, the Israelis had intended to have a military parade in Jerusalem. The UNSC came up with a resolution saying they shouldn't do it. Then, when Israel did, they had another resolution condmening it. So it's been since Israel was started. THe UN wastes its time on stupid pronouncements about what Israel is doing, imploring it to be "scrupulous" about following all the resolutions, etc., but it is only very, very rare that any Arab state will be taken behind the barn for anything it's done, and even when it is, the name of the country and the specific wrong is unmentioned in the text of the resolutions. The reason for this is that the counterpoint to American protection for Israel in the UN was for years the protection of Arabs by the Communist and Third World bloc. Today, it's protection by the EU, China, Russia and the Third World bloc. The real issue for you Larissa, is not whether there is "bias and unfairness" when the US stands behind Israel, it's that you cry babies can't stand it when you don't get 100% of your way all the time, 100% of the land, 100% of every damn thing you want. THAT is the reason there is no peace agreement, Larissa - it's because the UN and Arab allies have from the beginning tolerating Arab maximalism in its conflict with Israel, and this is the essence of Neuer's comment - that the UN uses its offices to advance an Arab agenda and view about what is "'just" as a settlement in a way that defines Arabs as the only aggrieved party. Of course, this perspective is nonsense and Neuer said so. THe problem is that people like you, who frankly idolize the Palestinian cause to project yourself in the glow of righteousness Palestinians never earned but which you despense freely for your own selfish and narcissistic reasons, will never be as straight as Neuer has been. To do so would put a wrinkle in your fake halos.
36. to #34
Nina ,   uk   (03.28.07)
please read "from time immemorial" by Joan Peters, where you can find many other "claims backed up with facts" ......
37. Shai... I beg to differ. Reality check...
Larissa ,   Australia   (03.28.07)
you said it is "very, very rare that any Arab state will be taken behind the barn for anything it's done".... Just 1 example: look at Iraq they had sanctions imposed since 1991....sanctions no other nation has come close to experiencing... no imports & no exports= hundreds of thousands of "starved to death" people.... did this happen to Israel? No. But you're right... the UN doesn't usually look at them... the US & Brittain team up to police the middle east with military power instead.
38. Bravo Neuer!!! well done!!!
Alan ,   usa   (03.28.07)
39. 37: Larissa, reality from you? Get real.
David ,   Rehovot   (03.28.07)
"sanctions no other nation has come close to experiencing..." Sanctions on Japan for their aggression in the 1930s. South Africa. Korea. " you said it is "very, very rare that any Arab state will be taken behind the barn for anything it's done".... Just 1 example: look at Iraq they had sanctions imposed since 1991....sanctions no other nation has come close to experiencing... "no imports & no exports= hundreds of thousands of 'starved to death' people" Too stupid to have heard of the "oil for food" program? Too illiterate to have read about the corruption in that program, where Saddam gave out bribes to circumvent the program? Too block-headed to admit he rebuilt palaces and rearmed troops while not using the money for food? You need to go over to Haaretz and join with Maureen Ann and Johnboy, to other lying Australians.
40. Hillel Neuer for President!
Impressed   (03.28.07)
41. #39-it doesnt mean that the people should suffer...
Larissa ,   Ausrtalia   (03.28.07)
just because they have a not so good government doen't mean you deny a whole country of its rights to food and maintaing an economy. the oil for food progam ended in november of ran for 7 years..sanctions began in 91 do the math.
42. To 41
Shai ,   Israel   (03.28.07)
I suppose you find it as disgusting that most people who see things as you do also see it as legitimate to boycott Israeli products, setting them aside for special negative treatment in public gatherings or in the UN's NGO conferences, prevent Israelis from traveling in their countries and stopping Israelis from contributing in academic journals or lectures, even though they have a "not so good government" and may in fact be sympathetic to the causes you support? Hypocrite. David's point was spot on.
43. 41: No, Larissa, it doesn't mean you have a "right" to lie
David ,   Rehovot   (03.29.07)
"deny a whole country of its rights to food " Neither the "oil-for-food" program not what's happened since 2003 have done that. Then you lie by calling all 'sanctions' the same. They had arms sanctions immediately after the war in '91. Is that surprising or wrong? However, UNSCR661, passed in 1990 (not '90. Try to learn facts), excluded from the sanctions items "strictly medical or humanitarian purposes and, in humanitarian circumstances, foodstuffs." Saddam went around that and used the money for illegal things, that's why the oil-for-food program was created to more formally codify the graft to the UN. That Saddam used money from sales supposedly for humanitarian reasons for personal use is not the fault of the US, Israel or anyone else except the Iraqi leadership and its people. Rather than being either an ignoramous or a liar, try to participate fully in the educational system of your nation, whether is be "Ausrtalia" or Australia.
44. Sorry David, 1990.
Larissa ,   Australia   (03.30.07)
All i was trying do was illustrate that it is not just Israel who gets, "picked on" while the rest of the world is "ignored" when Arab countries do infact suffer as a result of UN santions and resolutions... (this was in response to someone who made out like it only happened to Israel.) sorry for not remembering in perfect detail. however about half a million children died as a result of malnutrition and dirty water and lack of medical supplies. and i didn't lie by saying all sanctions were the same. No where did i say that. Still, people are dying in Iraq everday... from a war caused by the same reason they were dying in the 90's "Weapons of Mass Destruction" So i don't think Israel has the right to complain about the UN deamonizing "Israel".... while Israel gets US Vetos blocking majority votes, other countries are actually forced to obide by the resolutions and sanctions imposed. double standards. start complaining when thousands of people start dying everyday because of a UN resolution that actually goes through.
45. Rank hypocrisy of UN there for all to see
Raymond from DC ,   Washington, DC USA   (04.01.07)
Kudos to Hillel Neuer for saying what Tzipi Livni and other Israeli "leaders" won't say - that the UN is a cesspool of hypocrisy, corruption, double standards, and hostility to the one Jewish state. I viewed much of the "You Tube" video and was impressed by the forceful presentation of this young man. Since Israel seems unwilling to describe what's really going on, the task falls to NGOs like UN Watch, NGO Watch, and critical observers like Anne Bayevsky. That De Alba will offer thanks to every lying piece of third world scum before his council, but offer only a chastisement to on who speaks the truth shows us all what he's about.
46. 44: Larissa, you didn't pay attention to my subject line
David ,   Rehovot   (04.04.07)
You still haven't realized you don't have a "right" to lie. More important than the wrong year was your ignoring the "humanitarian" clause. I do notice how you focused on the former and ignored the later. "it is not just Israel who gets, 'picked on' while the rest of the world is 'ignored." Ok, point to UN Inhumane Rights Council statements condemning Sudan, Congo or other countries where massacres regularly occur. When did they or the UNGA condemn the Sunni-Shiite violence in Iraq, which kills thousands of more people than combat with US troops? "however about half a million children died as a result of malnutrition and dirty water and lack of medical supplies." Provide proof. That's been a charge by folks who've never documented it, unlike starvation elsewhere in the world. Furthermore, you ignore that Iraq has had food and water available throughout the UN sanctions, but the UN accepted bribes from Saddam to allow him to spend money on weapons rather than food and drugs. "from a war caused", no, from a war caused 1400 years ago by the death of Mohammed. The vast majority of people are dying form Sunni-Shiite violence having nothing to do with the US. "while Israel gets US Vetos." Ahhh, the veto's bad when you disagree with it, is that it? The US has supported UNSCRs that weren't good for Israel, that they don't support completely one-sided measures is what really bothers you. "double standards." When you can demand the Arabs unconditionally end the war against Israel they unconditionally began, then you can begin to speak that phrase without being a complete hypocrite.
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