Scientology infiltrates summer camps
Moran Rada
Published: 07.06.07, 10:07
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45 Talkbacks for this article
31. #28
Robert Gardner ,   Vermont, USA   (06.07.07)
Actually Steve, I've read extensively and I've seen Hubbard's church in is a cult, plain and simple. They have their own vernacular (interbulate is not a word Steve), rituals (auditing is pure b.s.), and cult of personality (Hubbard was a drug addict, philanderer, and con artist...face it). Scientology wrecked my girlfriends family and I, as a Jew, will do everything in my power to ensure that it does not infest Judaism with its hypocrisy, falsehood, and rank smell. Take your avodah zara elsewhere you bum. What is your crime, Steve? (that's their little wacko retort, fyi) HA!
32. BBC Panorama Exposes Scientology: MUST see!!! (4th attempt)
Paqid 16 Netzarim ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (06.07.07)
Apparently, ynet won't publish the link directly to BBC's video. Maybe ynet will publish the URL + directions: Click on "Programmes" (at the right) and select "Scientology." PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Yom Shishi is a disgrace to Israel and Jewish readers. Paqid Yirmeyahu Israeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
33. #28 "Steve"
Seth ,   Washington, DC   (06.07.07)
As a Scientologist and a Jew? Anyone can post on YNET and claim to be Ahmed Goldstein from Tokyo - yes I'm a Muslim and a Christian and I support Scientology and I live in Riyadh
James Lightfield ,   Philadelphia, PA   (06.07.07)
What have they got to do with one another? I don't know. But it would be a logical title in the "Christian" America" that GW Shrub has started. (God help us -- the US that opened its arms and was correctly described as a melting pot producing the best of all) is now converting to becoming a "Christian" country. Can you imagine what Jews in this country are talking about? Re SCIENTOLOGY Scientology and Dianetics were correctly perceived half-a-century ago as direct threats to the to the psychiatric ( and drug cartel taht now receive nerarly $2 trillion (USD) / year in revenues. Of course, there are always those who are bigots and hate the Jews or the Catholics or Mormons or Muslims or any of the nearly 2,500 religious practices and faiths., Separately, to understand what is behind the murdering fanatics killing Israelis, go to, last issue: "Terror Doctors." Israelis deserve to know what is behind the madness. Finally, Hubbard wrote an article as part of his research related to unresolving conflicts. Read it at:, chapter: "How to Resolve Conflicts."
35. Paqid , thank you
charles ,   petach tikva   (06.07.07)
Congratulations for your first usefull contribution . This was the first time you wrote something serious , this link to BBC .
36. #33 Seth
Steve ,   Clearwater Fllorida   (06.07.07)
Seth. My grandparents, named Krevoy came over from Russia. At Ellis Island they changed their name to Sigal. My parents were conservative Jews, my cousin an an Orthodox Jew and I was Bar Mitzvahed in 1961. Whether you believe that or not is up to you. It's true but even if were not, you miss my point. Do yourself a favor and study carefully how Jews were portrayed in the 1930's in Germany and the covert and growingly overt propaganda that Hitler and his minions released piece by piece. You will find it primarily based on false, misleading misconceptions abou Judaism. Once the religion itself was made to sound like a cult, it was easy to then associated anything a Jew did with "that nasty religion". I really don't care if you or anyone else likes Scientology, and it's not for some people. But when comments border on fomenting hatred based on misconceptions, falsehoods, blog opinions, old press clippings or misunderstandings of Hubbards work, you need to draw the line. Almost all of what you read in the blogs start with people who have been thrown out of Scientology for being unethical. Or just left, which is their choice. This is a tiny tiny percentage of Scientologists, who are moral, upstanding and work very hard to rid this world of drugs and crime.
37. #31 Robert
Steve ,   Clearwater Fllorida   (06.07.07)
Name calling is the usual response from those that have an ax to grind. You even got the word "Enturbulate" wrong, so much for your intense study. Look Robert, I'm sorry of your girlfriends' family had a bad experience, but that's not reason to foment hate with misconceptions. If you did actually read Hubbard's writings (not hackneyed news clippings) you'd know that Scientology demands no "faith" or belief from any member. It is based on a set of axioms (which you have not read) which a person can accept or reject. As a matter of fact, an overriding tent of Scientology is that one of the main abilities of an individual which should never be interrupted is his "power of choice". His self-determined right to his own decisions. Hubbards' research and technologies were vast and well being just what he wrote about Scientology. His discovered right now have resulted in the largest successful drug rehab program in the U.S. (Narconon) and by the way a passionate group in Israel that is doing everything they can to defuse the bitter killling going on between the Israelis and Palestinians. These are the truths that thinking people can investigate if they so choose.
38. The truth about this fruity little club
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (06.08.07)
My best friend Stan was in this cult for a while. They thought that he was the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. He had the highest N-gram reading ever recorded. This is what Scientologists really believe: That the Evil Lord Xenu stole the souls of billions of people from other galaxies and brought them to earth on space ships that look like DC-9's, and dropped them into volcanoes off the coast of Hawaii. That these souls have escaped from the volcanoes and inhabit humans and this is where Thetans come from. Thetans are also child molestors. This fruity little club can scramble your brains.
39. I'm an Alien Get Me Out of Here!!!
MairiT ,   Glasgow UK   (06.08.07)
40. The Way to Happiness is a great program
Alex Tsalolikhin ,   Sydney, Australia   (06.08.07)
"The Way to Happiness" is a wonderful program. It's helped me a lot. See for more information about it. Best, Alex
41. Scientology / The BBC / the Jewish Plot
James Lightfield ,   Philadelphia, PA   (06.08.07)
What have these three things got in common? The BBC. Do a Google search: "BBC anti-semitism" Its about time Jews know how the BBC really operates to defame and discredit those its editorial policy wants to harm, including Israel? The one truly sane group in the Middle East is Israel. It has always promoted bortherhood and goodwill.
42. Scientology / BBC / Jewish Plot #2
James Lightfield ,   Philadelphia, PA   (06.08.07)
After doing a google search: "BBC anti-semitism" do a google search: "scientology BBC exposed" Then ask yourself: "What can Israel do about the BBC forwarding an anti-semitic policy?" Take a chapter from the approach Scientology has set. Documenting and informing the UK government that its government sponsored media is violating the laws of the country. (Thankfully, Israel has had a nuclear capability to protect its existence. Had it not, there would be no Israel today.) But with the rise of a "Christian" United States, the BBC and others --does Israel have a coordinated Public Relations initiative to protect the rights of all Jews throughout the world? Is there some way that Israel can get behind "The Way to Happiness"? Other countries have. Can Israel use its influence to promote that the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights be taught in all schools in the world? It was because (primarily) of the Holocaust that the Declaration of Human Rights was written. If we do not increase the awareness of children as to human rights and respect for others, our future is bleak. Scientology has made great progress in this in its Youth for Human Rights campaign, However, progress could make quantum leaps forward if Jews throughout the world promoted this one universally agreed upon message.
43. 37
Robert Gardner ,   Vermont USA   (06.08.07)
Sorry I got your made up word wrong; however, the fact remains that your cult is responsible for splitting apart families, pseudo-science, and sadly, deaths (I see that you live in Clearwater near the glorious Fort Harrison did Lisa McPherson, Heribert Pfaff, Josephus Havenith, and probably countless others, enjoy their stay there? -- Look it up). Steve, seriously, if you decided to leave and speak out against your cult, all of the personal info you gave them (which I'm sure you did) would be used against you. Scientology and Judaism are not compatible...just ask Lord Xenu and the Volcano men...oh wait, too soon? Practice mitzvos, not b.s. auditing; Daven to Hashem, not that scam artist Hubbard (his drug addled corpse turned over when you said the word "truth," because he can hear the cash register ringing). Enjoy willful blindness and the ever so fun descent into your cult. When you want to get serious about "truth," read the Chumash (or at least Kuzari or Derech Hashem, how can you read Hubbard's dribble?).
44. beware...
zbigniew karkowski ,   gilroy, USA   (06.09.07)
I'd like to add a cautionary note: The pro-scientology comment posted above by James Lightfield is misleading. This man leaves pro-scientology comments on perhaps every single online newspaper and online forum that even mentions scientology. Even though he denies it, it is very possible that he's an employee of the church charged with spreading the gospel of Scientology all over the web. His assertion that the "way to happiness book" is used by a number of secular organizations that are not connected to the church is potentially untrue. Through all of my investigastions into scientology on the web I have never seen a single non-scientology organization use this book. Take Mr. Lightfield with a grain of salt. This is not a slanderous comment... it is simply information that one may use.
45. Scientology summer camp
barb ,   san diego USA   (08.15.07)
The cult of Scientology is dedicated to what they call "dissem," that is, disseminating their view via any means possible. This is another example of "we teach Scientology, but no, it's not Scientology, it's "based on the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard." Why would anyone promote the ravings of a drug-addicted lunatic like Hubbard is beyond me.
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