Arab media uses cartoons to blame Israel for Gaza infighting
Published: 18.06.07, 22:03
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31. #26 Arabs Vs Jews ?
Omar   (06.19.07)
Let me remind you that for thousands of years jews,christians,muslims lived peacefully along each other in lands from Iraq to Algeria passing through Yemen. I noticed that you use the term "arabs" regardless of their religion. Arabs are all types of religion you know. The conflict between muslims and the west is more cultural and political than religious. Ever woundered why there's no conflict between the rest of the west,china, india, south america and the middle east ? they're all not muslims, powerful and has their own culture. but they never moved their troops to other people's countries. I understand that in your beliefes this land is promised by god to you, but may I remind you that this promise is only adopted by you. if Hindus had global troops making sure the freedome of all cows around the world, would we allow that to be applied to our cows too ? Jews has always lived in juershalem, everybody was okay with it. what not okay to muslims was to expel other people out of it and make a new state out of a (was) existing one.
32. You seem to be rational omar but..
Josh ,   Melbourne Australia   (06.19.07)
two things I'm a jew with grandparents from middle eastern countries such egypt and morocco, and Jews have always been persecuted by the Arabs in fact my grandparents were kicked out of egypt for being isn't that anti-semetism. I admit, they are not as bad as christians in europe, but as long as the muslims feel they are superior to jews, there is no problem. Secondly, Hindus and the freedom of cows all over the world, does not really apply to israel, because israel is a tiny slice of the middle east, whereas, the muslims control 1the entire middle east and most of south east asia. And lastly, israel is not a new state out of an existing one, because there has never been a 'palestinian state'...before the british, the turks controlled it.
33. True
Omar   (06.19.07)
As you said Josh, there were arabs of mixed religionw and a muslim majority fighting back the also muslim turkish rule along with the british who promised to be left alone. only to be over taked again by yet another rule which is not muslim this time by the british. How do you expect the locals to act ? Countries taking over lands is historically natural as it seems since it happened countless times and succeeded, only this time the people of the lands aren't supporting the new government because they feel bytrayed and sold out for what they fought the turks for. Maybe if the new country was established as just a civil democratic country without the bases of it being jew then things would have been easier and people would have supported the new young state with democratic promises. Persecution by the majority is everywhere with every culture. even in the most democratic and modern societies "some" still look down to the others. but just for the record.. who kicked jews out of egypt, under who's rules? 'cause untill the turks ruled, jews owned lands and lived even in the arabia pinensula. And bout how many muslims control in the middle easy, its not the size.. it is the place. Qudus Mosque was always an islamic icon as well. again, if qudus was under that preservs it, its fine. but as it circulates ..there are plans to dig under it which will destroy the mosque. thank you josh.
34. Info
Omar   (06.19.07)
I've seen some of you suspect the effecieny of the mosad, by saying that arabs only add credit to israel if it is true. In the arab world, they picture israel as a new state supported by the best civilized nations in the world. Money + Human resources + technology + intellegence training etc... not to mention that many immegrated to israel from many different culture creating a healthy new one. So arabs do visualize israel as an advanced state. and arabs are very aware of how unsuffecient their systems are. they do admit that they are corrupt and unorganized. weak too. only they feel unjusted. and they can't think of any other reason for the west support and their presense other than for the wealth of their lands and to expand their power on the expense of the locals.
35. When I point one finger at myself, four point at the Jews
Rob McGee ,   Washington DC, USA   (06.19.07)
What is striking to me is that the cartoons can be seen as examples of Arab self-criticism, insofar as they lament the destructiveness of Palestinian infighting. But even when Arabs attempt to critique their own society, the Jew-fixation shines through. Note that the message of every cartoon is not "the Hamas/Fatah feud is holding back Palestinian development," but "the Hamas/Fatah feud is benefitting the JEWS."
36. Blame the Jew
Sue ,   USA   (06.19.07)
Living and teaching that motto is a good way to keep people stupid.
37. Muslims dish it out...
Richard ,   LA ,USA   (06.20.07)
But they can't take it, not even a little bit. Iran holds holocaust cartoon exhibits, Arab media demonizes Jews constantly, etc. etc. But innocous cartoons of Muhammad cause riots that kill 150 people. and suicide bombings are threatened when Rushdie is knighted. Bunch of wimps
38. The Arabs fighting eachother
Frank ,   Nesher, Israel   (06.22.07)
This sounds like the account in the bible about the Tower of Babal. God confussed His enemies then and He is confussing them now.
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