A lost battle?
Haim Misgav
Published: 08.08.07, 22:18
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31. You cried for 2000 years for J'lem
BJL ,   usa   (08.09.07)
You get it back and dont claim sovereignty over the Temple Mount. The left would split it again in a second. You ignore Judea from where the name Jew is derived. You destroy Gush Katif where Jews had made a beautiful place out of nothing. Now missiles rain on Sderot and Ashkelon. Kadima doesnt care. Now you remove Jews again from Hebron. The Patriarchal homes of the Jewish people. But you let palestianians out of jail as a gesture. Israel, the Holy One of Israel watches. Maybe you dont deserve the land after all.
32. Everything here is true
Tracy W   (08.09.07)
Maybe I'm naive. I'm so far away and don't know what's like to live in Israel. But please bear with me. This is not 1938. You can fight back this time. I don't know how many of you are out there, but my estimate is that you are a majority. The rest are the non-Jewish population, the Leftists, the terminally indifferent. You can fight back and regain control of your country. Although I feel the warmest respect and regard for you, Mr. Misgav, there is a tone of defeat in your column that I refuse to accept. You are a citizen of Israel and as such you can organize with others and resist the disastrous plans that other countries and the traitors within have determined for Israel. The only reason why the Left has corroded Israeli society and broken its spirit is that it has been allowed to do so. Nobody fought back. Just recently it was the elderly who found the gumption to defy the government and stand up to it. Good for them. Some of the young pioneers are also - and with no media coverage - defying the government by going back to Homesh, the homes they were forced to abandon. They now understand that the harm must be repaired by returning to Homesh and refusing to suffer from expulsions and humiliations again. What I'm trying to say is that it's up to you to start believing in yourselves and to understand that power lies in your hands. You are not helpless European Jews being herded about. The country belongs to you. You are home now. Israelis are free and they have the right to govern themselves. At this critical moment that power has been usurped by a clique of leaders without a conscience, without decency, and who follow interests that only they know about. That is not acceptable. The road ahead, as you so eloquently write on this column, is one leading to an undefensible piece of territory and to the collapse of the state. Even Ehud Barak admitted the vulnerability of a smaller Israel and has asked for a much more developed defense system before effecting any withdrawals. But such a system would take years to develop and an appropriate budget. Olmert will give him neither. Why, when that would mean winning the next war and Mr Olmert is tired of winning wars. So they know. Olmert and the rest of the gang know that the withdrawals would mean a defenseless Israel. But you know that too, Mr Misgav, along with millions of patriotic Israelis. Do not let that corrupt gang destroy precious Israel. Organize, fight back. Never, never give up!!!
33. misgav
rudzeev ,   Kiriat - Ono   (08.09.07)
nice of you to object to 3verything done.please bring foreward only only one of your most probablyexellent ideashow things should be done. rudzeev
34. Mr. Misguide - wants us to continue financing....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (08.09.07)
settler activities with fortune and blood, infrastructure, housing, IDF protection like we did in the 1980's and 1990's, while Israelis inside the green line go hungry. Not gonna happen. And he seems to think the IDF is some sort of luxury, not necessary for our survival.
35. To Jason #3. If The Arabs Of The West Bank.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (08.09.07)
You write :"... and remove them from our Holy Land." Judea and Samaria, nowadays known as the West Bank, is integral PART of Israel. IF Arabs of the West Bank don't want to live under Israeli Rule -- than they SHOULD move over to Jordan, which was specifically created for them in 1921 AD. BUT if the Arabs of the West Bank wants to live under Israeli Rule -- than they are more than welcome to remain in the West Bank. WE don't mind Arabs living peacefully in the West Bank under Israeli Rule.
36. The stupidest yet, Mr. Misgive
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (08.09.07)
Because Jews lived in homes in the 1920's they can go back and occupy them now, irrespective of the rule of law you disparage? What about arab homes inside the green line where Jews moved into or were bulldozed (neither of which I am opposed to by the way)? Your: messianic settling in Judea and Samaria without regard for a Palestinian state or the righst of the Palestinians to a state will lead to our destruction. The ONLY THING that separates us from a dire fate is the rule of law and a negotiated peace including land swaps with the Palestinins: give them large arab population centers and keep major Jewish ones like Ma'aleh Adumim, Ariel, etc.
37. #36 The Only Thing Keeping Israel Afloat Now
World Citizen ,   the world   (08.09.07)
Is American money and their veto in the UN Security Council. Face it, Israel as an exclusively Jewish state is a fool's dream. Better start treating the Palestinians and Muslims like you in turn would like to be treated (remember that in your holy books?) Any forgiveness or mercy they may show you is fast evaporating in the hot desert sun of your wretched little country.
38. #37
Rod ,   Fargo N.Dakota   (08.09.07)
You mean how the Jews are treated in Gaza oh i forgot Jews cannot live in Gaza even dead Jews even there bodies had to be removed .Perhaps you meant Saudi the only Jews allowed there are in the U.S. military Oh you must have meant Jordan where the Jews own property oh i forgot Jews can'nt by property in Jordan any arab who seels property in Jordan to Jews is subject to the death sentence.I think compared to these Judenrein countries the arabs in Israel have it pretty good.
39. is it law or orders
magi ,   jerusalem   (08.10.07)
on seeing some sections of the second world war i was confused ... what made many german soldiers to die in stalingrade or moscow .. was it the law or was it the orders ... the same of american soldiers died in iraque ... but in israil itis something different / as if they obey the war as a law they will not finishe it .. but if it is orders only they will not finishe it also .. it is not a lost battle ,,in both it is a destructive one
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