Jerusalem: Security guard kills shooter
Efrat Weiss
Published: 10.08.07, 19:33
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43 Talkbacks for this article
31. no praise too great for guard; no obloquy too strong for tib
dante ,   uk   (08.10.07)
32. tibi has some pair of eyes!
jason white ,   afula,israel   (08.10.07)
33. Perhaps if security guards go to a shooting
jason white ,   afula,israel   (08.10.07)
range more than one a year. They would be better shots. Of course the the time spent traveling to the range should not be on the guards' free time. The ranges should be monitored and anyone who can not shoot and score a high score should not pass. Many guards have passed with a score of 30-40%. I worked with guards that should have been relieved of their weapons and sent to a course.They could barely hit the target and they went back to work as school guards.
34. #30 DR
JD ,   DC   (08.11.07)
Well I live in the US because this is where I happened to be born and where my family is. However, I have also lived in other parts of the world for much of my life. Also, I seek to change this country and take it back to what the founding fathers envisioned: a beacon of freedom to the world rather than an imperialistic, war-mongering nation, that subjugates and oppresses other people for economic gain. This is not a "leftist" thought, like you think it is. George Washington warned the US against entering in the affairs of other nations, arguing that we would become like the British we had just gained our freedom from. He also said this would pull our nation down and destroy it, which seems to be coming true today. Additionally, President Dwight Eisenhower warned against the US building up a military industrial complex which he thought would take the US into many wars. And to this day it has. Once the Cold War was over the military industrial complex needed money and so they pushed adamantly for the Iraq war. I know the US is a country of great freedom and liberty and I want to keep it that way. We should be respected in the world, not feared or hated. If we really wanted to be promoters of freedom we would not overthrow democratically elected governments in favor of dictators. The role of a world policeman is not to keep or put bad people in power, but to punish them when they do wrong. We don't even do that! Finally, I was just pointing out the stupidity of that editorial. The writer was chastizing South Africa for involvment with Iran, Hamas, and Zimbabwe. Also, he denounced them for establishing relations with dictators, tyrants, etc. My point is that it is stupid for him to say this, because the US has been much more involved with even shadier characters who have killed many, many, many more people.
35. Bravo Atilla!
chanan ,   USA   (08.11.07)
Bravo Atilla! How many Kurdish boys did your relatives kill today?
36. Identity
AARON ,   Jerusalem   (08.11.07)
How come you immediately identified the killer as a Palestinian....Others say he was a Jew. Where is the credibility of YNET. ? ? ?
37. to keep your life here
hala ,   jerusalem   (08.11.07)
do not attack a soldier .do not carry a gun to be attacked . and do not walk in the street where soldiers carraying guns or attackers wandering ... it is so easy to keep your life in the holy city but the streets are full of soldiers .diffecult to know the attackers . and you cant stay in homes . but sure as i believed that most of such events can not be avoided, and death is be written to evry one even he is staying alone in the house .. i will not stay in the home , i will be in any place i like or need to be in .. but sure i will not attack any one .. not carraying a gun .. as i do not like weapon ,even to defened my selfe ,,let the others to attack or to guard
38. #1
to which one?
39. Technology against this happening
Josh   (08.11.07)
There is a device in the US that police use that appears to be a good idea. It is a special magnetic ring that is worn by a police officer. Only when the special ring is worn will the gun fire, thus a gun snatched by a perpetrator will not fire. Another possibility is to teach security guards to hold onto their weapons. There is a third option, build guns like Westworld the movie, where a gun on only shoots robots (in this case terrorists).
40. #36 if Jewish he would be known
Josh   (08.11.07)
Aren't most of the shootings and mass murderers in the US are done by those who claim to be Jesus. It is so true it is part of the FBIs profiling. That or it is a child dressinging in Gothic (Ostrigoth Misigoths cannonized chucrh law). Why didn't you put that in your options. As a note, a jew wouldn't leave without his ID. If you lived here. you can pretty much tell who is a Arab and amoung the Arabs, you can tell who is a palestinian. The actions of Israeli Arabs is not parralelel to Palestinians. The sending of a child of 18 is truly a Plaestinian practice. From what I hear, the Plaestinians are rejected among Arabs.
41. Ahmed Tibi
Why anyone would want to quote this idiot is beyond my understanding. He is more filled with hatred towards Israel than any Arab outside our borders.
42. #3
The SA government's foreign poicies are a source of great embarrasment for all thinking South Africans. Perhaps articles such as this one in reputable newspapers and journals will help create awareness in the government!
43. #1 Kol hakavod! this hero is arab israeli
he could have been served in the IDF !
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