Ukrainian party calls for boycott of Israeli goods
Yael Branovsky
Published: 24.08.07, 08:36
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50 Talkbacks for this article
31. #27, English guy
Boris ,   Hamburg, Germany   (08.24.07)
You are missing the point - Igor (#26) was just clearing things about Ukraine from personal knowledge. His talkback was in no way an invitation for poisonous antisemites like yourself to speak their mind.
32. Since when do any of them buy Israeli/Kosher?
Israel   (08.24.07)
They don't even do it here. So it actually saves us money - we don't have to give them medical care.
33. what??
Elisheva ,   San Francisco CA   (08.24.07)
lol, whatever, are there even any jews in ukraine anymore? my family left back in the 30s, back then part of modern day ukraine was romanian. the family that didn't leave were killed by ukrainians/romanians, i didn't think they left any jews alive.
34. ukrainian students Working in our jewish camp
Cheryl G ,   Baltimore MD   (08.24.07)
you are all nuts we have ukrainian students in america working at our kosher camp in pennsylvania and they love it here so stop being so stupid. Big deal kosher it is healthier
35. Dr Florida
English guy ,   London, UK   (08.24.07)
"People can complain and hate the government wihout being killed. " oh yes - such as the meeting of elderly religious figures in Jerusalem that was broken up two days ago by stun grenades? Such as the thousands of Palestinians maimed and killed by Israeli troops? Such as the thousands of LEbanese killed last summer and the millions of cluster bombs gratuitously dropped on south Lebanon? Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East? Whatever its political system, it is the country that manages to deliver scorched earth policies of friendship to its neighbours - and my point, that you chose to ignore, is that the writers to this forum as generally so deeply racist and bigoted that their opinions on Arabs and Moslems make the Ukrainian Nationalist Party look like a pale shadow of a racist party.
36. #34
Hamburger ,   Hamburg   (08.24.07)
Of course they love it there, why wouldn't they? It beats Ukraine by all standards. Besides, nobody claims ALL Ukrainians to be antisimites. And the reason this party objects to kosher is not the health reason! Which makes your talkback rediculous, you are missing the point by a mile!
37. #35 English guy
Korem ,   New York, USA   (08.24.07)
First of all, DR was talking about internal israeli laws and policies, not external. The meeting broken up was not elderly religious figures but one religious figure and a hamas, non-israeli citizen, terrorist leader. The thousands of Palestinians maimed and killed are not shot for peacefully protesting the government but for actively fighting the country. The Lebanon war has nothing to do with whether Israel is democratic or not.
38. #36 Kosher Is Healthier
Bill Foonman ,   Jacksonville, USA   (08.24.07)
You beat me to it. Not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.
39. #34 is either a joke or typing from a padded room
40. To #22, "USA"
Jake   (08.25.07)
"Arabs and Muslims are much better people". Sure they are. Like Turkey screaming at Israel when the ADL admits that Turkey committed a genocide against Armenians. They are worse.
41. #27 - My Ukranian friend reports genocide threats in 90s
UnsophisticatedGuy ,   Israel   (08.25.07)
When the Soviet Union was about to collapse, the Jews in the villages were ordered to leave now or be murdered as soon as the union collapses. They all left. I guess they KNEW why. Again, this was the 90s and not the 40s. How many Ukranians do you know? How many 1st hand experiences have you heard? Typical English guy. I'm not surprised. Just because your country has the heritage of enslaving half the world it does not logically infer that Israelies are the same. If we want Arabs dead so much how come they're not already DEAD? it's not like we haven't had wars and sufficient ammo! It's not like we could possibly have more bad PR.
42. to all here
Igor ,   Munich, Germany   (08.24.07)
I´ve just read all the new posts. Somehow I get the feeling that you all think that Ukraine is kind of a thirld world country which lags behind everywhere. But that´s not true. Most of you have never been to Ukraine. AND YES, THERE ARE JEWS LEFT IN UKRAINE, I don´t know exact figures, but there are, particularlly in Odessa. Most of my relatives also remained there and many of the richt Ukraiinians are Jews. So, please think before you talk about something you´ve no idea of. and once again, what regards racist can find this in any civilised country. And I have to agree to English Guy. Although I am Jewish myself and like and in many ways support the State of Israel, but have to admit that Israel really uses that kind of information (for example an article like that one) for propaganda reasons. and please don´t call it a democratic state. A state based on IDEOLOGY is automatically not a democratic state. The Soviet Union and the former GDR also considered themselves as democratic states, however they were communist states with one man leadership...
43. to 41
Igor ,   Munich, Germany   (08.25.07)
dude, are you totally insane? I don´t know what your friend told you, but I can tell you one: he´s totally nuts. NOBODY TOLD THE JEWS TO LEAVE WHEN THE SOVIET UNION COLLAPSED. It was the other way round, many jews got rich after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Roman Abramovich is a good example of it. In the Soviet Union jews had far more restrictions, now they are treated equally like everybody else. Everybody in Ukraine has a Ukrainian passport and there´s no indication of being Jewish in it. I know a lot of Ukrainians, as I told you, I am from Ukraine myself and most of my relatives still live there. My brother is an owner of a company there and lives a normal life. STOP LISTENING TO PROPAGANDA, go to WIKIPEDIA and read the article about Ukraine to know more. Don´t base your arguments on statements of some friends who don´t have an idea! AND AGAIN: NOBODY FORCED JEWS TO LIVE IN THE 90s AND NOBODY MURDERED THEM AT THAT TIME. many Jews chose volontarily to leave to Israel because they saw opportunities there, like us in Germany or many other Jews who left to the US or Canada. Today many of these people are coming back because the economic conditions have much improved. dude you propaganda machine works pretty well I have to admit-
44. To 43 - I speak the truth of the VILLAGER Jews
UncivillisedGuy   (08.25.07)
I have no reason to doubt my Ukranian friend's story. Do you have a reading comprehension problem? villagers were threatened by the leaders of the village to leave. I'm not talking about city people. I'm NOT suggesting Ukrain is a third world country, I AM saying that like most commoners in Europe, there's an uncivillised strain of Antisemitism that gets violent from time to time. Are Jews paranoid? Yes, absolutely. And HISTORY suggests that is for good reason. As an Israeli Jew I don't hate anyone, Ukranian or whoever. The only misconception I have of Ukranians is that they have hot chicks. So sue me! I'm just saying Jews will not be truely safe anywhere in the Chrisitan world, due to deeply rooted religious hatred that to this very day exist in the back of European minds. To say that Israel has an efficient propaganda machine is ludecrous. I'll be the first to admit that we really love complaining about others. It doesn't mean we hate others, just that we have issues. Oh and to suggest that ideology means we're not a democracy is the most ridiculous assertion I have every heard. Only a resident of the supra-national UNDEMOCRATIC EU could suggest so.
45. #44
Igor ,   Munich, Germany   (08.25.07)
1. there´s no misconception. Yes, the Ukrainian women are hot, but not only the Ukrainian, the Russian & Bulgarian as well. but that´s not the topic. There is no deeply rooted religious hatred in European minds. Where do you get this kind of information? this is what I call an efficient propaganda machine, such statements as "Jews will not be truly safe anywhere in the Christian world". I am a Jew and I feel pretty safe where I am. And believe me, Jews in Germany live even safer than they do in Israel. Nobody is even allowed to say a negative word about Jews here. Everybody knows that I am a Jew, we all discuss the Middle Eastern conflict here. I discuss it with my Muslim friends, with the Christian friends, without offense or hatred. Somehow people do manage to live in peace with each other in this how you called it "supranational undemocratic eu". at least in Germany we can. but back to the main topic: And even in villages...nobody forced Jews to leave, that´s redicilous. We also have relatives who still do live in Ukrainian villages close to our city, nobody forced them to live. Maybe your friend is from the western part of Ukraine, where nationalism and antisemitism is widespread. but even there I can´t imagine that...for me the western part isn´t even a part of Ukraine, but neither they´re Polish. Just a folk with an inferiority complex. AND YES IDEOLOGY DOESN´T IMPLY DEMOCRACY. Here one example: In a democratic state, let´s take Germany. Everybody are obliged either to serve the military or do alternative service. What about Israel? A Jew & a Druze are obliged to do military service, however muslims and christians don´t have to. Well, that´s what you equality of everyone? well well...those ideological stuff overlaps the democratic values....
46. to #18 Hey Juan,Mr.Kotter is looking for you.
jason white ,   afula,israel   (08.25.07)
47. The guy from England
mark ,   israel   (08.25.07)
#27. You're a nutter,right?
48. What passes for talkback
Robert Tilden ,   Sheridan, Wyoming   (08.26.07)
What people think they can write and get away with, for example: "A state based on IDEOLOGY is automatically not a democratic state"(#42). Igor you ignoramous, Democracy is idiolgy. All the present day democracies are based on Ideology. Thomas Paine who wrote the idiology behind the American Revolution was clearly an ideolog. You splurt around terms that you can easily look up in the dictionary. I will do this for you: WordNet - Cite This Source ideology noun 1. an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation [syn: political orientation] 2. imaginary or visionary theorization WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University. American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition - Cite This Source ideology [(eye-dee-ol-uh-jee, id-ee-ol-uh-jee)] A system of beliefs or theories, usually political, held by an individual or a group. Capitalism, communism, and socialism are usually called ideologies. You claim to live in Germany so you must be familiar with the Social Democrat Party. According to you that is an oximoron. Democracy means the government is elected by the people and represents them. Usually the rule of law is also implied. If you ever have been to Israel or know anything about Israel you would know that the rule of law stands there. In fact leadership and the people at the highest penicles of power have been, since at least the mid 70's been subject to investigations over mis-conduct, starting with Rabin's wife's bank account and ending with President Katsav's late disgrace. From the databases I have access to I can report you all that Israel exports less than 0.4% of its exports to Ukrain. So Israel will not be effected even if all Ukrainians follow through with this party's plans. Israel's economy is almost twice as big as that of Ukrain, 140B to 83B. But the point of the article is to show antisemitism, and it seems clear that this exists. When you take the time to write a talkback, please back up your statements unless they are supposed to be nothing more than annecdotal.
49. I've boycotted the Ukraine all my life
Dorothy Friend ,   Tel Aviv   (08.26.07)
I have no need to visit a country where my family suffered even before the Holocaust. Where the good Christians started killing Jews even before the Nazis reach their borders because they wanted to show how they just couldn't wait.
50. Ukrainian Party calls for Boycott of Israeli Goods
anonymous in Ukraine ,   Ukraine   (09.23.07)
Far be it from me to downplay the anti-Semitism -- it's definitely here, and we've felt it. But the party you mention is not one of the primary parties, Boruch Hashem. In our part of Ukraine, thank G-d I've never seen their group's pre-election tents, though they may be in Kiev.... They are a skinhead neo-nazi group, as is evident from their symbol. I don't think most Ukrainians have heard this line from them, and hopefully won't, and G-d willing they should never come into power.
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