Peres hopeful of peace outline
Published: 26.08.07, 09:54
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1. peace
colin   (08.26.07)
Peres is hopeful !!! Hope that he is not considering another OSLO mess.He was installed by the back door and not a true representitive of Israel.Hope he will shut-up and pass the time without his usual underhand,lying considerations.
2. Peace NOW!
YB   (08.26.07)
I agree with Peres we should make peace now, BUT with a different party; Peace With Ourselves (PWO). Lets Make Peace with our fellow Jews, NOT with our enemies. Lets Fix our economy, NOT our enemies Lets Help our Schools, NOT our enemies
3. Peace in our time!
World   (08.26.07)
Who is he gonna appease today? maybe instead of giving the enemy the gun "good ol'" Shimon should save us some time and do it himself...
4. look to sri lanka: jayewardene also did a suprise agreement!
uli ,   jerusalem   (08.26.07)
the outocme was a shocked sinhali population that started heavy riots for weeks, instability and just more fightings and violence later on. OLMERT IS NOT THE PERSON TO DO A DEAL. The people don't trust him and he has no idea of security matters, he only knows to do great speeches. SAVE OUR SOULS FROM THE OLMERT GOVERNMENT before it DESTROYS ISRAEL!!!
5. the Peres and Olmert tag-team must go
Concerned Israeli   (08.26.07)
How completely unsurprising that Peres is making political statements from the supposedly apolitical president's chair. Him and Olmert will use each other to strengthen their own positions, just wait and see. Olmert will give Peres a free hand in executing his lifelong dream (pipe-dream) of an economic union with the Arabs, and Peres will make optimistic calls for peace with timetables which will give Olmert a sort of legitimacy for staying in office just a little bit longer. Both men are failed leaders and should be thrown in the political garbage heap. We need real leaders to get us out of the mess we're in before it's too late.
6. No Point
Your irish friend   (08.26.07)
Ok i hate to say this but all this is leading in one direction a one state solution with an arab majority.It does not matter what peres says israel has left it too late it cant save itself there is too many settelments on the west bank for a viable palestinian state.So my guee in another 10 years israel as the jewish state wont be there anymore.I wish i was wrong but everything is pointing to this.
7. Mr. Peres, didn't we already make peace in 1992?
aaron ,   ra'anana   (08.26.07)
how many times can you trade our strategic assets, ancestral homes, and security, for empty promises made by men who have no ability or desire to enforce a peace agreement on their own people?
8. This is rich! Astonaut, traitor, murderer and usurper
Ben Temalion ,   Shiloh, MO USA   (08.26.07)
Perske can't stop himself from destroying you. He conducts illegal and treasonous talks prior to Oslo, murderers his opposition, and now uses his position in manner not allowed by law. No one seems to care that the PLO charter made no soverign claim to land beyond what was the '67 cease fire lines. They only wanted the land Jews were on then. Now they still want that but the lands Jews have reclaimed since. And no matter what land is ceded, they never comply with their obligations of the agreements. Suicide begets terror and strengthens your enemy who should have their humanity returned to them, their right of return should be enforced back to the peninsular homeland of their own name.
9. I wonder what the "principles" will be this time
negotiator   (08.26.07)
Hopefully not like in the Oslo era. Those principles could be summarized as "we agreed to postpone the agreement".
10. Both men are failed leaders and should be thrown
AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11. Farce Du Jour !
Hani ,   Palestine Vagabond   (08.26.07)
This just put a broad smile on my face this morning. Another Shimon Peres call for peace, another figment of his imagination, and another bie lie and disillusion! Someone please silence your joke at Labor! if he was serious about peace with the Palestinians why didnt he and Barak halt the settlements since Oslo or even 2000 when Barak's mandate came into force? Enough lies already! If you can't bear the responsibilities that came with peace, then quit using it as your PR gimmick Mr. Peres!
12. Since the League of the Nations decided for ...
Keren ,   Israel-SP   (08.26.07)
a homeland to Jews,the arab policy has been one of no COOPERATION! Is Peres a mental sick not to read through FACTS?! These facts have been declared and redeclared by the arbs themselves all the time. Why these jewish "leaders" ,as well as a parcel of the society,insist in not SEEING? What is this my G'od,what? Probably the answer is that for Peres and his likes,business is more important than sanity,life and peace. Peres is the son of an arab!
13. Peres is responsible for Oslo... look at that fiasco...
Nannette ,   London   (08.26.07)
Peres should be put out to pasture, and not interfering in politics. He couldn't get elected and is now acting independently of Israel, but is pushing his policies through his protege Olmert. Both of them live in alternate realities, and couldn't care less if Israelis are killed.
14. Peres hopeful..
Micha ,   H. Hasharon   (08.26.07)
I am not a right wing Jew and yes we all wish for peace however our Arab bretheran wish for piece by piece of the land of Israel. Piecemeal is the word. With their patience they will wait for as long as it takes to slowly absorb Israel. We must never fool ourselves to think they want peace. Everytime the word peace is printed we should read it as PIECE!
15. Why not
M Mansour ,   Jenin Palestine   (08.26.07)
I'm just wondering that most you guys are against such peace instead of supporting the idea. Oh i got it now ... you support the killings instead ,,, u say why not those palestinians worth nothing...but no u are wrong we rocked the whole world for the past 40 years or so we never gave up ....;not saying that we should kill but we will defend our selfs if this peace fails BUT again most of us palestinians are with a fair peace because we also have children that want to play and live like other developing countries because those children are also humans just like the jews kids..... so lets all stop this bs and start thinking of the future of 2 side by side states that can lead the world in economics and world markets ....and much more positive future developments with the 2 people living and working together.,....both people have the strong well to develop and creat so that makes it a great strategic trade area..... why not ,,,,go for it all the sides .......
16. flogging the same dead horse again
Yisraeli   (08.26.07)
Picture the old market place where one particular seller wishes to sell his dead horse. To all potential customers he sings the horses praise saying what a thoroughbred and marvellous horse it is. He had interest throught his salesmanship abilities. But 14 years later he is still at the market place trying to sell the very same dead horse that has long rotted away......and yet he thinks he can still find customers. A fool only grows older but rarely wiser.
17. He's mad
The Perescope ,   Ramat Aviv, Israel   (08.26.07)
Political negotiations and economic betterment. Isn't this the same old discredited bill of goods Peres sold us when he trotted out to Oslo?
18. You've been hoping for 59 years now!
Helene ,   Israel   (08.26.07)
I'll continue to sleep in my shelter...
19. To Hani #11
Concerned Israeli   (08.26.07)
You're assuming that halting the settlements will somehow make the jihadi terrorists, who invoke the holy scriptures of the Koran as their justification for murdering the infidel, put down their suicide belts and embrace Israel as their neighbor. If you think this, you are insane Mr. Zubida. BTW, there is no more Palestine, only Israel and the territories, so get out of your movie that you're a Palestine vagabond. You're just homeless in Israel.
20. #15: Its called trust
Mark ,   Georgia, USA   (08.26.07)
The Pals simply are not trusted!!! While Israel has shown it can and will honor agreements i.e. Egypt, Jordon, the Pals have proven that they can't and won't. "not saying that we should kill but we will defend our selfs". Well M. Mansour you do murder people all the time. It is not "resistance" or "self defense" when you murder unarmed people on a bus. You see when walk into a cafe full of unarmed people who are just having a good time and pose no threat to you and blow yourself up murdering 21 teenagers that is NOT "resistance" or "self defense". If I walk into a nightclub pullout a gun and shoot 6 people In this country , like any civilized country I'll be arrested for murder. As long as your society glorifies murder of innocents there is no partner for peace. I truly wish there were, it would save a lot of heartache. Mark from Georgia
21. M Mansour , Jenin Palestine
we had "peace" (Oslo; Camp David )but your shahedeen blew it away now Israel has to survive, as simple as that !
22. #19 On Homelessness
Hani ,   Palestine Vagabond   (08.26.07)
Me homeless on my own land? Tell me something, Concerned Zionist, wasn't it the Jews who were homeless throughout the centuries? Hence the "need" to explore your bogus roots in our country? Did it feel good to exercise vengeance on a powerless people after the European onslaught on your people? I dare you to trace your ancestors by only 2 generations, and you'll see that I'm right. In fact, you're the homeless. As for suggesting becoming an Israeli vagabond, Id rather die than assume a settler identity enmeshed in Apartheid.
23. #2. Peace NOW
Sammy ,   Newcastle, UK   (08.26.07)
A bit inward looking and navel gazing your comments? Broaden your horizon and see just what a transformation a peace settlement could be. In fact I would go beyond your imaginings - with a Palestinian and Israeli State at peace with each other, a Syria at peace with Israel what we would get is a golden age of the Levant, a region of unparalled prosperity, of culture, of science. Hamas aside, what we see now are the first tentative steps. And right now there are many many Israelis and Palestinians who are suddenly realising the possibilities. And if enough of us on both sides will it IT WILL HAPPEN
24. Peres, Olmart, Barak, dreams of making peace
chaim ,   miami beach USA   (08.26.07)
In trying to understand the current Jewish Israeli leadership, it is truly baffling, how can supposedly intelligent educated individuals ignore irrefutable abhorrent behavior by a group of people that have never ceased to try every which way to destroy rather then build to and believe time and time again their lies. Before any thoughts of negotiating with such groups that make promises but for one reason or another never honored them, let them earn the respect that they are and have turned a corner and will make every effort to, even within the area they supposedly control to reign in their “Heroic Freedom Fighters”. Failing to even to make such a demand reminds me of a recent “Jewish Government” in the Warsaw Ghetto, it was known as the Judenrat, that followed the demands of their Nazi overlords, have the Jews in Israel succumbed to in their effort to live in peace to be subservient to the proven Anti Jewish (not Anti Semitic) world body know as the U N and fawn over them to gain favor in their warped sense of Justice that appoints Iran, China, Sudan, as representing the organization “Human Rights observers”, or better yet to be subservient to the Islamic theology of what is right or wrong. Wake up I see Israel being swallowed up by a serpent slowly but surely until there will be nothing left or even any pieces to be found Chaim Grosz
25. #22 Hani what the heck are you talking about?
Mark ,   Georgia, USA   (08.26.07)
Hani states "Did it feel good to exercise vengeance on a powerless people after the European onslaught on your people? " Since the Jews have lived there for >3000 years you simply are wrong. Unless I am mistaken it was the Arabs killing Jews in Palestine in 1920, 1921 ,1929 1936 etc..what was the excuse then, with no Israel or disputed land in the WB or Gaza. I did agree with Dr. Kim Howells the Minister of State for the British Foreign Secretary who said "the right of return is ‘illogical’ and “could not be achieved.” Thanks for the website. When you start a war and lose you don't get to dictate the surrender. Sorry that is not the way it works. When you sell your land and try to kill the people you sold it to you don't dictate the outcome. Mark from Georgia
26. #24. Chaim
Sammy ,   Newcastle UK   (08.26.07)
Chaim - if wallowing in the past, satisfaction with the status quo is your bag, then so be it. I notice though, cocooned in the US you are not seeing the reality of whats happening, more and more people fom both sides unlike you are adopting a CAN DO and WILL DO approach to peace and a Palestinian Stae alongside Israel. Very easy for you to sit bitterly carping from the sidelines and seek to perpetuate the stalemate. Why dont use your imagination to promote peace and dialogue? Its as pointless as it is useless for people on both sides to simply want to lay blame. I could do it all night long! But somehow, sometime we have to stop and think about real solutions that can take us forward. Thats what Abbas and Olmert are endevouring to do. And they WILL SUCEED.
27. Peace possible, but Peres is not the man to do it
eliyahu   (08.26.07)
There can be peace between the moslems and jews, but torah hating jews like Peres can't do it. Neither can koran hating moslems like arafat. I am a "settler' and I have spoken to my (moslem) neighbors about it. I talk about Hebron (abraham's burial place) and how if a strong religious jewish leader extended friendship to the molsems, and the loose western morals were tossed, I thought moslems and jews could not only live together, but that we could help each other along towards our individual spiritual goals. I get the same response every time. They look over their shoulders to make sure no one is listening, theyget a wild look in their eyes as the idea sinks in, and they slowly nod their heads. Hey, the muazin wakes me up for shacharit! Peres, peace is possible. The probnlem is that you are a self-serving, capitalistic, rich, egomaniac and you don't have a prayer to bring peace. So, shut up and go away.
28. # 26 Sammy , from Newcastle UK
chaim ,   Miami Beach USA   (08.26.07)
Sammy from Newcastle living in what was once known as the United Kingdome but at this time and forever more it is not united kingdome nor is it even a world power capable of projecting their powers You begin to chastise me without even knowing from where I make such assertions and the depth of my Judaic knowledge. You write “Chaim - if wallowing in the past, satisfaction with the status quo is your bag, then so be it.” What you fail to realize is that I am not against giving peace a chance, but for it even having any hope of acceptance it must be proceeded by the Arabs Earning the trust of the people that they swore to DRIVE BACK INTO THE SEA, which has yet to happen. Mere words that sound nice but is not followed up by action is as empty as a gas balloon. Then you further proclaim . “I notice though, cocooned in the US you are not seeing the reality of whats happening,” Are you cocooned in Newcastle England have a greater or closer understanding in a country that unabashedly made every attempt to avoid to fulfill their obligations as appear in the White Paper known as the Balfore Proclamation, that assisted the Arabs to destroy Israel even before it gained its independence and their official government sponsored BBC which spews out outright anti Israel Bias and that is where you obtain your basic knowledge that you assert as a truism “more and more people from both sides unlike you are adopting a CAN DO and WILL DO approach to peace and a Palestinian State alongside Israel.” Please identify such lofty persons that have a proven track record of ever accomplishing any thing of value to Israel as an independent Country that has given them an aura of credibility. and then you further proclaim that for me that is far away from the strife it is “Very easy for you to sit bitterly carping from the sidelines and seek to perpetuate the stalemate. Why don’t use your imagination to promote peace and dialogue? To have any dialog with an other party even if he is currently your enemy it requires that BOTH parties come to the table without absolute unequivocal demands as continually stated by Abbas the current leader of the Arabs living in and around Israel. “We will demand the 1967 borders as a recognized non negotiated pre condition by Israel Its as pointless as it is useless for people on both sides to simply sit down to discuss the possibility of living in peace in what ever shape or form with such attitudes. Yes I do agree that “But somehow, sometime we have to stop and think about real solutions that can take us forward”. But under the current conditions even if ‘That’s what Abbas and Olmert are endeavoring to do.they WILL NOT SUCEED Chaim Grosz
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