Jewish Scene
Study: US Jews distance themselves from Israel
Published: 06.09.07, 09:23
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61. if this is your 'indifferent'
candid ,   nyc   (09.07.07)
it's pretty scary:
62. Israel needs to send American Jews to Arab
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (09.07.07)
countries for a summer retreat. Maybe when they see how reviled they are in these countries.......the lights will flicker on inside their craniums. Of course we are the great Satan. Maybe the United States should use Israel as a state of last resort also.
63. #2
mark ,   ca   (09.07.07)
Read # 1.State of Israel can't protect their own citizens in Sderot.Speaking of US, I hope you know what isthe 2nd amendment.
64. #14
mark ,   ca   (09.07.07)
My cousins married in Israel.Looking at their wifes I would say that they (wifes) ugly, stupid and rude.Actualy ,after my last visit to IL,I came to conclusion that the only good looking women in IL are from Russia.Many of them are not Jewish but local boys love them.So speaking about assimilation,look in your own backyard.
65. Most of these "Jews" have shiksa mothers. Not real Jews.
Zionist ,   Canada   (09.07.07)
Everyone should know that these questions were asked to non-Orthodox "Jews" WHICHTHE MAJORITY ARE FROM INTERMARRIED FAMILIES! The Liberal Reform Movement is being run by Gentiles because of their acceptance of intermarriage. THEY ARE NOT REAL JEWS!
66. Israel should buzz US airspace and drop small notes....
yankeedoodle ,   askldf   (09.07.07)
Israel should buzz US airspace and drop small notes, millions of them, the size of the strips of paper inside of fortune cookies that say only:
67. American Jews
Bracha ,   Israel   (09.07.07)
This survey may not be totally accurate, but it certainly shows a good picture of the situation. Most American Jews care very little about anything Jewish, not our religion or the State of Israel.I used to live in the States, and that's why I left.
68. #50 and #57
Igor ,   Munich, Germany   (09.07.07)
#50 dude I am Jew myself and I am entitled to argue about Israel. That´s called freedom of speech. I know a lot about Israel and reading and seeing the news about all the killings of civilians and the behaviour of the IDF in the occupied territories, that is nothing to be proud of, really. I was raised in a real democratic country with respect to human rights and TOTALLY OPPOSED TO VIOLENCE AND WAR. Sure, the palestinians contribute a larger part to this, but that is your problem, you occupied their territory in 1967. I totally support the idea of disengagement from the occupied territories and parts of West Jerusalem. That´s the only way peace can be achieved. And Israel should start direct talks with Hamas, no matter whether they are a terrorist organization. They are here and they cant be eliminated and are here to stay and instead of ignoring them Israel should hold direct talks and achieve a long-term ceasefire. Also the second Lebanon War was a total nonsense which killed dozens of civilians and lead to nothing but hurt the Image of the IDF and Israel even more. The worst thing I had to discover about Israel is that there is a political party that openly promotes ethnic cleansing and after all that Israel tries to justify itself with the holocaust. "Prevent the second holocaust", nobody is going to kill you so stop being paranoid. It´s not good to use dead people (those who died in the holocaust) for your own interests. How oftern do I have to read statements about the holocaust in Israeli news? One of your former ministers said it well "If Israel uses the holocaust to defend itself or justify its actions it makes it appear weak". and that´s true. there is nothing else I can say. That´s my political view on the country. Cultural is a very interesting place. #57 yeah, Israel achieved a lot with a loooot of German money and aid from the US. I don´t even know how much money was boosted into Israel for the last 50 years, especially from Germany. Give me money and I will also achieve great things! and as far as I know the Jews in Israel even don´t like or hate each other. The Sephardi don´t like the eastern European Ashkenazi and the Ashkenazi don´t like the Ethiopians. Well, religion and historic origin doesn´t connect people. That´s my opinion. AND TO ALL: I am an Ashkenazi Jew from eastern Europe who immigrated to Germany. not an antisemite. You use to call everybody who is opposed to Israeli politics as antisemites, although it is something totally different!
69. Israel's success
Richard ,   London UK   (09.07.07)
I agree with Igor. Israel is 'succesful' because of the support it has received from Germany over the last fifty years and the suppost it receives from the US. Without the US, Israel would be finished militarily and politically. The EU is Israel's biggest trade partner so Europe is responsible for much of Israel's wealth. Also Europe contrubutes to Israel's cultural well -being and significance by giving a non-european state entry to out football tournaments, song contests, cultural exchange programmes etc. So be grateful. The world supports you. Stop complaining.
70. underestimates number of orthodox
david ,   new york   (09.07.07)
this article puts the number of orthodox at about 160,000. that is a gross underestimation. it is more like 500,000
71. re:13 "us jewry sinking ship"
david ,   new york   (09.07.07)
jews who lose their judaism also lose their zionism. it doesn't matter whether they live in america or in israel. how many "post-zionist" do we really need? thank you very much but the religious jewish society in america is booming.
72. #68, Igor from Munich
Mollie and Jonathan ,   Pennsylvania   (09.07.07)
Astounded is an understatement as to how we felt after reading #68, Igor's comments. First, his comments are typical of the ignorance and mindless and shallow thinking of those who identify themselves as Jewish and are hostile to Israel. Second, We're not sure of the identity of the "paradise" he was raised in but he chooses to live in Germany now. Unless Igor is catatonic or incredibly ignorant, Germany, a country responsible for the attempted extermination of Jews, gypsies etc and the enslavement of who they considered to be subhuman is not a paradise. Besides their past (they started a war that resulted in the deaths of untold millions), prejudice and violence towards non-Germans continues. Igor's litany of Israeli offenses are also the results of being unable to think and critically analyze news. He offers a magical solution. Withdraw from the West Bank and divide Jerusalem. We thought that was the basic offer that Barak and Clinton made to Arafat. He didn't mention the total withdrawal of Israeli citizens from Gaza and the refusal of Palestinians to stop the rocket fire against Israeli Negev communities. What is so sczry about Igor is that his shallowness and ignorance is representative of those Jews who are such critics of Israel.
73. Right on # 68! I'm with you !
Richard ,   New York, USA   (09.07.07)
There are many things that are wrong with Israel and need correction! There is nothing in the Torah that says I have to support a corrupt government. Israel is a rogue state that does not adhere to the laws of G-d or the laws of man. So why should Jews be enthusiastic about supporting it? There is no true democracy in Israel. You vote for a political party, and then the party appoints its croonies into office. That's democracy? There needs to be a change of that corrupt political system. There is no accountability in the government. And where is the love for the Jewish people? The only thing that the government is concerned about is continuous warfare with the Arabs. What about good paying jobs, clean streets, clean water and air. Where is the concern for the environment? And peace with Arabs would be more positive for Israel's future than war.
74. i don't think the percentages of israeli jews r much better
aaron ,   ra'anana   (09.07.07)
look how many israeli jews voted for kadima, labor and meretz: parties which are rushing towards destroying the jewish character of the state of israel, returning the holiest jewish cities of hebron and jerusalem to our sworn enemies the arabs, and giving away strategic assets to terrorist gang leaders. yet these fools (barak) are elected again and again in their parties primaries by humanitarian "jews" who think that israel is an aparteid relic which has no legitimacy to exist at all and no legitimacy to exist as a jewish state for the jewish nation. these are the beliefs of meretz, labor and kadima... i won't even go into how many votes HADASH got in tel aviv ... so give the us jews a break - the israeli jews are no better on a percentage basis
Thomas ,   Cleveland, USA   (09.08.07)
I'm an American non-Orthodox Jew who will love and support Israel always! All Jews I associate with are like that as well. Granted I agree, the secular elitists in power in your government gotta go, but I still support it. Once you have a better government, things will begin to look up, keep your chins up chaverim!
76. #68- Igor, your mindset mirrors the rot & decline...........
Cameron ,   USA   (09.07.07)
of European culture & values in the 21st century. Alas, despite your your earnest Progressive views desires, the real world is still very much a hard, cold world, full of people who yearn to do a number on you & yours. The day is quickly coming when you and your parents will be fleeing the EU Paradise for your very lives. We'll welcome you and are sure to give you refuge.
77. #68, Igor, Israel does it WITHOUT money
David ,   Boston, USA   (09.07.07)
There is a reason venture capital flows to Israel. If you are refering to US funding? That didnt start until late 70s and is NOTHING compared to Israeli GDP. Israel has thrived not due to money, but due to brain power and drive. People look to Israel because of the people power. Think about Germany between WWI and WWII. They didnt thrive based on exterior funding. Germany was devastated. Japan did the same. Oh, and I am the son of a Holocaust survivor from Vienna, Austria. My hatred for EU is EXTREME. I would never trust EU to ever do something right when it comes to Jews. Their history shows much more evil towards Jews than good. I doubt it will ever change. I noticed you refered to Judea and Samaria as occupied land. Remember, the partition of Palestine was for 2 states. Israel on the west of the Jordan and TransJordan on the east. Jews who had lived in Judea and Samaria for centuries if not longer were kicked out and couldnt return until Israel liberated the land in 67. For their to be peace, the Arabs must recognize the Jewish presence in the land and all Jewish holy sites. The Arabs dont want another Arab state. They just dont want Israel. When that changes there will be peace instantly.
78. No. 69 Richard
NYC Girl   (09.07.07)
Do you know why Israel, a non-European country, plays in the European football league? It's because the goddamn Arabs won't allow the Israelis to play in the league they belong to geographically. Not only that, but this certainly doesn't work to Israel's advantage because it means they end up being pitted against European teams that are far better than any of the Middle Eastern ones. So, contrary to your mistaken belief, nobody's doing Israel any favors.
RCA ,   USA   (09.08.07)
The study might break new ground, but the problem has much to do with the way that Israel deals with religious pluralism. It is unfortunate that Israel has chosen to listen with deaf ears. It is unfortunate, but not terribly surprising that many young American Jews are becoming indifferent and alienated by Israel. One of the major reasons is that sons and daughters see how their parents, Conservative and Reform Jews, have been regarded by Israeli religious authorities. How long can one receive slaps in the face and still be expected to give unconditional support and unquestional loyalty ? This is the question that must be dealt with. Judaism is considered as a religion and less a peoplehood in the US because Israel no longer projects the notion of a peoplehood to world Jewry. Sad, but true. Israel has been separating and disengaging itself from those who love it. This corrupt situation did not occure over night, and has much less to do with assimilation and intermarriage, the favorite excuse given by Israeli authorities, than the proper respect given to Jews (American) in movements other than Orthodoxy. Unfortunate though it is, the problem was created by Israel.
80. Most U.S. issues related to non-affiliation
Suncountry ,   U.S.   (09.07.07)
This study is absurd. Affiliated kids are taught to love Israel thier entire growing up lives. Unless their parents counter-teach, you've got a big bunch of fans. URJ is even starting to advocate aliyah to the kids. What will Israel do with that friendship?
81. nothing new
alan ,   dutch harbor alaska   (09.08.07)
One had only to think Benjamin D'Israeli of the UK in the 19th cen or Andre Moruis in the 20th to remember that assimilation proceeds rapidly once Jews are accepted into any liberal democracy. That said, the idetification among Russian Jews with Israel, a significant segment of the Jewish population in the US, indicates this study is statistically flawed. However, the orthodox have always sustained Jewish life, even as more open minded Jews convert to other religions. So what else is new?
82. It is a "Gen-Y" and American thing, not a Jewish thing
Nothing personal ,   Israel, formerly US   (09.07.07)
Self-centered and alienated-from-EVERYONE culture, period.
83. #72
Igor ,   Munich, Germany   (09.07.07)
I never mentioned that I was raised in what you call "paradise". I war raised in a civilized country without tensions and racism. You, like many others refer to the cruel history of Germany, but as you know that todays Germans cant be held responsible for the crimes of their ancestors. Germany has learned it´s lesson and it´s a truly democratic country now which respects human rights and every nationality and religion. There are no tensions and there is no discrimnation (except for some small groups, you can find those in every country). How to stop Rocket attacks against Sderot and other Negev communities? Stop ignoring Hamas, talk to them, negotiate and achieve a long term ceasefire. Instead of this Israeli leaders are just blabbering blabbering and blabbering and do nothing but bombing some targets. I almost screamed with laughter when I read Olmerts statements "We will destroy all rocket launchers". That´s so pathetic! NEGOTIATIONS is the only way fo peace, NOT AGGRESSION, especially not in this case! I totally agree that Hamas is a terrorist organization (well, so is FATAH, but no matter). But what has Israel achieved up to now by ignoring it? NOTHING! nothing else but negotiations will help. no large scale operation, and I totally object the idea of shutting down water and energy supplies to gaza. Letting 1,5 Million people starve is not only inhumane but a real crime agains humanity. And especially a country which is constantly using the holocaust for its purposes should not betake to such all understand why and I don´t need to explain that. Gaza is still Israels burden, Israel occupied it, Israel withdrew from there, but also only partially (Gazans still use Israeli Shekels and Israel controls Gaza´s territorial waters and airspace). Negotiate, that´s the only solution! And Yes, the basic solution is the only solution. Withdraw from the occupied territories! and I can easily understand the draft dodgers. THE IDF is here to defend the country, not to occupy foreign territory, destroy foreign countries´ infrastracture and economy with bombs and kill civilians. Peace can be made with Syria and with Hamas & the Palestinians. But we all know that this coward corrupt government will never be able to make a step, it has to obey orders from Mr Bush otherwise there will be no more aid from the US...its all so simple..
84. "Igor" is about as Jewish as Hitler. He's not a Jew.
Zionist ,   Canada   (09.08.07)
Everything this idiot writes is Arab Islamist propaganda. The most absurd comments were that Israel could make peace with the Arabs, "Palestinians", and Syrians. What a load of crap! The Hamas terrorists have already declared that they won't stop fighting Israel until it's destroyed. The majority of Arabs support terrorism. Israel has already made many concessions and has recieved in return but terrorism and violence. Millions of Arabs are illegally occupying Jewish land and it's about time they leave!
85. #84
Igor ,   Munich, Germany   (09.08.07)
believe me or not, this is your problem. I am not posting this to prove something, but only to say my opinion. and there´s no islamic propaganda. I don´t say that Israel has to be destroyed, but peace has to be achieved. In an EuroNews with EuroNews, Ismayil Hanniyah said that HAMAS is ready to negotiate with Israel, but Israel are ignoring them and dont want to hold any negotiations. He said that they can agree for a ceasefire for 10 20 or 30 years or even longer. Israel should start negotiating, think whatever you want, but as I am a person who doesnt support war, in my opinion that is the only possibility. and if you are such a zionist why are you still in Canada and don´t move to Israel to support the people and ideology? so many zionists who live in the US or Canada..I wonder why....
86. Israel
Chana ,   Yishuv   (09.09.07)
I made aliyah many years ago and love it here. My life in the U.S. was good, but I didn't want to be a minority in such a big country and I wanted a more Jewish life for myself and my family. I, as a Jew, wanted to live in a Jewish country. True, there are plenty of problems here, but I am staying and will not leave. This is our own country, and there are still plenty of good things here. As for the bad things, it is our responsibility to try to fix them.
87. To Igor
Hans ,   Markdorf, Germany   (09.09.07)
The allies have negotiated with Hitler. The rest is known. Stop dreaming, baby.
88. 76
Igor ,   Munich, Germany   (09.10.07)
how rediculous.... the real world is where I live know and nobody wants to do a number on me. So pathetic "You will be fleeing your EU Paradise for your very lives" How often do I have to repeat...THAT IS NOT A PARADISER WHERE I LIVE. Just because I don´t approve with Israel politics you all have to blame me. Why do you all so called "zionists" still live in the US or Canada or Europe and dont move to Israel? that is what you got to do to be real zionists. Sitting on the other side of the world far away from those problems and supporting the country is great, really great!
89. U.S. Jews distancing trhemselves from Israel
David Lewis ,   Petaluma U.S.A.   (09.10.07)
To both Jews and Christians, Israel is the center of the world. Everything that happens in Israel, has a direct effect on all other countries. God said the Abram, that his descendants shall be as the stars in heaven. God also told Abram, that he owned the world, and all of those who bless you (Israel), shall be blessed; but those who are against Israel, God will not bless, but curse them, and send all of the plagues that Egypt had, and all those that are in Revelation. All of us were made by God Almighty. To not believe in God, is against God. If you trust God, then He will lead you into all righteousness, and your life will be to Glorify the Creator. Israel is "The apple of Gods' Eye". There are so many miraculous things that have happened to believers, in the Torah. Gods' presence is everywhere, and in everything. The enemy wants Israel no more, so they can say there is no God, except Allah. Islam is the religion of terrorists, and also the root of Islam, is from that one that was thrown out of heaven, because he tried to make himself higher than God. He was the originator of lies, and those that follow islam, are the same as he is. Allah, and Jehovah God, are not the same God. Allah says to convert to Islam, or die; God says, accept My Son, as your personal Lord and Savior, and I will bless you beyond your wildest dreams, and you shall also obtain eternal life with Me. One is evil, and the other is Loving. Yeshua said to the Rabbi "A prophet is never accepted in his own country". The Jews of His time, did not believe in the miracles that Yeshua performed, and did not accept Him as the Messiah. Jews are still waiting for the Messiah, to come. When Yeshua comes back to earth, He will rule for a thousand years, from the Mount of Olives, in Israel. Those who are believers, will be taken up to meet Yeshua, in the air, and will be in heaven with Him, during the Tribulation period, in which Anti-Christ and the beast will come onto the scene. Non believers will be here during the tribulation period, as well as the battle of Armeggedon. They will be under the rule of the beast. God will not be here with them, they will be on their own. I am a Christian through Abram, and Gods' Holy Son. It says that the blood from Armeggedon, will flow waist high, and for 200 miles. Whether U.S. Jews believe it or not, Israel is the center of the universe, and everything that happens in Israel, affects them in every way. If you are a believer in Yeshua, and marry a Christian, then you are in complete unison with God Almighty.
90. 89
Igor ,   Munich, Germany   (09.10.07)
man and you really believe in all those crap? :) outdated...
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